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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52288646 No.52288646 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.52288656
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Gg Bobo i hoope you did slurp

>> No.52288681

ofc cz agreed to an otc sell and now all is well. cz wins, jew wins. bizlets lose again

>> No.52288703
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fuckin power move

>> No.52288714

A regulatory body needs to intervene. This is literal monopolization.

>> No.52288716

hostage situation

>> No.52288727

I said this in a thread yesterday.. nobody believed, i never thought biz would be this retarded…

>> No.52288740

Wew, that chink is brazen as hell to do this now

>> No.52288744

oh my goodness
holy shit

>> No.52288754
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you shorted? retard.

>> No.52288757

We really are in the Chinese millennium, aren't we? The Chinese are owning even the chosen people.

It's over for the West.

>> No.52288763
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CZ Tweet

>> No.52288771


full takeover

>> No.52288777

>it's real
Fucking cuck

>> No.52288776


>> No.52288785
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That's kind of retarded desu,he should have gone for the kill since now if SBF recovers he will surely remember this...

>> No.52288799

looks like Elon was right.

>> No.52288802

wait what. checkmate already?

>> No.52288803


>> No.52288805
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>> No.52288808

I was lurking threads. everyone screaming for the bottom to fall out. always do the opposite of biz

also i hope the shorts closed in time. yikes.

>> No.52288816

Why we would believe some random retard?
We can all speculate for free.

>> No.52288830

>also i hope the shorts closed in time
I hope they didn't.

>> No.52288835

jeez, i hate SBF for his views and general phoney baloney bs but holy shit CZ is a massive crook

>> No.52288843

Ah, that explains this retarded poomp. Good lord, the crypto market is fucked ten times harder than anyone ever imagined.

>> No.52288847
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>> No.52288861

haha now that you mention it

>> No.52288874

haha get the fuck out of both of them.

>> No.52288877


>> No.52288882

Somebody call the NYSE

>> No.52288888

I didn't. Fuck.

>> No.52288893

Retards believe it's bullish when in reality it's the more bearish thing imaginable.
I really hope the ppl currently pumping are using this excuse to liquidate the bobos who went too deep, rather than think it's bullish in any kind of form.

Give it another 24h and we are collapsing Terra style. Screencap this.

>> No.52288896

What are the implications of CZ buying FTX but Sam keeping control of Alameda?

>> No.52288901

What happens to the five dollars of crypto I have left over from buying 4chan gold?

>> No.52288903

checked and rekt thanks for playing

>> No.52288919

So they were in trouble?

>> No.52288931

I kneel, CZ. The funds were always safu

>> No.52288932

why would you keep a jew around to stab you in the back later?

>> No.52288934


>> No.52288948

I dodged a bullet I closed my short at 14.56 30 minutes ago, its over 19 now.

>> No.52288988

would be hard to run a quant fund without your own pocket exchange to get data from...

>> No.52288991

Yes, and those troubles are now Belong to binance GTFO

>> No.52289016

This isnt just about FTT. CZ is buying ftx.com. The exchange

>> No.52289049

Those digits. That ID. Ke

>> No.52289059

sam got liquidated to CZ the war is over

>> No.52289060

i didn't know it was possible for me to get any more pessimistic about the crypto industry

>> No.52289069

Finally good news.
If it makes /biz/lets seethe, then it is a win.
Feels so good to see the chink taking over the jew.
Did you shorted, bizlets? I hope you did. Soon you going to receive some calls.

>> No.52289080

From what I'm gathering CZ can take one look at their books then back out. Talk about being over a barrel. Will be interesting to know how bad it really is.

>> No.52289082

kek, underrated

>> No.52289084

so bullish now?

>> No.52289094

Yeah he is. But at least we don't have to read about this fucking joke of a human being anymore. RIP SBF.

>> No.52289104

No, the sharks are feeding. Best you stay out of these waters.

>> No.52289136

What makes you think that SBF got taken over?

>> No.52289151
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Lol, do you really believe this kabuki theatre bullshit? The chink and the jew were hand in hand ready to buttfuck us since the beginning. This is blatant manipulation.

>> No.52289159
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>/biz/tards unironically rooted for a chinese billionaire who cause a bank run in a western exchange in order to acquire it
This is exactly why the goyim deserve everything that happens to them

>> No.52289162


>> No.52289165

yeah it's reeeaaaal bad. And If he backs out then the unwinding of all the toxic shit will rip the spine out of cefi, which is a good thing.

>> No.52289178

SBF and Alameda was the worst cancer in crypto

>> No.52289189

Exactly this. In the short term it is a win-win for CZ, he gets to take a peek and then either dump on everyone before he backs out, or buy in before sealing the deal.

But meanwhile SBF will be secretly trying to backstab him in revenge, by whining to his jew friends and trying to get Binance made illegal.

BTC 9k eoy.

>> No.52289196

With jews you lose every time fool. Moreover CZ is as chinese as you are intelligent

>> No.52289201



>> No.52289204

Yeah not the Chinese guy running a scam with BNB who just got closer to a monopoly, don't worry about him, he's your friend, help him. Useful idiots

>> No.52289210

Well, now it's just CZ and he has access to all of FTX's resources and data to do exactly what Scammy Sammy did, but on an even larger scale, if he actually buys.

