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52308013 No.52308013 [Reply] [Original]

So...AVAX is the chosen one?

>> No.52308025

Pretty much. It is and always was the only legit one in terms of tech.

>> No.52308052
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You fucking tard. Choose the only one with real governance.

>> No.52308065

i remember someone kept spamming that new shitcoins are all going to die with SOL, LUNA, AVAX and ALGO logos. It was pretty obvious for those of us who've been around since 2017. Everything is just a moneygrab scam. You play the pump and dumb and don't hold bags.

>> No.52308068
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>tfw ICP no longer has perp futures against it.
So long faggets.

>> No.52308075

No fucking shit. I've been saying it for months.

>> No.52308109

>my coin is better than a ponzi and a VC scam
>therefore my coin is good
Would you rather be a winner in div 5 or a loser in div 1?

>> No.52308476

Solana will probably be fine if the Binance deal goes through. CZ will end up with a fuckton of locked coins and Solana will go on. The price will have to be slashed to reflect that Solana can no longer be expected to grow along with FTX, there is no SBF to manipulate the price or throw future business Solana's way. The extent to which FTX subsidized Solana's running costs is unknown as well.

Avalanche has always been the best one.

>> No.52308858
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fantom is

>> No.52308934

you're an idiot

ftx is going to redeem everything it has for $

alameda is unlocking and preparing to dump their sol as we speak. check the staking unlock data. billions getting dumped < 24 h

it's over

crypto winter is upon us

solana is dead

>> No.52309102

>The exchange owns about $3.37 billion in cryptocurrencies, with a large amount being SOL tokens: $292 million in “unlocked SOL”, $863 million in “locked SOL,” and $41 million in “SOL collateral”.

I seriously doubt "locked SOL" can be liquidated in a hurry.

>> No.52309155

no? its still ETH and always will be you mouthbreathing retards
cant believe you never learn

>> No.52309175

It is. But don't expect it to pump until the bull market begin, Avalabs foundation+AVAX whales are very keen on right timing, on riding the momentum. So all incentive programs and "manipulated" pumps (all pumps are driven by whales) won't come in the bear.

But it's definitely one of those x100+ plays, which's pretty high for non small/midcap coins

>> No.52309205

this is cardano 2: electric boogaloo rhetoric

>> No.52309258

Yeah bro, the official OFAC globohomo kikecoin with autocensoring nodes is the "chosen" one, sure.

>> No.52309274

How the fuck is that Cardano-tier? It just doesn't make any sense to deploy incentives in a fucking deep bear market, it'll just get drained by fatass whales.

>> No.52309281

like clockwork, not a single piece of credible fud for anyone with basic blockchain literacy or >85 iq
its really whatever though, if you truly have this "conviction" in your worthless inferior Ethereum clones, you will lose money on any significant timescale

>> No.52309298

>like clockwork, not a single piece of credible fud for anyone with basic blockchain literacy or >85 iq
Yeah you retarded nigger, this right here is "fud" right? https://www.mevwatch.info/

>> No.52309305

Always was, since 2020. If you couldn't see it then you're IQ is low and your forehead sloped.

>> No.52309312
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anyone still holding SOL FTT SRM etc at this moment deserves what's coming


>> No.52309314

Agreed. Cosmos wins this one. Cosmos ecosystem is best ecosystem

>> No.52309350

Cosmos is good, but hopelessly outdated in terms of tech. There are people already porting CosmWasm and IBC to Avalanche: https://www.landslide.network/

>> No.52309391

yep, a literal nothingburger, blown up by idiots who don't understand what they are saying

>> No.52309518

Copy/Pasting a robust networks code to another chain doesn't copy/paste the active network with it. If AVAX is trying to communicate with Cosmos using IBC, then that is the point. But if they want to use it in their own glass jar, then why bother.

>> No.52309543

What does avax exactly do?

>> No.52309586

This, fantom is overall better than AVAX and it's just a matter of time until normies realize this.

>> No.52309602

Cringe bait

>> No.52309610

extremely fast finality, scalable even without L2s, can go even further with L2s

>> No.52309651

Yes, always has been

>> No.52309682

It's been the most stable chain in the market for 2 years while also being the fastest and one of the cheapest out there.


They've both horizontal scaling solution (subnets) and economics around it, Plus they've innate advantage in L2 settlement due to instant finality (L2s can only be as fast as the L1). Their consensus algo is unique selling point desu.

>> No.52309707

It can literally incorporate every blockchain in its ecosystem. Everything coin can be a subnet. Finality within 3 seconds, hight throughput. Biggest breakthrough in crypto since BTC and ETH.

>> No.52310023
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Dump on retail who get lured in to "invest". From technical side it's an Ethereum copy that promises the earth and moon. It spends a lot on marketing and if you frequent /biz/ you'll notice the countless threads made by Indians, including this one. OP is another 1pbtid working to reach his daily/weekly quota of new threads made.
Avax supply a year ago: https://web.archive.org/web/20211111084924/https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/avalanche
Avax supply now: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/avalanche

>> No.52310064

Unironically Fantom, its only a matter of time before that shit chain AVAX folds too.

