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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 285 KB, 1536x2048, received_1691962407528204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5222876 No.5222876 [Reply] [Original]

No bullshit. Just post which country you are frome.

Poland here

>> No.5222934
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>> No.5222973

Bengladesh, very proud of my country and people. Very nice color skin. Very handsome men.

>> No.5222974


Wish commies were illegal here.

>> No.5222997
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>> No.5223013

Uruguay, it is a shithole but we have nice weather and robbers still let me live while they rob me.

>> No.5223028
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Nice try, but I won't let you come steal my LINK.

>> No.5223035
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If I told you.
You wouldn't understand.
If I explained it to you.
You wouldn't believe me.
Keep stacking your blockfolio.
You are in good company.

>> No.5223037

As a short but decently attractive American male, will I fit in in Poland? I already have a gf so I'm not worried about women.

>> No.5223053


I love poland though. Easiest place in the world to fuck beautiful women.

>> No.5223064
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>> No.5223066


>> No.5223079
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>> No.5223090

Damn! foiled again!

>> No.5223108

Taiwan (originally from Portugal)

>> No.5223122

lel i've been there it is nice

>> No.5223167

Sure man. You can live on good level for $1000 per month. Food is good, alcohol is cheap, everyone speak english and we are in centre of europe so its clese everywhere. You will not regret if you decide to move here. I travelled a lot and I mist say that poland is one of the comfiest coutry to live. Oh and if you have gf your relationship will have a test here cause there are a lot of hot girls and now there are a lot of ukrainian girls as well. Give it a try, fully recomend

>> No.5223202

What are the most important things to know before going to Poland?

The only thing I know right now is "kurwa"

>> No.5223212

I lived in portugal for like 8 months. I have been in setubal on erasmus. Your girls are hairy and 4/10 but good weather and cheap wina + hashish from maroko. Pretty cool as well

>> No.5223243

Dunno. We are fully eu country. A lot of foreigners in bigger cities so you have to just not to be asshole and you will enjoy

>> No.5223271

How'd you have the opportunity to live in Portugal for 8 months? Did you just travel there on a whim or was there a specific reason?

>> No.5223316

uk with polish girlfriend. We are going to poland soon to see her family. Fucking cant wait to get on that cheap cheap beer

>> No.5223317

Ive been on student exchange. Its called erasmus. I have studied on university in pt and recived 400euro per month for living. One of best decision of my life to go there. This and crypto are my mvp

>> No.5223319

yeah pt girls are not the best. Luckily we have a lot of foreigners right now :)

>> No.5223325

>Your girls are hairy and 4/10
Can confirm

>> No.5223344


>> No.5223347



Indiana specifically

>> No.5223386
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>> No.5223391


>> No.5223407


>> No.5223426
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>> No.5223434



>> No.5223454
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>> No.5223465

Once I fucked girl from turku. Pale blondies with blue eyes are you export product

>> No.5223487

I'm from the butthole of the planet...Chile

>> No.5223518

>Ive been on student exchange. Its called erasmus. I have studied on university in pt and recived 400euro per month for living. One of best decision of my life to go there. This and crypto are my mvp
I should have done that, sounds awesome

>> No.5223536


>> No.5223538


>inb4 pay denbts

>> No.5223543

Canada leaf faggot here. Peruvian 9.5/10 gf, while im a 7/10 chad. Looking to gtfo to somewhere cheap and warmer. Tips?

>> No.5223554

I want to go there. Its sofucked up that with such potential you are 3rd world country. Is it safe for white guy to travel across chile? Im not really into turist stuff. I love to integrate with locals and discover how real life is like

>> No.5223571

Mexicotlan, accumulating the long lost Moctezumas gold

>> No.5223619

Yeah for sure man. If you are from eu there are a lot of programs like this. You even do not have to be student. Erasmus+ is program where you can go abroad for volutaree work and you get from eu flat and like 200euros per month for living, depend on country

>> No.5223659

Northern Ireland

>> No.5223666
File: 1.94 MB, 3264x2448, E638FC25-F9D2-4ABD-BD77-E68EAB558C00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

French Polynesia.

