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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 50 KB, 547x729, musk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52240821 No.52240821 [Reply] [Original]

It's a bold move, let's see how it works out.

>> No.52240841

Musk should just block their accounts. Make it clear that those companies are anti-free speech and give them a taste of their own medicine.

>> No.52240877

Sounds anti semiticism to NAME them

>> No.52240898

It’s literally jews bullying as usual. The content moderation never changed. He could probably sue them I bet. Bring back trump, block their accounts until they pay, covertly start a quasi slander campaign against the companies pulling their ads, providing them no recourse in the public domain.

>> No.52240926

Imagine being this fucking stupid holy shit
Advertisers chose to stop advertising on a company run by a petulant vengeful manchild that spends too much time memeing and trolling on the internet like a teenager. That's called Capitalism, sweetie. Nothing to do with free-speech, except the part where your dumbass thinks it's pro-free speech to suddenly censor people who trigger you.

>> No.52240931

They want him to ban Ye.

>> No.52240946

Nice try rabbi.

>> No.52240960

advertising as a form of revenue is an outdated concept

>> No.52240976

Political advocacy groups like the ADL have a lot more influence that you think you fucking naive child.

>> No.52240986

He kind of has to now. His crying about it makes him look weak as fuck. Should have just kept his mouth shut, this chimpout is an ad in itself for these advertisers

>> No.52241011

The best this does is stem people leaving. It certainly destroys ability to attract new ads.

>> No.52241013

Isn't naming and shaming just more "crying about it"? Why would any advertisers want to do business with him now?

>> No.52241024

not really.

>> No.52241027

What do you mean? Everything should move to a subscription based model (or pay for perks and offer a free basic version)?
Certain industries like basic cable TV can't really pivot to that.

>> No.52241050
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Fun fact, the ADL was created in 1913 along with the Federal Reserve Act, only months apart.

>> No.52241064

I don't see how this discourages potential new advertisers. They aren't the ones dropping ads after a takeover to make a statement

>> No.52241069

The guy is autistic. If we are lucky he drags Tesla down into the hole with him.

>> No.52241103
File: 87 KB, 800x539, 3e28b4e5171d1f7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hur dur hur im elon musk i'm a big fucking idiot

>> No.52241113

You have to go back.

>> No.52241126

based and sweaty pilled

>> No.52241131

>to make a statement
No one would even know which companies stopped advertising unless Musk tells them.

>> No.52241132

Advertisers don't have any power you fucking idiot, there have been too many pussies in tech bowing down kissing their ass. If an advertiser doesn't want to advertise what you should do as the owner of the website is to tell them to go fuck themselves while you give their competitors a discount and ban them for 3 months for daring to try and tell you what to do with your website.

No one fucking needs advertisers, a website only gives a shit bout their money not their ads, They have a contract to display their ads to viewers which the website has. The advertiser has no right to dictate what goes on, on a website.

>> No.52241149

I'm sure it's just a cohencidence.

>> No.52241157

>No one fucking needs advertisers, a website only gives a shit bout their money not their ads
How do you think a website like Twitter makes money?

>> No.52241164

The ADL was created to defend a Pedophile Jew who brutally raped a 14 year old girl after he was lynched named Leo Frank, The ADL attempted to blame a black janitor and the KKK almost lynched him until they found out he was innocent, the KKK defended the black man and lynched the Jew.

>> No.52241188

How is pulling advertising from a company with bad PR "dictating to them what to do" you absolute fucking retard? Sounds like you're an Elon cuck that is taking things a little too personally.
Shouldn't you be spamming twitter screenshot threads and sucking Elon's dick on /pol/ with the rest of your NPC buttbuddies, faggot?
Social media obsessed newfags think they belong on 4chan...lmao

>> No.52241201

musk already cucked to the ADL
he's a faggot

>> No.52241205

>Make it clear that those companies are anti-free speech and give them a taste of their own medicine.
anyone who advertises on twitter is anti free speech you fucking retarded faggot. you came to the conclusion that is the opposite of logical and truthful like a dumb retard

>> No.52241208

They give advertisers a space on their website, No website should give a single fucking shit about any advertisers or their wants and needs. They form a contract with Advertisers to give them space on their website. Think of it like real-estate, The advertiser has no right to dictate what goes on in the website, or how it is ran. All they should care about is that their ads are getting views and that the website is holding their end of the bargain.

The Original Internet actually didn't run on advertiser money, it was originally going to pay users for content that they generate. This content would grow traffic that companies would fund.

