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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52234642 No.52234642 [Reply] [Original]

>lay off ~3,750 workers. Let’s guess on an average $200k/year, saving $750mil/year (not including severance expenses, ongoing ex-employee benefits for 1 year)
>Monetise Blue Check for $8. If 15% of current 400,000 Checkies sign up to pay , that’s about $6 mil per year.
>Meanwhile Advertisers, who make up 95% of current revenue ($5bn) are supending ad campaigns in droves
>Last fiscal year Twitter’s operating expenses were close to $6 billion.

He’s fucked it, hasn’t he?

>> No.52234660

No. He should block any account that pulls advertising.

>> No.52234673

Citation needed to literally everything you said.

>> No.52234684

It was telling that the content moderation stayed the same yet the glowies were flooding the platform with nigger. Should sue the govt

>> No.52234702

You fucked the math up retard, because ANYONE can get checkmarked now, so its more like 15% of 2 billion people. Do he math jewnigger

>> No.52234716


>> No.52234718

That post kinda sounds like how Trump tweets. I like it.

>> No.52234724

yeah but he let kanye drops some bombs before it all collapsed. Honestly impressed with birdwatch right now. He's gonna axe that shit if it contexts him more often

>> No.52234729


why would a literal who give a fuck about a blue check mark?

>> No.52234769

If you assume 10 million people will buy blue checkmarks that would be a very generous prediction. Which would still only cover 1-2% of his expenses

>> No.52234800

None of your claims are in there

>> No.52234817

this is insane i cant believe he bought twit for 44 bil and completely bombed it. im curious to see how this plays out.

>> No.52234930

That would be $960m, which is 16% of his expenses

>> No.52234944

>content moderation

what's this new buzzword they're trying to push?

>> No.52234951

Learn to Google.

>> No.52234958

it means you cant say the chosen people are not chosen, or that anyone else is chosen

>> No.52234960

He literally just made up a bunch of numbers though

>> No.52234961

>inflate value with bots and pajeets
>retard takes the bait

>> No.52234966

They made him buy it to bankrupt him. For a billionaire he's fucking retarded.

>> No.52234970

> saving $750mil/year
Thats enough to boost them to profitability lmao, their netloss in 2021 was 221 million
Where did you armchair corporate finance fags come from anyway?

>> No.52234979

anthesis of the alleged goal, furthermore really bad optics

>> No.52234993

>Felon Musk

>> No.52235009
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Why doesn't elon just just poach 4chan jannies?

>> No.52235046


Because 99.99% of tweets are worthless. The blue checkmark gives the illusion that there is a real voice behind the (still worthless) tweet.

>> No.52235048

advertisers are unprincipled shekel chasers. they won't leave.

>> No.52235068

It used to mean that you were not allowed to criticize certain groups and have opinions that strays from the main stream school of thought. With Musk in charge it's only the former but not the latter

>> No.52235091
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You're telling me that the world's richest man decided to just up and buy fucking Twitter of all companies with absolutely no plan on how to make it profitable in the next 5 to 10 years? I'm sure the wolves of wall street of this board who made $12 on butt corns this quarter know he's totally boned though.

And inb4 simp - frigg off I've disliked the elongated muskrat for years

>> No.52235122


right... but only people who want to be seen as "official" would care. The vast majority of users (like me) won't.

>> No.52235130


I bet he’ll ban things like anti-chinese bugmen posts in the near future, mark my words

>> No.52235175

>world's richest man
You dont actually believe that, do you

>> No.52235177

You're retarded if you think the DARPA brainiacs behind Tesla and SpaceX give a fuck about Twitter. Twitter is an Obama/Trump-era (two attention whores) artefact.

>> No.52235179

Dude, he's gonna get fucked by California law requiring 60 day notice of mass layoffs. It's a $500/day per employee fine. Additionally, employees laid off without notice must be paid their salary for that time, and any medical expenses during that period just be entirely covered by the company.

The fine alone is over $100,000,000: blue checkmark fee doesn't even get close to that. Now, you have to pay those people, which is about $70,000,000. Then you have any medical expenses that pop up.