>> No.5223681

siemanko, kurde jestem na 4chanie od jakichs 3 lat, o bitcoinie wiedzialem od dawna ale nie udalo mi sie nic zainwestowac, dopiero teraz kupilem drobną ilosc bitciona, a wlasciwie satoshi ;c mega bym się cieszył jakbys cos przesłał jako prezent na swięta, Pozdrawiam z Łódzkiego 356i58TX2vwFb5keH5hg6rEUqhJGYr7t1G

>> No.5223695

american in texas... i'm surprised how international this board is

>> No.5223706

United States, Minnesota
I hate somalians

>> No.5223724
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>> No.5223735
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>> No.5223742

>I hate somalians

I think everyone does. One of the worst people on this planet, along with congolese and other sub-saharan nasties

>> No.5223755

>>>/soc/ your mother if you want >>>/soc/

>> No.5223765

>Erasmus+ is program where you can go abroad for volutaree work and you get from eu flat and like 200euros per month for living, depend on country
What kind of work do you do as a volunteer?
Unfortunately I'm from the USA but I'd gladly do that if I had the opportunity

>> No.5223781
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>> No.5223785

YEah there's a lot of them here too and they smell like shit. The running joke through high school was that they never shower.

>> No.5223803

Var hälsad västerlänning.

Finland here.

>> No.5223820

been there for day, how's girls game there ?
I heard it's like super fucking easy to get layed if you average westerner.

>> No.5223845

It's an European universities exchange.

>> No.5223856

I've heard about that man, they are like 8 year olds in an adult body. No sense of hygiene or anything.

Apparently in Sweden a ridiculous amount of Somalis are diagnosed with "low functioning autism", which I think is just their shit brains in action

>> No.5223868
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Poland here as well

>> No.5223883

Like cultural stuff or learning. Look for english teacher in asia or africa. There are plenty programs for english native teachers. I met a lot of guys from us in such programs. They will pay you for plane tickets, accomondation and some cash for life

>> No.5223901
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America, reporting from the financial capitol of the world

>> No.5223919


>> No.5223935

>Look for english teacher in asia or africa
I might look into that desu

>> No.5223942
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>> No.5223949

here from new york city, the actual financial capital of the world

>> No.5223977

Chicago, the commodities capital of the world

>> No.5223985

Ja vi elsker Norge!

>> No.5223988
File: 221 KB, 736x1117, 665c16a26c505c972fb5c6ef357c850f--ukraine-cossacks-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

racemixed Ukrainian living in Poland

>> No.5224001

Our country may die soon.

>> No.5224002

Living in Chicago

>> No.5224004

lol enjoy your BTC ban NYC fag

>> No.5224006
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Portugal also, too bad i'm a jobless (for now) poorfag

>> No.5224042

unironically Ukraine

>> No.5224065
File: 59 KB, 960x640, huh..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what? i see nothing on google, elaborate

>> No.5224074


>> No.5224084
File: 132 KB, 1148x297, 1150px-PANORAMA_BEOGRADA_SA_PC__USCE__(Old_Belgrade_Panorama_From_The_Bilding__Usce_).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serbia, tho I only started out with small money.

>> No.5224105

india representing! !!!!!

>> No.5224114

Dużo naszych :)

Kupujcie wabi , substratum i iota

Bo inaczej bida ;)

>> No.5224129

I was about to comment on how much Europe there is but then I remembered time zones.

>> No.5224170
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>> No.5224211
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Save us finnbros

>> No.5224262


>> No.5224291
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>> No.5224294
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USA -California reporting in.

>> No.5224334

kek my ID

>> No.5224415
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haha, 4chan called you a fagt

>> No.5224426
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USA Washington here

>> No.5224438


Is it easy for people to just come live in Poland? Don't you need to have some kind of visa or permanent residence? Do they have high standards for immigration?

My grandparents are from Poland so I was hoping I could actually claim citizenship through descent but unfortunately all I've got is my grandfathers birth certificate which alone doesn't seem to prove citizenship.

