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File: 169 KB, 699x1280, photo_2022-10-27_17-35-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52320672 No.52320672 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to do it today, I lost everything and I curse Sam Bankman into eternity, this filthy Jew ruined my life and the live of my 2 children.

>> No.52320721

What song are you going to play on loop before you pull the trigger?

>> No.52320751

Why did you take a photo of that gun 2 weeks ago

>> No.52320779

pussy ass bitch
coward lil bitch

>> No.52320803

I think you meant Sam Blankman-Fried?

>> No.52320804

such a shitty gun

>> No.52320817

Don't care, didn't ask. Work harder faggot

>> No.52320820

Honestly, any fren'd thinking of kys over a dip, it's not worth it. Markets correct and this will inevitably increase eventually.

Heck, you have a gun... go rob someone you absolute cabbage.

>> No.52320823

That small peepee gun-thing will give you an headache at best

>> No.52320825

imagine being in a position in life where you are either forced to kill yourself or work at mcdonalds
holy shit you might as well do it bro in minecraft of course

>> No.52320833

The most OP can afford. Look at his bed. I bet he still lives at home.

>> No.52320837

do a flip

>> No.52320839

$ui$ide bois - Take me home

>> No.52320846

You're probably just a larper, but if not then you gave up the right to kill yourself when you had kids. It is your job to be there for them no matter what. Declare bankruptcy and take care of your kids.

>> No.52320850


I wanted to sell it so I had my pic still on my pc.




Its a zoraki m906, converted into .380. It does the job.

>> No.52320872

>nigger tier dollar store gun
Kill yourself with a PP7

>> No.52320876

Don't fren

>> No.52320886

>I'm going to do it today
Good riddance

>> No.52320895

I'm Sam Bankman

>> No.52320905


I live in Europe, guns are illegal where I live. The only affordable guns are converted blanks.

>> No.52320906

You liar that's a blank prop gun. Zoraki doesn't make real guns.

>> No.52320909
File: 799 KB, 1562x1022, 1656356179274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin is THE cryptocurrency. It may be regulated to hell, adopted by the banks, etc but it will never go away. And there will never be any more of it. It may take time but it will almost certainly go up again, and will almost certainly go down again. But dont kill yourself over a dip.

>> No.52320917

If you have kids and think about kys you should because you are a pos nigger. There are people poorer than you with less and they keep going. Cowboy up sissy faggot.

>> No.52320964

why are you taking your life instead of his tho?

>> No.52320989

if you're going to kill yourself then why not do the world some better justice and Minecraft Sam Kikeman-Sneed himself?

>> No.52321007

you'll be all right. go for a long walk. it's just money, don't deprive your kids one of their parents.

>> No.52321053

Do it, faggot. The kids too.

>> No.52321121

>Jew ruined my life
they do be like that

>> No.52321157

Your children or your wife's children?

>> No.52321168

You ruined your own life for hoping into this moronic crypto shit, sell what you have and get a fucking job. What a pathetic coward you are to run away from your problems like that, especially while you're still healthy.

That's the lesson you want to leave your children?

>> No.52321187

What kind of lowlife degenerate piece of shit are you?

>> No.52321293

>I lost everything
So? If you managed to make it once, you can make it again (probably even faster, considering that you now have a lot more experience than when you first started).
He'll play this song

>> No.52321309

>had his money taken by a jew
>decide to kys instead of going after the jew who took your money in minecraft
never understood this cuck mentality

>> No.52321328

Yeah if you kill yourself nobody will give a fuck but you should go after bankman in Minecraft >>52321187
you never saved a child in your life faggot calm down with the exaggeration

>> No.52321332

Liquidate all the crypto you have left, put it all in hex, don’t stake it. You’ll be fine.

>> No.52321378

OK Sam blankman-fired
See you tomorrow's

>> No.52321422

There’s absolutely no doubt in my mind you have autism, you should shoot yourself and not OP
Go back.

>> No.52321463


shoot some jew before you kill yourself

>> No.52321518

literally this. i dont know why these idiots choose to off themselves when they have a much simpler solution to the problem (in minecraft of course, and definitely NOT irl)

>> No.52321525

You're right, there's nothing to live for in this world. Take some people with you.

>> No.52321570


>> No.52321634

>Serves him right.. he trusted a jew!

>> No.52321675
File: 63 KB, 568x335, D9A12AEC-D686-4543-88B9-D44EB26A663E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you’re going to ruin your family’s life, might as well take some cockroaches with you.

>> No.52321853

Don't let your dreams be dreams. Do it now.

>> No.52321880

don't do it anon, we're near the bottom, you're going to miss the best buying opportunity, in a few years, if you buy the bottom you will laugh about these hard times, when the next bullrun is running strong you will sell instead of holding all the way down

>> No.52321946

A lowlife degenerate piece of shit who

1) Isn't holding crypto and enjoying the seethe
2) Knows a Zoraki M906 is going to fire blanks at worst.