On top of this, advertisers are starting to fuck off, and Tesla stock is reacting accordingly. According to the terms of the loan Musky took out, he could be required to put up more of his Tesla stock as collateral if things keep going this way, which would only accelerate the issue.

tldr; Elon screwed Elon.

>> No.52235202

>world's richest man
he might be worlds poorest man rn, poor people do dumb shit

>> No.52235228
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>> No.52235246
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>44 bil
A small price to buy back free speech

>> No.52235260

It came to him in his tranny dreams.

>> No.52235261

You mean we can finally get a nearly ad-free Twitter experience? Sounds nice, for once.

>> No.52235272

>like me
There are a huge number of people on 4chan who would pay for a twitter pass for the lels, we know you say you wouldn't because you're one of the leftoids who have been seething for the past few weeks. Your time is over.

>> No.52235282

This would be so based there is no way.
In fact? A corporate entity? That's $20,000/m per million followers.

>> No.52235287

Optics doesn't matter. But instead he should just let fake accounts stay up. We will see what tranny Inc. has to say when people are using their name to shitpost.

>> No.52235288

Is this the official laugh at Elon thread? I love seeing this faggot crash and burn

>> No.52235296


why the fuck would a casual user buy a checkmark? I literally only use twitter to floow a couple people who I think have good insight into the market. I don't give a fuck if they have a checkmark.

>> No.52235308

he pushed for the tech guys to reduce infrastructure cost significantly

twitter mainly runs on expensive cloud services on googles farms
if they migrate to conventional metal farms they could save after initial investment alot of money.

might look bad now but after some tough cuts it could become sustainable

>> No.52235322

I havent used twitter in years and I'd buy one to shitpost. Make my Twitter handle PantsShitter @shitpants or something

>> No.52235329

>moves twitter headquarters to texas
>republicans give him asylum
>refuses to pay california

>> No.52235378

ok Elon, thanks for sharing

>> No.52235390

Need one in order to trend.

>> No.52235442
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His other idea is even more ridiculous. Charging a fee to let you DM celebrities. Only psychos would use this service which is useless anyway because you can't force a celeb to read your message, and they'll just leave the site because it'll become unusable.

>> No.52235905
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>If you assume 10 million people will buy blue checkmarks that would be a very generous prediction. Which would still only cover 1-2% of his expenses

>> No.52235934

I get such a headache now reading /biz/

>> No.52235941
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the fuck are you talking about nigger? I never saw a single ad on twitter

>> No.52236000


you don't need a checkmark to do that

>> No.52236012

I don't think he really wanted to buy twitter

>> No.52236047

There's a theory that he only suggested the deal as an excuse to cash out some Tesla stock without spooking the market, but he didn't realise backing out after signing would be impossible.

>> No.52236136
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>> No.52236218

He should make it cost 8 dollars for a posting account. It’s a low tax for the price of freedom.

>> No.52236246
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>1 billion

$8/month * 12 months = $96/year

1,000,000 subscribers * $96 = $96,000,000

>> No.52236270

A check mark is $8 not $96 fucking 75 iq Somalian nigger

>> No.52236274

Bro you're talking about Netflix noone is going to pay to use visible 4chan

>> No.52236324

>8$ a month
8x12 is what dipshit?

>> No.52236338

Twitter has had a huge impact on our society.
Twitter has helped shape the national conversation since Trump.
Twitter is why individuals and companies are afraid of online mobs.
Twitter is why gangs of losers have social power like they never had before, or will have again.

Why do pols go along with 37 genders? Twitter.
Why don't people speak out about trans women in sports? Twitter.

If you have a name, and the twitter mob goes after you, you could be "cancelled" in real life.

>> No.52236345

how do i short twitter? robinhood doesnt have it listed for some reason

>> No.52236351
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10,000,000 subscribers * $96/year = $960,000,000

so he would need roughly 50,000,000 annual subscribers to break even without ad support.

>> No.52236364


>> No.52236380

>I can't wait to renew my Twitter subscription

>> No.52236388
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yah, I think he is a moron

is 50,000,000 subscribers even remotely possible?

>> No.52236399

A billion in america means a hundred million, only an ESL wouldn't know that.

>> No.52236407


okay, kinda going out on a limb here, but bear with me

>Spotify had 182 million subscribers in Q1 2022, a 15% increase year-on-year. It surpassed 100 million in Q1 2019.

