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52314630 No.52314630 [Reply] [Original]

How did the tech industry end up like this

>> No.52314659

True good white male developers are employed by jewish banks

>> No.52314665

Guy like top right and bottom left were always there

>> No.52314689
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>> No.52314709

These trannies are all "designers", "producers" and "managers", but rarely actual software developers.

>> No.52314721

jews said it was too white and male and needs more diversity. don't say their industries are too jewish though thats hate speech

>> No.52314726

Good times. Good news though. We are now in the bad times.

>> No.52314728
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g*ming industry. also, the only dev in your picture is down left

>> No.52314733
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>spend decades bashing trannies in public
>trannies retreat to online spaces where no one knows theyre trannies
>spend entire life behind computer

>"why are all the software devs trannies?"

>> No.52314741

Best devs I've ever worked with have been Russian and White American.

>> No.52314746

ESG ratings.

>> No.52314755

trannies didn't exist in the public conscience until 2011

>> No.52314776

>White American
I like how you needed to specify this

>> No.52314795


>> No.52314813

>(harassment campaign)

>> No.52314818


>> No.52314869

Just like White European has to be specified too now. What a bunch of cucks.

>> No.52315015


goddamn what a bunch of chads

>> No.52315052

>where no one knows theyre trannies
lmao nice cope, every tranny has zero ability of not letting every single person around them know about their depraved mental illness

>> No.52315107

They did it to themselves for social goodboy points.

>> No.52315491

This is probably why all the sony exclusive games since the last of us feature children in the game

>> No.52315547

Of course an army of jews have rewritten the story in their favor, what do you expect

>> No.52315627

Diversity hires. There's still people who actually code in tech though. Avoid FAANG and the entertainment side of tech.

The good news is all these woke retards will lose their jobs once the recession hits in full force.

>> No.52315707

Nerds are too weak to oppose woke brainwashing.
When the marketing roasties say trannies good than trannies good.

>> No.52315711

America will have to decide if this nonsense is worth losing their tech industry advantage over.
Invest in learning Chinese.

>> No.52315763

I'm studying compsci and I never saw such a high concentration of trannies in one place. Programming makes you insane.

>> No.52315850

Let's see if I can work this out.

Dude on the left left legitimate chad, looks totally out of place. Knows no programming I would think.

Dude behind him with the moustache - resident pedophile, his voice gets very soft and he gets very very touchy feely around the other three guys there in the back.

Dude next to chad with his arms crossed is one of the small fraction of people who does everything hard in a project.

Dude in a white pullover resident /fit/izen, dude to his left is a graphical artist kind of guy.

I could be making an idiot of myself if some of these are well-known, I have no idea.

Dude on the bottom left an obsessive and bitter stalker. Dude in the red an average autist, spends a lot of time on 4chan, an incel but too polite to put with other incels. Dude underneat him straight up serial killer.

Dude with the blonde hair and blue navy shirt is a Nintendo fan.

Bearded guy on the lower-right plays every western computer roleplay gameincluding cardgames, knows more about fantasy series than most people know about their own town.

>> No.52316049

it was a pretty nice story

>> No.52316139
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>What about me, kid?

>> No.52316156

Tech industry literally used to be filled with average looking highly intelligent white nerds that were just passionate about the technology.

Now it's filled with rejects of society that only care about tech because they grew up playing video games.

>> No.52316165
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>the nerd chink is the only one who writes actual code

>> No.52316176

the chink programmer is fitting, your typical asian nerd from the early 2000s

>> No.52316201

Chaddest chad. I actually love Duke Nukem 3d, I had it on the N64.

>> No.52316204


>> No.52316224

>rendering programmer
yeah I chuckled reading that
>guy that actually makes the game

>> No.52316255


If you haven't noticed, the push for porn addiction and transexuality is one of many mechanisms to pare down the natality rate so they can replace you with third worlders.

>> No.52316271

im in this picture

>> No.52316379
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Well said, but in an ironic kind of way nerdom has always been about pure acceptance of who you are based off whether you can code or not.
Anyone with "UX" on their resume is in my mind a pure retard
>Not good enough for graphic design
>Not good enough for programming
>Comes up with new ideas for where to place buttons
>A/B test
>Rearrange buttons
Devops could spend 15 minutes once a week setting up an AB test and probably oust the vast majority of UX jobs, and that's exactly why Elon and Zuck are firing so many of their staff.
I spent fucking hours as a kid just fucking staring at these bitches telling my dad the level is too hard and I'm still working on it. I think he fucking knew.
Too bad the only thing that was hard was my dick.

>> No.52316390

>Programming makes you insane.
My conclusion is modern trannyism epidemic comes from some autismo medication that has been prescribed in the recent years in western countries. Note that there's no correlation between autism and trannies in Asia. Thai ladyboys aren't autists.
What could be that medication? Adderall?

>> No.52316431

Levelord is that you

>> No.52316454

I think it's more just people who spend all their time online in weird communities are more likely to be autists and also more likely to connect with trans people that convince them the solution to their problems is to get on HRT and split their dick. Lonely isolated people become trannies and programmers.

>> No.52316506

We all coomed to them. I thought the difficulty was ok, I left it on normal or hard most of the time. It's really the exploring that is the best part.

>> No.52316540

Doesn't explain why that doesn't happen in eastern europe or asia. I don't think you can convince a healthy person to cut their dick off, they need to be medicated heavily to come to that conclusion

>> No.52316626

Anyone with legitimate genius-level talent and a mind stable enough to use it is scooped up by Microsoft, DARPA, and NASA. The vidya industry is the intellectual ghetto of the computer science field, only beat out by social media and big tech when it comes to total lack of talent and utterly degenerate physical decay.

