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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52321205 No.52321205 [Reply] [Original]

I had half a million dollars on FTX and it's all fucking gone now

>> No.52321864

Why would you not pull out in time? Wtf

>> No.52321917

no you didn't lol
you're fucking larping.
Even if you had anything on FTX, which I know you 100% did not, it wouldn't have been over 2,000.
and that's being generous.

>> No.52323036

You cannot redeem tokens?

>> No.52323049

Prove it

>> No.52323317


>> No.52323341

Not your keys, not your crypto. Thanks for playing.

>> No.52323362

ull get 10k in 5 years
nothing's ever really gone

>> No.52323409

There are actually people who have hundreds of thousands of dollars floating around in crypto. Just because you have a lot of money doesn't magically make people not retarded.

>> No.52323439

Don't sweat it, bro, it's as safe as a babe in a cradle in the Jews' pockets.

>> No.52323453

poorfags pls go

>> No.52323633

i have (had?) .43 btc on ftx-- years of DCA and successfully timing the market on a few occasions.


>> No.52324900

brutal, but I don't think you just lose those. For example mt.gox they're slowly getting their coins back no? Gonna take years but yeah...

>> No.52324975

I had way less but it was everything I had. We will make it anon, eventually...

>> No.52325027

I just can't understand why someone wouldn't withdraw fucking everything after the first indication that this shitshow was going to happen. I adviced my friend to withdraw funds from FTX the second FTT went under 20 usd, like what.

>> No.52325046

not your keys not your crypto. Unless you only have a few hundred dollars of btc you should have a ledger or other wallet you are regularly offloading to.

>> No.52325141

I strongly disagree, see this retard had substantial amount of money and it’s now gone. That’s why everybody knows, retards don’t have money

>> No.52325181

all the retards with some money made a lot of money over the last 10 years
the next few years will be nonstop retards getting rinsed

>> No.52325235

don't worry, pretty soon that will be pocket change

>> No.52325287

>retards don’t have money
You posted this on /biz/...

>> No.52325374

You should have a hardware wallet even if you only have $0.01 worth of Bitcoin

>> No.52325385

>retards don’t have money

>> No.52325555


>> No.52325593

While i do agree i can understand why people just dipping their toes arent going to spend $50 or whatever on a hardware wallet and go through the hassle.

>> No.52326102

You sound like that ACK schizo from /a/

>> No.52326492

Argument btfo’d kek

>> No.52326629

There were people with 9 figures in FTX, they were considered one of the most rock solid exchanges.

>> No.52326935

>Keeping your own funds on an exchange owned by a guy named "Bankman"

You get what you fucking deserve

>> No.52326971

it's tough but you learned an important lesson today about what happens when you trust jews

>> No.52326989

everyone laugh at this idiot for buying jewish chocolate coins covered in gold foil

>> No.52327003

Based retard

>> No.52327015

Get fucked dude

>> No.52327070

You'll be fine lil bro, that's nothing

>> No.52327152
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>> No.52327618

Not your coins, not your crypto faggot. What the fuck did you think hardware wallets were for?

>> No.52327686
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I'm just confused Blackrock let it fail, I was almost sure they would bail him out.

>> No.52327793

roasties of /biz/ eternally on suicide watch

>> No.52329089

If you did not kyc you could only withdraw 2k per day

>> No.52329418

Anyone who uses FTX for trading has his money atleast some time there. Even if you trade futures you need collateral on the exchange. So all the volume that's being traded on FTX means its people having their money there.
I feel bad for the whales that traded on there during this week. They've lost everthing.

And I don't think SBF will have a nice life anymore. Either he goes to prison or people will hunt him down and do to him what they think he deserves.

>> No.52330172

reminds me of that guy that lost half a million in ETH in a single transaction by sending them all to the WETH contract

>> No.52330942
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Mt. gox was "hacked" (it was an inside job) and some of the funds were recovered

in this case, there may be no funds to recover as they've already been gambled away in the open market. The numbers on the exchange may represent nothing more than vaporous IOUs with a broke scrumpy hobo as your counterparty, at this point.

>> No.52331031

Exactly. In fact being a retard is pretty much a prerequisite to becoming rich in America.

>> No.52331091

>leaving half a million dollars in a centralized exchange where, in the best case scenario, it would take 250 days to pull your money out
you brainlets deserve to lose everything