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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52226909 No.52226909 [Reply] [Original]

Why is /biz/ so stupid?

>> No.52226970

energy companies actually produce value, tech is a multilayered scam bubble

>> No.52227288

>tech stocks at ATLs
Oh my sweet summer child...

>> No.52227297


>> No.52227299

Most investors are lemmings. This (((contrarian))) board shitting on Meta stock with its current foundamentals is full proof its no better than leddit

>> No.52227368
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I'm retarded because I saw this image yesterday and thought "OP makes a good point" and bought some tech but it turns out tech is still shitting the bed while oil companies are doing 7% a day so OP is retarded and gay.

>> No.52227434

>no *I* am le based contrarian
>shills meta

>> No.52227562


Meta means dead in Hebrew

>> No.52227600

Tech stocks plummeting show that the facade is cracking.

>> No.52227903

I sold VOC before it dropped 20% for a 35% gain, bought some Amazon options a few days ago and kinda regret it. They're good until February but I figured the world's most important company wouldn't go down for over a week straight with not a single green day at all.

>> No.52228075

Plebbit even outperformed biz last bullrun being the main ada, doge, shib and nft holders

>> No.52228117

Go back. Biz isn't a collective.

>> No.52228159
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Because biz is retarded, full of man childs and incels trying their best to make it seem like they made any money from their linkie investment while they larp about making it and having any sort of contact with women. You tell them about any good project (ZooDAO for example) and they retaliate like dogs. I imagine is the same for stocks.

>> No.52228162

never, NEVER trust the financial advice of a bizness man

>> No.52228165

>the nigger is the spy
oh the irony

>> No.52228854

>He doesn't understand ironing

>> No.52229219

Tech still has room to fall retard, this meme is essentially about the retards that think tech is going to zero and it shouldn’t t be touched at all, meanwhile they’re about to buy energy at all time highs (yes, they have factually never been valued higher than right now, which means they’re OVER valued, when the current circumstances that have increased their value disappear). Also XOM did 1% not 77 and it’s been crabbing flat for days

>> No.52229223

for example see >>52226970 and >>52227600

>> No.52229235

Imagine being this confident and retarded at the same time

>> No.52229245

Yes, we are going back to the stone age anon. All tech will die and disappear and we will begin sending letters by carrier pigeon, you fucking moron

>> No.52229250

Jokes on you, I just buy dog with bat every week no matter the price.

>> No.52230955

because yes

>> No.52231626
File: 599 KB, 1504x1416, 1642756876944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>timing the market
Heh, that's cute, kiddo.
I've been buying consistently no matter the price, and the value of my portfolio has been going up steadily.

When the prices rise, I steady my hands.
When the prices drop, I steady my hands.
I don't fear no bull no bear.
They all land on the slaughter altar of my financial far sight.
Only the sensible will know prosperity and riches beyond riches.

>> No.52231660

>tech is a scam
>uses tech


>> No.52231666
File: 134 KB, 978x1094, 1649714385163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tech stocks going down is the same as modern technology being wiped out
You're the reason tech bubble exist.
How much money are you losing right now?

>> No.52231671

Keep bagholding meta, dumb boomer

>> No.52231684

>bloated tech industry is the same as actual technology
Where the fuck do you retards keep coming from?

>> No.52231688

Tech stocks aren't overvalued because nobody uses the tech, they are overvalued because the tech doesn't generate the profits necessary to justify those valuations. Tesla is the single biggest example of this: company barely makes a profit and all their products are vaporware garbage, and yet it's valued at over half a trillion shekels.

>> No.52232081

is.... is that gpu ok?

>> No.52232153

You're a butthurt fag without any track record who is so insecure about Meta that he has to insult other anons about it

>> No.52233008

what a superficially retarded take. It’s already been pointed out in this lard numerous times how many of the FAANGS make a massive profit. The market is forward thinking, which is why they invest early (what you call overvaluing) and you invest last when there is nothing left to gain. Same goes for crypto. Same reason Tesla is valued so high, apart from being a recession fomo-haven. But of course you use that one example as blanket explanation as to why the totality of the tech market is a bubble about to die. Piece of advice Tesla may be overvalued, but that certainly is not for no reason. You’re a low iq moron that has no idea Tesla is a software company not a car company, and the software they’re making is already, but will be even more so in the future, world changing for automation

>> No.52233861

Unfortunately, no.