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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52241314 No.52241314 [Reply] [Original]

RLC seems to be doing a lot recently, is this an old hidden gem? https://medium.com/iex-ec/project-update-november-2022-web3-incubator-product-improvements-ontochain-community-programs-6cc24fa51d0f

>> No.52241330

RLC is for eooropoors

>> No.52241398

I'm starting to think it's going to pump really hard because it's old and still going strong, usually that's a perfect combination for mooning

>> No.52241412

>RLC seems to be doing a lot recently,
lazy french fucks havent done anything in 3 years

>> No.52241463
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>*siiiiiiiiiiiippppp* yeeeeepppp

>> No.52241469

>willfully ignores anything they do
Stay poor I guess?

>> No.52241509

I sold at $10
keep holding I guess :)

>> No.52241528

Okay? Are you going to buy back or keep being ignorant?

>> No.52243210

Why is no one talking about it? It's taking off

>> No.52243227

Because is digital dogshit
Get on board with a real project that doesn't name itself 'digital scum'

>> No.52243249

We named it newfag

>> No.52244350

price target?

>> No.52244665

100+ next year

>> No.52244699
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>> No.52244711

Checked and solded

>> No.52245217

>he fell for the black guy works at iExec FUD
Top kek

>> No.52245713

Serious question, what do they have that makes this something to throw a few shekles into?
Partnerships? Any big dapps or projects that are actually making money in the real world?
Not trying to hate or shill, I really want to know.
Please provide links so I can go down the RLC rabbit hole.

>> No.52245718

Just read their twitter.

>> No.52245757

>what do they have
biz bagholders
>that makes this something to throw a few shekles into?

>> No.52245764

man, I'm asking a serious question. Don't direct me to twitter which is a fucking platform of Bullshit.
Tell me some real shit, fucking XRP schizos and every other coin can rattle off tons of partnerships and everything else.
why the fuck do you RLC shills direct me to twitter.
Tell me something that is substantial, not twitter.

>> No.52245771

There is nothing. Move along.

>> No.52245776
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The truth is I'm still NSMDO and the truth is I'm so fucking NSMDO, and the truth is I've been so fucking NSMDO for so fucking long and for just as long have been pretending I'm not bag holding, just to get along, just for, I don't know why, maybe because no one wants to hear about my bags, because they have their own, and their own is too overwhelming to allow them to listen to or care about mine. Well, fuck everybody

>> No.52245788

That's what I thought, bullshit French coin with nothing of worth.
You can't even tell me one partnership that is worth a fuck.

>> No.52245796

>He buys coins based on "partnerships"
What is this, 2017?

>> No.52245802

The epitome of every crypto bagholder cult. Prob spends 20 hours a day here but if anyone asks about their cult:

>dude just read the whitepaper, we dont have time to answer

>> No.52245813

>He wants me to post a book at 7AM

>> No.52245837

Stupid fuck, if your protocol has zero partners what good is it? No one is buying it? It does nothing, it's worthless.
Partnerships mean that big money players see value in your shitcoin.
Any frog can write a white paper and make an Idea sound good.
But what the fuck does it do, you can't even name a dapp that does something the chains don't.
And you try to insult partnerships, typical Algerian nigger frog.
kys you fucking moron.

>> No.52245842

You are dumb but nice try, institutions will buy this up in a year or less.

>> No.52245863

I am way smarter than you faggot, tell me why institutions will buy this?
They just don't buy retard, it has to do something. How the fuck are you this stupid? Christ even Hbar shills can point to projects and large institutions that are on board with their protocol.
You must be a Europoor because only Eurotrash is this fucking stupid.
Give me some facts instead of just jumping from Lilly pad to Lilly pad.

>> No.52245875

truebit is for autists

>> No.52245888

iExec does unique things that no other tech in crypto does, many of which will increase profitability of many tech companies.
There's many things happening that I do not care to inform you of. I will not go into complexities. I get off to reading your mouth dribble knowing that you will end up poor. I only come here to spread the line to retards like you and watch as you make the mistake of missing it.

>> No.52245926

How many to actually make it make it
Price targets next bull?

>> No.52245935
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I think it's because it does nothing or you are too fucking stupid to explain it.
>I will not go into complexities
Top kek, so you are a fucking moron, and you don't understand what you are shilling right?
The fact you won't inform me of what's happening says worlds about you and this shit coin.
So it tells me you are a stupid wagecuck shill, who doesn't understand what he's shilling.
And your shitcoin does absolutely nothing, right anon? Because everyone can at least name the "complexities".
If you work for them you should be fired, but there is a nigger in the photo working the booth so...

>> No.52245938

>The fact you won't inform me

>calls me the moron
Inform yourself, moron.

>> No.52245976

Wow, this way Euro's like yourself are the dumbest niggers on planet earth.
I asked you to post one link, and you couldn't even do that.
How pathetic are you wagie? Most people who are not nigger level retarded like yourself would post one link showing how complex their shitcoin is. You can't eve explain it! Top fucking kek, even LunaC shills can pitch their project better.
You are obviously a broke nigger or pajeet just shilling shitcoins on /biz.
Kys wagie, seriously we have a crisis of resources and you don't deserve any.

