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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52303135 No.52303135 [Reply] [Original]

Crypto is literally useless. The only reason people buy crypto is so that their investment appreciates in value.

If you want to have wealth "locked away" untouched by the government that you can never use, then buy a chest of gold or diamonds and bury them in your backyard.

If you want to pay for goods and services in your day to day life, use fiat.

If you want to get rugged and scammed in 50 different ways then by all means go ahead and invest in crypto. By leaving tradfi you are releasing yourself from the shackles of the government but placing yourself in the shackles of a bunch of scammers trying to find ways to steal your shit.

How can a top 2 crypto exchange just go down with 1 tweet like that? I am financially ruined and should have learned how to invest in things that have actual value like pms or stocks instead of this crypto bullshit.

>> No.52303153

Why did you trust a Jew

>> No.52303181
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go back to r/goldbugs you hyper faggot

>> No.52303191

bottom signal

>> No.52303257

We all know that. Crypto is a scam and nobody uses it. That doesn't mean you can't get rich out of it. I'd suggest to leave crypto and markets for the next year as bear market in stocks is going to get even worse in upcoming months. After we're done with bear market in stocks it's going to be time to fill bags and make 10-100x. After making it just hodl S&P500

>> No.52303334

Good question
/pol/ was right all along, I didn't want to listen

>> No.52303337

Everything in this world is a scam. When will you faggots learn?

>> No.52303352 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 1170x1175, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto IS a scam, essentially, but it is also a means of sending money.

I am launching a CPU/GPU mineable (ASIC resistant) Bitcoin fork. We're thinking that a lot of former ETH miners will come to our network to collect block rewards with their GPUs over time.

We're launching in two weeks, so you still have time to learn more about the project.

DM the username in the photo (TG) for more details

> This is a Coin on its Own Chain, Not an ETH or BNB Chain Token
> Launching November 21st 2022
> Over 350 Telegram Members
> Multiple Crypto Influencers are Calling Us Out on Launch
> Influencers are From Both Twitter and Telegram
> Many 4chan Bros Are in the Group, and are Utilizing their Bizraeli Networks
> 4chan Soft Fork in Development (4chan fork with our native coin as payment method for adspace)
> Each Social Media Page is Up and Running
> See Our Specs for More Details, Mining Pool and Block Explorer are Live November 21st 2022
> Our Website Will be Online by November 14th 2022
> We Have a Small CEX Listing Underway 7 Day After Launch
> Airdrops are Negotiable, Please Discuss with the Admins or Owner for More Details

>> No.52303709

friendly reminder: if it isn't pow, it's a scam

>> No.52303735
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Not vertex pharmaceuticals. They're the real deal, a company that has developed the ONLY effective treatment that restores lung function to patients with cystic fibrosis.

>> No.52303767

>The only reason people buy crypto is so that their investment appreciates in value.

That's literally the reason 99% of people buy stocks as well.

>> No.52303802

if you're not in favor of a neutral digital currency that can't be controlled for your use (bitcoin, monero if you like illegal things) then you don't belong in this space because you're a normie, your fault

>> No.52303812

Sometimes I wonder what the fuck is happening when people invest in crypto, and then I wonder.

>> No.52303892

>The technology already being used by a lot of Fortune 500 companies is useless
I know this post is bait, but anyone that unironically believes this is retarded

>> No.52304058

web3 and the metaverse are memes
no one outside a small hobbyist community will use it just for the tech

>> No.52304102

Bear markets make Maxi's

Buy yout BTC, take & keep off exchanges.

If you want to spend, find some business that accept BTC or Lightning

Don't say we never warned you.

>> No.52304131

Yeah, but vertex pharmaceuticals is a fortune 500 company as well, and they produce lifesaving miracle drugs.

>> No.52305253

What happens?, well some of us invest in the right projects like Ore protocol and make over 900% in gains after a successful IDO and months down the line the project is still as strong and team as dedicated as ever.

>> No.52305306
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Will you stop this retarted narrative about privacy platforms being only used for illegal things, it freaking absurd. If you are in favour of digital currency then you should know PRIVACY is security.

>> No.52305332

>Crypto is literally useless. The only reason people buy crypto is so that their investment appreciates in value.

the goal of crypto is to make a currency alternative. yes, many projects do not do this and if you invest in them and lose your money that is YOUR fault.

>> No.52305334

This is a cryptocurrency forum my nigger.

