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52289843 No.52289843 [Reply] [Original]

How important are amphetamines in trading/work?
Example, SBF/alameda becomes king while on truck loads of amphetamine.

He quits amphetamine, gains 100lbs and loses empire.

Is adderall the secret to success?

>> No.52289878

after taking concerta i would say yes

>> No.52289945

how do I get adderall in germany?

>> No.52290004

just take your tea anon

>> No.52290058

It can help short term but long term it will rekt your body
Amps pull tons of vitamins out of you and cause fungal infections
That’s why so many Adderall addicts go vegan
It’s not the meat as much as grain and sugar that they need to avoid

>> No.52290151

Its easier to just buy some speed.

>> No.52290664

... how do I buy speed in germany?

>> No.52290906


last time i did street amphetamine a month ago all of a sudden it became almost impossible to breathe, my body temp dropped to 95, and i thought i was gonna die
still have trouble breathing sometimes idk whats wrong with me, first i thought i fucked up my nerves, then i thought it was a b12 problem, now idk whats wrong with me, but about one day every 3 days i spend having to walk circles around my building because walking is the only thing that helps me breathe right
fuck my ass if anyone knows whats wrong with me pls tell me, tiktok nurses at the local urgent care are useless

>> No.52291143

I take about 50mg of Adderall a day and I can confirm it is just like the limitless drug, my IQ has noticably increased as has my decision making and productivity, if it shaves a few years off my life so be it. Don't care about being a old man in a globohomo world filled with vaxxie drones

>> No.52291297

I can tell you haven't been doing it for long. Wait until you spend 48 hours straight pornhub with your dick in your hand looking for a revenge vid of your mom (maybe one of her ex boyfriends posted it) so you can jerk off to her.

>> No.52291333

As a short-time user, I'd say don't.
reason one, say you do get success with it, okay now you need it for success, it's insidious and very addicting like that.
2, Di-Methylsulfide is meth.
3, You're using speed, you get agressive reckless and unreasonable, and that effect lingers for days after.
4, You're on hard drugs, there is a reason they measure your heart rate while on it, to make sure your heart doesn't explode

Works great w 20mg but the 54 I have, the last bottle bc you'll want more and you take these twice a day, out of 8x50?
Don't become a meth head, I have a very ADHD good friend who uses for decennia and it works like a charm for him, gifted developer, but please be careful.
There is a fucking demon in that stuff

>> No.52291335

So you have a ADHD diagnosis? I have one and am thinking about hopping on it to try it out.

>> No.52291354

this, well not my mum ffs but you will beat your dick raw several times a day to the most disgusting vile shit your mind can conjure up in the search bar.
And speed makes it half-mast

>> No.52291381

I prefer modafinil. There’s no ”high,” zero addiction potential, doesn’t show on drug tests, but still amazing focus and inability to feel fatigued. Then again I suspect most people interested in these kinds of drugs for ”productivity” are mostly after the potential feelgood effects, whether they admit it to themselves or not

>> No.52291459

You need to have your essential elements and heavy metals tested and make the doctor let you take a picture of your results and look them up online
If you don’t have insurance you can by elements and metal hair tests from doctors data for $125

Most meth is made with toxic chemicals
I would suggest looking up a heavy metal detox protocol.
The polcels who post diatomaceous earth are on the right track when it comes to detoxing
If you have high heavy metals you should take weeks to a month of activated charcoal and potassium bicarbonate

>> No.52291475

Same bullshit nigger who's begging in the suicide thread made this he's back to spamming the catalog this motherfucker has been spamming you guys for two years and begging and mods do nothing about it.

>> No.52291597

>There is a fucking demon in that stuff
Nice trips and this is actually true
I’m not religious but using amphetamines does cause demons to be attracted to your life
If you fuck with amps, you should do cleansing and banishing ritual magick.
Both glowie threads
Pushing drugs and suicide

>> No.52291642

I assume so this "adderall" posting kike is the spam Maren posting kike is the same Powerball posting kike it's brought the level of this board down to godlikeproductions in terms of quality and it makes me never want to visit this shithole again.

>> No.52291694

It gives you huge dopamine boost so if you don't actually do any work you'll probably become a giga coom addict.

>> No.52291910

holy shit I thought I was the only one who noticed that. I was abusing amphetamine over the course of months and it really messed with my head, made me feel like I'm getting closer to the devil or something evil, can't really describe the feeling. I am still sane but my thoughts got more wicked, my humor became almost completely sexual and it made me more sexually deviant...

>> No.52292144

i got some antioxidant green tea if that helps. will it pass on its own? or do i really need to go buying shit and eating charcoal?
ive been eating as healthy as possible the past couple weeks.
thanks anon

>> No.52292174
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I had a bit of disassociation with it and I could describe the look and utter cold binary personality of whatever that pushed me back from the driving seat
Felt a lot like DOTA's Razor
And I can't say I didn't love it

So yeah I might just been tripping balls but yeah

>> No.52292302

I have adhd and for a brief time it feels like limitless drug for sure. However, my anxiety, heart rate, irritability, inflexiblity all sky rocket while I'm on it. I essentially cannot interact with other humans while I'm on it, plus at the end of the day it feels like your brain shuts off (in a weird way that isn't natural)

my advice is take it if you have adhd and are depressed because it will jump start you into getting your life together, but you'll probably naturally stop taking it once things get back into place.

