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File: 49 KB, 1200x667, CZ_Binance_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52291869 No.52291869 [Reply] [Original]

One man now controls all the crypto ecosystem and he can destroy a crypto project with only a twitte

Fuck the crypto scam

>> No.52291972

yeah, and Bitcoin and other cryptos is completely dependent on fiat currencies

people have bought and hold Bitcoin for the sake of being able to sell their Bitcoin at a higher price in fiat currencies

In other words, people have only bought bitcoin in the hope of getting rich that bitcoin would allow them to get more fiat currency

>> No.52292023

The worst thing is he'll keep pushing his 10 validators database geth fork as the main platform to do settlements

>> No.52292031

CZ is the most powerful man in the world now. He makes Trump, Biden, and Powell alll look like children.

>> No.52292245

CZ is one of the many Antichrist that came to "liberate" people out of an old world deception into another, much more luciferian newer one. All this shit is staged and deliberate to forward the great work.

>> No.52292628

All of it leads back to btc being truly decentralized. It is. That’s the choice you have. Two ways. Be grateful for it, because the other way would have been horrific.

>> No.52292647

how will they take him down is the question now

>> No.52292688

They won’t. He’s allowed. Binance and he, were chosen. It is done.

>> No.52292780

Cash app
And many more billion dollar exchanges
Banks are centralized into all working for BIS
Nice try cuck

>> No.52292851
File: 22 KB, 599x416, crying-cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad for ftx holders because for long periods of yesterday and today it looked very much like it was going to hold on, that cz did his damage but they were going to be the underdog that pulled through and didn't need binance.

You'd think he'd at least try to hide it. His website is already banned from the wealthiest nation in the world.

>> No.52292980
File: 2.50 MB, 220x242, 1660811486940174.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CZ is a Dark Knight of Malta.

>> No.52293176

People don't want fiat. They want what fiat can buy.
No crypto holder would go the extra step through fiat if your pizzas, hookers, or houses was as easily bought with crypto.

>> No.52293267

its time to listen Peter Schiff

there were Bitcoin, cryptobull market only because funny money printed by central banks, but now that funny money period is over

>> No.52293299

One benevolent dictator is infinitely better than a "democracy" comprised of a billion jews.

>> No.52293301

that's only because it's still early in the decentralized ecosystem. CZ will go down the same way bankman and others have, it's clear he's not fit for the position the circumstances put him into.

>> No.52293318

>muh fiat
People just buy gift cards with crypto, that way you don't have to pay taxes

>> No.52293344

What makes you think he's benevolent? Do you even know Binance's address?

>> No.52293347

No, FTX/Alameda destroyed themselves with their shitty flywheel scheme. Cz just accelerated the downfall

>> No.52293352

Why oh why didn't I go all in on BNB in 2017? So obvious in hindsight

>> No.52293393

Maybe they shouldnt have played with user's funds?
Maybe the kikery deserves to be punished?
Maybe, just maybe Binance is the healthiest exchange, or they hide it the best. Who cares.
If only 3-4 centralized exchanges can stay afloat without fucking over the users, then that many exchanges should be operating. Not one more
I think this chink is way sleazier than he looks, he just outkiked the main kike.

>> No.52293489

ikr how quick they got such a nice exchange up and working should have been obvious. instead my dumb ass sold my kucoin for fucking COSS and got fucked in the ass by rune.

>> No.52293516

Good, fuck all the gweilo and jews.

>> No.52294319
File: 1.07 MB, 666x1088, StonkerHonker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know any kids who would rather get gift cards as opposed to cash.
Businesses buy them in bulk for huge discount, so they can give them to their employees/friends/families/second-families/escorts, for only a fraction of the cost.

>> No.52295532

One lawsuit from the SEC against BNB and he's fucked.

>> No.52295798
File: 25 KB, 225x225, glow party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>itt we glow

>> No.52295826

If i could buy a porsche 911 with crypto i would not sell for fiat

>> No.52295835

i hope he doesnt tweet anything negative about loopring (LRC). im all in on that. it is a chinese project and the chinese take care of their own

>> No.52295858

Crypto is China's plot to take over the world's financial system and bring it to its knees.

>> No.52295893

they're not even based in the us
they literally have a separate exchange for us customers too

>> No.52295911

We are dumping because of the SEC case

>> No.52296003

what does it tell you that you can‘t? still hodling waiting for mcdonalds to accept pregnantbutt?

>> No.52296250

Need boomers to die. Not an issue if you aren't using centralized exchanges but boomers can't into self custody.

>> No.52296301

We need more of these SEC cases so the government will finally pass some regulation on this unregulated shit show of black swan events.

>> No.52296614
File: 181 KB, 2048x1152, monero soap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you didn't buy and sell crypto P2P, you didn't shill for adoption by actual useful services, and now you complain here. What did you expect exactly? You don't get to bitch when you haven't put in the work. What did you do?

>> No.52296807
File: 2.83 MB, 1536x2048, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto has given you a once in centuries opportunity to take control of the monetary system. If you don't want crypto to become centralized and outside of your control, then maybe you should take ownership of it? If you don't, then what difference does is have with old fiat? What's the point?
If you haven't contributed to increase adoption, why do you think crypto should rise in price for you exactly, and why would you bitch about when other bad people come and shit it up?

>> No.52296904

Imagine not having your own wallet.

>> No.52296947

Crypto is just a casino where all the patrons are Dunning-Kruger sufferers.

>> No.52297939

Kys jew