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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52320623 No.52320623 [Reply] [Original]

I will be back at zero and have to get a job again.. Please slurpers.. I need you.

>> No.52320743

Better dust off that resumé

>> No.52320758

>Better dust off that resumé

>> No.52320769

Welcome back Mr. wagie

>> No.52320802

i know the pain brother

>> No.52320815

lmao did you really think the jews would let you escape their wagie cagie so easily

>> No.52320824

Is that you Mr Saylor?

>> No.52320873

Not going to buy below 18k and above 12k.
There is no resistance on this range. It is free fall from there.
Thanks for playing.

>> No.52320910
File: 986 KB, 1009x667, burningbobo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We warned you for over a year to take some profit and wait for the bear to end. You mocked us with classic lines such as

>the bottom is in
>you missed the bottom cope, bobo
>plan b 100k 2023
>nocoin peasants
>get in the cage wagie

and many many more. cope and seethe, nigger.

>> No.52320967
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>His cash out number is $15,800
>Drop it

>> No.52321045
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Just go on without me bros. I wasn't meant to make it.

>> No.52321113

it's just money, pal

>> No.52321175

rip. i'll think of you fondly

>> No.52321288

it bounced sub 15,900 somewhere. did you make it?

>> No.52321383

wicked below my liq for less than 5 seconds then shot back up to 16+ and stabilizing.. Everyone involved in this space is complicit in the scamming that is going on here and ruining peoples lives. You will all pay in this life or the next one. Fuck this clownworld.

>> No.52321465

Take responsibility for your own bad decisions. And then learn from then and move on. This too shall pass

>t. perennial no-coiner

>> No.52321476

Sorry dude. Shouldn't have been bullish in the bear market. If it makes you feel any better, it's going down lower in the coming weeks, maybe even today.

>> No.52321490

thats sad. guess i shouldnt have posted this: >>52320967

>> No.52321492

>>52321045 Denial
>>52321383 Anger (You are here)

>> No.52321524

speak of the devil...

>> No.52321536

I will KMS if BTC dies.

>> No.52321623
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>> No.52321692

Hi McWagie I would like to order a burger and fries. Oh, what's that silly little tattoo on your arm? You didn't fall for crypto did you? *Drives off in sports car*.

>> No.52321694

>he's dead Jim

>> No.52321711

>$15,891.32 BTC
Get ready OP

>> No.52321770
File: 309 KB, 1170x817, 89FD9020-E6E6-4A1B-9F39-0DFA3EC6D350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s over
>it’s over

>> No.52321783
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>> No.52321848


>> No.52321928

what job do you plan to get? being SW dev on permanent wfh is comfy..

>> No.52322007

rip bro, its about to break below 15.8

>> No.52322063


>> No.52322069
File: 25 KB, 612x408, istockphoto-1349214017-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we all poor now. Its cool OP

>> No.52322257

Kek crypto baggies lmao. I will probably grab a couple BTC when it hits -$5k

>> No.52322442

Why do bulls have no natural instinct to preserve capital? Bears are always safer and more cautious with their money.

>> No.52322537
File: 68 KB, 1007x1024, 1607445571232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Told my grandmother I was having emergency car problems and she sent me $600, going to use much less leverage longing this bottom here. I'll be fine bros, crisis averted.

>> No.52322564

it won't 'die', it's just a volatile asset, nerd. it will go up after it bottoms out, maybe it won't hit $100k ever (doubt it), but the trend will definately reverse at some point. but maybe that means going from $1k to $10k, who knows.

>> No.52322650

lmao are you for real? You aint gonna see btc go that high in a looong time

>> No.52322673

You're a filthy degenerate faggot and I hope you lose everything.

>> No.52322808

fucking based anon phish her for her bank info next and yolo leverage her live savings.

>> No.52323096
File: 495 KB, 800x800, 1623251836055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always darkest before the dawn. We're back.

>> No.52324247

Dangerously based

>> No.52324294

how much did you lose brother?

>> No.52324435

So you lied to your grandmother? You're not above selling out your morals for a little bit of cash?

>> No.52325179


damn, still going long? you really are self destructive and also hurting your family now too. Great work!

>> No.52325248


>> No.52325284
File: 11 KB, 194x259, born to slurp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just when I think I'm out...
They drag me back in...

>> No.52325379

so he should short a -22% drop on the week?