Spotifty charges, what? like $10 a month?

Is twitter comparable to spotify? I don't think so.

>> No.52236410

Anybody else remember when Sansa was raped by Ramsay Bolton on Game of Thrones?


This is where I first recognized the power of Twitter.

>> No.52236412
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Fucking no

>> No.52236425
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>this is who is giving you financial advice on /biz

>> No.52236433

>I know math is hard
Her own math is off by a factor of 10. Twitter is still overrun by imbeciles

>> No.52236439

free speech on twitter is some of the most backwards shit normies unironically believe

>> No.52236441
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wasted dubs nigger

>> No.52236454
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most people don't use twitter because it's an awful place, even more awful than here
99% of the traffic are bots

>> No.52236460
File: 30 KB, 474x352, 9BE46C89-872E-46CB-B933-0EB054303DFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“You’re right. I did lose a million dollars last year. I expect to lose a million dollars this year. I expect to lose a million dollars next year. You know, Mr Thatcher, at the rate of a million dollars a year, I’ll have to close this place in 60 years.”

>> No.52236462

Look’s like math is indeed hard. I wonder how many people read that and believe it, without checking the numbers.

Anyway, it should be obvious he fucked up, didn’t want to buy that shithole in the first place but it backfired. I can’t believe people how people can see him as free speech advocate either.

>> No.52236479
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>he might be worlds poorest man rn, poor people do dumb shit

>> No.52236485
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>Pol types promised return to 4chan freedom but on Twitter
>Advertisers decide to leave
>Elon musk can't figure out why advertisers don't want their products advertised next to pol types
fucking lol

>> No.52236506

>implying jews are people
Elon Musk is the world's richest man.

>> No.52236508

Is /pol/ in the thread with us now? Did he touch you on your axe wound?

>> No.52236509

It’s private now you asshat. What did you miss by musk buying the company.

>> No.52236514

Hell no. There's only like 20 million active users.

>> No.52236528

Short Tesla instead. It's inextricably linked to Twitter now because of Elon going full retard.

>> No.52236539

the good thing about this is that means both Twitter and Elon Musk will eventually fuck off in the next 3 years

4chin keeps winning bitches

>> No.52236542

Hurt your ego when I attacked pol do you have it tied to that shit board like you do musk and trump

>> No.52236543
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There are people in this thread, at this very moment, who bought a 4chan pass.

>> No.52236546

so what you are saying is musk has an opportunity to raise money by going public again?

>> No.52236558
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ok retard

>> No.52236575

You have to take into consideration all of Musks companies when looking at his twitter investment. It’s highly probable that he views being able to put his thumb on the scale of public discourse as advantageous to lobbying efforts and the impact of elections on all of his businesses.

>> No.52236580

no one gives a shit social media was a mistake

>> No.52236597

>Even when he loses he actually wins .what compels you to act like a battered housewife

>> No.52236599


When will the room temp IQ retards learn that Fed ain't playing Volcker's rollercoaster game this time?

>> No.52236621

Math is hard given that 1 mil x $8/month x 12 months is only 96 mil not $1 bil. Someone misplaced a decimal point…

>> No.52236626

*fuck, better not have /smg/ and some other biz thread open at the same time

>> No.52236665

why would you reply with that to me? elons networth is mostly derived from his tesla and spacex stock, he is a paper rich, not real rich, considering half of his tesla stock is now pledges as collateral he isn't even paper rich anymore, considering he bought twitter and twitter straigh up gonna cost him 5 bils a year he is fucking broke unless he sells twitter or shuts it down which he is doing rn with his staff layoffs

>> No.52236711

It's a globohomo consesus generator full of bots and shills. Only woke and "redpilled" NPCs use it.

>> No.52236746

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't telling people you're going to fire them before you fire them count as notice? Or does California only let you fire people after a year's notice? I honestly wouldn't be surprised with that state, the only reason it still exists is because it sucks billions of dollars out of productive states every year.

>> No.52236876

funny thing is twitter actually does have a thriving far-right community. If you avoid slurs, harassment and fedposting you can say pretty much whatever you want. The only people getting silenced are 90iq retards.

