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File: 1.35 MB, 1242x2148, 1665991434314517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52236958 No.52236958 [Reply] [Original]

How will this not kill NFTs?

>> No.52237472

its not fair

>> No.52237493

literal chad

>> No.52237509

Use a VPN and don't do kyc, it's that simple. Have you never used any defi dapps that block US IPs?

>> No.52237514
File: 162 KB, 640x360, 1627889921529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being so handsome that any hairstyle looks good

>> No.52237547

If I was this handsome I would just buzz it. Super easy and you're still a 10/10.

>> No.52237595

Lol my roommate was a male model for Abercrombie and Fitch, there is quite literally no hairstyle, piece of clothing, or camera angle that looks bad on him. It's just completely unfair lol.

>> No.52237660
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>What should I do with my hair? Feeling pretty ugly today.

>> No.52237687

frenchbro looks bettter

>> No.52237753
File: 318 KB, 1231x1533, F8E68228-1AF3-41C5-A3CD-B781E71BBA6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would have to happen for this guy to beat that guy in a race for a 10/10 girl?

>> No.52237790

He steps out of a Bugatti and a servant immediately takes his coat and luggage for him.

>> No.52237815

One having 10 figs and the other being a drug addicted living in the streets. But even that isn't a guarantee

>> No.52237833

nah you overestimate money homey

>> No.52237868

i wonder if i'd look better with facial hair. always been clean shaven

>> No.52237898

The girl would have to blind. Literally there are no plausible odds for the dude otherwise. Even if the guy in OP is a convicted child rapist he would still win.

>> No.52237911
File: 73 KB, 1276x1160, FaceApp-Beard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can try FaceApp or Snap and play with the filters. Most men (90%+) look better with a beard.

>> No.52237924

Nothing would help him, she would maybe take him if he's rich, but would fuck the Chad behind his back

>> No.52237935

How does one develop such a malformed jaw?

>> No.52237948

A haircut and a 10 figure net worth would easily do it

>> No.52237967

He can’t be chad if he is posting on fkn plebbit and asking people on an opinion about hair style. He is a gay faggot

>> No.52237968

Parent neglect x100

>> No.52237977

imagine the smells this man can experience from ANY girl he wants
this man will never experience a single smell
it ain't fair, bros

>> No.52237985

mouth breathing, look it up

>> No.52237993

>Even if the guy in OP is a convicted child rapist he would still win.
this turns on western women more

>> No.52238004

That’s why he’d have to kill the chad and keep his head as a trophy. The roasties would get wet from him then. Femiods are psychos and love killers

>> No.52238049

Was going to say this.

>> No.52238052

it's over

>> No.52238057

LeFort III or bust

>> No.52238062

poorfag cope

>> No.52238213

Chinlet cope

No money will fix your genes

>> No.52238387

Absolute power. The snap your finger and anything could happen kind of power.

>> No.52238416
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>> No.52238423

he’d have to kill chad and rape the girl into Stockholm syndrome. he could do this quite easily, but I think it’s somewhat illegal

>> No.52238432

really bad asthma maybe, diet lacking in hard to chew foods.

>> No.52238548
File: 348 KB, 1025x576, 629f4a08dfb6ff6245751015_mouth breathing vs nose breathing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuggin kek

>> No.52238574

Unironically mouth breathing and a soft diet. Luckily, my kids will be eating meat every other day and mandatory chewing mastic gum after every meal.

>> No.52238580
File: 46 KB, 800x420, how-amazon-ceo-jeff-bezos-transformed-from-skinny-to-buff-800x420-1527072335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you're rich you can just buy a new face, like Bezos.

>> No.52238643

that's just age making him less soft, thus less boyish and more manly
its a totally natural change over 20 years

>> No.52238652


>> No.52238654

hes on TRT you dont just man up at 50 its incredibly hard

>> No.52238748

wow is this really a picture of you?

