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File: 210 KB, 2526x1600, Skycoin-Cloud-BW-Vertical-on_black@2x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5225140 No.5225140 [Reply] [Original]

>fast tx and with no fees
>unlimited tx rate
>low power usage
>no miners or block rewards
>superior consensus mechanism to everything out there

>mesh network that pays you in coins for providing bandwidth
>similar to tor or bittorrent but you will be paid to run a node

>like meths ERC20 except its better
>every coin gets its own blockchain
>cx programming language (similar to go)

>energy efficient hardware plattform
>first 300 units are shipped in the following weeks

Get in before January or get left behind

>> No.5225218

Fuck. Yes. Lol. Skycoin is going to save us from net neutrality desu. So hyped about this.

>> No.5225298

If i read comments like this it really makes me feel bad for buying all those sky when it was first mentioned 4 months ago. I love the project and the gains I made but you faggots need to get a grip

>> No.5225433

If you are the same OP that made me buy this shit last month....Thanks for the gains
This definitely one of the coins I will be holding long term.
If they can deliver and I am positive they will, then this will be my antshares of 2018.

>> No.5225813

I think it will be even bigger than antshares, which was shilled to me by another anon on here and now I will give something back to my fellow bizraelis.

>> No.5225892

This is DAG right?

>> No.5226063

it is

>> No.5226155
File: 13 KB, 258x192, photo5001355465208211438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This coin is such a comfy long term hold. Best of all their community figurehead Synth is /ourguy/
>encourages memes
>adderall fueled maniac and wealthy OG bitcoiner
>very redpilled about the (((ruling elite))) and the games they play

>> No.5226489
File: 97 KB, 500x701, skygoyn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides all that they seem like competent coders and this coin has everything it needs to go parabolic.
Look at all those shitcoins with nothing getting pumped left and right and this right here is still under the radar.

>> No.5226732

I'd buy this but I'm already spread out too thin between too many exchanges

>> No.5226845

In that case maybe just buy the otc sale and keep them in the wallet
I did it and feel maximum comfy.

>> No.5227098

Unrelated, but what's the best exchange to use? Poloniex, GDAX, Bitfinex, or Bittrex?

>> No.5227271

At the moment it is only available on cryptopia and on otc.skycoin,net
next.exchange is gonna list it soon after it opens up and with the project gaining traction I guess bigger exchanges will follow soon. There are rumours bout binance but take it with a big grain of salt since you never know.

>> No.5227307

For skycoin or just in general? Skycoin is only on cryptopia.

I'd recommend avoiding poloniex and bitfinex. Both have a history of shadiness and may pull an exit scam one day.

>> No.5227361

how does this compare to XRB/Byteball?

>> No.5227422

what is so special about this coin?

also this >>5227361

>> No.5227624

There is the coin which is used like any other cryptocurrency but with no fees and instant transactions.

You have the skywire component which is its own decentralized internet and you will be able to gain coins
by providing bandwidth to the people who will use it.

Skyledger is like an ERC20 platform but with everything build on top using their own blockchain
and not interfering with each other.

They have even an bbs and instant messenger build on top of it just because they can.

All of this is working right now and the first units of the skyminers will be shipped in the following days to build the skywire testnet.

>> No.5227649

is it mineable?

>> No.5227650


what's so special is that it is still swimming under the radar considering all this

>> No.5227681
File: 16 KB, 507x99, 1492283048391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Binance, gdax, and etherdelta is all you need

>> No.5227712

I see. thanks anon. i'll toss a couple hundred in

>> No.5227871

basically if you still don't hold any skycoin you're a straight up retard

>> No.5228008

20 dollars a coin???

>> No.5228023
File: 278 KB, 454x712, sky_miner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can mine it (forward packets) once their skywire mainnet is live probably in Q1 2018. They'll have miners you can buy or DIY guides to build your own.

Not even memeing when I say that if they deliver with skywire then mining this coin early on will be like mining ETH early on.

>> No.5228137 [DELETED] 

i thought we were over the whole mining thing...
also the token distribution seems pretty shady

>> No.5228400 [DELETED] 

basically whale food at this point

>> No.5228439

Valid concerns, maybe this coin isn't for you. I'm not intending to hard sell this. Just hoping to show anons what I think is a legitimately good opportunity once you can mine it.

>> No.5228605

thanks for the answers anon

what do you think is best investment longterm if you had to pick one between EOS, Nexus, Skycoin?

these are all 3.0 blockchains that bypass net neutrality issues right?

>> No.5228723

Why not just buy all of them
Stop being poor

>> No.5228829

I'm literally saving my last btc core for skyminers

Feels good holding the silver bullet that will take down both vampires and werewolves.

>> No.5228958

Skycoin*hodl = Skycoin hours which will be redeemable/have function

some people have been collecting skycoin hours since 2012 so better start saving up now.

Biggest problem is we need cryptopia to update to divisible skycoin so it doesn't cost $40 to withdraw (1 SKY). That or process my fucking verification so I can withdraw them in bigger batches. I'm not paying $30 withrawal tax for every 150 sky. If I wanted to do that I'd just buy core

>> No.5229006

I made the first ever skyBBS shitpost yesterday. I'm a fucking pioneer!

>> No.5229194

I don't know much about EOS. Its marketcap is already high making its growth potential lower than Nexus or Sky. It seems like a good project and will probably make some nice gains but not enough to interest me.

I don't have any Nexus right now but I really like Colin and what he's doing with Nexus. The scope of their project is more limited than Sky's and they seem farther behind in development than Sky. I'll probably buy some later if the price stays low.

>> No.5229312

>muh decentralized internet
what's stopping the isps from banning this? this is a direct competitor to them

>> No.5229549

First, they have to identify skywire's traffic, but that is very diffcult, because there's many apps on skywire, and each app has its own traffic identity.
Second, they've been trying to censor the internet for years. They're incompetent at best

>> No.5229692

that would be illegal and if they aren't sued to death they will lose to a competitor.

>> No.5229737

I've been lurking their telegram now for the past 2 weeks trying to decide if I'm going to buy.

I have concluded that I will not be buying SKY due to the fact that its unlikely to pay returns until at least 1 year from now. In that time, I fully expect the speculative crypto bubble to burst and for altcoins to drop in price. I will pick up SKY for pennies on the dollar sometime in Q2 2018.

>> No.5229912

You lurk for 2 years and decide to leave now after they finally start getting noticed and volumes finally going up?

Come on you are better than this biz

>> No.5230039

Can you still buy in on these hardware miners?

>> No.5230324

ye cost 1 btc each tho lmao

should just rather until mainnet is live then build your own out of a 8 orange pis

>> No.5230544

Cool, I'll get some DYOR, sounds promising. Thanks.

>> No.5230788
File: 184 KB, 720x1174, DQ-QYtmU8AAu7TQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to sign up to a wait list on their website. The first batch are all claimed I believe but they'll start selling them in larger quantities for $600 each after the initial ones ship.

Or like this anon says build your own >>5230324