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File: 42 KB, 378x444, privacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5222833 No.5222833 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5222854

No they are useless and will never get mass adoption

>> No.5222865

Monero will be 1000 by eoy 2018.
Verge will be $10 by eoy 2018

>> No.5222875

Screencapped for when they moon as hard as the most successful alt coins.

>> No.5222890

none of the coins you can buy today will

>> No.5222895


>> No.5222896
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>> No.5222910


110%. They won't be market dominant, but they will easily have their own share. You should own some xmr, xvg if you're a fanboy.

Remember the ASIC resistant run we had in October? YOu'll see that once people start realising that cashing out and paying taxes invovles going through every trade you did. Not even joking. Met with an accountant last week and I contacted the revenue commission too. Depends where you're from obviously. But if you're in Ireland, you better have adecent portion in a private coin, off to wallet, and poof.

>> No.5223016

Yes, especially the near future with taxing season coming up.

>> No.5223797

>taxing season

Dude this years taxes are filed in over year.

>> No.5223915

>uug €5m to investigate how to break a blockchain.
the elite vs. open source global community
they have no chance, they just need to look like they're trying

>> No.5224309

Yup. 5m eu project is nohing. I doubt they can even focus in one tech.

I am involved in 8m h2020 projects and I can tell you that they have absolutely no hope.

>> No.5224512

Looks like Verge is fucked with its meme protocol.

Seriously optional security is for cucks and showing actual value transfer (even if it blocks out sender/receiver) is going to land people in hot water.

>> No.5224725
File: 2.12 MB, 1920x1080, Skycoin-Desktop-Blockchain-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of those can still be network attacked. Skycoin is the only one that fixes this problem, by having created it's own secure encrypted networking protocol.

>> No.5224801

If you had to invest in one or the other, which? And why?

>> No.5224923


This faggot thinks that is easy to do a 51% attack on a decentralized coin like monero


Also skycoin

>> No.5224956

Zencash is the most undervalued privacy coin out right now. Messaging, transactions, publishing.

>> No.5225015

Transparent blockchain


Optional privacy


>> No.5225106


>> No.5225158

this, but XMR is still undervalued desu

>> No.5225220
File: 292 KB, 1183x1674, 7FB8AE75-CAF3-44A8-B76A-ACF3C70B8C26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monero. Solid, respected dev team. Does several planned hardforks without contention to regularly improve security. Hardware wallet support and tor routing coming soon.

>> No.5225274

plus, monero is (being) implemented in dark net markets alongside bitcoins. druggies will buy to get their fix, no matter what. It's something to rely on aside from other events that decide its value.

I'm an absolute fucking brainlet but even I can see Monero's promising future.

>> No.5225297
File: 386 KB, 718x369, xmr-718x369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5225308

I have faith in the Chinese to starting increasing use of privacy coins to avoid government regulations about sending money outside of the country. I have 20% of my portfolio in XMR and only 3% in XVG since it's a meme coin. I'm currently looking into KMD.

>> No.5225326

Bitcoin is being dropped from DNMs, they're moving to Bitcoin Cash because of Core's fuckery.

>> No.5225333


>> No.5225360

I see. I'm sorry for not giving the full picture.
I guess BCC is a worthwhile investment as well, then.

>> No.5225411

Sorry, wasn't shitting on xmr just bitcoin. xmr is still much better for illicit activity.

>> No.5225434

Only dream have started to accept Bcc. Given that there are basically no markets at the moment, that doesn't mean much. I think Monero will end up being the most widely used dnm coin

>> No.5225531

This is the most polite conversation I have ever seen on 4chan

>> No.5225773

No need. Your post was informative and I agree that monero seems like the better choice for illicit activities

>Given that there are basically no markets at the moment, that doesn't mean much
true. the few markets competing with dream are incompetent and problematic.

>> No.5225830

Monero is unfortunately the only one that can be considered worth two shits and actually private/anonymous.

I wish there were competition, but ZEC relies on trusted setup, and the rest are just total dogshit.

ZEN, despite the trusted setup, is still relatively under bought though.

>> No.5226359

You've been reading shill posts then

>> No.5227274

not talking about 51% dumbo
I'm talking about network based attacks, all of those coins are still using tcp/ip protocol, except skycoin.

>> No.5227306

Don't you think that Monero is a better investment now? BCC had a huge increase in the last few days.
I'm wondering which of the two I should buy in now.

>> No.5227342

I think Monero is the better long-term investment: hodling for a long time in order to make a profit.
I have no experience with dealing with BCC, sorry.

>> No.5227371

These may be good but you are missing ZCoin, ZenCash, PIVX, and Dash.

>> No.5227416

Also Cloak. Once the audit is complete it will pull a Dash.

>> No.5227431
File: 23 KB, 492x280, cloak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How has Cloak not been mentioned yet? Great coin with very small volume. Kind of broke out the other day but it's been doing well. I think of all the privacy coins it has the most potential. Great network of people behind it and it's price has risen over the past few days, but not in a rapid manner that screams pump n dump, like verge

>> No.5227460


any idea on when that will happen? I recently picked up a few, I know they have some stuff going on this week

>> No.5227701
File: 653 KB, 1284x4300, cloakexplain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


an explanation of CLOAK for those who are interested

>> No.5227759

>privacy coins
>coins plural
There's only one privacy coin.

>> No.5227775

which is?

>> No.5227854

Until Cloak is fully open source and reviewed, it can't be trusted to be anonymous.

>> No.5227915


>> No.5227977

Also off-blockchain mixing? Why should that be trusted?

>> No.5227982

But it has no blockchain auditability and is already way up their in terms of market cap. Privacy coins with auditability should surpass it.

>> No.5228073
File: 93 KB, 800x800, 1513465090886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice shill. XMR is still being used widley on the darknet. Dream market is literally a honeypot

>> No.5228226

The blockchain being opaque is the entire feature that gives it value. Might as well use bitcoin and a mixer if you want to be able to audit transactions.