>> No.52289227

huh why? we are back to binance and coinbase like the good old times, time for btc to actually have a blow off top instead of getting fucked on by the bankman

>> No.52289229

Getting rid of the kike would be worth crashing the entirety of crypto. That yid was the one pushing for massive regulation, he HAD to be taken out.

>> No.52289230

Fuck off fag
The Jew had lost power
That’s good for crypto

>> No.52289244

I swear, every year crypto becomes more and more like professional wrestling

>> No.52289251

Monopoly? Sure. We will support the thousand year reich of CZ over globohomo.

>> No.52289270

>the one pushing for massive regulation
They're all pushing for it, Cz is pro-regulation and supported all the sanctions so far. You're falling for a narrative because you're a dumb fuck and you're easily manipulated

>> No.52289272


>> No.52289273

>we should let the Jew steal our money
>don’t support CZ because he’s Chinese
Fuck off glowie fag

>> No.52289286

my biggest funds are on binance and ftx, should i care?

>> No.52289287


>> No.52289289

You talk as if he's dead. No, now that he will have no exchange to run, he will have freed up a bunch of time and will become the Crypto Expert Jew that whispers in the ear of every financial regulator on the planet. War is just beginning.

>> No.52289298
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>muh brand loyalty
>muh based brand
You people deserve to be herded in centralized exchanges, you're cattle

>> No.52289304

Holy shit you are exactly right anon.. lmao I fucking love this market

>> No.52289305

fuck you americans to hell with your stupid ass world policing

>> No.52289315

BNB? A scam?
You don’t know shit about crypto

>> No.52289322

Two Jews competing is better than one dominating the market. If you think one of them is your friend, you deserve what he'll do to you

>> No.52289334
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So he was talking about himself during that time kek

>> No.52289338
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>> No.52289355

Coinbase stock is only at 12 billion market cap. That’s less than Cardano lol. Someone tell me why I shouldn’t be buying it? It’s not even green today

>> No.52289358
File: 38 KB, 1000x577, E_Qf5etVIAEy7wq (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOOK AT THE CHART!!!! LOOK AT THE CHART!!!! HOLY SHIT!!!! Hope nobody holding this sold (I sold but got out early).

>> No.52289367

Nobody said CZ is benevolent. But SBF was definitely the primary enemy.

>> No.52289388

This, but biz was never known for being all that smart

>> No.52289400

Shocking I know

>> No.52289409

And pancake swap DEX is the most popular exchange here
You idiots confuse Binance being better than FTX with Binance being perfect
Sam was shorting defi to the ground
CZ has helped this space grow
You have to be retarded to post what you type
No one believes fags like you

>> No.52289425

>You don’t know shit about crypto
>Every crypto isn't inherently a scam
Pick one.

>> No.52289434

That said I do believe this is mostly theatrics and we arent privy to what the chink and the yid are saying behind closed doors

>> No.52289435

Ah yes, buy a jewish owned company second-hand selling magic internet beans right in the middle of the worst financial collapse ever. Remember : with jews, YOU WIN.

>> No.52289455

I welcome our Chinese overlords. Better than Jew overlords. Funds are safu

>> No.52289462


>> No.52289463

You idiots can’t call BNB a scam
It’s one of the greatest investments of our lifetimes
Fucking idiots

>> No.52289484

The jew has lost nothing. He's a fucking CIAnigger on Blackrock's payroll you dumb shit.

>> No.52289495 [DELETED] 


The Jew is the reason defi is in this state finally he’s out

>> No.52289504

Everything against Americans interests are good for me
You are a Nigger

>> No.52289512

Meanwhile matic is at 1.2 again lol. Too bad you guys hate that coin

>> No.52289514

>everything’s a scam
Go back to your moms basement
The adults are talking
He lost control of his exchange you like loving fag

>> No.52289532

I really should buy BNB now I see CZ is a chad god than can just take down bankmen and blackrock like that.
Also it seems to me he actually does shit for the space, bankrolled elon on twitter, etc. While the other guy was ponzying, shitting up crypto and bankrolling dems.

I feel good attaching my cart to the horse that can beat the jews.

>> No.52289538

Not mutually exclusive

>> No.52289550


>> No.52289557
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Can't be dumb ass when GSD get me so horny with Rather than squandering my money, i use their stablecoin for yield farming on the yield protocol that's make it more juicy anon

>> No.52289566

I hope those fuckers at Alameda Research all get laid off, incompetence should not be rewarded, they should not escape to pull this shit again.

>> No.52289579

imagine if cz renegs on this deal. it would be ultimate 4d mindrape of jew bankman. but cz would be hated forever

>> No.52289587

You kept your money on ftx through all of this? What the fuck were you thinking? If CZ had not stepped in they probably would have gone under

>> No.52289590
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CZ used his own coin to bog him the exact same way they both bog their clients. Insane.

