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File: 346 KB, 900x815, 1270943-middle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52232887 No.52232887 [Reply] [Original]

some normie friends compared crypto investors to flat earthers
they put crypto at the same level of annoyance/retardation as flat earthers

>> No.52232937


Becase 99.9% of crypto investors and investments literally are, and you cant blame midwits or otherwise sensible people who know bout finance for making that conclusion when the average representitive of crypto, is nigger ape pictures, dog and animal coins,, sexynakedcum rocket coin, and it seems to get hacked for hundreds of millions weekly, and the average person shilling it is either brown or a college drop out.

Yes things like Chainlink, and important projects using it, and obviously Eth and BTC exist but lets face it that isnt what 99.999% of people see when they look into crypto is it?

>> No.52232946
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People who talk about flat earthers are 100% psyopped by the system. It's the ultimate boogeyman

I'm 100% sure they're triple vaxxed too and think Gates is a wonderful philantropist

>> No.52233044

Crypto is definitiely far more cancerous than flat earth conspiracies. Flat earthers are for the most part in it like an excuse for a hobby or a social club or whatever, crypto however is straight up cancer. Like the ultimate ponzi scheme, destroys lives and enables gambling addiction. Has literally 0 redeeming qualities. Imo crypto is the most worthless and cancerous thing that can be created. Even literal poison like cyanide is better than crypto. I sincerely hope every single one of you financier parasites perishes

>> No.52233093

normies are too retarded to see the future. I promise you 99% of people have no clue the second biggest donor to the democrats was a millennial guy running a crypto exchange

>> No.52233188
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>I care about normalfag subhumans

>> No.52233218

Bottom signal

>> No.52233256


>> No.52233300


I'm all in on Chainlink since feb 2018, and before that i was all in on BTC since 2015.
I have been calling the bottom for a while. Im just being honest about why most people would view crypto that way.

>> No.52233311

Crypto fanatics are some of the most arrogant and repulsive human beings I've ever come across. Cocky, self-assured, "Holier-than-thou", bragging about gains, defensive when criticized.

>> No.52234272
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>> No.52234311

>t.nigger that has never made money before
Normies don't get everything is a ponzi because they are retarded. Of all the ponzis, crypto is the best one. Not metals. Not stocks. They are shit ponzis with market caps too high.

>> No.52234325
File: 274 KB, 672x671, 7869 - 4chan arm clothes covid hair open_mouth pol_(4chan) qanon russia russo_ukrainian_war schizo soyjak text thick_eyebrows tshirt vaccine variant chudjak variant el_perro_rabioso z_(russian_symbol).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>More people are dying
>Must be because they took the vax not because they had covid or other factors

>> No.52234367

>More people are dying after a life disrupting series of traumatic events, disruption to health care, and increase in over eating/sedentary life styles/alcohol abuse?

>> No.52234391
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t. vaxxed golems grasping at straws

no refunds sorry

>> No.52234413

>common cold that’s been around for centuries now causes people to fall over and die

Found the mentally ill liberal.

>> No.52234418

Wow cool screen cap and pol memes. Now, do you have an actual argument? Yeah, didn't think so.

>> No.52234423
File: 4.00 MB, 1790x5050, 1667507593627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Words, words, words
The left can't meme.

>> No.52234434
File: 11 KB, 1235x76, Linkbuy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bruh, i own 50k Link. Yeah i lost some, sold plenty too though. I've been in crypto since 2015. more qualified to evaluate than you.

pic related was my first ever purchase of LINK

>> No.52234436

>sports players have to take the vax
>sports players falling all over the field
>>sedentary lifestyle did it

No refunds

>> No.52234437
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>He thinks COVID is the same as the cold
Lmao holy shit ignorance is bliss

>> No.52234444

That's kinda fair but also stupid. I see that a lot where my buddies say like "btc is fake and useless," kinda true but to write it off completely when it can make you money is even more stupid

>> No.52234462

You're a moron if you think athletes are automatically healthy. Do you realize how many normies amateurs abuse the fu k outta their body for flag football? Now imagine what pro's do for millions of dollars a year in endorsements.

