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52242613 No.52242613 [Reply] [Original]

Do you support stimulus checks to stop inflation /biz/?

>> No.52242625

It's over

>> No.52242653

Yeah, so I can put it into Bitcoin. You'd be stupid not to support it.

>> No.52242661
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Chuds in Pennsylvania are blocking my state Biden bucks

>> No.52242665

it's not like they're gonna solve inflation
might as well get some money instead

>> No.52242709

Stimulus checks don't stop inflation, it increases it. Inflation Is caused by adding money to the money supply, deflation is caused by removing money from the money supply.

>> No.52242716

wow tell us more, professor
we really needed this post to spell everything out for us

>> No.52242740

Everyone in crypto should support this. It accelerates the downfall of fiat

>> No.52242752

Uhm? 63 percent of Americans disagree with you though? Are you trying to be undemocratic?

>> No.52242757

Just fucking go into the bank database and add 12 zeros to everyone's bank account. Everyone is a trillionaire. Problem solved. We all buy golden space yachts and fly into space.

>> No.52242774

Yes. The issue of inflation wouldn’t get that difficult with stimulus checks for 310 million people. It’s not like spending five to ten years buying government bonds and company bonds and bailing out banks and companies with free money because that is what increased the M2. Hanging out stimulus checks would literally be M1 and it wouldn’t make as much of a dent. But while you hand out stimulus checks raise the interest rates to 10% do it fast and give people money to survive. Prop up unemployment insurance as well in the process, create the safety net that will be required for high unemployment and then ease it as time goes on.

>> No.52242806

Money handed out to commoners will increase inflation more than balance sheet stimulus because instead of just zeroing out some debts, average people will store some of that money in their bank accounts and fractional reserve banking will take care of the rest.

>> No.52242808

>hurr need blood, sweat, tears, durr physical, mental goy slave labor to prove your worthy of hourly shekels
All the while kike of america bank just sits around all day doing nothing but lending you money that doesn't exist, now clean it up wagie until you pay me back the imaginary dough you owe me, shabborino
Boomerfag detected

>> No.52242811

The biggest problem with stimulus checks is that is probably like 10% of money they print and the rest is corporate handouts. If they just did stimulus checks it would be a massive help.

>> No.52242866

>according to a Newsweek poll
I am inclined to think that by '63% of Americans' they mean '63% of Newsweek readers who are American'. That's an important distinction, as the Newsweek reader slice of any demographic is only going to capture the barely-literate, ultra-retarded votes.

>> No.52242880

The biggest problem with stimulus checks is that it doesn't create anything real. It doesn't make any good or service easier to obtain. It just removes the ability for the free market to efficiently provide goods, so you have shortages with goods distributed randomly even if it has low value to them.

>> No.52242886

Yeah it leads to arbitrary shortages and then subsequent supply-side whiplash.

>> No.52242890

commie welfare needs to end

>> No.52242914

u r a doo doo head
spelled, u r uhhh,... doo doo head

>> No.52242940

The funny thing is that the $1200 that Americans got was a drop in the bucket for how much all of the banks and corporations got.

No UBI or student loan forgiveness, but Ukraine has gotten over 100 billion so far.

>> No.52242951

That’s what the textbook says. But somehow giving money to companies is ok. Fuck that, reality says different.

>> No.52242957

>Everyone in crypto should support this. It accelerates the downfall of fiat
crypto is fiat anon. sorry. you can just make more crypto like you can fiat...see? We have 10000+ crypto already more than fiats by far. everything you believe and think is ideocracy and you are a moron.

>> No.52242960

fucking finally. i've been waiting for my next stimmy for way too long

>> No.52242962

Yeah it's really unbalanced and screwed up, but handing out money to people doesn't exactly make things better either.

>> No.52242965

Nice try vatnik. get in your death hole and catch grenade with face now..

>> No.52242967

would you please stop it with the anti semitic remarks

>> No.52243013

Both are bad. Winners and losers, its only good if you're on the side that benefits, and only if you benefit more than the harm caused by the intervention affects you individually.

>> No.52243016

90% of our economy is based on shit that's not real. Imagine still falling for the "muh invisible hand" shit. What are you like 15 and just discovered economics?

>> No.52243035

How much does the WEF pay you?

>> No.52243047

The effects was plain as day during covid, idiot. Shortages were common right after stimmy dropped. Were you living under a rock. Of course it works like basic economics. You think the the core principles of an entire field of study is just bullshit?
>Everything fake, yo, that's my hot take.
But I'm the child, ok.

