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File: 1.27 MB, 545x875, womenmentality2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52241993 No.52241993 [Reply] [Original]

Is going to medical or dental school a good financial investment?

>> No.52242008

>tfw girlboss to hard

>> No.52242039

>muh girl boss
Why is it that when women accomplish something that any retard could like watering the plants, getting a degree, parking the car, they always say some shit like GIRL POWER FEMININITY POWER or some shit? Why is it that when men brag they don't bring their sex into it?

>> No.52242110

>permanently traps her mind in the (((demiurge's))) materialist pharmacological grift so that she can feel like she's more than a hole
cattle like the rest

>> No.52242418

Women unironically do not have brains. If you open their skull, there is nothing in there.

>> No.52242483

Females need social support, it’s biological. They can achieve some similarity to males in status, wealth, and security, but without socialization females would kill themselves. Recognize all* females are whores.

*.01% are autistic and are not whores.

>> No.52242553

You know the answer to that.

>> No.52242621
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Low expectations

>> No.52242708

too. tard.

>> No.52242963
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>> No.52242991

I think that's pretty impressive. This guy probably had to fight warlords and pillage tons of poor african villages to build his computer.

>> No.52243019

It would be weird if you met a girl who bragged in a masculine way, like how huge of a shit she just took or how much money she lost gambling.

>> No.52243071


>> No.52244864

>without socialization females would kill themselves
This. It is also physically impossible for a woman to have fun without telling anyone.

>> No.52244874

>It would be weird if you met a girl who bragged in a masculine way
I take it you haven't been to an American university

>> No.52244879

I fucking hate women on tik tok

>> No.52244912

Not in the UK at least. You will just be replaced by either an Indian or a Physicians Associate

All just to make £14 an hour with £70k debt

>> No.52244936


Good fuck all doctors, I can't wait for PAs to get prescribing rights to hurt them even more.

Should have studied something conceptually difficult like chemical engineering or computer science.

>> No.52244946

Chicago warlords

>> No.52245022

Jesus is the pay really that bad there? I know it's pretty shit for MDs in most of Southern Europe but I thought the glorious NHS would pay more than retail.

>> No.52245048


He’s omitting the fact when you leave medical school you’re still in training and this base salary is only for 2 years, when you chose a speciality it goes up to £45 - 57K (base) depending how long you train for, as a consultant or GP you’re easily earning £100K all within 10-15 years of graduating medical school (so by the time you’re 40) with insane job security no matter how average you are at your job.

University debt here means nothing so it’s a complete red herring, doctors and medical students just love to complain. They all wallow about how they wish they studied finance, engineering, law or whatever like they’d be on 100k by age 30 if they did but 99% of doctors don’t have the charisma or talent to work in the private sector.

>> No.52245097

Did he pick through one of those giant trash piles you see in documentaries to get the part for that computer?

>> No.52245113

Probably. I earn more than the average doctor doing the code meme but it's unfulfilling, antisocial work that nobody respects. If I could turn back the clock I'd definitely go into law or medicine, unfortunately I was an ADHD spastic incapable of serious study

>> No.52245168

I'm a doctor in Austria and it's a very feminized profession now, you incels couldn't take it, I barely can
I wish I could do something where my undeniable smarts become more visible but these golden handcuffs are oh so tight

>> No.52245459

why do you guys post so many of these unfunny bitches tik toks?

>> No.52245539

to mock then and let people see how stupid females are is why I post shit like that on occasion. I assume its the same for the rest.

>> No.52245686
File: 628 KB, 1600x739, uehara_ayaka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm from the US. I went to high school with a guy who I thought was fucking retarded and he ended up getting into the UTSA dental school and now I'm sure he makes about $200k a year in his practice. I make the same amount in tech sales but it took me a little while to get where I am. My job is WFH though, so I win.

Anyone can definitely make it with the medical route but if you enter the medical professions, your undergrad days will be devoid of 90% of the fun that literally every other major gets to have since you are too busy studying to make A's and a high MCAT so you can get into a good med school. Then, 4 years of medical school will be pure hell. 16+ hours of studying daily. You have to be REALLY good at memorizing shit to really succeed. If you are not so good, it's Family/Internal medicine for you, which is the bottom paying rung of all the medical professions. By the way, even after you have a fucking professional doctorate, enjoy getting paid like a teacher (~$50k/yr) for 4 years while working 16+ hour days while you are a resident bitch at some shithole (think Jasper, Texas) hospital until you actually have the right to earn full pay, which should start about about $180k for a basic family medicine doc. If you are some kind of savant genius (top 1% of a high ranked med school), you could get into a top residency neurosurgery and $700k after a SEVEN year residency. This is definitely an edge case though; these folks are not normal.

Personally, I suck at memorizing but have highly desired analytical and tech skills. I also know to speak to customers and do consultative selling (hint: it's nothing like car sales). I am ok with my job. It's easy, pays pretty well for my area (Texas), and I can even work on my size /biz/ at the same time. I seriously thought about becoming a doctor and realized that the ROI is not really worth it for me. For some people, I guess if you have a photographic memory, and really want to give back, it can be worth it.