>> No.52236899

It was never about free speech in the first place.

>> No.52236900

How was that funny

>> No.52236902

if anything now is the time for weaponized twitter trolling
pay some neets in monero to blackball all the companies that pulled ads and they dont even have to lie jsut expose the bullshit every big corp does without the thought police patrolling and see them come beg on their knees to be allowed into the new 100k/month corporate rehabilitation program

this boomer managers in pepsi or whatever that is pulling have no idea how hard their brands can be tanked in todays world

>> No.52236975

They already do.

>> No.52236988

Indeed, and then everyone could short it.

>> No.52237165


>> No.52237215
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It's literally the jews.
>It's always the jews

>> No.52237772
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so what do you think? Is Elon figuring out these people can't be negotiated with? Will he try to play by their rules still and continue to lose or will he start calling his enemies out and attemt to work around them? Did he know all along that they weren't worth talking to and only did so to show everyone that it was futile, as a way to get more people on his side? it's hard for me to tell if Elon the retard we see at the surface level or a genius playing 4D chess

>> No.52237821

What if it’s just the same ghostwriter that works for both of them

>> No.52237857

He's going to push the operating costs down, way too many useless eaters and inefficiencies for a shitty website to cost 6 billion a year.

>> No.52237884

What if it dies but he refuses to sell?

>> No.52237920

He’s doing it for the lels

>> No.52237956

This whole situation reveals that it was more of a patronage system between blue checks and Twitter.

>> No.52237978

That was only true when you couldn't just buy it.

>> No.52237999

>so he would need roughly 50,000,000 annual subscribers to break even without ad support.

Running Twitter doesn't cost 44 billion every year. 44 billion is needed to make his investment back, and theres no way he's expecting to do that in the first year. Operating costs will be significantly lower because he's firing so many people. As long as he can make MORE money than operating costs each year, by a fair bit, it was worth it. Just getting 2% of Twitters userbase to pay $8/month would be more than enough to bring Twitter into profitability, and that's with ZERO advertiser support. Getting it to a goal of 5%, with a decent amount of advertiser support, and Elon would absolutely make good on his purchase in less than 10 years.

>> No.52238078

Don't underestimate vanity. Also businesses. I'd charge 20 for that jpg

>> No.52238096

twitter has ads?

>> No.52238104

People aren't going to be buying it for vanity, they're going to do it to impersonate celebs and brands, and then the only reason the celebs or brands wanted a checkmark goes out the window.

>> No.52238169

People will return to active post to Facebook with their verified real name. Twitter will die when those self-crowned important people leave because like it or not they are the ones producing content keeping people on platform.

>> No.52238243

He had an option to pay $1 billion to back out

he could but he'd lose tons of money doing so. He over-paid for the company so he wouldn't get what he paid.

The bank lent him money based on his Tesla shares so he would be forced to sell those to pay it back.

>> No.52238313

>>Monetise Blue Check for $8. If 15% of current 400,000 Checkies sign up to pay , that’s about $6 mil per year.

how ritarted are you? Anyone will be able to purchase the blue checkmark. Definetly more than 400k signups.

Regardless of that it's still a dogshit purchase, unless he's able to expand the platform by beyond anyones expectations.

>> No.52238340


because only celebrities have them dumbass

there's no point giving them to npc's

>> No.52238385

he will most likely make the money back easily
nobody in this thread has mentioned that cashapp and Twitter are basically integrated already, him and Dorsey are friends and coordinated this
cashapp transfers are basically treated as gifts, and if he implements dogecoin and charges a small fee for instant payments from a tweet, he will have a head start at crypto integration. think of all the parasocial relationships on Twitter, all of the actual prostitutes. he will probably exclusively advertise Tesla for vehicles. everything is slowly converging into one super app, and he’s banking on Twitter to be that app. its a long game to play, but he will probably win. his only competition is Facebook/instagram, and they seem fairly incompetent. tiktok is Chinese, they will be shut out at some point. Google is awful at social media other than YouTube, but YouTube style integration is an inevitability

>> No.52238412

This. I bet Twitter only needs 5 people running it plus some supervisor cuck. Run it like Craigslist before it get fbi. Then have pay to play mods like special/collectible items like in d&d and Pokémon and shit that only last a month at most and then goes to another person. People will love to virtue signal they got a +5000 word post ability or +5 min video ability.