>> No.52243059

Depends on which definition of "inflation" you use. If you're going with "rising consumer prices are inflation," then yeah, handing out cash to consumers will increase it more than handing out "reserve assets" to banks. Also, I'm not sure how significant the fractional reserve part is since the fraction is now 0%. Though, I imagine banks like to keep their balance sheets looking good by having current assets, so they're probably not going all the way to zero, but they could. Also, the "reserve assets" created by QE count just as much as regular dollars on bank's balance sheet, so they'll have just as much of an effect in regards to fractional reserve banking.

>> No.52243078
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61% of Americans are also living paycheck to paycheck... hmmm?

>> No.52243089

>put extra money left over at end of month into your stock portfolio
>you are now living paycheck to paycheck according to "statistics"

>> No.52243157

The covid shortages were from supply chain shutdowns where they closed manufacturing shit in China. Also people panic buying random shit like TP. You're dumb af if you think the stimulus checks caused shortages.

>> No.52243196

You think only one thing can affect things at one time? Supply getting fucked was one thing and stimulus made it worse. The end result is shortages or price hikes, not magical creation of goods out of nowhere when the supply chain is fucked.

>> No.52243327

Asset prices since 2012 go against what you just said. Inflation hits be it in food prices or real.
Let banks fail. Raise interest rates to 10% and hand out stimulus checks again.
Let the train crash as opposed to this engineered train crash we have going right now

>> No.52243342

Oh boy talk about living under a rock.
Shit wasn’t getting made, if it was it wasn’t getting transported and delivered. That’s why you had shortages. People had the money and couldn’t spend it.
My local ikea sold out almost all their couches and weren’t going to get anymore in for a while.

>> No.52243372

And did the stimulus materialize the couch for you? No? So what are you even arguing? Shortage caused it, ok, stimulus made it worse.

>> No.52243396

This was before any stimuli
A lot of people, like me, kept getting their income during shutdowns.
A lot didn’t.
This along with a total shut down of the economy caused shortages. The stimulus helped mostly those who had nothing during shutdown and were on the brink and had their lives totally altered by the economic consequences of covid. This is why you probably spent yours in meme stocks and others bought food.

>> No.52243444

Please leave this thread and never come back

>> No.52243484

The recent California stimulus checks were given out of the state treasury because California has surplus in its budget.

>> No.52243729

fuck this gay ass clown world and fuck the fed fuck biden and fuck bailouts every time a bailout let it all collapse i hope russia nukes the usa ffs get it over with USDOLLAR IS A GOD DAMN PONZI SCHEME THERE IS NO GOD HE ALLOWS KIKES TO RUN A PONZI

>> No.52243747

Kek. No for real print more to pump my bags bitches

>> No.52243762

Um sorry sweaty but you're about to get fact checked so hard rn. Inflation is made up by Republicans to bail out US companies instead of the American people. The stimulus Trump and Biden signed in their respective 2020 and 2021 stimulus benefited 90% to companies and a paltry 5% to the people and the other 5% is for the extra expenses of government

>> No.52243771

How does this combat inflation? You're giving people free bucks to dump on the market

>> No.52243792
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Americans are subhuman

>> No.52244290

What if we don't print money but take them from capitalist/jews?

>> No.52244303

100 billion in evaluation of weapons that were collecting dust in military bases for 50 years

>> No.52244537
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this is fake right

>> No.52244567

Sorry Keynes, your theory was curb stomped yet again. The invisible hand is more real then the idea that you can pull all the right money levers and do anything but short term stop gaps with long term recoil. A planned economy by any other name...

>> No.52244570

The cripple should kick the fat cunt to the curb in less than a second, really sad but it would not surprise me that this is very real.

>> No.52244583

If I was president I would assume direct control and make my party make me an emergency dictator with emergency powers. I will raise taxes and fuck inflation in the ass. If people so much as revolt I send tanks to quell them like in Tiananmen. When I'm done, the dollar will go back to 1980's value. Sure businesses are fucked but who gives a shit. 100% interest rates for the Fed with quantitative tightening. Spending cuts all over the place, debt will be wiped off.

>> No.52244621

How is giving Jewish corporations welfare inflationary but giving American retards welfare not inflationary? How do retards like you even exist?

>> No.52244633

Good luck. You’ve done nothing but fail so far.