>> No.5224480
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Ukraine, Kyiv

>> No.5224497


>> No.5224504

Not at all. Poland is in europe union and shengen zone so you just need id to come here. Only few countries need visa here. Its same shit like france, germany, italy etc but we have few immigrants cause we have no social and you have to work to live here

>> No.5224527
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austria with its new right + far-right government since today

looking for a bright future now, kek

>> No.5224528

I actually own this card game

>> No.5224543

You can come here if you want. Go to like Jakobstad, Pargas or Kimito if you need time to learn Finnish.

>> No.5224550


>> No.5224567

What changed there? As I know you already had right wing gov

>> No.5224606


>> No.5224614
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>> No.5224628
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Czech rep.
Feeling pretty comfy in prague at christmas.

>> No.5224630
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>mfw still not a single Indian
>mfw pajeets are in fact Polish

>> No.5224633


>> No.5224647


Yea but I'm Canadian, not a citizen of another EU/schengen country.

I know Poland doesn't give much free welfare and nor would I want it anyways but is it easy for someone who already has money to live off (or just freelances/trades online) to live there long term? Or would a non-EU person need a local employer to get a visa?

>> No.5224662

are you already on the moon, brat?

>> No.5224748

I am not sure how cangaroos are welcome by polish gov but imo it should not be a problem. Send an email to embassy with your question to be sure>>5224630
There are more us than polish soo...

>> No.5224768

Nay durr land

>> No.5224770


we had left + right (left had chancellor and opened all borders as he was more far left social communist style)

in a few weeks "refugees" only will get less then half like before and a loooot of changes to get rid of this shit

>> No.5224778

venezuela but living in germany

>> No.5224788

Brno reporting in

>> No.5224836

Yeah Prague is comfy as fuck during this time of the year. I get into bad moods a lot of the time but whenever I walk through the city it always cheers me up a little to see all the cute little Christmas markets with the wooden stalls and lights everywhere.

>> No.5225109

Switzerland, I hope make it, the taxes here are ridiculously low.

>> No.5225226
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South Wales
not the Aussie one, the OG one

>> No.5225317

looks comfy af man. where in Czech should i visit? planning a Europe trip soon.

>> No.5225329

United States of A nigga

>> No.5225508

if you can land a job remotely - getting a visa/work permit is not hard at all.

There's a popular solution for IT freelancers - Google "business incubators in Poland". They basically help you create your own "business" for which you pay minimal flat tax monthly and get residence permit. And then you just live off your own money forever.

>> No.5225559


>> No.5225599

or everyone is just a larping pajeet itt

also timezones

>> No.5225602

Is it genuinely fun to play?

>> No.5225815

Prague and Cesky Krumlov

>> No.5225831
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>> No.5225859

Sunny Southern California here. Orange County to be exact.

>> No.5225878

Cuckalonia, hope next year I can call it Catalonia already.

>> No.5225880
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Nederland kankerhoeren

>> No.5226048

The fuck you mean racemixed? As in half Polish and Ukrainian? If so you're retarded because those are the same race, different ethnicity.

>> No.5226074


When you said land a job remotely, do you mean find a job that's in Poland while I'm still in Canada, or find a remote/online job to do while I'm in Poland?

Also good to know about the business incubator thing, thanks.

>> No.5226098
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>> No.5226138


>> No.5226154

allah akbaru desu

>> No.5226179


I wouldn't know, I barely leave my commieblock

>> No.5226207
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from based Latvia with love!!!

>> No.5226232

I fucking hate it here
Everything here is done halfassed but at least the politicians are incompetent idiots

>> No.5226377

What part of Turkey, Western Armenia?

>> No.5226436

USA , California

>> No.5226497

what the heck I was supposed to be the only one

>> No.5226612


>> No.5226657
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>> No.5226770

>if you need time to learn Finnish
is it possible?

>> No.5226801
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gig bro haleja, Estonia here

>> No.5226905
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>> No.5227644

is prague full of criminals? (gypsies)
Do I need to guard my wallet?
don't know how else to say it without seeming racist

>> No.5227672
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Texas and its 49 other bitches.

