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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52298941 No.52298941 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on solana. It was recently implemented into Brave Browser so I'm thinking about picking up a bag

>> No.52298987

SBF is currently selling it at lightspeed in a failing bid to save FTT

>> No.52298988

I few good selling points
>It goes down multiple times a year
>The devs knowingly misled people (see: lied) about the chain's tps
>They're making a goddamn phone

>> No.52298994

going to zero, unironically. short it or just stand on the sidelines watching it crash and burn

>> No.52299012

>VC funded and controlled
>fake tps (pretending consensus messages are the same as transactions)
>regular downtimes with devs and validators "turning the chain off and on again" to fix issues
>tries to woo people by selling Solana shoes, phones and other consoomer stuff instead of focusing on their goddamn chain
>claims ultra high tps, got congested by simple NFT drops in the past
>very small retail community size compared to chains of similar marketcap

>> No.52299020

It's Amazon aws database shilled by s bunch of silicon valley VC who dumped their holding almost a year ago.

>> No.52299235

It's the eos of 2022. Will be trading at $0,5 soon. At Least Eos has managed to stay online

>> No.52299272

Its out of PTO now so it won't go down again until march

>> No.52299289

It’s not implemented in the Brave browser. BAT is an ERC-20

>> No.52299290


its going to zero.

My short cover buyback is at $3 per single SOL token.

>> No.52299471
File: 38 KB, 769x350, 1641279815151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s not implemented in the Brave browser. BAT is an ERC-20

>> No.52299514
File: 2.78 MB, 1802x1334, 1666624386580166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solana is one of SBFs rug token

>> No.52299530

Based off a great concept, proof of history. Made by a based Russian Anatoly Yakovenko. Has nothing to do with SBF other than he was a venture capitalist who bought it early. Biz fuds it because they want more or are too stupid to buy. Same thing happened in 2018 when Biz was saying buying BNB at $5 was giving your money to the CCP.

>> No.52299532

integration with Brave is not a sign of success

>> No.52299585

It's trash anon, the tech is a scam.

>> No.52299602

It's probably a sol token on the ETH blockchain. You know how you can wrap tokens to other networks?
I guess that's what it is, I dunno. All I know is I can confirm that the brave wallet is ERC20

>> No.52299654

meanwhile this shit is pumping back to 40$ right now. market is cracked af

>> No.52299662

Solana isn’t really even a blockchain, just an alternative platform thing living on Amazon web services with a token attached. It was a pump and dump from the start, with a lot of advertising money behind it. Uber kike won’t be supporting solana anymore so it’s over

>> No.52299765

>Uber kike
Lol who?

>> No.52299867

The Brave has a partnership with Solana. Eventually they want to move the BAT rewards more on chain and not having to go through a 3rd party. They plan on moving basically everything to do with their ad system on chain. They planned on doing this through their "Themis" program. Brave had a bunch of teams submit proposals on how to do rewards in a trust less way on chain — the solana team gave the best proposal and won, mainly I think because solanas low fees made all of the smart contracts etc feasible.

Anyway since then Brave released the new wallet and if a website supports solana Brave will default to the solana network first rather than Ethereum, unless the user chooses ethereum as their default in setting. That's basically the extent of the partnership iirc. Braves CEO also does talks each year at the solana conference.

Also Brave is adding other networks to the wallet, I believe cosmos and some other, can't remember.

If you want clarification on anything I can try or give links.

>> No.52299908

It goes by the name of Sam

>> No.52299976

Oh I don't know who that is. You better not be talking about Sam Hyde.
I thought you were talking about Guy from CoinBureau for a second kek, he's been a sol bagholder since I started watching him, and recently he seems to be wavering. Always complains about outages and stuff.
Very interesting anon, I actually had no idea that there was such a partnership. I knew there was some kind of interaction between the two companies but I didn't know it was so in depth.

>> No.52300080
File: 152 KB, 1111x1280, Coinmetro Kevin Metro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget, it's owned and controlled by VC's

>> No.52300122
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1 rich vc is the same as a million strong community bro everyone knows this. look at the grassroots punk ethereum community

>> No.52300230

How long before everyone realizes it's all a scam besides Bitcoin. Tired of this shit.

>> No.52300246
File: 436 KB, 1080x1620, Brendan Martini BAT Brave Tuesday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to know a bit more, basically everything in the works here is the link to Brendan Eichs talk and Solana Breakpoint a few days ago.

Here is the initial request for code and comment for Themis that Brave put out when looking for proposals. It give a good idea of what their goal was with themis. I think it's changed slightly but the end goal is the BAT ad system I believe being able to be used without Brave – opening the system up to everyone. Like all thing with Brave though it's slow and who knows if it will actually happen.

And this is where they announced their partnership with Solana

>> No.52300273
File: 1.15 MB, 2950x1602, Screenshot 2022-11-09 at 01.23.52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I read this right and there is currently huge cascade liquidation potential?

Sometimes I feel like I dont get how this funding ratio work

>> No.52300295

HAHAHAHA its getting rekt
glad is switched sides a couple months ago

>> No.52300354
File: 220 KB, 1080x1429, Screenshot_20221108-192636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this wallet borrowed $48m worth of USDC against 2.6m SOL tokens
It looks like it's nearing the threshold
But at the same time it looks like they're actively adding collateral as the $53.8M is rising

>> No.52300606

just paid 1500 funding my short on Binance.

confident it'll pay off

>> No.52300870


>> No.52301066

that's moving due to the price of solana going up and down. I'm thinking solana needs to drop 7.5% -8% to liquidate this guy.

>> No.52301148

fuck solana, its unreliable and got overtaken by polygon that currently has reddit, meta, jp morgan, mastercard, starbucks, mercedes, and more building on its carbon neutral network

>> No.52301323

Don't be delusional anon. There are so many alts with potential like Sol or web3 assets like Fil, Sylo and Ar

>> No.52301676

i'm buying

>> No.52301762

Brave partnering eith shitty companies lime uphold and solana is why their browser shitcoin is worth jack shit even after all these years.