>> No.52310305
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well, no.
Avax L1 can get highly congested because it never solved anything. They claim scaling will work via a form of L2 they call subnets, which is not really L2 but sidechains. Its 2014 era btc delusions. I reckon avax will turn into an unused roll-up to Ethereum one day, or collapse to 0, not that it matters.
Speed was never needed, it's just a nice to have and you cant build an entire chain on a nice to have.

>> No.52310346

>Avax L1 can get highly congested because it never solved anything
This is false and you're a fucking nigger.

>> No.52310356

It always was. Let it rise

>> No.52310374
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ahem, did fees on X chain go up or did they stay low.
I rest my cock.

>> No.52310407
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They always survive

>> No.52310460

It always has been, it's just people prefer to hold shitty cryptos.

>> No.52310489
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It is.

>> No.52310498
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AVAX remains king.

>> No.52310540

avalanche has the best tech of any chain, and no stupid ponzis attached to it

it's finna blow the next bull run

>> No.52310593

What the fuck is even that Taco-like logo? The yellow and blue one.

>> No.52310602

Yes you fucking idiot, fees going up is a feature. You can see what happens with miniscule fees on dogshit jeet chains like Matic (constantly congested) or Söylana (goes offline every month)

>> No.52310625

what the fuck is this?

>> No.52310633

AVAX is the one that's going to take all those shitty coins away in the long run.

>> No.52310677
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Not a single second

Based Turkroachs

You must be a newbie, lol
That's LUNA


AVAX Chads rise up, we will show these nikkers we are better soon

>> No.52310678
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Yeah, it is!

>> No.52310698

Subnets do not scale as an L2 but from the same L1. They do not end up isolated from the network and also guarantee security. They're different.

>> No.52310726

Revolutionary 200iq+ consensus model

>> No.52310736

>fast finality is not important

>> No.52310752

>shitskin evm clone
Lmfao. Cardano is the obvious choice

>> No.52310767

It could just in the case it remains relevant for long enough

>> No.52310777

no hahahaha it's next

>> No.52310778
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That is not even asked

>> No.52310784
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>Speed was never needed

Tell that to the thousands of people liquidated yesterday cuz Ethereum congestion, kek.

>> No.52310945

>understands nothing about it
>posts anyway

>> No.52311024

Don't keep eating the bait, please....

>> No.52311068
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Yes, it's always been that way, next question

>> No.52311082


>> No.52311136
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Rejected. Polygon is the chosen one

>verification not required

checked avax roaches.

>> No.52311175
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smartest biz regular

>> No.52311182
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>> No.52311184

is this fucking satire?
we all know Polygon was the one that prevailed
LUNA rugged
SOL is going to zero
and now AVAX is on its way out of the top 20

MATIC is the only one doing well so far and has just entered the top 10
its outperformed LUNA, AVAX, DOT, SOL, and all that’s left is ADA

>> No.52311240
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Polygon is a pajeet ghostchain. Cope harder you nigger.

>> No.52311253

I thought sidechains are more like Polygon, were you shift computation to another set of validators. Avalanche Subnets are made up of a subset of existing Avalanche validators. Should allow for less communication overhead between subnets.

>> No.52311286

>solana is dead
finally good riddance

>> No.52311288

3AC had giant bags of AVAX
those got sold to third parties at a fraction of the price
so expect constant sell pressure

>> No.52311292

That's how irrelevant and shitty that LUNA shitcoin is. I wasted seconds of my life even searching for it.

>> No.52311434
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Hahahahahah it has actually passed avax on multiple occasions in TVL retard. It's far from a ghost chain. Get fucked cockroach.

>> No.52311480

>fantom is
a bunch of niggers kek kek kek

>> No.52311498
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AVAX will always be the king. No one can defeat us.

>> No.52311557
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>Avalanche has always been the best one

>This has always been my first amongst the big caps, i bought tons of it, just curious on how high it would go when the bull kicks in, i'm also on Ride, an automobile based crypto project, Bmi coz it offers insurance coverage for assets, and Cro, my favorite exchange token

>> No.52311573

Digits if polygon gay and curry

>> No.52311589
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Is that why you have to sue the competition and abuse the legal system to get ahead? nice one faggot. Polygon remains king.

>> No.52311627

More like Phantom because that shit is fucking dead.

>> No.52311629

>is avax the best ponzi?
while shit like this still exist this market can only go down

>> No.52311690

Shut tf up, Kumar. Polygon is not and will be nothing but a simple sidechain of ETH, has absolutely nothing relevant but a couple of things that other chains already do

>> No.52311721
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Hahaha sure thing Emir. How is the turkish Lira doing? Polygon has a zkEVM on the way. It will be king. Even Polygon supernets are better than avax subnets. it's over for you faggots. cope hard or die trying.

>> No.52311746
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Nice try Sandeep, nobody is going to use your curry-smelling pajeet ghostchain.