>> No.52234473
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Sorry but Covid was the ultimate litmus test

If you took an experimental vax for a cold with a 0.2% mortality rate which only affects +70 year olds...I'm sorry but you're beyond retarded.

This is the reason why I don't take financial advice from biz. Some of you people are triple vaxxed and couldn't even make a sensible decision regarding your own body let alone your portfolio

>> No.52234503

FUCK, I hate her face. UGLY as hell

>> No.52234519

>Big media lies!
>Look at these sources from big media that agree with me!

>> No.52234533
File: 132 KB, 989x1024, EF4C7C7C-13AE-4CF3-843A-83DD9FC9292B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. Even though I'm from 2018, I have been here enough and probably learned macro shit better. Not explaining further. Pic rel

>> No.52234569

Because most are. Shilling a coin is just trying to boost the one you bought into, and any actual commitment/belief in virtual money that has the picture of a monkey or a dog is retarded.
The USD/other fiat examples survive because of their tried to industries and enforcement by governments.
The stock market continues because it is the valuation of companies, much different from magic shitcoins that pop up on a daily basis.

>> No.52234571
File: 54 KB, 600x600, 1667079482383742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you feel now that mainstream news is LITERALLY shitting on your beloved vaccine when 1 year ago this was "misinformation"

Must be tough being a gullible idiot who doesn't understand how the media easily flips their narrative as they please

>> No.52234576
File: 195 KB, 798x770, 1586113061475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You represent the average insufferable nigger sperg pretty well.

>actually im more qualified because ... i just feel like i must be okay?

>> No.52234615

>The media flips the narrative!
>Which is why I'm repeating what the media tells me
Lol it's like you have no critical thinking, which is why you live your life based in screen caps

>> No.52234619
File: 561 KB, 982x1505, 68A5FE7C-0565-4234-B2E1-BB933C547ED7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually im more qualified because ... i just feel like i must be okay?

>> No.52234621

/Pol/cels want to be the contrarian hero’s for refusing the vaccine so bad kek. What happened to the millions will die and white children won’t be born anymore because of the vaccine??????

>> No.52234634


You're a typical child probably under 25, or a stunted sperg who never grows out of it

>> No.52234659
File: 270 KB, 999x999, 21150 - animal cheese clothes computer drawn_background glasses greentext lets_go_brandon maga pornhub rat smile smirk smug soyjak text variant chudjak variant impish_soyak_ears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They had it coming.

>> No.52234683

27, retard. Your tantrum isn't adding to your point. My original point about all assets being a ponzi remains unchallenged.

>> No.52234721
File: 150 KB, 1826x1158, 432768432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the EU mortality database another polcel conspiracy website?

Vaxxie cope is reaching absurd levels lmao

>> No.52234727

Good old days with an old baggie I wish things could turn out better again on this and the likes of fret, Geeq, and MNW.

>> No.52234728
File: 97 KB, 768x1024, 825878CC-6E70-4329-96AF-6F64718FC72B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saved been looking for this meme for awhile Kek. The onions slurper rat always makes me kek. Have another one that sums up the /Pol/cels entire zeitgeist in an image as well.

>> No.52234734

flat earthers are feds.

>> No.52234738

Now that's just fucking retarded. Tell your friend to look into bitDAO.

>> No.52234762
File: 68 KB, 480x640, BAD11B14-7671-474D-9638-85E63203AAB5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is the EU mortality database another polcel conspiracy website?Vaxxie cope is reaching absurd levels lmao

Yea actually the number of people that developed shitty lifestyles/had their businesses and mental health ruined over the pandemic couldn’t have anything to do with it, surely it was the vaccine. Gosh I wish I was as brave and stunning as you Chudley, you really took down the entire cabal by refusing the vaccine!

>> No.52234780
File: 5 KB, 311x162, 1662134507849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone has their individual opinion and view of things, but one thing is for sure: we are getting bigger after this shitty cycle.

>> No.52234808
File: 272 KB, 2124x1360, 423789243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever makes you sleep at night.

Deep down in your subconscious you know you made a horrible decision out of fear of being labelled an "antivaxxer" by your friends, family or coworkers. You're now lashing out against poltards just to cope instead of being pissed because they literally scammed you. It's honestly pathetic and kind of sad.

