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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52282494 No.52282494 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder if you held icp during this past rally ,
you missed out on an easy 2x you could have made with avax,bnb or algo .

>> No.52282506


>> No.52282555
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this piece of shit couldn't handle 500 transactions and had to freeze defi for maintenance.

>> No.52282584

no it didnt, some shitcoin exchange did

>> No.52282630 [DELETED] 
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>> No.52282686
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eat a bag of dicks you fucking scammer , go kys with ur shitcoin

>> No.52282740

I went all in yesterday
How fucked am i
Im already down 30k

>> No.52282774
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Maximum pain. No rug necessary.

>> No.52282852
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Your bag, ser

>> No.52282882

None of those three tickers you mentioned did a 2x
Also didn't some ICP shitcoin do a 10x? I saw some threats about it.

>> No.52282898


>> No.52282905

It rugged and froze transactions because icp can't scale and handle 500tx an hour , it's in maintenance enow

>> No.52282931
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>first attempt at defi
>shuts down the first hour of trading

>> No.52283019
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dumb nigger we have icpswap.com and sonic.ooo This is not the first defi on ICP. Just because 1 chinese defi had a temporary issue within the first week of trading it doesn't mean all of ICP defi is shit. Just stick to sundae swap's 7 tps. infinityswap is coming soon, too. it's going to blow your retard brains into the stratosphere.

>> No.52283037

>it rugged
>it's in maintenance
Why would it be in maintenance if it rugged?

>> No.52283048
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chinks are angry , the only people keeping this shitcoin afloat are them , imagine the second they change their mind and start dumping their bags you moron

>> No.52283059

what icey piss alts are you bullish on?

>> No.52283075
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>what icey piss alts are you bullish on?
CHAT, that is all. I hold avocados, donge, dogmi, and many more.

>> No.52283154
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A wise anon in a sea of bizraeli retards. You unironically tried.

>> No.52283161

hourly reminder, if you staked sylo when you bought icp, you would have been a fucking rich dude living your miserable life

>> No.52283173

*insect noise intensify*

>> No.52283189
File: 13 KB, 244x253, 4922F595-4C08-4642-980D-0285A5D98777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ICP is a scam and Moonman is a scammer.

>> No.52283431

TF you talking about? earning 45% passively is 10x better than loosing your shit to a shitcoin that will never rise again.

>> No.52283443

i dont trust you either

>> No.52284042
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>> No.52284738

>white people are now proud of buying the worst performing coin top 100 coin of the last 5 years

>> No.52284752

piece of shit blogchain

>> No.52284867

I miss the old I see pee pensioners falling down stairs memes back when this tech in joke was treated appropriately and before it became a /biz/ PnD shitcoin. MUH DATACEBTERE ON A BLOOCKCHAIN BECAIUSE BUSINESSES ALWAYS PUT THEIR SHIT ON AN IMPOSSIBLY SLOW NETWORK WITH NO UNDERPINNING CONTRACT SLA WHERE VOTING RIGHTS ARE HELD BY RANDOM TARDS . MAYBE NOT?

>> No.52284979

ICP BTC integration will start the next bull run.
Screencap this

>> No.52285002

polygon has literally 3 x'd from 0.40 to 1.20 since the 17.8k bottom.

>> No.52285037

icp bagholders really are a special kind of retard

>> No.52285072

>number of cross canister calls to exceed the IC output message queue limits 500
kek, that's a real fancy way to spell can't scale

>> No.52285201

daily reminder you live in a third world shithole and you’ll never leave it
buying more pees

>> No.52285375

45% is ok but what about staking and getting 5000% APY for 12 months on LOOP. You know it's going to drop so it's better to get in early

>> No.52285508

The fact that this lives rent free means there is something to it. Too bad it has such horrible monthly unlocks until June 2025.

>> No.52285560

It's below 5 dollars now? Holy shit I feel bad for you guys I thought it bottomed out at 9

>> No.52285629
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>LINK $8.80
>ICP $4.85

>> No.52285663

I remember anons shilling this when it was $60 kek that moonman gook really did a number on you faggots

>> No.52285716

And icp 2x and everybody that’s fudding conveniently seems to forget that

>> No.52285763
File: 53 KB, 477x596, 982C67E4-BA17-431E-9D45-569E0286DA87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop it

>> No.52285790

RLC pumped harder than ICP this run, let that sink in no oilers.

>> No.52287036
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if $4.60 breaks it unironically over pissbros. this is titanium support and we're about to test it for the third time. if it breaks we'll see capitulation to $2.95 fuck this gay market

>> No.52287169
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>> No.52287220


>> No.52287288

reminder the core team and the nodes have incentives opposite of holders

>> No.52287416

fuck off Raj. Literal retard

>> No.52287424

lmao ftx actually bringing attention to bitdao. people are realizing how insane the L1 is going to be. This crap is dead.