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52300787 No.52300787 [Reply] [Original]

Can we all stop and appreciate how CZ made them beg publicly on Twitter for everyone to see?

>> No.52300800

Lmao. CZ is the only chad in crypto

>> No.52300812

CZ is a jew but he’s pretty based for a jew

>> No.52300854

Link to the tweets?

>> No.52300895
File: 36 KB, 597x151, Screen Shot 2022-11-08 at 8.08.36 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52300918

>CZ is a jew but he’s pretty based for a jew
He is a chink. They are like jews but different. Jews fear chinks and chinks are wary of jews.

>> No.52300925

I can't wait for them to do DD, see how bad the damage really is and decide to let the jew rat drown

>> No.52300926


everything this smiley rat has ever said came across as tone deaf, autistic and slimey. There is absolutely no reason he WOULDn't suck CZs dick on twitter after this, it means nothing to him. He went out and lied non stop for days, months even. right up to the last second. he is a jew and has no pride or shame at all

>> No.52300927

the schizophrenia here is off the charts

>> No.52300936

i love that ugly little fucker. based evil emperor CZ

>> No.52300937

Sex after divorce tweet.
Wtf. Cz was triggered. I smell weakness

>> No.52300950

I don't trust that chink.

>> No.52300975

KEK I remember you faggots in the thread yesterday shilling for Sam and harping on CZ for that tweet. FTX was still like $20 then. Seems like CZ held all the cards and fucking knew it lmfao

>> No.52300978
File: 31 KB, 621x188, 1667267238732840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52300985

>He wanted SBF to publicly seethe, cope and dilate.
He's not like us bro

>> No.52300995

give source

>> No.52301022

Binance has user funds in some shady stuff as well. The move involved a lot of risk, risk one wouldn't be taken if things wouldn't be dire. Impermanent loss can be very permanent. How much bad debt has binance on its sheets by now. Venus comes to mind

>> No.52301098

proof or gtfo

>> No.52301104

You must be new.

>> No.52301114

Trust me bo

>> No.52301118
File: 14 KB, 546x183, Zhao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. The name is way older than that. Even if your screenshot is true, that just means the emperor gave those jews random, established last names like Smith, Jones, Williams etc.

>Zhao is one of the most ancient of Chinese surnames, and its origins are partly shrouded in legend. During the reign of King Mu of Zhou (976/956 BC – 922/918 BC), an officer named Zaofu (Chinese: 造父) proved exceptionally adept at training horses and driving chariots and won the respect of King Mu.
>During a battle with the eastern state of Xu, an ethnically different state which was resisting Zhou rule, Zaofu drove a chariot into the battle and escorted King Mu back to the Zhou capital.
>In gratitude, King Mu enfeoffed Zaofu as the lord of Zhao, a town in what is now Hongdong County, Shanxi Province, to be held by his descendants in perpetuity.
>Zaofu's descendants took Zhao as a surname to mark their prestigious association with the city.


This was an extremely efficient and well executed power move by Binance. How this ruthless takedown of a direct competitor signals weakness in your eyes is beyond me.

>> No.52301123


>> No.52301182

Binance bailed out venus after the exploit, 2 times.
I see the numbers. The pool is getting smaller it's fuck or get fucked. Something that requires resources to be risked one wouldn't risk in good times

>> No.52301193

Anyone who reduces a ratfuck kike to begging is OK in my book.

>> No.52301219

They were a lot more merciful than I would have been

>> No.52301300

Of course Jewkipedia will tell you that.