>> No.52239437

win lottery, do jaw augmentation. easymode life

>> No.52239712
File: 224 KB, 585x563, 1650700800900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i looked through his profile because im a faggot, but he is definitely a lookismfag. but looks like it worked out for him

>> No.52239735

My instincts say that blind girls would be even more obsessed with chad

>> No.52239748

Just remember anons not to fall for the demoralization of trannys and kikes like OP.

Pussy THANK GOD has the collidge effect. No matter how unfair it is that this dude looks the way he does HE STILL GETS BORED OF PUSSY AT AN EVER INCREASING RATE!

AKA fixating on how much pussy guys like this get is retarded. Your libido can only sustain so much. You don't need to look like this to get the same dopamine spikes as chadscum in OP.

Do not fall for the jew tricks. Continue stacking your paper and NEVER ever dating Roasties. Get rich and fuck only under 25. This is the only way to win back society and right the ship of hypergamous roastie whores. Never give in.....never, ever, ever give in.

>> No.52239805

Huge cope holy shit.

>> No.52239837

the guy in the pic said he gets rejected on tinder for being 5'8

>> No.52239844

>PUSSY doesn't have an L curve.....

virgin or tranny or kike detected.

>> No.52239859

When you are actually handsome you have to be a literal retard to use tinder. Handsome chads especially face chads should be in bars and night life. They can get 8/10s every night. Why do so many losers keep using apps? Every single city in about 3 hours is going to be flooded by niggers fucking all the sluts who get drunk tonight. Meanwhile the incels are using Tinder fucking faggots.

>> No.52239896

He lost the game the minute he was born. I respect him tho, for staying alive.

>> No.52239924

It’s leafy

>> No.52240120

He started lifting and corrected his posture

>> No.52240249

He needs confidence, that's all. And no, no woman hands typed this

>> No.52240312

>hes on TRT you dont just man up at 50 its incredibly hard
So what? Why do you faggots all act like being on TRT is wrong or something? If you are a competitor and it is illegal that is one thing, but if you are just a dude trying to get in great shape and even have it medically monitored and administrated why is that bad?

>> No.52240697

I have a similar jaw. Had no idea mouth breathing was bad until last year.

>> No.52240865
File: 58 KB, 796x1024, 97c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure demoralization post.

>> No.52240904

The bigger question is why is going to happen when frontends begin blocking VPNs. Americans need to prepare to run their own local frontend for transactions.

>> No.52240947 [DELETED] 

his jaw is fine, he has to lose weight and work on his posture

>> No.52240953

pulling your wisdom teeth + diet of soft foods so your jaw muscles atrophy

>> No.52241006
File: 248 KB, 880x930, ss (2022-11-04 at 09.47.07).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52241034

based, farquads will inheret the earth

>> No.52241041

Nerd makes a fuckton of money from nerdy stuff, gets a bunch of facelifts and reconstruction surgery, gets a mentor in his life who shows him how to be a chad, puts in overtime on his social skills, runs his own business, hops on TRT and hits the gym hard.

Chad would have to get run over by a bus and turned into a vegetable.

>> No.52241075

Him vs a 6"4 average looking guy. Who gets more pussy on a night out?

>> No.52241094

Probably the 6'4 guy if he's fit and has a fun personality.

>> No.52241114

damn MEWing actually works huh. went from generic redditfag to slayer
crazy jaw gains, which i didn't think was actually possible on a significant level.

>> No.52241133

OR he got plastic surgery.

>> No.52241155

using unnatural supplements or surgeries to make up for shortcomings is obviously wrong. it weakens our gene pool long term if people who dont actually have good genes fake it.

>> No.52241162

unless you're considerably shorter than average face > height.

>> No.52241167

Face > Height.

>> No.52241179

posting on 4chan should automatically be a reproductive disqualifier

>> No.52241207

he looks like a fucking alien

>> No.52241239

Will depend entirely who has higher social status. Who is surrounded by more people. A 6'4 fit loner in the corner is not pulling more than this dude if he's surrounded by friends all laughing at his every word.

social herd status > money > looks > personality

But the original question is a cope because the truth is women do not go out alone. The 6'4 guy and this 5'8 chad would take down the same group of women. The height lover will go after the 6'4 and the face lover will go after face chad. There is no famine in real life for good looking people.

