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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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522722 No.522722 [Reply] [Original]

What motivates you to keep saving?
What motivates you when you think about making the peanuts, the big guys earn 10-50x what you do by not doing much work?
How much time a day/month do you put into looking up/keeping track of your stocks?
Have you ever hit a low where you started thinking "fuck everything, yolo"?

Im saving $3-4k per month, working my ass off 55-60h weeks, I've had like 3 days off except for weekends during 2013. Still i don't feel like im making any real difference, sure my savings are piling up, but i still feel that they are not doing so fast enough. Think im starting to get a bit depressed by all the work, perhaps just exhausted....how do i motivate myself to work hard for next 25 years?

I keep feeling this pressure on my shoulders, i know that the faster i make a lot of money the more i will have in the end, so this buildup phase is important as shit, but still i have a hard time to keep myself motivated..

>> No.522726

how much do you have saved?
put it all in Bitcoin

>> No.522729
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>Im saving $3-4k per month
You can buy a LOT of 4chan passes with that.

>> No.522731

should be 2014 not 2013 jesus christ..
About $40k, ...i...dont trust bitcoin

>> No.522735

>What motivates you when you think about making the peanuts, the big guys earn 10-50x what you do by not doing much work

I know this feel better then anyone anon. I'm doing an accounting work at a regional financial institution while doing my degree, and they have me do essentially do all the monotonous, draining work.

Worst of all, I do the entire companies payroll. I see how much my manager makes who spends half the week 'networking' by playing golf. I see how much his boss makes who spends the entire day on the phone laughing with his buddies.

Everyone has to do the shit work for the shit pay at some point. I bet they did it for much longer then I have. I'm looking forward to the day I'm one of them.

>> No.522758


I hope by "savings" you are talking about investments.

If you are putting your money into a low to no interest bank account you are wasting all of your time when in 5 years someone who puts away 500 a month will have more than you.

Food for thought; Money is potential energy. Investment is putting that energy to work for YOU.

Instead of putting your nigger slaves to work, you are keeping them in a vault to decay and lose their value. I don't think uncle sam would approve.

>> No.522766

You have to take vacations. I always feel better for at least 2-3 months and they don't have to cost a lot. Even long weekends away can feel good.

You may also want to work on something tangible for your long-term goals, for example if you want to retire on a quiet lake somewhere then hunt for properties and buy the land then come up with a plan for development. If you weren't able to save so much I wouldn't suggest it but once you have defined contribution plans, IRAs, cash, and stocks, a lot of people should have more diverse assets unless they want to penny pinch and try to retire in 15 years.

>> No.522770

>using stocks
>not purchasing houses to rent out to people
>not using vanguard index
>not religiously following Mr. Money Mustache

that's why you're fucking up

>> No.522953

I'm still not confident enough to invest in stocks and dont have enough money to invest in property. Im attending some courses/reading a few books on stocks, so for now my savings are in a savings account at the bank with 3,25% interest..
We've been so busy i just agreed on not taking any vacation this year, boy do i regret it...feel i relly need it, talked to my boss today and he agreed to let me get off for 2 weeks during christmas/newyear and i feel better right away lol
As previously written, im not confident enough to purchase stocks, maby in 6-7 months or so.
I dont have enough money to buy property
>I'll take the vanguard index thing beacuse i dont know what that is
> Following MMM harcore, saving 70% of my salary, but im failing at the "make money work for you part"

How did you guys learn to deal with stocks? Did you just go for it or did you read up/go to courses etec?

>> No.522954


OP here btw, if not clear :>

>> No.522971

Oooo baby, do I ever know this feeling. Lived like this for 5 years, but instead of just saving, I started buying rental houses like crazy. Strongly recommended.

I'd agree with one of the posters that you need vacation, so take them. That was one of the mistakes I made too.

It sounds like you're living well within your means, so just sitting at home and stressing will not speed things up. Try to relax and enjoy the ride for a while. You're in a marathon, not a sprint, so pace yourself.

>> No.522985

>>not purchasing houses to rent out to people

You underestimate the amount of work rental properties require if they not your primary income source and youre still holding a 9-5 for day to day living expenses

>> No.523011

>Im saving $3-4k per month
Time to step up my own game.

>> No.523020


>you're saving $3-4K a month
I can save $500 a month if I don't do shit that month.
I'm trying to save that much a month every month I can so that I can start investing so that I can get a trickle effect going on through dividends.

What motivates me to keep saving? There's no fucking future in anything else around here, and I won't have enough income to move anywhere else otherwise.

>> No.523022

OP, stop working 60 hours if you don't have to. You're burning out and you have no goal in mind.

Hard work and nothing but hard work is for suckers. You want property that generates income. You should take your 40k and drop it in to SPY. It's an ETF (exchange traded fund) that follows the S&P500. It's one of the more
mindless ways to have your money make money. If you do nothing else, you should do that.

That being said, I really don't expect you to listen because I sure as fuck wouldn't listen to anything anyone on this board says. Just hear me out. Go look up SPY on yahoo finance. Every day at market close check what it did that day. Get in the habbit if doing that every day.

Then, apply what SPY does to however many shares you could have bought. Eventually seeing all the money you aren't making by just sitting on cash will push you to do something with it. That or you'll see how you dodged a bullet or something.

Anyway, just spend 30 minutes a day managing your fake portfolio of just SPY, and branch out when you have time. Look at other ETFs, look at stocks and indexes, look at their price history. Eventually you'll get enough of an idea about the very basics to realize you need to STOP sitting on your cash.

>> No.523040


I agree with that.

60 hours a week is way too much.

To be honest, I think 30 hours is way too much at a job you don't like. That's how much I work.

>> No.523127

As said, 60 hours is too much even with holidays. It's normal to feel like this, you'll know when you'll have to take a break or something. It's usual in Honk Kong/Japan but proved unealthy.

I worked like this for about a year and had to quit. Welfare where I live gives 70% of previous salary for 10 months so I just enjoyed free time and could still spare. Working 32-45 hours now and feel really good.

Oh god I couldn't work here. My boss works 3x harder than me and earns about 2x more, he's a "communist" though.

>> No.523132

Just keep pushing mate! I also started way to low but quickly got my shit together!
Same here, i "refuse" to be part of the 9-5 all my life if i can avoid it, i have no dreams of being rich in any way, all i want to do is own my time, i feel that if im going to spend a set amount of on this planet , im going to spend my 86400 seconds of each day either learning, earning money or in some way improving myself.

I agree 60h/week is probably too much, im hoping the 2 weeks i got off will help out, my boss is a real champ for understanding and just give me 2 weeks like that, esp around christmas/newyear when its a mess, makes me feel appreciated :)

I will check that out, ofcourse i am very critical to online advice but i feel like this one is genuine(no >not buying bitcoins, short pran etc..lol)

I was actually just seconds away from buying random stocks, that friends told me were good but i decided not to trust them. Thats why i put all my money in a savings account for now, until i feel confident enough to get into stocks
(I saw the stock market crashed a bit this month so i saw that i dodged a bullet haha, this motivated me even more to really understand what im investing in)

Thanks all of you for the kind words and advice, not everyday you get support here on 4chan!