>> No.52305339

>if you're not in favor of a neutral digital currency that can't be controlled for your use
>lists mass surveillance token
fuck you state compliant rodent

>> No.52305615

Fag. Crypto is taking over. Even payments are being made using tokens now. But you don't know about that cos you're a retard.

>> No.52305642
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Lmao. Jeets never learn. Don't care tho. Would continue slurping the rewards on Xpress staking campaigns. They'll learn.

>> No.52305710

I agree but there are few projects out there that are purely about the tech, like some non-token gated platforms like the Railgun platform for transaction privacy.

>> No.52305718

>kyc good
I didn't asked the opinion of a retarded monero cultist schizo that thinks everyone but them likes kyc

you're mixing up privacy and anonymity. if you knew about the subject you would know that anonymity is not 0 or 1. you wouldn't do illegal things with bitcoin when there's monero. I don't want to use monero otherwise because I'm satisfied with the privacy offered by bitcoin and the way I use it, and I don't consider monero a store of value

>> No.52305745

Listening to these Biz retards is always hilarious. Crypto is here to stay, besides nowhere in tradi will I be offered upto 50% Apy like I earn in the ORE-ETH pool.

>> No.52305798

You are the one mixing it all up, read your post again. Anon followed just the path you took off from and no one considers monero as a store of value its all about what it does.

>> No.52305844

stfu. don't tell these people.

>> No.52305860

The fact that you are primarily saying monero is used for illegal things is in itself wrong. Bitcoin does not even offer privacy(KYC is still required) its just anonymous get that right too, monero on the other hand offers privacy just like Zcash,Dash, Railgun and the likes.

>> No.52305904

not ur keys, not ur crypto bro.

if ur still trading on fucking exchanges like a normie ur still in fucking tradfi aint ya bruv

>> No.52305932

Speaking is currency, fiat has continued to lose value. Time for payment gateways to step up. Some projects are already on it but more wouldn't hurt.

>> No.52305939

Funny how a group of people mints paper out of nothing and these fucking pricks thinks they aren't scammed, they also pay taxes back to this group after putting in time and effort to make the paper printed out of nothing, but no, crypto is a scam. I've seen the likes of these, they are into the space to force people into panic sale. As for me, I'm sticking to staking and earning on Juno Network, using LOOP DEX as my preferred protocol. I like the community they're building and it will be here a long long time.

>> No.52305953

Passive income is based so long as it's sustainable. Allianceblock defi terminal and cryptoxpress have been saving my arse. Bear market calls for good rewards.

>> No.52305959

Thanks for playing. No refunds

>> No.52305961

Passive income is based so long as it's sustainable. Allianceblock defi terminal and cryptoxpress have been saving my arse. Bear market calls for good rewards.

>> No.52305983

How do you think fiat works? If people stop trusting fiat (no economy has their money backed by something btw) what do you think is gonna happen? It will just crash to 0

>> No.52306006

I didn't said monero is used for illegal things, I said use monero and not bitcoin if you need to do illegal things, which is correct
the thing with bitcoin is you can have as many identities as you like which nullifies the need to be anonymous, as long as you avoid kyc. kyc shall be rejected as much as possible. but I suppose you will need to have one fake identity for a while (the one you're born with, the state one) and try to have other identities (one by website/service). that's what I do and I prefer that than using monero.
as long as there's a state it doesn't matter because they will force you to identify to conduct business, whether or not you use monero. if you want to break the rules, use monero. but few will do it and for business that's complicated. bitcoin has made solid compromises and I hope kyc will reduce over time.

>> No.52306020

Fiat currency is one of the root cause of financial instability and poverty in the world, uneven currencies across the board and dark manipulation by govt and big financial institutes.
I'll continue with crypto irrespective of the noise these dumbasses make. RN staking NFTs for token rewards and farming for APYs on LOOP DEX is what I'm about atm.
I came across it on the Juno Network and anyone can make noises from the roof top about divesting from crypto, I consider all a conspiracy.

>> No.52306028

based vertex enjoyer

>> No.52306057
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There wont be another bull case for shitcoins ever again. The fad is dying. Too many kikes abused too many goyim. Bancor, FTX, Voyager, Celsius... and then the gooks with 3AC, Terra, lauD,...
How many black swan in 2022 alone? The giant exploits stealing billions, the """hacks"""/rugpulls, the regulations, the trading bots going rogue, the ultra-consolidation by a cabal of whales, the CEXs being ponzi scams, the institutions all leaving becuz free Fed money dried up, the glowniggers almost openly admitting they have backdoors on everything -including tornado cash-...
Imagine the absolute state of the average normie who invested in 20-21. Even if he miraculously managed to avoid all the devs rugpulls, CEXs obliterations, exploits,...or simply lost his key/cold wallet,... he still most likely is down -80/-90% on his initial.
Good luck trying to convince him to ever again touch this shit or speak about shitcoins in a positive manner to his entourage.