>> No.52244635

That’s literally the only way to fix the United States and obviously it would never happen. If America truly wanted to fix inflation, we would need to tell every American to die, let every over leveraged corporation go bankrupt, raise all taxes, and force Americans to get back in coal mines and sweatshops. Will never happen. Americans don’t have the honor or the work ethic

>> No.52244649

Yes. Any money not in the government's hands is a positive. We all know they aren't gonna drop taxes or stop printing money if they didn't hand out the money

>> No.52244652

Americas entire economy is a Jewish Ponzi scheme. You take the money from the ‘’’capitalist’’’ Jews and the illusion of Americas economic power is immediately dispelled. The time to confiscate assets from Jewish elites was the 1960s when America didn’t depend on the planet buying into our scam

>> No.52244662

retards are retarded, what's new LOL amerimutts

>> No.52244730

Then you become the capitalist/jew and I'll come for you for your wealth.

>> No.52244744

what do you think hitler was all about

>> No.52245171

I mean banks and businesses are going to get bailed out again. Why not actual people too?

>> No.52245310
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>savings back at ATLs
>credit usage back at ATHs
American population is retarded.

>> No.52245320

Then you are a nazi and bad.

>> No.52245407

>remember what are you fighting for

>> No.52245633

I’m educated but due to this country being racist I vote for the worst possible candidate every time. Have you considered this in your model sir?

>> No.52245656

>more money printing to combat inflation

People are such fucking retards lmao

>> No.52245692


>> No.52245715

Once people realize they can vote for free money, capitalism dies. And when capitalism dies, the government takes control of the economy and democracy dies too. This never was a stable system, monarchy is a stable system, that shit lasts

>> No.52245959

>stimulus checks
>combat inflation
what the fuck am i reading

>> No.52246029

the only real way to combat inflation is to admit that most of our currency is effectively fake/worthless already, being fiat and not actually backed up by anything.

>> No.52246054

>stop inflation by creating even more inflation
this country has no hope

>> No.52246142

In MA, we’re all getting tax refunds over the next few weeks because there was a massive revenue surplus and MA is required by law to return the excess to taxpayers. Everyone is getting about 14% of their state tax liability back. Feeling pretty comfy.

>> No.52246197

>being happy that a small fraction of the money stolen from you is given back
Slave mentality up in this fool.

>> No.52246219

Taxes aren’t theft

>> No.52246230
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>> No.52246241

>he thinks this is what most people living paycheck to paycheck are doing

>> No.52246242

What... That can't be...

>> No.52246246
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mmmmmmm stimulus...

>> No.52246251

Nice, so where and when did you agree to give up a certain % of your income to the state? Got the paperwork?

By the way what happens if you don't pay the "tax"?

>> No.52246261

Government’s have divine authority to collect revenue to serve the common good and enforce just laws. Consent based morality is liberal cancer. I’ll say again, taxes are not theft.

>> No.52246264

Enough with the antigoylemism.
There's nothing wrong with being braindead, easily manipulated cattle.

>> No.52246267

Nice insight. Idiots on /r/neoliberal would think you’re some kind of economics guru.

>> No.52246271

IF the government didn't provide legitimate services in the form of infrastructure, defense, justice systems, and schooling, then yes, taxes would be theft.

>> No.52246308

>Inflation Is caused by adding money to the money supply
or prices rising by a lack of supply, not everything can be fixed by monetary policy

>> No.52246323

wtf is this true??

>> No.52246333
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>Government’s have divine authority

only the king does, el retardo. liberal bureacracy is not a legitimate form of governance recognized by god

>> No.52246370

No. I should support a reduction of government spending to reduce its burden on the economy/people.

>> No.52246380


>> No.52246411
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>had nothing during shutdown and were on the brink and had their lives totally altered by the economic consequences of covid.
The flu didn't lock people in their homes and arrest them if they didn't put fabric over their face. The state did this, and intentionally. Don't mince words like it was the proper response, faggot.

>> No.52246422

Literally no Statist argues this, the argument is that the state *IS* god. If an actual God exists the state is at best pointless and at worst a false, bloodthirsty god.

Or you could just not be a Statist and this problem evaporates.

>> No.52246439

point to the line of scripture that says monarchy as a form of government is ordained by God.

>> No.52246464

The hierarchy is divinely ordained, and a bunch of faceless retarded secret kings isn't what's supposed to be at the top.
ONE ( 1 ) KING, anything else is doomed perversion.

>> No.52246470

what line of scripture says that?

>> No.52246483

Massholes unironically bragging about getting 14 percent of their annual income back - I am not surprised by this in the least. Do you know what’s even comfier? Living in New Hampshire and keeping 100 percent of it. Why are literally all of you like this?

