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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52223833 No.52223833 [Reply] [Original]

Kebab bro’s are you ok?

>> No.52223880

Devaluing a currency is good for exports you retarded unitedstatian muttoid

>> No.52223933

Sounds pretty good if you offloaded your bag into USD.

>> No.52223945

Bullish for Avax roaches

>> No.52223965

cope europoor we own you

>> No.52223972

what does turkey export? some wood, refugees and smelly food

>> No.52223974

In your dreams hernandez

>> No.52224074

They're getting into the arms market. Dunno how big of an industry it is for them though.

>> No.52224115

they have big industry retard

>> No.52224162

Stupid Americans think a devalued currency makes exports less competitive.


>> No.52224402

In there region. Erdogans people are playing it well after all. I knew tha Turkey is going to be the wild card but didnt expected the Osmans to try to become a regional power
Tell me, why shoudl I spend my dollar in Turkey, what do they export

>> No.52224469
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This is why I shill avax for $200 per month on /biz/. I would starve otherwise.

>> No.52224654

Iranian regime will fall in the upcoming week. This will be the death of Turkey and UAE. If you have real estate there sell it now before its too late. If you have invested in any of these countries get your money out you are going to lose it all. Here is why:

>it's 1979
>Iranian monarchy is thriving and becoming a world power
>the shah is naming the jew on live tv
>jews lose their shit and fund communists and islamists to overthrow the monarchy
>islamists and communists take over
>they go after rich iranians and kill a lot of them making others escape iran to turkey and UAE
>the country goes into shambles and all the smart money leave to turkey and UAE
>retarded turks that used to live in ruins and beg for a pack of cigs become rich over night
>all these years iranian money built these two shitholes and turned them into tourist spot
>now that the iran is becoming free again all the iranian money will be drained and go back into iran
>turkey will lose its tourism based economy
>UAE will go back into being a desert
>even the tourism minister of turkey said last week that if iran becomes free we (the turks) are fucked

>> No.52224668

Big anus tonguing industry

Besides that. Just roaches

>> No.52224680
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I'm enrolling in a Turkish class next year so I can snatch a fair-skinned turkish wife for $9.99.

>> No.52224692
File: 129 KB, 815x948, turkroach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they have big industry retard

>> No.52224739

isn't this the same chart for literally every shitcurrency there is right now?

>> No.52224745


>> No.52224771

Nothing can beat the BIG DICK American dollar. DXYbros, rise the FUCK UP.

>> No.52224801

They're selling drones to Ukrainians and Russians

>> No.52224858

>"this is good for turkey"
Their main export is bald brown manlet men who get mogged by white guys everywhere they go.

>> No.52224907

Lol cope for all of history turk bvll sultans had harems of white slave women and castrated lil white bois they used as fleshlights

>> No.52224930
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>> No.52224946

Honest question for people who live in shitholes like turkey. Why isn't universal self extermination not a major ideology in your countries? If I lived there, I would want to kill myself. But that wouldn't be enough because everyone else would still be suffering and would continue to for generations. Why not just agree you failed as a nation and will never approach parity with developed countries and turn in the towel? Your governments could set up suicide centers like in Soilent Green and after a decade the population is mostly gone and you can cede your lands to people like Germany or the US that would make better use of them. Is it religious superstition holding them back? You existences all have negative self value and more pain and suffering in them than good. The humane thing to do would be to just put everyone there to sleep. Veterarians do it all the time once a dog has chronic pain.

>> No.52224950

Is Turkish college pussy on sale now?

>> No.52224967

kek stupid Turks, you need to realize that at this point your women and smart men become an export too

>> No.52224980

Yeah, I'm getting a comfy yield of 11% on my TRY

>> No.52225003

tl;dr, I moved as a German citizen to Turkey in '20, it's way better to live here than in a robotic autism state cucked by the US and Jews

>> No.52225009
File: 56 KB, 413x1183, tr inflation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turkey are you okay?

>> No.52225029

>get 11% apy
>value drops 1000%
Nice math skills, roach

>> No.52225173

According to roach in chief Erdogan lower interest means stronger currency

>> No.52225218

Only if you export raw materials or outsource cheap labor and Turkey is not exactly known for their base industry or their qualified workforce.

>> No.52225266
File: 56 KB, 250x224, E4BxrU_VgAAHhvC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting 14% tax free, my currency is the one that has grown the most against the dollar and for the past 3 months we've had deflation. No wonder CIA glowniggers just fucked our election and place a fucking corrupt leftist in power.

>> No.52225330

based nordestino man saves country from success

>> No.52225366
File: 40 KB, 597x559, FdS7unVXgAADnEH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate that faggot and his voters with such a burning passion that I can't even put it into words.

>> No.52226556

what did the glowniggers do?

>> No.52226614
File: 9 KB, 431x428, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they is is do and several thinks

>> No.52226769
File: 124 KB, 1080x1251, Ff1vpjXaEAAcTN7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blatant fraud even Tucker Carlson did a special about it. To put it simply the election was stolen just like it was with Biden and now it's illegal to even question in public if the elections were fair or not.

>> No.52227250

Solo thread?

>> No.52227283

You're so delusional I don't even know where to begin.

>> No.52227398