At the end of the day you made your decision and I honestly don't care

>> No.52234841


Of course we are.
2017 bubble was just techy people. shitcoins at least tried, even if their purpose was so crap... they tried. the absolute worst of the shittiest scams still had some kind of tech-minded attempt even if it was so shit.

2021 bubble was basically normies. the average understanding dropped to their level. everything stopped trying and it was just cumrocket, inunigger, ape pictures, safemoontit, and whatever mindless shit because normies dont need any technical minded facade, they dont care, they just follow the pump and social media. the lowest common denominator was them, and thats where the marketing went, to appeal to them "haha it called cum rocket! rocket means it goes up lol", "safe MOON, i dont understand any of this, but it says safe so i'll buy it as it probably more of a sure thing".

Next time around i expect an even bigger clusterfuck honestly, but the bottom line, technology and actually usecases still grew last time and they will next time

>> No.52234873

Nigger I wasn’t even allowed to go to my families Christmas last year cause I refused the vaccine just like you retards up until the last moment until it meant either my job or the vaccine. I took it and am fine, family and friends took it and they’re all fine. Meanwhile still waiting on that red deer scenario to happen in 2 more weeks Chudcels kept going on about. I’m honestly sick of that fucking board it’s a bunch of cowards that never do anything and just complain/want to bring everyone else down to their level of pathetic incel/doomer mentality. I mean they had THE golden opportunity to stir some shit up with the Ye calling out the Jews shit and the entire board did nothing. I tried to rally people for weeks to start some meme/twitter campaigns for potential red pills or at least some lulz from seething Jews and golem and got nothing. That board has been completely neutered by Kikes and is 99% loser doomers projecting their failures/looking for things to be pissed about that they will do nothing about that they can blame their failures on.

>> No.52234906


The thing you need to understand bot pol is it is the retard board.
People use to come together on niche little conspiracy retard boards early into the internet, but they all migrated towards pol.

People who were scared of Y2K and used to come up with shit for it? same people screaming about vaccines today. just remember, every society has these annoying retards. you have high IQ conspiracies that are reasonable, but 99% of them, and 99% of people following them are low IQ uneducated retards.

>> No.52234925

Except flat earthers are highly educated. college graduates, some with masters and doctorals. It becomes harder to dismiss it at pure craziness. But flat earth theories are easily proved wrong.
What is the use case for crypto? Even direct transfers of money are more expensive than using western union. Crypto has literally no intrinsic value or use.

>> No.52235005

I mean there’s def things they’re occasionally right about like the Epstein stuff but then they become useful idiots for the same factions they think they are fighting against when they fall for shit like Qanon and muddy the waters linking anyone who believes in Epstein/elite blackmail rings to things like they’re all satanic lizard people that fuck kids and drink their blood to harvest adrenochrome. The board used to actually be funny and occasionally stir some shit up like with Ben garrison or the Shia lebuaff shit but now they’re just a bunch of retards that do nothing and constantly bitch and moan.

>> No.52235016

this has to be the dumbest post i read in a LONG while
> burgers wake up
> troll posts intensify

>> No.52235079

Given that the only alternative these retards have to offer is a currency that's been losing value since its inception and is now losing value even faster than before AND which follows a model that fails whenever it's implemented, I'm not really sure why you care what they have to say on the matter.

>> No.52235097

myocardatis has been linked with "long covid" also know as getting covid after being vaxed.

>> No.52235233

the same normie friends will go all in at the top next bullrun

>> No.52235402

Every single one of you is below 3SD in IQ, and although IQ isn’t an accurate metric, it is a good obtuse approximation of intelligence. 3SD is the bare fucking minimum to be considered “intelligent”, and don’t immediately post how you’re 160 or whatever, you don’t even know what SD means in the first place, let alone g load or any other puttling about in IQ accuracy or terminology. You are all fucking mental niggers and the ONLY reason I come here is for the few extremely autistic/sperg heavyweight 5SD heroes that put the board towards relevancy to begin with. Most of them don’t even post anymore and there were only like three to begin with. I doubt even /g/ miners post here anymore, board quality has massively dropped off ever since normalfags and shitskins and nu/pol/ arrived. The daily IQ max peak is 130 tops, the only time it matters to come here is if stuff is going to go down, or is happening. That’s the only time I’ve seen actually intelligent people post here, least of all during crab season.