>> No.52241223

>Sounds nigger to NAME them

>> No.52241235

>The advertiser has no right to dictate what goes on in the website, or how it is ran
They have to duty to advertise on that website either. The advertisers aren't running a pressure campaign, that's what Musk is threatening to do. It's not like those companies put out statements that they stopped buying ad space on twitter and encouraged people to stop using the website.

>> No.52241238

Explain, with your own logic, why Kanye is or is not based for calling out they who claim to be the descendents of the hebrews.

>> No.52241256
File: 707 KB, 673x838, coomerson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bait or shill

>> No.52241274

The advertisers are threatening to boycott unless they censor people. Those advertisers can go fuck themselves.

>> No.52241276

Kanye is 100% based and correct.
Elon Musk is a humongous childish faggot and all his companies are floated by government subsidies. Keep cucking for literally the world's richest globalist though, while larping as an anti-globalist.

>> No.52241291

keep larping as a faggot
oh wait you're not larping

>> No.52241293

that's nice dear

>> No.52241304
File: 4 KB, 182x250, 1663247157472155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is this fanfic

>> No.52241315

They're not threatening to boycott, they just left. Most social media users prefer content moderation, and advertisers don't want to be associated with controversial or offensive statements. They don't have a responsibility to support Twitter. What's your solution? They should be legally compelled to buy ad space fro Musk?

>> No.52241323
File: 24 KB, 552x467, 1667079644289753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right I think, I didn't bother reading.
The beauty about telling the truth is that nobody will read it and no one else will believe because it goes against their biases and what they think they know.

Elons Twitter acquisition and conservative victories are simple role backs on pushing sjw trash too quickly.
You saw the future with wokeism, now expect it back in the near future

>> No.52241332
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>>52240821 >>52240841 >>52240877 >>52240898 >>52240926 >>52240931 >>52240946 >>52240960 >>52240976 >>52240986 >>52241011 >>52241013 >>52241024 >>52241027 >>52241050 >>52241064 >>52241069 >>52241103 >>52241113 >>52241126 >>52241131 >>52241132 >>52241149 >>52241157 >>52241164 >>52241188 >>52241201 >>52241205 >>52241208 >>52241223 >>52241235 >>52241238 >>52241256 >>52241274 >>52241276 >>52241291 >>52241293 >>52241304 >>52241315 >>52241323

>> No.52241344


Friendly reminder he doesn't care about losing money.

That's why he's so dangerous to "them"

>> No.52241348

>That's called Capitalism, sweetie.
Well, then those advertisers can just build their own social media platform to post on for free. See how easy it is?
>anyone who advertises on twitter is anti free speech
This is a truly retarded take, worthy of a reddit tranny.
The advertisers who are pulling ads are doing it because they don't think Musk Twitter will practice censorship. Anyone who advertises on Twitter does support free speech, or they would not pull their ads. Aside from the automakers.
You dumb black ass faggot.

>> No.52241358

Twitter is a /biz/ness chud

>> No.52241375
File: 415 KB, 1000x1000, 1657144193861.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The beauty of the internet is putting it out there in a sea of filth and not one person will believe it

>> No.52241428

>Well, then those advertisers can just build their own social media platform to post on for free. See how easy it is?
Yes, exactly. They will either build a new platform or they will find other places to advertise. Welcome to Capitalism 101. What the fuck is your point?
You're the one screeching like a little girl because advertisers don't want to place their ads on your overlord's shitty website anymore lmao
>because they don't think Musk Twitter will practice censorship
Says the dumbfuck who literally just said he wants to perma ban all these advertisers, shame them, boycott them, etc. out of petty vengeance? Like the faggots who want to ban that cunt AOC too because she triggers you? And this is somehow pro-free speech lmao
Why do you fuckin nerds cuck so hard for Elon anyway? Did you get your brains chipped already?

>> No.52241516

>Advertisers chose to stop advertising on a company run by a petulant vengeful manchild that spends too much time memeing and trolling on the internet like a teenager
And the petulant vengful manchilds response?
just call them all pedos instead?
I'm sure the fat fool can find a 'private detective' to back up any allegations he wishes to make.

>> No.52241547

um sweetie, niggers and jeets tongue my anus

>> No.52241576

it wasn't the "KKK" retard, it was normal citizens who were fed up with the jews and their bullshit

>> No.52241660
File: 9 KB, 676x108, twitter_2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Internet says twitter made 5 billion revenue in 2021.

for what is the 8$ payment even good

>> No.52241661
File: 37 KB, 470x768, noodle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wrong, Southerner inbred retards let their Jew hatred cloud their judgment. They literally let him get away with murder because they couldn't conceive of a black man with cunning. Then they lynched the wrong man.