>> No.52292310

Yep it’s known to do this. Increases violent behavior in me too.
It’s not just amphetamines but cocaine as well. I went to do coke after staying away for a year. And after my friends and I walked into my house, I saw a shadow follow us into the kitchen. My buddy shouted “just saw a ghost” before I could even say anything. My other friend didn’t believe us or see it but he was looking the opposite way.

I didn’t used to believe in this junk until I read books by doctors who write about the afterlife, spirit world, astral realm, etc
Get some white sage or palo santo wood. Cleanse yourself, cleanse your home with a little smoke and meditate on thoughts of love and forgiveness. Or meditate on whatever god/religious figure you believe in.
That’s what a lot of books on the subject suggest
That’ll help.
You don’t need to buy shit if your metals aren’t too high or minerals too low. It depends on your results.
You can skip everything and detox through diet but you have to limit junk food to once a month. Only eat healthy grass fed organic meat, fruits, veggies, nuts, but not ones that get moldy easy.
Or you can fast on water for 3-5 days to detox your body but that sucks
There’s a lot that goes into detoxing a body and it depends a lot on each individual

Do not eat charcoal, it’s “medical grade USP activated charcoal” that you eat
Every health food store should have it in capsule and some times liquid
I believe it based on my adderall prescription
Crazy year of my life

>> No.52292358

In limited doses. I take a 20 mg XR twice a week, exclusively on work days. It makes me actually enjoy working and I turn into a brilliant tank.

As others mentioned it's kind of hard to socialize while on it as it makes you focused and productive to a fault.

>> No.52292569

Thanks for the recs anon. It seems to happen with all drugs that target your dopamine/norepinephrine systems.
Can you explain what you think happens in the astral realm spiritually during amphetamine/coke abuse?
Did cleansing yourself help you, are you feeling free from demonic presence now?

>> No.52292914
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this, if you stick to around 20mg 2-4 days per week and actually have good work habits to utilize it properly you can have godlike productivity. You have to take breaks and make sure you can still function without it

the problem is degenerates who already have bad habits gradually using more and more until they are using their entire script in 2 weeks and jerking off for 24 hours straight. Adderall will make you more focused at what you already do, so if you have dogshit habits it will just make you even more addicted to playing video games, wasting time on 4chan, jerking off, whatever. Adderall pretty much just multiplies what you already are, people trashing it and blaming it for them being losers are just shining a light on themselves

>> No.52292963

stop posting this

>> No.52292970

Yeah cleansing my body through diet and supplements and burning sage in my house. I noticed a change in my food cravings and mood.
I don’t know why it happens with certain drugs there’s probably so much to that. I can say that drugs make us more open to perceiving things we don’t normal see. The demons or spirits notice that.
I also don’t think the spirit side sees demons as bad as this side does. Demons are part of the creation as well. They’re just playing a role, making us stronger in the end. The way you truly defeat and demonic presence is by filling your mind with thoughts of love and empathy for others. It drives negative spirits away immediately

>> No.52293146
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ADHD meds are absolutely life changing if you actually have the condition, yes. Literally leveled me up from a 1.9 GPA to 4.0 honours student with invitations to TA. Can't speak on behalf of neurotypical people though, I heard it just makes normies bounce off walls with overstimulation.

Also, Adderall is shit tier. It's 25% alevoamphetamine which is the norepinephrine boosting isomer of the amphetamine molecule. You want dextroamphetamine which is the dopaminergic compound. Vyvanse is the master race of stimulants. Come home white man

>> No.52293204

It's not as important as you might think. And if it's not done correctly, you can wind up fucking yourself up. Here's a great example of that:


>> No.52293363
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This is the God-tier advice that no doctor will give - YOU DO NOT NEED ADHD MEDS EVERY FUCKING DAY. 3-4 days per week MAX on days where you actually get work done, and days off are mandatory. Also, every couple of months, take a drug holiday for a week or so to flush any tolerances out. The one common theme is that people take WAY too high doses of this shit.

You should never feel happy and euphoric from them, that means your dopamine levels are far too high. You should just have a calm and leveled flow of focus. Dopamine is neurotoxic in high levels and they will downregulate your synapses if taken in high doses over the years. That's the post ADHD treatment "zombie mode" that people report after quitting 5+ years of meds, which is completely avoidable. There's even studies suggesting low dose amphetamines cause neurogenesis, but /biz/ isn't ready for that conversation yet.