>didn’t read
Don’t care, you’re not smart enough to actually matter and the only reason I type this out is so maybe you can gain some self awareness into your own impotence.

>> No.52235496

sir do you think bitcoin is going up or down

>> No.52235859

This. These polcels don't even know that stress is the equivalent of smoking a pack a day and drinking alcohol every night. But yeah, seeing the world change over the span of a few weeks, not being able to see your doctor, skipping yearly physicals and other checks up, and being stuck inside for 24/7 definitely had zero impact! It was all the vaxx!!!!!

>> No.52236310

>projecting in broken english
that'll be all, ranjesh.

>> No.52237444

Sometimes when I post I get compliments from many people saying that my post was very valuable or high quality. It's why I still come back here. Getting complimented on here of all places means more than any normie updoot metric.

>> No.52239001

We are still in the best market, just DCA if you have steady funds for that but don't lose your mind to this market. I protect mine by recreating game night experience on GameStar+. This market is damn crazy right now.

>> No.52239010

buy sig, my nig

>> No.52240056

Oh so this is the new psy-op.

>> No.52240322
File: 2 KB, 125x89, 1654872573514s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are measures in place to check this, normies just won't adhere

>> No.52240350

We're still early. Waves come in threes.

>> No.52240629


>> No.52240745

that comparison is dumb as fuck honestly, i mean how is that even possible when you see adobe, meta, mercedes, stripe, reddit, starbucks, robinhood, nubank, and even jp morgan joining the market through polygon?

>> No.52240783

they aren't wrong but being right won't stop however many billions of dollars getting traded around every day by everyone from pajeet to elite central banks, and you can take advantage of that, in a market that is more open and in some ways less rigged+regulated than the normie stock market

>> No.52240791

That's unfair. Nobody is dumber than flat earthers.
Crypto investors are simply the stupidest investors, but they're far from the stupidest people.

>> No.52240810

Absolutely based, the moment has finally come. I've seen signs. Normies are very adverse too crypto right now. I've noticed. But flat earth tier is just the type of hopium that I can hook straight into my veins. Thanks OP.

>> No.52240818

This. Covid fucked up my family big time. High loss of “good years” on the elderly.

>> No.52240825

The anger stage, let it out anon.

>> No.52241951

flat earth is the truth though, but a lot of fags went too far, you're just supposed to understand that flat earth is the truth and move on with your life, realizing that God is real and live a God filled life.

>> No.52242583

>the bottom line, technology and actually usecases still grew last time and they will next time

You are absolutely right. I think most chain utilities are more focused on peer-to-peer cash systems. If utility will outgrow and span from just DeFi applications to real-life applications, it'd be nice and great. We all desire mainstream adoption, but there is no adequate technology to foster such a move. The security model they utilize is so weak and vulnerable to attack. Take a look at the recent incident with the likes of Gala. A better view of things and innovation might emerge from multichain architecture if it has a high priority on security.

>> No.52242700

After this cycle its worse. The crypto bro is seen as a scammy used car sales men on YouTube

>> No.52243477
File: 75 KB, 667x1024, 1667533347218522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yea actually the number of people that developed shitty lifestyles/had their businesses and mental health ruined over the pandemic

I tried my best to protect the mental health of my family and me through constant game nights on the GameStar+ board game streaming platform. Glad I stood my ground by not taking the vaccine. That shit looks more like a scam to me.

>> No.52243516 [DELETED] 

You're obviously retarded benchod, there are so many based crypto investments in the space, its spotting them that's the hard part. I've placed my bets on decentralised communication systems like Sylo for the long term while I keep exploring for other gems.

>> No.52243521

they aren't wrong
you are that meme
the guy in the corner at the party
"they dont know I hold 52.556 BTC"
nobody gives a fuck dude have a beer talk about sportball with the boys flirt with a girl and go home how fucking hard is socialization for some of you retards fuck

>> No.52243529


>> No.52243915
File: 146 KB, 1000x1200, 26yhfnwoysy71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, i..