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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52294144 No.52294144 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.52294179

if cz takes over wont it pump back up?

>> No.52294224

What happens when it reaches zero

>> No.52294252

bro ftx is finished

>> No.52294320

Nope, this happened after the news they were taking over came out BTW

>> No.52294351

>it's not fake
What in tarnation

>> No.52294468

cz sold all FTT 2 days ago lmao

>> No.52294554

Haha eh guys, remember when 24 hours you told people about FTT's impending death and they kept saying that it was impossible? Haha lol.
I wonder where all that people is rn.

>> No.52294564

please stop investing

>> No.52294621

It might I don't know why every retard responding to you acts as if it can't. It's essentially tied to the performance of FTX the exchange. If Cz buys it and keeps it as a separate thing from Binance, it can work out fine in the long run

>> No.52294628

I'm here and I'm glad I was wrong.
So the jews can bleed. Good.

>> No.52294644


>> No.52294663

It's pumping though.

>> No.52294666

damn I really should have signed up to more exchanges so I could have shorted this.
I thought I'd be fine with just kucoin for futures but they don't offer FTT futures.

>> No.52294722

people who aren't degen gamblers close their shorts, UST jumped 10x once during its crash.

>> No.52294762

You buying or what lad? CZ is buying ftx so it should have bottomed, right?

>> No.52294781

CZ made a >non-binding< agreement.

He's gonna pull out for sure.

>> No.52294783

me too. it was all fucking planned
iam devastated. it was 0.1$ from not being liquidated

>> No.52294795

Ruh roh

>> No.52294823

LOI.. Letter of intent.. Not Letter of Obligation.

>> No.52294824

Blackrock, Blackrock, wherefore art though Blackrock?

>> No.52294842

its not tied in any relevant way its vaporware shitcoin propped up to have paper value on books you mong

>> No.52294852

it's tied to the exchange bc they print it there? there is no chain like bsc with bnb using it. i guess it is used for fees or w/e. if cz really takes over this shit goes lunc

>> No.52294864

no, what? why would anyone buy this crap? it's LUNA level over for FTT.

>> No.52294885

Fuck I typed my short position yesterday at 22 but was too much of a pussy against joos and didn't click the button. Congrats to the ones who did short it!

>> No.52294932
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>> No.52295003


>> No.52295009

Honestly Anon, I hope you got as much of your shit out of it if you were into it.
I don't wish losses to anyone but honestly some people here (not just here, really) are so adamant about their positions and won't listen to anyone no matter what.

>> No.52295010

No. CZ doesn't give a fuck about it and will let it go to 0.
Alameda on the other hand is not getting the same bail out and their creditors are fuckt. We are talking billions in lost revenue so who knows what assets they'll be able to scrounge together to save what they can of their sorry asses.
The market is definitely getting cooked off of this it's just a matter of what degree.

>> No.52295028
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>> No.52295036

Why isn't it dead yet... back under 3 when

>> No.52295053

CZ is a gangster

>> No.52295102

so, bizrealis when are we buying?

>> No.52295129

Volatile shit

>> No.52295135
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>> No.52295147


>> No.52295168
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>> No.52295247

Jesus, this thing is dropping like a rock.

>> No.52295271

when are we buying?

>> No.52295275

Lmao even

>> No.52295300
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>> No.52295588
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place your bets

>> No.52295834
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>when it dumps so fast your stoploss doesn't kick in and you lose 7 billion dollars

>> No.52295931

this is the most exciting thing that has happened in a while

>> No.52295954
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>> No.52295978

that's the leveraged amount
losing 70M @ 100x is still oof though

>> No.52295980

He will pull out. It's time to jew the jew

>> No.52296023
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100% agree
the future looks interesting

>> No.52296033
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No way

>> No.52296080

wtf why is this guy getting my (yous), I'm not him

>> No.52296095

Oh wait I am him, I'm just drunk and don't remember posts I make

>> No.52296101

As if he didn't sell his own shit and now just dabbing on the goys. You gullible cattle..

>> No.52296110

Are they all getting BTFO'd because they relied on line goes up only and provided zero utility and innovation to the market. If that is so:
>what's next?
>isn't 99% of the shitcoins out there basically zombies at this point

>> No.52296213

CZ actually hasn’t sold any of Binance’s FTT yet. This might be the end of Binance since they just incurred losses approaching half a billion dollars on FTT and still have to somehow cover FTX’s potentially billions of dollars in debt. FTT crashing like this is CZ’s worst nightmare.

>> No.52296261

its not a binding agreement you retard

>> No.52296283

Someone thought that -85% was a deal for LUNA, just saying.

>> No.52296318

>-85% is ok guys
your brain on shitcoin

>> No.52296360

CZ is secretly the wealthiest man in the world. He could cover it easily

>> No.52296403

No different to all the shibtards, icptards, linktards, all explaining it away in their heads about how they're not really down at all, that just wait for the next bull cycle or whatever the latest hodl excuse is. And they really never will "lose" per se because they'll literally be hodlng until death.

>> No.52296486

he hasn't agreed to buy ftx yet, he said they're going to do DD first. what decision do you think he'll make when he finds out they're completely underwater and all the equity is gone?

>> No.52296488

A little birdy just told me that this is nothing compared to what's coming tomorrow. May god help you all, I can't imagine the pain the pain you all are about to feel. Please don't make any swift decisions, life WILL get better after all this, have faith.

>> No.52296965

yahari... so they sacrificed FTT to stop link

>> No.52296980

It’s a letter of intent not obligation, retard. Lurk more.

>> No.52297011

This will retest $3 right?

>> No.52297124

I have set my orders accordingly, thanks to you I will be a billionaire

>> No.52297972

Remember that those faggots were immediately followed with (((naming)))?
JIDF is real and it's high time you reddit nigger transplants accepted it

>> No.52298179

absolute retard, if you think a galaxybrain like cz would fuck up like this your in for a surprise

>> No.52298250

If he doesn't buy FTX, then FTT becomes worthless. Thus, he can't sell his FTT over months like he stated over Twitter.

>> No.52298267
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I could have shorted and made tens of thousands

>> No.52298603

Na man you would have gotten liquidated on the bounce. A ton of traders got caught like that today.
Which lets you know it was all a set up

>> No.52298707

Token not needed

>> No.52298747

what's DD?

>> No.52298834

due diligence

>> No.52298864

Christ it was pumping at 17 yesterday lmao

>> No.52298885

Fugg lost 100$ shorting this shitcoin now I feel retarded

>> No.52298983
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Sam's letter

>> No.52299026

understandable that all the acronyms can get confusing but just type investing + the acronym into google next time, almost always will it give you the correct full word, then type that into investopedia and you can educate yourself

>> No.52299115

source? "going to do what i can" means it's irrevocably over.

>> No.52299210

via (Zero)schizoHedge

>> No.52299510

should've bought matic