They literally believed that Frank conspired with the janitor to murder the girl a day before it happened, why the fuck would would Frank make some luddite black janitor his accomplice, retard?

Also, the janitor took a shit at the bottom of the elevator shaft, and had he actually used the lift like he said, it would have smooshed the shit. Also the door was locked, so there was no way the lift was used.

The janitor obviously got in a fight with the little girl and tried to jack her purse but got carried away and killed her. SOUTHERN RETARDS LYNCHED THE WRONG MAN

>inb4 JIDF

no seriously, fuck you retarded faggot ass southerners, you let your own little girl down with your fucking retardation. Your retardation is a continual blight on the Union.

>> No.52241784

a lot of those completely miss the point of the original comic and clearly show that the creator is just a racist /pol/ chud. the original comic's point was not that race mixing couples are being shoved into advertisements, it was on the fact that having said race mixing couple kissing had nothing to do with what they were advertising.
meanwhile many of the pics in this webm are just race mixing couples using the product being advertised. in these cases, the original comic's intent does not apply because these ads aren't casting aside the products they're shilling in order to make a statement about race mixing.
to simplify what i'm getting at, suppose that the burger ad had a white couple kissing. it still has nothing to do with burgers. meanwhile take an ad here like the glasses one or the movie theater one. it doesn't matter what race the couples are in these ads because the core design of the ads (people wearing glasses, people watching movie) is clearly shilling the product.

>> No.52241793

>Elon Musk is a humongous childish faggot
Because he shitposts IRL and on twitter?
>all his companies are floated by government subsidies
The existence of the fed/fiat has made basically every industry government subsidized, thus the big players in all of these industries could be said to be government subsidized. What is the problem with Elon doing it too?
Anon, just say it, we know you want to....
Here, I'll help....
What is the Q operation and is it or is it not based and redpilled.

>> No.52241795

That was a clever and funny reply, smiled a bit, thanks for that

>> No.52241801

becuase if he gets 52m subscribers?, that would make up for all the advertisers fleeing from Elon's Empire of Dirt. Of course, he wont get 52m subscribers.

>> No.52241822
File: 55 KB, 529x630, E6C23DE9-85FA-4E59-8B75-85E9C7FF3B6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capitalism is free speech
We need to hang (((central bankers))) and the world will experience a golden age again

>> No.52241847

>a glowie buys twitter
>he turns it into a nazi cesspool which fuels another war for his glowie handlers to make more money.
Fuck off already.

>> No.52241855

>Of course, he wont get 52m subscribers.
people complaining even paying 8$ for netflix
netflix give thousands of movies
twitter give nothing

>> No.52241876

Idc about free speech bros, I just need him to shill Doge so I can leave this society and live off the grid with my family. I’m so tired.

>> No.52241882

Elon is such a terrible businessman.

>> No.52241884

That poor kid will lose all his hair by age 16

>> No.52241925

Elon doesn’t care if Twitter isn’t profitable. It’s his toy project. He’s being moderator on a global debate. Twitter will remain popular with or without advertising. I care even less if Twitter was/is/or ever will be profitable

>> No.52241940

>Elo don' care 'bout no fool money!
the creditors he's borrowed $13b off might tho

>> No.52241964

chuck's feeduck and seeduck

>> No.52242031

Edomite confirmed

>> No.52242042

How many billions does he have as assets? Isn’t it like 200b? 14b is play money to him and I’m sure he’ll make plenty more while uncovering Jews like a modern day Henry Ford

>> No.52242079

To continue, if he’s able to cut his staff by 50% and still operate he’ll profit. People will want to advertise on a popular platform. I can’t imagine politicians not wanting to advertise. Local businesses too.

>> No.52242138

Instead he will unban Trump on Monday evening.

>> No.52242659

>Isn't naming and shaming just more "crying about it"?
If it causes people to boycott those businesses, no. Remember when Coke pivoted hard after boomers stopped buying the liquid jew following the revelation of their anti-white employee training?

>> No.52242813

>Remember when Coke pivoted hard after boomers stopped buying the liquid jew following the revelation of their anti-white employee training?
No. I don't see how a boycott would work in this case anyway. Musk does either that's why he hasn't actually named the companies.

>> No.52242883
File: 22 KB, 350x351, 4920490249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bots shill the brands.. why would they pay for an ad if their support is deleted?