>> No.52246484

Death to you and your kin.
A curse thousandfold on your blood.

>> No.52246490
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It's not just over. It's JOEver :-)

>> No.52246500

You do know the reason there's such a big conflict between catholics and regular christians is that Jesus explicitly says that no man can come between you and God/Jesus, but catholics say that the pope is the earthly bridge to God and represents his authority, which goes directly against what Jesus said.
It's a big no no to say that the pope is divine and that he has divine authority.

>> No.52246509
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>Government’s have divine authority
This is why governments get big and corrupt. Worthless slave faggots like you.

>> No.52246518

that's cool, so what line of scripture says that hierarchy is divinely ordained? it's a simple question. You can't make claims about /what God said and then not have any line from any holy books.

>> No.52246540

Once I sign on my first house I 100% support inflation

>> No.52246552
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Wanna delete this post, goy?

>> No.52246556 [DELETED] 

New Hampshire is literally just highways. I like going up to the White Mountains, but let’s not pretend NH is even remotely comparable to MA.

>> No.52246576

If this were true then all they’d have to do to fix things is stop printing money. I think you must be retarded if you think you’re smarter than the Fed. Surely they would have thought of this if it were really that simple.

>> No.52246589

The fed is causing inflation with money printing because of the supply shortages from covid and the war and corrupt mega corps.
The fed would rather price people out of things than let people empty the stores of goods.

>> No.52246601

Republics are recognized both in the Bible, and by Christ’s church as legitimate. Divine Right of Kings is a Protestant heresy devised in the 17th and 18th centuries to justify tyrannical absolutism.
Collection of taxes are a legitimate practice the government has god given authority to do. What it does with them is where moral ambiguity lies.
No, the reason governments get big and corrupt is because of technology enabling greater degrees of control in the modern age, and human beings being fallen creatures, and at present secularism has neutered the only historic check on that fallen nature from exercising its legitimate authority over governments.
Big government isn’t even the problem. A moral fascist state is infinitely superior to some goyslop ridden lolsperg dystopia.

>> No.52246616

Statism doesn’t exist it’s a faggot libertarian buzzword. States are not the same no matter how much horseshoe theory copious you huff. Nobody’s ideology is “ the state is divine”, but my statement that states have divine authority is confirmed in social teaching of the Catholic Church, and the scriptures directly stating that princes and principalities are granted their authority by God. The right to levy taxes is supported scripturally by Christ commanding you give to Caesar that which is Caesar’s.

>> No.52246618

>Collection of taxes are a legitimate practice the government has god given authority to do.
"render unto ceaser what is ceasers" is just Jesus telling you to send ceasers property (the coin with his face on it) back to him. He's telling you to reject money.

>> No.52246629

>Catholic Church
The catholic church is a heresy. The existence of a pope goes directly against the word of Christ.

>> No.52246646
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The clownworld

Cant say that famine is not the solution to our problems tho

>> No.52246666

Mass immigration leads to massively increased demand. For housing, energy, food, automobiles, medicine
Having more beaners working at McDonalds and Wal Mart does nothing to reduce inflation whatsoever

>> No.52246687
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>Have shortage of food and gas
>Take money from rich who is buying overpriced shit thats in low demand (like art or overpriced VIP houses
>Give them to poor that will use money to buy food and gas
>This will stop inflation, trust me

Thank for ousting yourself as retard

>> No.52246731
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Uhmm no sweetie what government does with tax money is always moral and you are wrong. Paying HRT to trannies is therefore moral, you are amoral if you think otherwise

>> No.52246743

Inflation = bad
Federal reserve = good
If it were possible to end inflation (inflation = bad) the Fed (Federal Reserve = good) would have done it by now. What part of this aren’t you getting? The stimulus checks are obviously necessary at this point.

>> No.52246744

No joke, 2020 was so fucking awesome. The government was literally giving you free money so their debt-slave system wouldn't implode. Why the fuck should I turn down free money? $2,000? Let's try $10,000 this time.

>> No.52246755

If the FED had any balls they would just give us all infinite money like a REAL man.

>> No.52246776
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>problem caused by money printing $$$$$$
>how we solve it?
>hey let's print more money $$$$$$

3 year later
Ooooooooo we starving cuz bread $200

>> No.52246793

The problem is the FED doesn't want people to buy too much stuff cause were running out of things cause supply chain is busted.

