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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52238781 No.52238781 [Reply] [Original]

He's right you know.

>> No.52238801

back to the shill containment board >>>/pol/

>> No.52238829
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rubic was supposed to save me from thisssssssss NyYYYyyyyEEEEeEEEeeeeaaaaaaHhHHHhhhh

>> No.52238836

the logical decision, then, is to expose yourself to the market. how else are wage earners ever going to retire?

>> No.52238854

Stop bumping the slide thread, retards.

>> No.52238857

You don't need to be "rich" to participate in the stock market. Does not living paycheck to paycheck now mean you are rich?

>> No.52238858

What are 401Ks

>> No.52238861

Oh well. He should know this is clown world and only those in assets make it

>> No.52238862

Well, just buy stocks too then?

>> No.52239025

So what he's saying is when stocks go up he doesn't lose his job? Sounds like he's taking bull market for granted

>> No.52239036


>> No.52239363

Idk try not being poor? Not my problem.

>> No.52239556

good question

>> No.52239568

His fault for not being born white.

>> No.52239597
File: 18 KB, 112x112, 1648935361966.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>superb hole
bottom faggot opinion discarded

>> No.52239745

I hate when faggots say "I love it" when they actually hate something, like just say you hate it retard.

Also 'marketing' isn't a real job.

>> No.52240128


Babby who's too young to have a 401k.

>> No.52240181

then buy some stocks stupid.

>> No.52240190

Abolish capitalism.

>> No.52240221
File: 30 KB, 660x574, hbomyb67ciy31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twitter screenshots should be banned from 4chan

>> No.52240385

Stop taking the bait. Shills post some zero effort controversial leftist talking point along with "He's right you know" , so that you retards keep the shill spam bumped at the top of the catalog, crowding out productive discussion. Shill NGOs like shareblue do this to systematically shut down boards they don't like, and now they're tryinf to do it to /biz/. See also >>>/pol/402928442

>> No.52240461

Sure schizo....

>> No.52240555
File: 67 KB, 449x679, NoCountryForOldJews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52242371


>> No.52242470

Based on his own logic, stock market going up gives him an actual job.
He's just an ungrateful cunt and takes the benefits for granted.

>> No.52243272

>He doesn't know about sage
>There is productive discussion on 4chan