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File: 77 KB, 1290x644, 9IXVw1M[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52246995 No.52246995 [Reply] [Original]

If only you understood what they've done.

>> No.52247005

removed a bunch of liquidity. Yes. Apparently

>> No.52247011
File: 40 KB, 900x900, 1666708355693203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me

>> No.52247053

its a cryptic retarded pseudo reddit post. OP wont reply

>> No.52247103

>removed a bunch of liquidity
There is positive divisia growth, you don't think for yourself a lot do you anon?

>> No.52247158

less growth, less liquidity. Its not like that "money" is sitting idle somewhere doing nothing

>> No.52247192

>less growth, less liquidity
You should go back to shitposting on crypto threads.

>> No.52247303

And you instead of being a cryptic nigger should say what you really think. The growth rate is slowing down, maybe going negative for some time, who knows. Means the available liquidty is reduced, means crash. Or do you disagree

>> No.52247356
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Hoping crypticnegro becomes less cryptic because I wanna see where this convo heads.

>> No.52247387

my take. Monetary base is growing at a reduced pace, which spells liquidity crisis, Powells hard landing
OP apparently argues that monetary base is still growing, though inflation keeps risisng and the dollar dies why you should buy anything but the dollar

>> No.52247492
File: 99 KB, 1462x927, 1664452970670412[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>though inflation keeps risisng and the dollar dies why you should buy anything but the dollar
This sentence makes absolutely no sense.
Enjoy reading news articles on how Powell says the fed will fight inflation no matter what.

Sure large cap+ stocks crash when interest rates rise, but positive divisia indicates that more money is being injected than is being taken away through the sale of debt.
MBS used to be one of these injections. Have fun figuring out where the money is currently flowing to.

>> No.52247695

more cryptic shit
why even post?

>> No.52247879

give me a clue where it is going mr. basketball american

>> No.52247897

its flowing to crypto bro. were about to moon. i just bought another 100k stack and sitting comfy. were all gonna make it bro

>> No.52247981

>do my homework for me

>> No.52247991

again, why even post if you have nothing to say

>> No.52248015

This is as old as the central banks. Business cycles are artificially created by expanding and shrinking the money supply by raising or lowering the rates. Insiders, or people who know early enough what the FED is going to do can sell at the top and buy at the bottom. Like this you can multiply your wealth over a few business cycles and the rest stays relatively poorer than you. And all with fresh printed/lended money. Or have you thought things like WSB fund were created with sweat and hard work?

>> No.52248034

obviously not. what I am saying is that everyone is front running while cryptic niggers try to spread bullish narratives for months while its not clear if we might not see a contraction into negatives

>> No.52248054

So it's best to keep cash until rates get lowered and buy back in then. The "inflation" everyone talk about atm is only created by the oil companies who extract less oil. Sure, before covid they also increased the amount of money.

>> No.52248055

inflows to retail money markets. you cant assume this is institutional inflows into crypto, even though that is happening.

>> No.52248108

I agree, there appears to be a agenda to push people into making wrong decisions. But this Bavarian agriculture forum is definitely no good place to seek for honest financial advice.

>> No.52248111

Stay out of this thread retards

cash is what you hold when you don't know what's happening

Because retards like you who can't read balance sheet data or refuse to put in the effort to do it don't deserve to be spoonfed money. High school is over.

I'll give you guys a freebie for 5 (you)'s.

>> No.52248127

you still havent said anything, except for spreading a variation of buy the dip

>> No.52248154

>people who know early enough what the FED is going to do can sell at the top and buy at the bottom.

jpow spent months telling people what he was going to do last year

i was just a dumb cryptokid and had no idea wtf interest rates were and the impact it would have so i got rekt. but in retrospect it seems incredibly obvious you should sell everything late last year, was very telegraphed

>> No.52248178

get off your high horse retard, im partially agreeing with your thesis. dm4 rate of slope and savings rates and velocity yadda yadda yadda. doomposting is older than written history, crypto's timing is a gift to sovereign monetary policy and will be securitized. get over it.

>We are displaying on this page three broad Divisia monetary aggregates. The primary one is what we are calling Divisia M4. It is a broad aggregate, including negotiable money-market securities, such as commercial paper, negotiable CDs, and T-bills. DM4's components are similar to those of the monetary aggregate once called L, but modernized to be consistent with current market realities.a

>The aggregate DM4- (to be called "M4 minus") is DM4 minus Treasury bills. In aggregation theory, DM4 should always be preferred to DM4-, since there is no good reason to give a weight of zero to T-bills in DM4. Nevertheless, for some research purposes, it might be useful to separate the effects of monetary from fiscal policy. Including T-bills in DM4 produces an overlap. The supply of T-bills can change either from monetary-policy open-market operations or from fiscal-policy changes in debt financing.

>Divisia M3 excludes those money-market securities not issued by financial intermediaries, such as commercial paper and Treasury bills, but does include negotiable CDs and repurchase agreements. Divisia M3 may be closer than Divisia M4 to Federal Reserve actions in the policy transmission mechanism, so could be useful under some circumstances. But aggregation theory provides no reason to impute weight of zero to the highly liquid money-market securities included in DM4, but not in DM3.

>> No.52248183
File: 80 KB, 733x960, jew detected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liquidity is dry, Wall St. is going into assets again and the FED will pivot once the unemployment numbers go up and then QE will happen. We finna get rich no cap frfr

>> No.52248195

So, basically, the Phillies are a fucking lock tonight.

>> No.52248201

is this spic speak for the monetary base? The fed is draining liquidity via QT, yellen has mostly been draining through the TGA (but has stopped as of late for midterms), there are increasing inflows to money markets, and the rest sits in the reverse repo facility

>> No.52248243

>more pivot talk
I believe it when I see it.

>> No.52248334
File: 20 KB, 1306x375, SncY6uf[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your bags, baggies.
If only you knew what I know.

>> No.52248342


>> No.52248373

And he still said nothing

>> No.52248388


are you 17? Do you think posting a chart of money supply is some epic revelation? Post your current position if you are above the age of 18 and allowed to actually have a brokerage account.

>> No.52248442
File: 46 KB, 609x648, E4BwVDHVEAE_2Df[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon still hasn't given me free money boohoo :'(

>chart of money supply
This is not the money supply. This is a sector to which a lot of new fed money is and will be flowing.

>> No.52248446

When liquidity is scarce it means dollars are few and assets are plenty. I'd bet the wealth is interested in whatever is scarce rather than whatever is plenty.

>> No.52248451

>Free money
are you going to make it?
Post position, its getting annoying

>> No.52248476

OP just spill the beans, enough with the larp

>> No.52248511
File: 136 KB, 1438x956, epSChYU[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a larp. I've already made it.
Enjoy original pic.

>> No.52248552


>> No.52248592

Don't look too much into it. Powell was grabbed off Google and the other 2 are Imgur generated. Original file of original pic was too big so I just greenshotted it.

Say thank you in advance and I'll give some clear hints bros.