>> No.52246821

not googling scripture but it's codified by the old testament aka the only real iteration of abrahamism

>> No.52246827

Stimulus checks for people and companies during Covid 19 is what got us here in the first place.
>It is also what pumped the market 2020-2021.
Just pay me in bitcoin or X money.

>> No.52246836

Yeah, he's not wearing the uniform correctly among other things but what matters is its believable God bless America

>> No.52246845

>lets make more inflation to stop inflation
>"we spent our way into this mess, and we'll spend our way further deeper into this mess"
pouring gasoline on the fire
anybody that agrees with commie stimulus checks deserves the rope

>> No.52246909
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Inflation talk is antisemitic hate speech

>> No.52246959
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as long as we also throw in some trust-busting, perhaps nationalizing oil companies, and stop regulatory capture

>> No.52247378

Answer their fucking question retard. If you were out of TP, did a stim check suddenly make TP available? No, it didn't, because stim checks are only good for one thing and that's adding liquidity to the demand side. You can't solve a supply issue with stimulus. It always just results in malinvestment like share buybacks and executive bonuses.
It may sound cruel, but the ideal thing to do from a long term economic health perspective is to just let failure happen.

>> No.52247418
File: 37 KB, 752x449, FAA116A9-8134-4CB0-B380-E4549D198E4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck jpowell fuck usd fuck inflation buy some $fui youre welcome

>> No.52247617

So what your image is saying is that lack of supply drove up prices to avoid massive shortages? Makes sense.

>> No.52247640

ok, that is DEFINITELY enough anti-semitism for today

>> No.52247665

it's the inflation that keeps on inflating.

>> No.52247683

Reddit philosopher here.

>> No.52247696

>or prices rising by a lack of supply
isn't that scarcity instead of inflation?

>> No.52247735

Accelerationist chad

>> No.52247992

/pol living rent free in all your heads

>> No.52248001

This. I think this is why the ponzi scheme has lasted so long. The people who set the system in motion figured they would be dead before it unraveled. (They were right.) Everybody since has just been trying to kick the can down the road and put off the end of America's monetary and economic hegemony until it was somebody else's problem. As much as I would like to see this corrupt system end, I know things would probably get a whole lot worse for everybody as a result.
Yeah, but it seems to me you mixed up democracy and capitalism. I guess monarchy was ok as long as you had a good monarch. Seems like it would be pretty bad when you get a bad one though. At least you had a chance at knowing who was really in charge I guess. The monarch might still be subverted by the banking industry if he got into too much debt, just like our leaders today.

>> No.52248288

ignore him he is a system pig and will ignore everything they do until he gets a big fat boot that kicks his teeth in, then these types will understand what they are doing.

>> No.52248314


>Inflation Is caused by adding money to the money supply

no. Inflation is caused by increased demand. There's a reason japan has no inflation.

>> No.52248337

America isnt a democracy, its a Republic....theres a very huge difference

>> No.52248352

the USD is a ponzi scheme run by a few that pays them unlimited money while stealing from the rest, it is slavery.

>> No.52248353

Please quit being anti-semitic

>> No.52248377

yes, so i can profit as wagies yolo their stimmies into dog coins again

>> No.52248397

>support inflation to combat inflation
Normie logic goes brrr

>> No.52248403

Read >>52243016 again. And then go back and read it again. America hasnt been a real country since the Civil War. Now its (((debt))) propping everything up, and they bait you in with consoomerism to appeal to your ego. Nobody os satisfied with enough, we want bigger and bigger more and more fancier shinier so we feel valid as goys. Most people cant sustain that without debt, wich you go into which makes you have to (((work))) even more which props up the while currency cattle system even further while (((they))) sit at the top doing absolute fuck all but capitalizing off your labor because they control the currency

>> No.52248474

They take much more than is needed for the necessary functions of a government and are using it for purposes not authorized by law or the people so it is THEFT

>> No.52248487

fuck your god

>> No.52248526

Imagine thinking that thr rederal reserve is in any way "good".
Central banks are one of the worst things to happen to humanity.

>> No.52248599

Enough with the antisemitism.

>> No.52249177

How is he not wearing it correctly, could hen ot be wearing it right because he's in a wheelchair

>> No.52249263

>line of scripture that says
Point to the line of scripture that says everything true must be written in scripture, prottard

>> No.52249281

imagine thinking they won't close off all the ramps

>> No.52249463
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And why must those services be funded by tax?
And at what point are the taxes provided for "legitimate services" considered excessive?

>> No.52249494

no shit sherlock

>> No.52249512

That should be sold back for cheapies to Americans in order to help pay back the National debt