>> No.52241258

Women already do not know how to select the best genes retard. Also the ugliest worst genes are reproducing all over the world. Want proof? look around you stupid. Applying the eugenics gene when low iq and midwit women are doing the choosing is a special retard alert.

>> No.52241262

Huge cope. You aren't a woman so you don't understand how they think. If you put a 5'8 Chad next to a 6'3 5/10 women would pick the 6'3 guy 9/10 times. Women want to feel small and protected. Tall men make them feel small and protected.

>> No.52241278

You are the biggest coper I have ever seen.

>> No.52241285

im well aware of this, it does not change what i said about altering your looks and its long term effects.

>> No.52241295 [DELETED] 

you seem to be a big coper yourself, are you an ugly tall man by any chance?

>> No.52241299

Cope. This isn't 1902. Only ugly women think like this. The most height focused are are the ugliest women. They are too insecure to attempt a face chad because they know they can't compete with more beautiful women so they chase retard shit like height. You are an online incel. Go to any bar and there's literal midget niggers spitting game to women all day long and unlike you they are getting their dicks wet every other day.

>> No.52241349

you can always tell with these tiny men because they look like ken dolls, massive disproportionate head to shoulder ratio.

>> No.52241363

maybe if they're on birth control because height is masculine, while "face" is feminine

>> No.52241391

there are several aspects that range from masculine to feminine, including face. the man in questions face is masculine. being tall does not make you masculine by itself.

>> No.52241424

missed the point
having a pretty face, which is the best you can describe for op, isn't a bad thing, but it's not an innate masculine attribute.

tiny attractive manlets aren't masculine by definition, because masculinity is almost entirely about size.
femininity is almost entirely about aesthetics

>> No.52241543

Yeah you're right 5'9.5 tyson in his prime is way less masculine than 6'4 lanklet.....cope. This dude is jacked too in the OP and as the other dude said he is masculine not pretty. You can be both. Life isn't a photo retard. Yes in aphoto standing next to Shaq this dude will not look masculine but in real life no one is viewing photos. Again cope more incel. This dude slays.

>> No.52241590

well no shit, but we're talking about masculine vs feminine traits, and no matter how muscular you get if you're just a little man you'll always look like a boy next to someone that has half the muscle but a few inches on you.

it's the same reason women hit the wall in the eyes of men, it's just evolutionary. tiny men only look masculine when they're alongside other tiny men.

>> No.52241600

also sorry about your height.
maybe next life, huh?

>> No.52241615

YWNBAW you arent fooling anyone kike.

>> No.52241730

sorry about your looks.
there is no next life.

>> No.52242035

What’s going to happen is that ICP will hit uranus

>> No.52242085

ive been mewing for 2-3 years. it's a meme. or has has high test and thats a major factor.

>> No.52242411

his mother needs to go back in time and stop eating goyslop while pregnant to avoid such genetic monstrosities such as this young mans cleft chin

>> No.52244552

I'm unironically 6'4 and haven't touched a woman since 2009

>> No.52244564

nice try short king

who said anything about looks? you can pretend if it makes you feel better about being the height of an above average european woman.

>> No.52244714

tiny men have good face and look good on pics
look those pathetic legs tho
nobody needs mewing or any bs just fix your mouth breathing by putting a sock in your moth before going to sleep
this way you either die or force your body to adapt and start using your nose

>> No.52244741

If women are just randomly choosing partners then you don't need to take TRT or go to the gym. Just fire up Tinder with your ugly pimple face and you'll find a gf in no time.

>> No.52244750

Who would you rather reproduce, an unattractive smart person or an ugly attractive person?

>> No.52244785
File: 361 KB, 615x615, ch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women already do not know how to select the best genes
that is a lie women are just lazy and would rather fuck something nearby than work hard to reach chad thanks to all the low quality men / simps boosting her ego and the media telling how FINE she is instead of the hard truth
I fucked a shit ton of single mothers lately and every single time I feel sorry for the miscegenated kids that will have diabetes by 10