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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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5226740 No.5226740 [Reply] [Original]

Brothers, the Prophet of Prophits has been visited by the crypto gods once again and instructed to pass the message on.

They were angered by the weak hands during the cycle they predicted around SIBOS, and allowed the price to remain low to punish those who would be willing to sell for so cheap for their lack of faith. They didn't feel LINK holders had earned their keep in the promised land, and left us in exile.

But they've been pleased with the faith of the few who have taken these dark times instead as a time to acquire even more LINK. Blessings on you brothers, for as it was foretold you will be rewarded in proportion to your faith.

The crypto gods have once again shown me the promised land brothers, and it is beautiful. We're approaching what will become known as The Year of Chainlink, and while we've been persecuted, we will be rewarded greatly in the months and years to come. These recent swells will appear as only tiny ripples by the time we've reached where the crypto gods will Chainlink goes.

Blessings on you brothers. I have returned with great news. It has been foretold.

>> No.5226912

I was wondering where u went

>> No.5226988

Have stink-links gone too far?

>> No.5227206


I was exiled along with my brothers, and the crypto gods chose to test me as their messenger. With no updates, I didn't want to intervene with each brother's choice of having faith or not.

They're now pleased with the recruits we have among our ranks, and are willing to share with them the promised land. We have passed their test brothers, and we shall be rewarded in proportion to our faith as it was foretold.

Blessings upon you.

>> No.5227231
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>The tipping extensions
Chrome : https://github.com/VladimirPewtin/CHANCOIN-TippingExtension/releases/download/0.0.5/CHANCOIN_TippingExtension.crx

Firefox : https://github.com/VladimirPewtin/CHANCOIN-TippingExtension/releases/download/0.0.5/CHANCOIN_TippingExtension.xpi



Official: /wCA5wN5

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in progress

in progress

>JS/Ruby/C/C++ developers are welcome in the team!



>> No.5227232
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>> No.5227311

Thx for the person who sold me some link at .14 btw.

>> No.5227414


Yes, agreed brother. While the faithless saw these low prices as dark times, the faithful have truly been blessed. My stack is now 12x the size, and I'm sure many other brothers have come away with even more.

We will all be rewarded in proportion to our faith brothers. It is only the faithless ones who have lost. It has all been foretold.