>> No.52245989

I'm not a Europeon.
Either way, like I said, I don't care to inform you because you can do that yourself, unless you're a retard which you so vehemently disagree with.

>> No.52246156

Don't buy the fucking coin then.
If all the info was easily to obtain and the project was all up and running it would be x100 marketcap now retard. That's the risk/reward. Now go buy some dog shit DEX coin while us RLC boys make it

>> No.52246184

>baby hungie, spoon feed me!!!
>willtle baby hungie tummy mommy sppon feed baby now!!

>> No.52246294

guy who posted the pic here.
Shills are not answering you because they are unable to do so.
Iexec doesn't solve anything, there is no need for computing to be decentralized, name one thing that is so shady that you can't use Google cloud to do for your business. Its honestly fascinating how this project is still around. I bought some in 2018 just for fun and nothing ever happened.

>> No.52246448

When will the marketplace products be available for retail?

>> No.52246476
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Come on anons, at least lead this guy to the water...let him decide whether to drink or not

Go all the way to the bottom of their medium and start scrolling up. Take a read through anything you find interesting. Try to understand what it does and what it allows for that wasn't possible before. Good luck

>> No.52246531

The only reason they're still around is that their raised ETH from the ICO went 20x in USD price.
iExec will keep durdling around for years to come slowly cashing out these funds into their own pockets.
5.5 years of "development" and nothing to show for. RLC is still an ERC20 token with no use.
Even if iExec's "marketplace" ever gets finished then users will simply make a fork that uses ETH instead of RLC for transactions.

>> No.52246575

why does this coin have buy and sell orders for 37.5 RLC every satoshi on Binance on the BTC pair?
i get that they're bot orders but i haven't seen an order book look like that for other coins on binance, just RLC. maybe i just haven't noticed

>> No.52246614

Interesting, could this be to help keep the price stable/keep it trading within a specific range? The insiders/enterprise entities who trade and likely use this already would not want big movements in valuation drawing public attention before their positions are fully established.

>> No.52246621
File: 227 KB, 1284x772, 5D5B7EDE-4278-4645-A6E2-F31095BB45AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now an Icp thread. Eventually they all turn into icp threads. I’d be happy to answer any of your questions concerning the protocol this thread is about! Icp.

>> No.52246643

Classic bag holder
Coping. Not saying you’re wrong, just re-read your post and notice how schizo it is. Price suppression, lol. C’mon anon, wake-up and smell the toast burning

>> No.52246645

Because there isn't enough supply to fill those gaps and all exchanges run bots with user account coins to prevent crazy slippage pumps which is why you rarely see large pump and dumps anymore.

>> No.52246657

Desperation from ICP retards is the best. Biz is just 247 ICP retard balding bagholders crying that no one will pump the unpumpable.

>> No.52246705

247 is a little generous, and I feel there’s at least a few of us that are not malding.
Have RLC holders figured out that the useless token is totally separate from the foundation yet? Or is that still a source of confusion for this ‘kind’ of ‘investor’?

>> No.52246718

I don't think you've been paying much attention

>> No.52246746
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D'awwww, he hasn't understood the big picture by now. It's all going to be alright, little guy.

>> No.52246758

I have not, no. To RLC? Why? what could I have possibly missed? Token not needed, foundation not building and not connected with coin, what am I missing? What’s Giles driving these days?

>> No.52246765

Everything will make sense before you know it

>> No.52246857

you realize none of that matters, right? whales buy at low values, pump the price up, then dump on late comers. simple as that. what the coin does is largely irrelevant
look at dogecoin. it does nothing of value yet it doubled within a few days. why? because whales bought at low values and pumped it to dump on late comers. simple as

>> No.52246891

Ok, I’m holding my breath

>> No.52246932

The best trade of my life was buying iexec for pennies and dumbing at $14 on like July 12 or something in 2021. I get it, however, you can’t time when the pump will happen and not being a whale means you will largely miss whatever liquidity they are pumping into the system- and if you’re buying RLC for a p and d, literally buy any coin at that point- and the anons in this thread are excited about RLC tech- so they don’t think it’s a pump and dump. Apparently RLC bridging to ANOTHER erc20 token like polygon is really exciting for them. I’m attempting to sus out why this group is excited but I’ve just been given platitudes like ‘oh, you’ll learn!’

>> No.52247047

>The RLC swinger is an ICP retard shill
Who would have thought

>> No.52247052

so tell me, why did you originally buy RLC? congrats on your profit margin there btw

>> No.52247214

Token not needed in any kind. We will remember the failure of the e-rlc.

>> No.52247826

I like how they hyped that up so much, literally no one bought it outside the minimum required to launch, then they just pretend it never existed now kek

>> No.52248276

sui stack and make it stack ?

>> No.52248500

Only 10k people can hold 8700 RLC. You need at least this much to make it.
Get 870 to not kill yourself.