We got too cocky Jewbros

>> No.52289609

Binance can unilaterally withdraw from the deal, he goes for the kill in a few days by walking away and letting FTX blow up

>> No.52289614
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my curry bags are too heavy sir

>> No.52289639
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this guy was right all the time and prob make a lot of money, you should have listened

>> No.52289700

Yes everything (((crypto))) is indeed a scam to enrich the insiders, devs, and VCs. Only one is not like the others and we all know which one it is.

>> No.52289711

blackrock partnered with coinbase not FTX

>> No.52289729
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Only swine say some shitty quotes the need to get their ass spank with GSD so the can get some sense and don't die poor,
as the want to bring the monetary system back to the gold standard. Go get useful poorfegs

>> No.52289792

>he goes for the kill in a few days by walking away and letting FTX blow up
If that was his intention it would be a terrible strategy when he could have just let them collapse now.

Ftx will now have several days to reach out to other potential buyers in the event that Cz pulls out

>> No.52289854

I think he's going to walk away and let it blow up. He doesn't have FTT anymore so he is unaffected by the blowup. He can just buy back FTX after they've cratered.

Wether he does or not will be based on weighing the PR win of his famous "funds are SAFU" and bailing out retail stuck in FTX compared to how deep the blackhole is and how much that will cost him.

>> No.52289883

ni hao
I love chinese food
chinese women arent half bad either

>> No.52289915
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That won't make you rich go get useful faggot as there some juicy pussy you can slide into and get some sweet pussy experience,
Staking USD = yield in gold,

>>as Gold Standard DAO protocol manages funds through the highest yield aggregators available on each networks.

>> No.52289968

He's going to get fucked by SBF's kike friends in Washington. American's don't like the idea of a Chinese guy having that much power over an unregulated industry. Expect the SEC to go after Binance.

>> No.52290111

there is no worse timeline than one that involves sbf with a shred of influence

with jews you lose

>> No.52290114
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Who I this swine talking shit won't make you rich go get useful as I got my bag fill with GSD and ETH hoping to see BTC come back to his ATH soon, dint be a sleepy dick anon

>> No.52290118

>all get laid off
cute, they made hundreds of millions

>> No.52290209

>and he has access to all of FTX's resources and data to do exactly what Scammy Sammy did
wouldn't he have been able to already do this with information gathered on binance?

>> No.52290232
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Wtf is anyone doing with those,denm is really heartbroken that you can see the future in GSD,it got a lot of juicy shit, It also has a cross chain yield aggregator that gives yield farmers the best APR. I can't wait for their governance token to launch.

>> No.52290348
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Know what I love about this saga? A free market without interference of the D.C. jew (both companies outside the U.S. jurisdiction), takes out bad actors quick and clean. No red tape asking permission to acquire etc. The market sorts itself out. God bless capitalism.

>> No.52290416
File: 67 KB, 1024x1024, based dept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true, I really hope congress just hurries up and regulates the fuck out of chinkzing zhaozheng's butthole

>> No.52290425

Did you forget about alameda?

>> No.52290445

oy vey

>> No.52290470

you must be new here

>> No.52290613

I mean what’s the point even bothering with paid shills when this is all you get? Jews are so dumb it hurts

>> No.52290699

I will never side with the jew

>> No.52291225

Which exchange is this?
I also deposited to long BTC with 25x on Takepile, do you think I'll survive this?

>> No.52291687

CZ is a GOD you fucking babbling drooling pleblian.

>> No.52292545

true. scam broke fraud lol so generous he gave his whole exchange away

>> No.52292599
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I tried to tell you. The market makers are known demons. CZ is a Death Knight of Malta, don't get fooled by his twink appearance.

>> No.52292778

You will survive if you apply DCA
Is take pile an exchange pajeet?

>> No.52292836


maybe you shouldn't have spent the last several decades trying to destroy the west by overrunning western countries with niggers and muslims and spreading globohomo, then we'd consider you kikes part of the west.

As is of course I'm glad when chinese gentiles break the jewish stranglehold.

China is literally the last hope for gentiles to overthrow jewish globohomo

>> No.52293712

All this is a jewish setup to go after Binance/CZ and by that I mean the deep-state (jews) in US really needs a half-assed excuse to bring down entire crypto industry and Bitcoin - so that they can focus on their global wars and enslavement of goyim.
Bitcoin stands in the way both in Ukraine and in Syria.

>> No.52293778
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Yes, it's a perpdex on fantom network that offers no slippage with real yield, haven't you heard of it before?

>> No.52293803
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FTT less than $3 now.

Holy shit it's amazing to see this 1s graph...

>> No.52293904

My portfolio is eating shit.
On a positive note I managed to beat Polargeist on Geometry Dash today. I guess soon I can move into a twitch streamer pod and eat goyslop every day.

>> No.52294020

Just don’t use these exchanges lol, just trade literally elsewhere

Problem: solved

>> No.52294098

If Binance becomes too powerful, they will literally be able to hard fork BTC and take control.

>> No.52294780

And BTC will die its deserved death: this outdated, centralized piece of tech does not belong to to 2020s desu

>> No.52294825

to the* 2020s

>> No.52295067


>> No.52295119


>> No.52295502

Not at all, It's a new one, I guess. I'm familiar with gmx and dydx