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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52301724 No.52301724 [Reply] [Original]

i've been on 4chan since 2006. in that time i have (in chronological order)

>lost my virginity at age 12 to one of my brother's friends. she was 18 at the time and i've seen her a couple of times as an adult since then and shamed her "jokingly" for being a paedo. she does not like me bringing this up.
>fallen from one of the top performing mathematicians in the UK (early teens) to being what my teachers always warned me about: lazy and resultingly unimpresive academically. P.S. i now really respect these teachers: they were absolutely right that i couldn't coast forever
>attempted suicide thrice. Whilst i clearly fucked those up, it had an unintended side benefit of me becoming very close and open with my immediate family and our relationship is better than ever
>got a good job at a startup right out of uni and progressed careers quickly because it had extraordinary growth
> since then I have cofounded a B2B fintech that i genuienly believe has extraordinary market value. We have oversubscribed investors and corporate customers. Our launch pilot case is worth $30M between 3 of us. We expect bigger products very soon. The obtainable market size itself is >$100bn
> found the genuine love of my life. I've slept with hundreds of people, mostly women, and i've never felt like this before. She's as funny, as smart, and as perfect i could ever want. It gives me butterflies to think this, but i reckon she feels the same about me.

blogpost tldr: it can always turn around and be better than you ever thought it could be

>> No.52301752


>> No.52301759

How tall are you?

>> No.52301782

find some time in between your margin call sweats to suck my pixie dick

not that tall - 6'1 (185cm)

>> No.52301874

>I've slept with hundreds of people, mostly women
filthy degenerate. your sickening. i ask what diseases have you given her, but we all know this is a larp.

>> No.52301895

You were raped my guy

>> No.52301911

You sound like a fag OP desu.

>> No.52301941

absolutely none if i'm to believe test results.

most STDs area very quick cure. The lingering ones (HPV, HSV 2 and HIV most commonl, although in the latter case not really all that common are very easily prevented from transmission with common sense (+ in the case of HIV, PrEP).

i myself have only ever had 2 STDs and both were at the same time from the same woman when i was 16 (chlamydia and gonorrhoea). Both practically instantly fixed with a pill and an injection respectively

STDs really aren't a problem. Loneliness is far worse for you - not that sex cures loneliness, but it can defnitely dampen it

>> No.52301998

>not that tall - 6'1 (185cm)
One of the absolute most pathetic larps this hellhole has ever seen

>> No.52302014

objectively yes but i've had horrible attention from older women and (far more brazenly, i guess unsurprisingly) from confident older gay men ever since i could recognise sexual advances

whilst i was raped in a technical sense and don't at all subscribe to the "men can't be raped" view, i don't actually harbour any ill will against that person: she didn't actuallly know my age at the time even if she could've easily deduced it so it's a bit of a shot in the dark. I may or may not have also lied to her about being 18

>> No.52302038

if 6'1 is an obvious larp then i pray for you, brother

i regularly see zoomers 16-22ish at 6'3+

i'm a manlet compared to the next gen

>> No.52302080

>not that tall - 6'1 (185cm)
Well, that explains it. "It gets better" doesn't hold for manlets. 5'9" or less, and you'd still be trying to move out of your parents' house.

>> No.52302127

That's gross my guy. Not something to be proud of and definitely not to brag about on 4chins. But i can understand why this place has wrapped your mind so much that you think a child abused degen std having loser like you can come in here and tell your story like it would be be a motivational story for anons. Sorry if that came off harsh

>> No.52302154

>I've slept with hundreds of people, mostly women

>> No.52302175

motivation is not the aim of the game here. Why would it be?

"child abused degen std having loser" are all fine descriptors but really don't mean much. What are you actually trying to argue?

i have a lot of love to give and i don't give a flyingf monkey's if you don't respect me. I'm going to transfer my love to you regardless because i want each and every person to have goals, make progress towards their goals, ad eventually give back to the less fortunate

>> No.52302215

>attempted suicide thrice
dont give up, keep trying

>> No.52302221

i didn't enjoy the sex with men but i did it largely for money. i had a poor upbringing so the expected value was worth it. and until 8-ish years ago i had no skills (duh, I was a student), so making £200 to £800 per hour for letting rich perverts touch me was a rational decision.

as a bonus: a lot of these poofs were quite old and i obviously knew where they lived after meeting them. I robbed a lot of shit

i don't regret it but i would obviously not do it again now that i have money (even if not obscene amounts)

>> No.52302232

too late i'm happy now

good advice tho

>> No.52303345

>I've slept with hundreds of people, mostly women
OP literally a faggot

>> No.52303433


>> No.52303450
File: 1.57 MB, 498x382, OP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP when the doctor asks if you've ever been tested for autism
Just send him a link to this post.

>> No.52303465

>I've slept with hundreds of people, mostly women

What was your first clue?

>> No.52303484

Didnt read

>> No.52304584

>also lied to her about being 18

so you had sex with her under false pretenses? you legally and physically raped her. not a good look bro.

>> No.52304610

I hope next time you succeed

>> No.52304679

a simple WAGMI would have sufficed op

>> No.52304749

>it can always turn around and be better
I hope it turns around and becomes worse for you, degenerate
Nothin personell

>> No.52304756

I joined the same year. I actually gave moot the idea for /biz/ in an email sometime in 2007. I suggested it be called /fin/. Of course I missed every crypto wave since 2012 and am still a poorfag.

I am working as a VC now so I’m somewhat interested in what your startup is and if you’re in/close to a fundraising round… let me go make a proton mail.

>> No.52304789


>> No.52304793

Of course it would. But this is biz the fucking gayest forum on the whole internet

>> No.52304838

nice try being cool but it's not reddit. Go find upvotes somewhere else. Here you just look pathetic

>> No.52304860

>attempted suicide thrice
and you'll try again in the future. hopefully you'll be successful this time, faggot.

>> No.52304901

>I've slept with hundreds of people, mostly women,
so you've slept with men?

>> No.52304934

So you're basically larping as a super normie and need 4chan's autistic approval

>> No.52304970

>is a faggot
>tries to kill himself multiple times
this story checks out for someone with worms in their ass

>> No.52304976

>I've slept with hundreds of people
>mostly women
Op is a faggot, as usual.

>> No.52305015

Karp or not you epitomize the phrase “shoot on sight”

>> No.52305020

fuck VCs

>> No.52305047


>> No.52305245

Pointless thread to inflate your own value. What were you thinking? kill yourself; you're pathetic.

>> No.52305265

same boat as op (though, at 14) and would do it again.

>> No.52305295

t. law expert