>> No.52238464

It's weird how youtube streaming is still so shit

>> No.52238514
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I totally agree based ADL poster.

>> No.52238560

I’ve never met a zoomer who uses Twitter for actual social media. The ones who do use it are thots promoting their porn/only fans.

>> No.52238647

ironic and subtle

>> No.52238650

zoomers definitely use Twitter, just mostly anonymously. for some reason millenials and older generations forgot that you shouldn’t put your real identity on the internet

>> No.52238676

I mean maybe in other states, all my friends use tiktok and reddit, I know a handful that use Twitter

>> No.52238695


HOLY FUCK, I just noticed it

AI has gone too far

>> No.52238708
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*not far enough

>> No.52238728

If they are pulling ad support from the platform because it's so reprehensible now then why do they still need an account there?

>> No.52238730


no seriously this is giving me schizophrenia, I keep looking for patterns

>> No.52238737
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better getting used to it then

>> No.52238766

>posture as free speech champion
>we did everything to appease censorship-lovers!
>literally no change to moderation policy, still "fact-checking" wrongthinkers, still no trump

>> No.52238773

80% of all advertising in the US goes through the AAAA a completely jewish organization, this is also why every commercial is made to demoralize whites

>> No.52238790

if twitter dies pol might actually become usuable again

>> No.52238885
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Once you notice they are everywhere.

>> No.52238935

because it draws attention to the fact that you're a seething retard

>> No.52238936

take meds anon, it's just a picture of a building
seriously, I'm worried, seek help

>> No.52239151

He's always been a midwit grifter, propped up by dumb retail, the tech bubble and gov subsidies. Look at his takes on crypto for example, backing doge of all shitcoins, instead of betting big on smart contracts and defi, etc. doesn't even understand the block size debate. All he had was his "brand" and his image as a pioneer when he didn't invent anything or even started tesla himself, all the midwit reddit leftists who propped him up, muh real life tony stark, the irony is now he's alienated the leftist crowd because he went full pol after grimeth cucked him with a tranny. EV was the perfect front for ESG investing eg jewish accounting, but now he's gone into crypto and free speech he's become counter semitic while barely even realizing it. He bowed down to the ADL for nothing, the ad groups will still leave because it's all about the tribe owning the social engineering power structure from top to bottom. The guy sent his shit to support Ukraine and the msm is nonetheless calling him a Putin asset. The fact that he barely even realizes what game is being played is the proof he's a moron. Henry Ford at this point would have already released his manifesto instead of posting stupid memes on twitter.

>> No.52239167

I did. Got tired of the fucking captchas. Best btc i ever spent. Other than buying chainlink with it

>> No.52239187

Some of the people posted pictures showing that they were locked out of their Twitter-issued Macs. That basically proves that they didn’t do any real work. Macs are toys for personal use. I have a MacBook and love it. However, I couldn’t imagine getting any actual work done with it. Windows is for actual work.

>> No.52239192

>Look at his takes on crypto for example, backing doge of all shitcoins, instead of betting big on smart contracts and defi, etc
>instead of betting big on smart contracts and defi, etc
why did 4chan love playing on Habbo Hotel servers? why wouldn't we as a collective storm the fronts of more technical game design like Dragon's Dogma!
you're a retard

>> No.52239232
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Did he really not know going in how it would work? That it's the ADL that controls ad revenue? That twitter was just one of its many disposable puppets? That it all always boils down to the JQ? Marvelous how this is unfolding at the same time as the Ye shit, and so few can still see the big picture.

>> No.52239397

Well, considering he paid 44.000 Millions on it, it is just:
44.000/(750-221)=83 years to break even

>> No.52239499

A Bunch of Anons Who Suck at Math: The Thread. Y'all sounding like you're on Twitter ffs

>> No.52239574

you fucking foreign cunt

>> No.52239788

you realize he can sell it again right? Which he will do on the next bull run, screencap this.

>> No.52239819

Elon just needs to tweet the word "Sneed" and all his enemies will reveal themselves.