>> No.5227677

Fuck poland, especially polish bitches. They're utter gutter trash.


>> No.5227700


>> No.5227706

what makes you say this?

>> No.5227729

South Sudan... where all my niggas at?! wooop woooooop!

>> No.5227740

V pizde bratan

>> No.5227773

LOL me too. Probably the only two on this board

>> No.5227791


>> No.5227855
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>> No.5227860
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Such a beautiful country. Too bad about the replacement migration, though.

>> No.5227872


>> No.5227886

The bahamas

>> No.5227945
File: 11 KB, 2000x1333, 2000px-Flag_of_Vietnam.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who speaks English in this goddamn country?

>> No.5227953
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>> No.5228001

Why are you in Vietnam?

>> No.5228032

Because I'm Vietnamese?

>> No.5228037
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>> No.5228040


I too also live right next to that christmas market...

>> No.5228094
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Poland, kurwa mać


>> No.5228133

gas all poles

>> No.5228204


pick one

>> No.5228239
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>> No.5228249

Polish women (just like all slavic women) are gold diggers and fucking hate people from their own country. They'll fuck a black midget with down's as long as it isn't Polish.

>> No.5228272

most polish guys i've met are fairly ugly so perhaps that's the real reason

>> No.5228329
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>> No.5228353
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>> No.5228356
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>> No.5228422
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Czech republic reporting in.
(Pic our president)

>> No.5228448

Just say it as it is. Niggers.
Prague is pretty safe place even if you walking through streets at night. Sometimes there are some junkies or drug dealers offering shit but that's it, they dont care about you. Of course pickpocketing is common thing in every bigger city in Europe. Just don't put your wallet to the back side of jeans or in backpack and you'll be fine. You may meet few gypsies begging near sightseeings or niggas want you to buy their paintings. The thing is that czech people are racist. They say they are not but deep in their souls they are. This is why we are and will keep this country white. Same with religion.

>> No.5228482

Doubt that's the case, my best friend is like a 8/10 chad, and his gf left him for a chubby german manlet as soon as she got the chance.

>> No.5228487


kind of ironic that a slav would hate non-whites don't you think

>> No.5228548

is Uruguay white?
t. Chilean bro who is curious

>> No.5228602

Tunesian living in poland, polish girls love me

>> No.5228645
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The Netherlands.

We are tall.
We excel at the English language
Not run over by sandniggers or mexicans (yet)
Thriving economy
Our healthcare system is the best in the world

Compared to us everything besides Germany is 3rd world

>> No.5228671
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>> No.5228674

mir wärdes schaffe <3 d schwiiz isch ai liebi und d stüüre - wo sötts besser si?

>> No.5228683
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Are you from laguna beach? Huntington Beach fag reporting in.

>> No.5228688

Usa, socal.

>> No.5228690

też jestem z Wrocka xD

od dawna w krypto?

>> No.5228703

nid flasch verstoh, gäll. d stüüre findi ebbe genial, verbunde mit em standort uf dr wält

>> No.5228704

looks fun for vacation.

>> No.5228746

Ireland,live in Canada

>> No.5228884

Od 2012

>> No.5228890


Bчepa oбмeнял peк нa линки.
Haдeюcь, вcё пpaвильнo cдeлaл.

>> No.5228905

CDM here, didn't know there were so many of us from OC

>> No.5228998
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Btw do we have any data how many people daily browsing /biz?

>> No.5229005
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>> No.5229055
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Wales here

>> No.5229085
File: 2.93 MB, 1832x1754, killed it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gods country the glorious U.K

>> No.5229168

Worst food ever

>> No.5229183
File: 169 KB, 800x532, 108279974_medium_1494273667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minnesota here as well. I hate our Somalis and the rest of this country.

>> No.5229221
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>> No.5229225
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> you
> not a cuck

choose one

>> No.5229278
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Ostrava here, it's funny to see how many people here are into crypto.