>> No.52316697

>>trannies retreat to online spaces
Trannies have been in game dev forever, the credit of the classics M.U.L.E. and seven cities of gold cut off their dick (and forever regretted it, although that's usually glossed over)

>> No.52316733

True but that wasn't always the case. It's a modern game dev trend of underpaying and treating programmers as if they're disposable.

>> No.52316740
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feminism then gamergate.
I am not memeing.

>> No.52316875

Different cultures, Thai ladyboys are a separate phenomenon than the modern they/them, put on a wig and call yourself a girl Western trannies.
>I don't think you can convince a healthy person to cut their dick off
You'd think, but it happens. Most of them don't chop their dicks off either.

>> No.52316904


>> No.52317029


>> No.52317037

Every industry treats all of their employees that way. Over two decades ago they convinced everyone that every braindead normalnigger can "do computers" as their job, so now there's an overabundance of worthless, braindead faggots who want to work for vidya and think that they have can fake the skills needed to make vidya and we can see how badly that's gone.

>> No.52317040

autism, anime, internet adiction and porn adiction

>> No.52317154

Fucking based photo. It's no coincidence games became a waste of time when dev teams stopped looking like this.

>> No.52317280

It’s actually great if you work inside it. No one actually does anything and we’re all pretty much LARPing and getting paid low six figs to do it.

>> No.52317365

A good ux person does more than just place buttons and do wireframes. Ux should be concerned with every level of interaction with a product or application.
They should have user stories and personas developed etc. i have only met two ux people that did all that.

Tech is bloated as fuck outside of start ups.

>> No.52317426
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>How did the tech industry end up like this
"end up?"
dummy, the tech industry has always been filled with outcasts

If you're referring to transgender people, guess what -- EVERY industry has always had transgender people in it.
Every single industry.
It seems like your objection is that you prefer transgender people to not inform you that they're transgender, or otherwise hide the fact that they identify as transgender, so as not to trigger your hypersensitivity.
Maybe you just need to toughen up a little so your feelings don't get hurt so easily by someone not conforming to your expectations.

>> No.52317430

Did you create the Build engine?

>> No.52317523
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>> No.52317547

you pretty much give away every single detail about yourself with this one post lmao

>> No.52317553

programming and transgenderism are comorbidities of autism.

>> No.52317577
File: 98 KB, 1600x900, 00800.mpls_snapshot_01.29.36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u just endup in tech when u are not accepted by the normoid world.

>> No.52317579

>EVERY industry has always had transgender people in it.
Every industry has always had severe autists, the group most likely to be groomed or deluded enough to think becoming a tranny will make them happier.

>> No.52317597

imagine writing all this shit
touch grass incel freak

>> No.52317623

Fucking legends. I owe them so much entertainment

>> No.52317664

Why do guys like you whenever someone notices that trannies never fucking existed like THIS ever in the history of man do you never even consider it could easily be one of the many NEW chemical processes and byproducts of modern technology.

- Microplastics?
- Ritalin?
- Blue light and other abnormalities from over exposure to smartphones/computing?
- Rampant birth control and birth control getting into the water supply?
- Rampant makeup and chemicals getting into the water supply (makeup industry has never been this powerful)?
- Psychological effects of makeup and advertising industry?
- Studies already show that mother exposure to aloe or tea tree oil while pregnant can affect the hormone levels of male infants.

Do not give me a straw man about crossdressers in ancient Greece or fucking rocky horror picture show. Let me repeat this for you retard, there has NEVER been this rampant transgendering EVER in the history of this fucking planet. Worse than that there has never been such a more sift and powerful lobby and global collective to usher in political and economic protection for such groups.

My own personal theory is that this is an entirely man-made and modern phenomenon that affects only a subset of the population. I also believe the proliferation of trans porn and the political power and acceptance movements especially in academia is the result of making sure that no one can study why this has happened without being a transphobe. Just like how you can't study anything race related when it comes to IQ without being called a Nazi and stripped of all funding. The people responsible for all this likely industry whether chemical/advertising/cosmetics/pharmaceutical/whatever industry is ultimately responsible is likely lobbying and in favor of more trans rights so they can escape law suits since no one will even be able to study why this is happening much less get the proof necessary to hold any of these scum accountable.

>> No.52317732

Me on the top-left, White boys.

>> No.52317761

that's the whitest cracker ive ever seen

>> No.52318578

Sorry you got assblasted.

>> No.52318625

blessed image for a civilized age

>> No.52319278

Not a software developer but these people have pretty entertaining communities

>> No.52319498

I have no degree at 21, I am so fucked.

>> No.52319592
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I'm not sure if three of them are men or women.

>> No.52319633

they work at palantir

>> No.52319669

blow it out your ass

>> No.52319716

I'd fuck that chick on the top right

>> No.52319759

>No pronouns listed
I'm officially offended

>> No.52319851

Nothing wrong with chinks or gooks in your dev team, they're often competent coders. Any woman dev not on the art team is a massive red flag, though. (and whatever that thing on top right is)

>> No.52320030

who says that in 2022

>> No.52320312

>Now it's filled with rejects of society that only care about tech because they grew up playing video games.
Wrong, social reject, now it's filled with diversity quota shitskins, trannies and fat ugly leftist women who seethe when a woman with a normal BMI is in the room or a video game and hate video games and have no idea how to code anything.

>> No.52320720

He just did so blow it out your ass reddt fag