>> No.52311778

so, good tech = bad market?
Bullish then, I will accumulate as much as possible while losers like you are ngmi in the next cycle

>> No.52311796

Leaving the thread now that shitskin Maticjeets are here. Fuck all of you.

>> No.52311917

I got news for you buddy this means it's congested, if it wasn't it would mean all those tx would be able to fix into the blocks which would have kept fees low, the fact this didn't happen is proof that X chain is not scalable. You people are dumber than a fucking gorilla

>> No.52312106


Avax is the NEXT one. When these VC shit coins are gone we will all be better off. It hurts me to say it but the Ada bros were right all along.

>> No.52312192

Will see, just wait till the bear market end.
Most of the projects won't survive before that

>> No.52312222

Avax is a solid competitor, most of the other chains are a shitshow. fucking Turks are carrying this market, holy shit

>> No.52312237

Are you still asking at this point? Go kys anon. Of course, it's the chosen one

>> No.52312253

>ADA cuck

There are barely any VCs on Avalanche, Biggest VC currently is probably andreessen horowitz, It was 3AC before they got liquidated in June this year.

>> No.52312286
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>> No.52312360
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are you sure about that?

>> No.52312428

the Problem with crypto is that people just marry their bags. Solana cucks won’t admit they were wrong and join avax. They will continue shilling. Look at XRP if you need any proof of this. People never change their minds

>> No.52312514

irony is hilarious

>> No.52312552

Maybe. People keep talking about leaving CEXes and moving onchain but where the hell do you go? Some people moved to SOL, boughted wrapped tokens there, they're all dead now. I did the same on AVAX, maybe my hour is coming. Not rich enough to afford native ETH tokens and ETH L2s aren't really any more secure than Avax wraps. Nowhere is safe... Except for btc and xmr...

>> No.52312588

ETH is too expensive to be a viable on-chain home for non-whales. L2 isn't actually ETH, if you're on ETH L2 you're not on ETH

>> No.52312631

Avalanche has support for native Tether and USDC bro, it has both the real thing and wrapped Ether ones. It's safe, I also used it to park stables.

>> No.52312722

I'm don't hold any stables personally, I have my linkies there, my eth, even a small amount of btc that I like to swing. Most of my btc is on btc of course

>> No.52313813

>L2 isn't actually ETH, if you're on ETH L2 you're not on ETH
? what

>> No.52313924

It's bait for Eth proponents like you and me. Don't do it, not worth your time.

>> No.52315040
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Always has been nigger

>> No.52315053

AVAX is fine technology and novel
Avalanche Labs has given away millions of AVAX tokens to LUNAtics
Almaeada Research Scam Bankman Fried also receives free 250k avax

Yeah this is dead thx for playin

>> No.52315495

Okay so they have to liquidate and now we can brag about our improved token distribution when retails buys the cheapies. Avax stays winning

>> No.52315548

>Almaeada Research Scam Bankman Fried also receives free 250k avax
That's fucking nothing though

>> No.52315550

Always was. Miles ahead of anything else in crypto in terms of tech and isn't actually a scam or ponzi. Buy it in wheelbarrow sized loads.

>> No.52315552

imo it is, sitting on 30k in cash to re-enter AVAX. Wish I sold last year instead of capitulating around the June local bottom, I'd have enough for 10 validator stacks lmao

>> No.52316372

AVAX is the only one

>> No.52316391

Thank you for your good words pajeet take your rupees

>> No.52316441


>> No.52316528


>> No.52316567
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No, pic related is the chosen one. Get rich or die trying.

Coming to pancakeswap on Nov 12th

>> No.52317128

Give it to normies and thots if it's nothing
Why did ava labs always hand out to jews and scammers hmmm

>> No.52317181

None of them will ever "kill" eth

>> No.52317211

>Avax L1 can get highly congested because it never solved anything
>Speed was never needed
Why would you lie on things that are so easy to prove wrong?

>> No.52317823

trolling? idk

>> No.52319422
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>Most of the projects won't survive before that
Privacy projects- an exception.

>> No.52319549

If you say that xmr is safe because it enables privacy. Then contextually, ethereum and other chains can be safe as well if privacy smart contracts like railgun is deployed on them.

>> No.52319758

Do you have a clue what you're talking about? You don't "port" IBC to another chain, you implement the communication protocol so that the other chain can interop with the IBC ecosystem.

Your statement is as silly as saying you're going to "port" HTTP to your website.

>> No.52319797

That's Cosmos, the 4th largest defi ecosystem (yes, larger than AVAX and SOL).

>> No.52320007

I like avalanche and cosmos because both are powerful enough to make mEth heads seethe, obviously cosmos is what some of the less certain eth people have been pushing (just read bankless propoganda if you need proof). But avalanche's consensus is actually something state of the art. The use needs to overcome the inflation.

>> No.52320634

Bullish on Avalanche after it was supported by Open Rights Exchange in the latest partnership deal

>> No.52321473