>> No.5229304

You have nothing to be proud of, all your people are dark skinned and ugly as fuck. Kill yourself

>> No.5229351

none of us eat it, we all eat foreign stuff

>> No.5229368

Learn history.

>> No.5229403

top kek

>> No.5229456


>> No.5229464

Wiener Neustadt Umgebung reportiert ein

>> No.5229477


>> No.5229509
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>> No.5229519

i like your shitty country; hanoi is comfy af

>> No.5229542

>No South Africa
Kak disappointing

>> No.5229614
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>> No.5229844
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Italy, in the Northeast comfyville area

>> No.5229986

The worst Ireland.

>> No.5230005


How's taiwan?

>> No.5230064

Eks net hier vir die padda prentjies

>> No.5230186


>> No.5230196
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>> No.5230238

LMAO thanks for doing all the data mining for me foolish anons.

>> No.5230312
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Connecticut, USA

>> No.5230451
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>> No.5230460

src plz

>> No.5230652

Poland living in Canada, however.

How does cashing out look in Poland? What fees does the government expect you to pay?

>> No.5230733


>> No.5230769

18% do 85k i 32% powyzej w ujeciu rocznych chyba, że zalozysz dzialalnosc gospodarcza trejdingowa to wtedy stały 19%

>> No.5230961

Near Ostrava here too. There seems to be a lot of czechs in crypto for some reason.

>> No.5230995

is that Snowdon butt?

>> No.5231209
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>mfw pajeets to scared to reveal themselves

>> No.5231300

Sup new englandbro Connecticut reporting

>> No.5231354

Whoa Shit what's up fellow connecticunt

>> No.5231484

There are a lot of crypto milionaires in czech. First ever minning pool is from czech, trezor is czech. They even have whole building in prague wheee you can pay only in bitcoin for beer or coffe

>> No.5231602

I'm one of those crypto millionaires, I always knew there are decent amount of people interesting in crypto in my country but never really thought there are many rich people from crypto.

>> No.5231637

Hi marek :)

>> No.5231663

Dużo lepiej niż w Kanadzie, tutaj jest coś w stylu Copital Gains Tax i wynosi 40%+

>> No.5231720
File: 3.30 MB, 3024x2102, 20171219_234235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Romania; living the american dream

>> No.5231753

I'm not him lol, I'm not famous, I don't think anybody knows about me really.

>> No.5231874

I`ve been twice on crypto conferences in prague. A lot of good people from crypto space there

>> No.5231896

my money is safer in btc than zar

>> No.5231945


>> No.5231947

Give back clay!

>> No.5232050

Jorge? My cousin is a Venezuelan living in Germany

>> No.5232105

There are dozens of us!

>> No.5232142

Just bought 20k BZC, who cares, maybe it'll get to the normies.

>> No.5232190

Ugly, depressing country but it's very safe, and the whitest place on Earth.

>> No.5232686


>> No.5232769

Its not white. A lot of gingers there

>> No.5232908

Ugly? Where da fuck are you from?

>> No.5233063

Is it true the taxes are terrible in poland?

>> No.5233194

Spierdalaj menelu

>> No.5233207

Holy shit that was not my epxerience when I was in Poland, Food was shit, people were super racist (I'm white, but my friend was mexish-skin toned) and people were just not nice to foreigners in general
Shithole, srsly, do not wish to visit again

>> No.5233463


>> No.5233522

Were you at the Christmas Market today? It was snowing so pretty, didn't take any pictures though sadly.

>> No.5233869


>> No.5233940

I say "ugly" as in half the time it's overcast and pretty depressing as a result.

There's other places in Ireland that look far prettier, Galway and Mayo come to mind.

>> No.5233964

I'd rather have gingers than someone from Ghana.

>> No.5234235

Germany. Bavaria, not the shitty north or east.

What's with the Poland shilling though? They made great progress but are still east Europe, so decades behind. Beyond me why anyone would want to live there.

>> No.5234859

>Beyond me why anyone would want to live there

Maybe because it's not a decadent, globalized shithole full of violent savages. Your country is gone man, Germany and her people are dead and buried.