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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52320131 No.52320131 [Reply] [Original]

Just how hard is saylor shitting the bed right now.

Microstrategy is illiquid around $15,737 btc and is fucked near 13k.

Ain't no one in the business of accepting btc for loans without some significant interest/terms in this market.

When that donut king dumb mother fucker gets liquidated we can finally move down to 4 figure btc.

>> No.52320160

they don't have to sell as long as they can pay the interest

>> No.52320170

Nigger he ain’t on margin dumbfuck

>> No.52320180

He is going to harm himself

>> No.52320196

this, it can drop all the way down to 3.5k without affecting him

>> No.52320253

does he have to pay more interest when the fed raises interest rates or did all the people that loaned him money before the fed raised rates get fucked

>> No.52320259


Which they can't or will at least significantly struggle to do when btc hits 15,737.

Why do you think16k is being so vigorously defended

>> No.52320269

This. /biz/ really does not understand debt or credit.

>> No.52320324

oh and if they dont sell it will magically go up to 200k in a high interest rate environment and everything will be ok suddenly, despite the fact that most non fradulent liquidity in the system is just people buying 3 grams of weed from their darknet market supplier

>> No.52320339

not at all. He is going to lose a bunch of boomers funds for the third time in 3 decades. not bad for a professional fraudster

>> No.52320382
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>trusting a known scam artist

>> No.52320470


I'm talking about microstrategy not saylor.

Two very different kettle of fish.

Saylor's comments about 3.5k bitcoin liquidation price are bs - there is simply no way he's able to service the silver gate loan which is probably edging close to 1 bil in interest alone.

>> No.52320598

what interest

>> No.52320642

>oh and if they dont sell it will magically go up to 200k
Muggler here, what is the timeframe for BTC to 200K?

>> No.52320650

How probably solded already

>> No.52320701


>> No.52320849

your guess is as good as anyone's. could be never, could be in 2 years, trying to predict means having a crystal ball. it depends on the global economy, geopolitical situation, interest rates of central banks, people's appetite for risk, etc. too many factors

>> No.52320857
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>Bitcoin eventually does go to 200k
>Saylor ropes before it happens out of humiliation
This + Ecuador defaulting would make me so happy

>> No.52320915

Do you think the loans were at (low) fixed rates?

>> No.52320982

probably. corporate loans are some of the lowest interest rates you can get. it might very well be that saylor will be fine in the end, despite people like you and me wanting him to go insolvent just for the kino

>> No.52321044

it just broke

>> No.52321110


>> No.52321117

>trying to predict means having a crystal ball
I feel like a fool now, been caressing my balls for years whenever I tried to predict things.. The worst thing is that my mom has a lot of crystals, some small enough that I could have tapped them to my testicles and made a lot of money from accurately prediction the market.

live and learn I guess.

>> No.52321691

We're getting really close anons

>> No.52321804
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Michael Sailboat

>> No.52321854

wait did he get liquidated ? that was fucking close..

>> No.52322072

Bearish as fuck. We are fucked.

>> No.52322517

>illiquid at $15,737 btc
We went below this price momentarily. Maybe the market is just out to kill him off then bounce