>> No.52242919
File: 25 KB, 1115x80, everyone is mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52243066
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>> No.52243150

>dvertisers don't want to be associated with controversial or offensive statements
unless its lgbtqblm trannies hysterically screeching about how evil the average conservative white male minding his own business is

>> No.52243175
File: 181 KB, 768x768, based ignorer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>advertisers won't pay me money!!!!!
who even cares though? boycotts don't even do anything, i've never heard of a boycott, even one i believed in, and actually followed through on it

>> No.52243238

pretty much this.
may as well gather round, crack a beer and get entertained.

>> No.52243951

Afaik you are more likely to get the hair from your grandpa. My dad was bald, I still have all my hair.

>> No.52244011


Just kys m8

>> No.52244033

Frank deserved to live, if only to be tortured further for his wretched crimes.
He writhes in the fires of hell even now, kike.
Right where you will join him.

>> No.52244062

just read it up on wikipedia about antisemitism and racism. and everytime goypedia writes, that the evil racists did this or that wrongfully because they are racists, just know, that they actually were in the right. suddenly wikipedia makes sense on that topic. just as you should assume that everything that is called a conspiracy theory, just assume its true, because in more cases than not, its just that. conspiracy theory is a spook term to vilify 'noticing strange things'

>> No.52244070
File: 132 KB, 598x1278, newfronts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting info about Musk tanking Twitters upfront ad buys for 2023.

>> No.52244092

>game theory
>nobody advertises on twitter
>based llc advertises on twitter
>everybody only gets flooded with based llc content
>based llc sales skyrocket
it just needs a few companies to withstand against the gay san franciso fagman boycott and others will follow, because its simply making money

>> No.52244234

This is why the conventional wisdom in business was to stay out of politics.
Now these morons are going to have a situation where you are damned if you do and damned if you don't.

>> No.52244325
File: 212 KB, 1908x1146, 57284029-0-image-a-11_1651453779040[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all because of Musks redpilled edgelord approach

>> No.52244326

How did they "pivot hard?"
All of these companies are knee deep in that anti-white shit, they have just learned to keep it under wraps a little better. If you think Coke gives a shit what the plebs think you are delusional.
Coke owns so much shit that most people can't even boycott them effectively even if they wanted to. How many people do you think know that Coke owns Dasani for example? And a myriad of other examples.
Coke knows their crap will sell either way, consumption is after all what the entire American identity is built on, all they have to do is wait for the media cycle to pivot and then it's back to brainwashing and late-state capitalism.

>> No.52244387

kike spotted. go back to redd*t u nig.

>> No.52244396


I know this is bait. I would however love to take a shit on your face for using this

>> No.52244494

sir not on the face... there is street right here for that needful business sir...

>> No.52244543

Honestly I don't care who was guilty, I would rather be rid of a jew than a nigger, the potential for harm is far greater

>> No.52244614

This. The whole psychology behind this shitshow stems from high school fears of being an outcast. Can you imagine how embarrassing it would be for a brand to be banned from twitter?

>> No.52244661

how embarrassing it would be for a brand to be banned from twitter?
at present, they'd be rebel heroes, with little to zero downside. Elon seems to have cast himself as Lord of the Dark Side, this with little to fucking zero plan of how to actually run an Empire.
Were I a brand manager? I'd be rubbing my little fucking hands together at an Elon Twitter ban. I doubt you could buy better publicity rn.

>> No.52244683

Lol musk wasted all this money for what? Being mad people kept posting that pic of him and Epstein?

>> No.52244698

Oh wow, what a victory for truth and liberty!
Yes, there IS hope!
Thank you Elon!

Fuck you clowns.

>> No.52244735

Lol look at all the polcels seething about this post.

>> No.52244743

The internet is by far the worse thing to ever happen to humanity. For now at least.

>> No.52244745

This, he should put the equivalent of a yellow star on their accounts with a little description like: "this company actively supports speech censorship".
Imagine the bad buzz.

>> No.52244760

'and are also pedos'

>> No.52244765

It will get better and worse at the same time, if that makes sense

>> No.52244781

no, it doesn't make sense to me.
I'm sick of living in fear of social media and witch hunt culture.

>> No.52244813

web3 will give you what you want
but it will also remove the power users have completely

>> No.52244815
File: 394 KB, 589x662, Twitters_Second_Largest_Shareholder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm sick of living in fear
you might be locked up for 34 YEARS for following the wrong people on Twitter. By who is now their second largest owner.
Still, could be worse. You could have been invited to the Embassy, and chopped up into pieces for thinking unfavorable thoughts in print.
So, remind me again - how is it YOU are sick of 'living in fear' here again, exactly?