>> No.52245730

strange pasta

>> No.52246096

Not a pasta. Why is it strange? It's my personal experience and I was bored this morning, so I wrote it.

>> No.52246149

>any retard

>> No.52246165

you must not live in america

>> No.52246181

It is now faggot

>> No.52246187

75 iq shitposting Filipinos cannot tell the difference between a copypasta and an effort post. Don't worry about it.

>> No.52246190

>flu is pandemic because media manipulated data
most doctors are midwit npcs

>> No.52246209

Yeah. Any retard. North America is full of absolutely retarded subhuman "doctors", especially through the VA. Weird mystery meat mumblers who don't speak English are incredibly common, and they have no clue how to diagnose anything. They do absolute bare minimum and do not practice actual medicine.

>> No.52246210
File: 2.09 MB, 1154x1500, icp brain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure feel free to post it but let's get it straight: I don't have sex with men unlike (You).

Browns really are dumb. It's almost as if they failed to evolve.

Bonus: I am a white man that has invests in ICP.

>> No.52246214

no such thing
ok incel
because it’s the norm not exception

>> No.52246217

most of those dudes have medical degrees from foreign medical universities that have way lower standards than domestic med schools. even osteopathic medical schools are leagues above caribbean/indian/african/chinese med schools.

>> No.52246529

What is this delusion girls have that they have "being a trophy wife" as a valid fallback option? I have to assume they're being facetious.

>> No.52246801

Implying she couldn’t bag a 500k per annum guy after a week of swiping on dating apps.

>> No.52246847

hello out of touch blackpilled incel, if you could stop doomscrolling through 4channel and telegram women hate groups you'd realize how warped your sense of reality is and that being an incel is 95% by choice.

>> No.52246870
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>> No.52246912

If you post anything longer than a couple sentences zoomers just automatically assume you copy and pasted it from somewhere because they personally are incapable of generating that amount of thought.

>> No.52247080

Yeah it's a cartel to protect existing doctors.

It selects for boring uncreative people who will fill out forms and work at all costs for money and social status. They will also suck as much dick as possible.

I was on a plane with a girl flying out to visit med schools for interviews (oh yeah you have an extra 16k for applications, right?). I shit you not the first question on her sheet to prepare for was "why do you want to be a doctor?". Like lmao absolute brainlets are running this shit.

>> No.52247106

>£100K... by the time you're 40
Lol. Lmao, even.

>> No.52247110

Do schools are getting as competive as Md schools now.

>> No.52247116

>involuntary celibate
>being an incel is 95% by choice

>> No.52247120

What’s the point of taking care of others when your own family is fucked up? I can’t tell you how many md families have kids that are fucked up.

>> No.52247593

If you have rich parents who will pay for it or are a master scholarship grifter yes, otherwise I think its something like a doctor and a teacher actually make the same amount of money until like age 50 when you account for the debt, time spent studying, and having to resident in some expensive shithole for 5+ years

Personally I dont care for the thought of saving and treating immigrants who came here on taxpayers dime, so being a doctor, not for me

>> No.52248192

it's a colloquial term, not a scientific one

>> No.52248406

She fell for the strong, independent woman meme

>> No.52248489
File: 133 KB, 279x512, 6519849616516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's exactly this
women congratulate each other and other handicapped people all the time
it's in their nature to defend the weak

>> No.52248588

>t. npc jabbed at doctor's recommendation

>> No.52248611

This. The only US educated doctors I see are residents in dermatology who jump ship as soon as their time is up. I hear VA pays europoor tier wages so only foreign shitters and old docs with checkered records actually stay

>> No.52248620

Cope 'doctor' lmao

>> No.52248642

Yes, if you can hack it. If you know you want to be a doctor or dentist, don't keep yourself from going to medical school because of the costs. You'll be able to pay it off later.

>If you are some kind of savant genius (top 1% of a high ranked med school), you could get into a top residency neurosurgery and $700k after a SEVEN year residency. This is definitely an edge case though; these folks are not normal.
You don't have to be a savant genius to become a heart surgeon, an orthopedic surgoen, or a neurosurgeon. These doctors are not Einstein tier gigabrain gods, they're just normal people who work very very hard.

>> No.52248651

DO schools and MD schools are about the same now. The competency of a doctor really has to be judged on a case by case basis.

>> No.52248658

wtf is a "girlbossed"?

a doctor is a doctor not some "girlboss"

>> No.52248688

my wifes a doctor, during her residency she would tell me about how the ppl she shadowed kept accidently killing patients.
>send to unneeded surgery
>die in surgical accidently
>turns out didnt even need the surgery
oopies :)))
do everything in your power to never have to see a doctor. eat healthy, exercise, etc. always get a second opinion.