>> No.52239842
File: 35 KB, 390x261, dbypzdg-01259839-cdda-46e3-920c-8b200dc3f108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current Twitter discourse is that Musk is snking the company and everyone there is saying that they are leaving.

Still, haven't seem any of that happening.

Do we actually have data of Twitter accounts decreasing? Or any hard evidence that a significative number of people are running away from the site?

The issue is that all these eople saying that they are leaving, are still posting on twitter, about how much they wont be on twitter, so I cant be sure.

>> No.52239906

Let's not pretend that on Twitter, conservatives weren't held to a higher standard than progressives.
>Fuck Trump and anyone who voted for him
All good
>Fuck Hillary and anyone who voted for her
Instant ban

>> No.52239921

Settle down Elon

>> No.52239958

This moron forgot that the goyim go whereever the jewish media tells them to go. All the jewish media has to do is create a new social network and then make news stories about how "everyone has been flocking to the hot new social media site.", etc.

>> No.52239977

$200k a year? For twitter?
What are there spice/pajjets interns?

>> No.52240000

>the only reason it still exists is because it sucks billions of dollars out of productive states every year.
actually they pay more than they use, but they get all that from agriculture that they steal water to grow and use mexicants to harvest for basically free

>> No.52240009

Holy shit this is the best one yet. Not even a human could design this!

>> No.52240060

>People will return to active post to Facebook
Go to bed mark.

>> No.52240070

Elon just threatened the advertisers who pulled out with a "name and shame" campaign. Good luck getting business with that strategy.

>> No.52240115

He meant that people will return to active rooms in the metaverse

>> No.52240172

Then why us it such a shitshow with Elon Musk constantly backtracking on everything and complaining about everyone? Is it merely an act?

>> No.52240188

To be fair he's always like that, it's not really indicative of anything

>> No.52240361

>Settle down Elon

I just asked for data regarding that. I'm curious to know what is the alternative that fulfills the same NICHE.

>> No.52240605

Please post these all over twitter

>> No.52240683

Just another person who life get ruined because he fell to right-wing grifters meme. Many such cases.

>> No.52240722

>Dude, he's gonna get fucked by California law requiring 60 day notice of mass layoffs. It's a $500/day per employee fine. Additionally, employees laid off without notice must be paid their salary for that time, and any medical expenses during that period just be entirely covered by the company.
Good thing he fucking gave everyone he fired a severance package until end of Feb, which is 90 days not 60 days you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.52240941

>Current Twitter discourse is that Musk is snking the company and everyone there is saying that they are leaving.
There is a lot of people showing up on Mastodon, Kathy Griffin showed up on mastodon.social.

>> No.52241037
File: 41 KB, 300x330, ddfye89-e6a923cc-19bd-4d46-b859-72f8c38c95c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is a lot of people showing up on Mastodon
Yes but...

>EVERY Mastodon user I have seem, said that the site sucks
>Mastodon doesn't even fullfill the same niche as Twitter, being more of a Discord, than a place where you can outreach wider audiences and new people

To me it looks like the people who say that they are going to move to Canada if their politician of choice is not in charge.

>> No.52241076


>> No.52241231

Sounds like classic newfaggotry. Every few years something happens here that makes people seethe and they say they're all going to nu-chan that anon just made, and a few people migrate over and seethe together for awhile before coming back because you're here forever. The twits will now discover this phenomenon.

>> No.52241452

The exception to this being when Tumblr banned porn. As long as Elon leaves the coomers alone he'll be fine

>> No.52241804

the $8 is spam prevention you doink

>> No.52241868

he needs to turn off the annoying fucking signin popup

>> No.52241888

trust me, your are not as intelligent as you think you are

>> No.52241914

that's still less than the cash Twitter was burning through will all those shitty made up departments kek

>> No.52241934

spotify has vastly more competition than twister has

>> No.52241945
File: 93 KB, 704x832, 1667387508399675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice improvement. thats really the best so far.

>> No.52241965
File: 112 KB, 220x124, hooplah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hoes mad Elon. keep em sizzlin'

>> No.52242027

Thats what I was thinking too

Porn has such a massive power on Twitter, nothing that Elon plans to do seem to have any effect on the Hentai artists, they have no reason to leave or care about USA politics. Hentai artists will keep posting on twitter.