>> No.52244843

I'm afraid random strangers on the internet are going to take anything I say online and use it to make me look like a bad guy and convince a mob of random internet strangers to hate me like a witch hunt.
Thanks for using that womans tragedy to persecute random people for speaking their mind online, really defending the ideal of free speech, I think Salma would appreciate you coming after me for what I said about fearing social media.

>> No.52244844

Who the fuck is Mike Davis? What does he mean *we*

>> No.52244858

maybe you should be speaking out about social media being 0wned by terrorist regimes then?
Because whatever you feared about Twitter before? Its infinitely worse now. Jst maybe not for you, at present.

>> No.52244867

Social media is just surveillance at the end of the day. So of course it lends its hand to tyrant governments and encourages authoritarianism. Social media also turns everyone using it into a security guard, observing and reporting on literally everything they see around them.
The first government that creates and AI that can correlate all of the surveillance footage on social media from smart phones will have perfect knowledge of society and the battlefield and be un-challengable.

>> No.52244892

>What does he mean *we*
The unwashed masses.

>> No.52244894
File: 2.36 MB, 480x480, 16312655645202.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twatter its a private company so who cares if you don't like it make your own
the amount of glowniggers and redditors posting here only proves the fact that we are not even close to the bottom

>> No.52244931
File: 339 KB, 734x410, TAXIIIIII.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm american and i don't even use twitter

>> No.52244950
File: 217 KB, 610x539, Who_Cares.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, you'll be fine then bro
its only Twitter users get jailed for 34 years.
by the country who chop up journalists in their Embassies.

>> No.52244961

social media turns the people into spies against themselves.

>> No.52244971

>he turns it into a nazi cesspool
he already made it clear that he wont allow twitter to turn into a "far right cesspool"

>> No.52245023
File: 38 KB, 801x814, 1647954259332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kys tr00n

>> No.52245038

money is speech in america

citizens united

>> No.52245043

audibly kek'd at both of these posts

>> No.52245810

I think it's a great idea.

>> No.52245889

How do I short Twitter?

>> No.52246117
File: 15 KB, 353x352, f260d670-3a0a-11ed-963a-cfbb58c3832e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then why use race mixing at all? just have two blacks or two whites. you are doing mental gymnastics to prove an alternative point even though you agree the original is still an issue.

its more likely the advertising company for the original race mixing advert that you mentioned is just bad at advertising wokeness, now you have latched on to their mistake and made up some reality where this isnt happening.

>> No.52246127


>> No.52246152

Cool it with the antisemitism bro, sometimes things just happen and no one is to blame.

>> No.52246166

How many billions of dollars do you have? How many children? How many companies have you founded and grown?


>> No.52246177

Twitter has ads?

>> No.52246193

Twitter is as good as dead. The WEF neoliberals are going to pump money into an alternative Twitter-style platform and pay billions for influencers to migrate there.

>> No.52246199

it's real retard, read up on it.

>> No.52246215

Twitter has blossomed out of Jack Dorsey's distorted millennial mind, and there will never be another platform like it. You need a twisted anti-semite like Dorsey to build a twitter.

>> No.52246452

That is a fun fact.

>> No.52246488

>stop the violence or I'll beat you up

>> No.52246630
File: 79 KB, 1024x1024, 93CB4A7B-4FAD-45E7-9851-4CD17ECA5765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. And it works, retard.

>> No.52246667

No it’s literally how the ADL started, and it wasn’t formed to defend Leo Frank, it was formed to send people to jail for being “anti-Semitic” for pointing out that the Jew Leo Frank raped and murdered a young girl, and to send anyone to jail who points out that Jews regularly rape and murder children.

>> No.52246696


The jury was filled with pieces of shit like you

they let the janitor get away with murder

>> No.52246733

Jews hurt more people in the long run

>> No.52247165

>Advertisers chose to stop advertising on a company run by a petulant
Right there you're wrong. Don't even need to read any further. Gulp down some oxygen first, then restart.

>> No.52247190

this is literally how the police work. elon musk should threaten to name and shame zionists who commit treason

>> No.52247532


>> No.52248776

>it doesn't matter what race the couples are in these ads
sad thing is this is the attitude of the typical boomer idiot conservative

>> No.52248801

'community safeguards' aka 'censor who we don't like'

>> No.52248883

it s a private company sweety he can block who he wants :)

>> No.52248922

community safeguards as in "we don't want our ads next to Isis beheading someone" like you saw with google a few years agp-

>> No.52248955

based and correct. advertising has been just some irl free money cheat for tech companies for a while now but it's long played out, now the market is correcting itself and these technological landlords are losing revenue