From now on (and since a while), not a single pump will ever be considered organic. No matter how hard it will moon, it will only be 100% whales trying to induce fomo, and nobody will fall for it.
The last truly organic pump probably was luna post-crash. And it was very unimpressive.

After the current (engineered) financial collapse is over, the kikes will immediately implement CBDCs anyway. It's over for shitcoins. BTC will be $1K by late 2023.

>> No.52306065

KYC is not reducing, with the introduction of regulations it will only become more strict. Privacy over Anonymity anyday but your argument is not farfetched either. Good talk.

>> No.52306068

>reddit spacing maxipad getting asshurt his surveillance token is worthless garbage

>> No.52306095

ALBT and ORE on the LMaas was a delight too.

>> No.52306101

how has this post got 0 replies

convinced /biz/ is entirely bots at this point

>> No.52306117

that's what dero maxis say to monerofags loving view keys

>> No.52306126

Whoever invest in this scam is officially and psychologically retarded

>> No.52306149

the cocaine in my mailbox says otherwise

>> No.52306208

Is everything alright at home anon? Do you need emotional support?

>> No.52306222
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anon... whats your plan B?

>> No.52306234
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fucking trips man...

>> No.52306291
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This OP is sad that he lost it all again. First and foremost, I'm not trusting any centralized exchange platform. I'd rather have it on the Cosmos ecosystem where DEXes such as Cosmostation, JunoSwap, Loop DEX and Osmosis ZOne know how to do things reasonably well

>> No.52306318

It's obvious he's a silver slave. And doesn't understand what the hell is crypto, talk-less of differentiating between a CEX and a DEX. And the danger of putting all your egg in one basket of a leverage. That's why I'm cool with staking NFTs such as Cosmic Skymonk and Rekt Gang on the Loop marketplace.

>> No.52306426

Yea, quite a few. I've seen the Railgun platform, they offer something quite interesting too, just like the LOOP DEX, committed to strong community bonds and economic opportunities. I like that they are a gateway to the Cosmos Ecosystem for projects looking for easy onboarding. This and few other projects like the Railgun platform are worth the time.

>> No.52306470
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>I don't want to use monero otherwise because I'm satisfied with the privacy offered by bitcoin and the way I use it

That's cool, just be aware that Bitcoin's privacy is considered inadequate by darknet standards.

>and I don't consider monero a store of value

That's cool, I do.

>> No.52306504

There are project that have saved our asses this bear season, Allianceblock and cryptoxpress yes have been a breath of fresh air among the turmoil of this bear season, I'll also add to the list LOOP DEX, for staking and earning reward NFTs, it is the only protocol with NFT stakability on the JUNO Network.
Fair play to these cool projects.

>> No.52306626

I don't think it's good for your financial well being to consider monero as a store of value

>> No.52306768
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>I don't think it's good for your financial well being to consider monero as a store of value

Monero being on the cocaine standard gives me sufficient peace of mind.

>> No.52306803

its literally dry trading with real money
those stupid mining shit arent even contributing to anything at all
unlike the DNA folding thing that they were begging people to help, at least that contributes something
this is literally just trading with a pretend money with a dog face on a coin and you morons are actually thinking about getting rich from it
if anything, the only crypto that should exist and actually mean anything is BTC and thats it
every other coin just use the same words like we have a ledger and doing some mining for some smart contract shit
who even understand these kind of thing and it doesnt even have real world application
even the migration to eth 2.0 doesnt even seem to do anything
if anything, the ledger that everyone is raving about and calls it blockchain is worst than 1 rack of server in some data center

>> No.52306906

that means it's niche and won't grow as much as bitcoin (or potentially gold) can

>> No.52306919

of course it's a scam you fucking idiot, did you seriously believe Sushi token and Mango coin were going to replace Chase and JP Morgan. Fuck me. I always wondered who my exit liquidity was last year, guess now I know

>> No.52306949

Based and lung-pilled

>> No.52307173

All of them are Ponzi schemes

>> No.52307778

>all ponzi schemes
Clearly you don't believe that or you wouldn't be on this board. What has foul play by an exchange to do with a ponzi scheme? Do you know what a ponzi is? Or did you just decide to throw your 2 cents worth in so you could feel you were part of a conversation?