>> No.52293431

concerta sucks and is babby tier garbage
adderall is mid
dexedrine is the good shit, adderall is a mixture of 4 amphetamine salts and dexedrine is the best of the 4, pure

>> No.52293530
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If you're a mental health-cel like I was for so long, this is the most /biz/ related thread one can encounter. Literally nothing can make someone as much money as fixing their underlying health problems
Counter-sage bump for a based thread. Seethe and cope

>> No.52293716
File: 86 KB, 828x654, apu fren world change.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another neat trick is to use low doses to enforce new routines or habits. Take 5-10mg and force yourself to write or study at a specific location at a certain time of day. Adderall will help speed up formations of new habits and pretty soon you can be productive on autopilot without needing adderall. If you currently have bad habits you need to do a complete pattern interrupt and switch up wherever you are trying to work at, this is where most work from home people fail

Most people instead do the same thing in the exact wrong way and enforce a currently existing bad habits like shitposting, doomscrolling, or jacking off and then bitch about Adderall not being like the drug from Limitless

>> No.52293840
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It's a wonderful "primer" drug for getting things done and provides ample momentum. The key benefit is that it makes things 50x more fun, whatever the thing might be, which makes it easier to get through stuff and/or learn something. Here's my advice:
>fix your life up in every other regard i.e., gym 3-4x a week, high water intake, healthy diet, consistent sleep schedule (7-730 is the sweet spot), active sex life
>remove all other stimulants from your diet. this means no caffeine
>plan out your day beforehand along with the things you intend to accomplish by day's end (2-3 things)
>eat a big breakfast
>start your work (10am latest) and take 10mg ~30m in while drinking tons of water, have an apple handy
>take another 10mg after accomplishing a milestone, etc
>never exceed 30mg a day
>never take it after 5pm
>never take it "recreationally" force your brain to associate it with work
>never go beyond 10mg dosage
>skip days if you're not working

I've followed these rules rigorously and have found it improving my life tenfold. As a bonus, the added habit building will make working easier overall. Your brain will "mimic" the feeling of adderall when revisiting the context you do them in, even if you're not on it. Been taking it for ~a year at this point. No cons.

t. grad student with a startup

>> No.52294034
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it's not like you'll die at 60 and not experience old age. your brain will just go shit 5x the rate and will age 50 years in 10. you'll be a mundane old fart in 10 years.

>> No.52294338
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Unfathomably based and correct take. Yep, amphetamines make the brain plastic and primed for habit formation.
> If you currently have bad habits you need to do a complete pattern interrupt and switch up wherever you are trying to work at
Exactly this, couldn't have said it better. Unfortunately, meds don't come with a "how to" guide, and many get this wrong. The goal of amphs is to shut absolutely everything down and go beast mode with task management. It allows people with ADHD to find studying/work/organization interesting thanks to the newfound dopamine in our prefrontal cortexes that we never got to experience. Amphetamine is a neutral tool.

It will either make you mega shitpost or play vidya at 1000% typing speed, or fix and transform your life if you apply the appropriate disciplinary shifts to behaviors. As mentioned, it makes the brain plastic and allows the creation of new habits. There's now many exciting emerging reports of people being so habituated to task management, that they literally get healed of ADHD thanks to the beauty of neuroplasticity.

>> No.52294385

is it confirmed SBF took amphetamines? any source?

>> No.52294434

Amphetamines can get you banging on 100% for a couple hours every couple weeks, with disastrous health effects (especially in chronic usage), but it’s as easy as taking a pill.

Regular exercise, meditation, therapy, good sleep hygiene, and a spartan/monk diet of fish and vegetables with a caloric deficit, will let you operate at 100% for pretty much your entire day, with amazing health effects (immune, longevity, hormonal, etc). It’s just extremely not as easy as taking a pill, in fact it’s probably the hardest thing to do as a human being when you have access to all this cheap easy dopamine - fast food, pornography, booze, weed, speed, opiates, marvel movies, social media, etc. But there’s a reason why the highest operating types of people (CEOs, geniuses, enlightened scholars, religious masters) live one way and not the other.

>> No.52294435

Just makes you feel smarter

>> No.52294587

>15 daily “binges” with 4 mg/kg amphetamine significantly compromised striatal dopamine integrity
for a 180lb male that's equivalent to nearly 5 GRAMS of fucking amphetamine per day, nice "study" retard

>> No.52294767

im sure most of these people are either on modafinil / armodafinil , adderall or something similar

>> No.52295011

Sheesh if only there was real use crypto you could exchange for stuff on the free market

>> No.52295047

>heavy metals
throwing it out there if mercury is ever somehow a concern:
emeramide. very useful for mercury poisoning, and very body-friendly. no other chelator comes close.

>> No.52295157

after 4 years of use, they stopped working.

>> No.52295397
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>coping drug addict can't even math the fake data he makes up in his head
anyhow it was roughly 60mg equivalent per day only lasting a week and they were properly titrated up prior to it. but i get it i'd probably be a seeting unintelligible coping retard as well if i fried my brain like you
