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52224685 No.52224685 [Reply] [Original]

Will American industry move to Europe?
Powell seems to be on the path of making the dollar extremely strong, this will strengthen Europe's industrial superpower position even further

How do I short american industry?

>> No.52224707

no energy lmao

>> No.52224729

yes goy, keep exporting cheap goods for your masters. pay no attention to the strain a devalued currency puts on your welfare state when you have to spend more to provide the same benefits

>> No.52224742
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, NATO-e1652290988790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I short american industry?
unfortunately you don't

>> No.52224744

lol only if its industry which doesn't need gas or electricity

>> No.52224777
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>no energy
>no industry
>no economy
>no future

>> No.52224788

Fusion technology will be released in 6 more months and NATO countries will have unlimited energy. It's been an ace in the hole the past few decades and they were keeping it under wraps until an energy crisis with an enemy arose.

>> No.52224802

do yuropoors really?

>> No.52224870

lol no, the american industry on an international level is on a manufacture area not services area. The service area (which is the only one in europe that's relevant) will never be outsourced by the americans because it's the one that produces the most profit and also s the one that manages the manufacture ones
Tha's why both the usa and europe have their industries moving to Mexico and Latin America.
To become an industrial superpower you need
>good geography
>cheap labour (only for manufacture)
>an educated population
Europe have the last one and its debatable if it has natural resources but the high cost of living, no manpower due to demography makes the continent an insecure inversion on the long term
For example check the mexican border (Tijuana and Cd.Juarez) and their economic grow along with the industrial demand.
The only way to Europe to become an industrial superpower is to somehow produce more babies

>> No.52224910
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Good thing I am one of the very few owners of the Mercedes factories that will benefit from the better exports!
Oh wait, I am a wageslave getting paid in Euros and my purchasing power just went down but my salary obviously didn't increase.

>> No.52224914

BASF announced they are partially leaving Germany due to expensive gas compared to the US. If the euro weakens the energy problems get worse due to cost of imports. If the Ecb hikes to save euro they cause even worse recession.
The German greens are the party of the CIA in Germany. If you want to see how America plans to damage Europe just look at the Grune's policies.

>> No.52224949


>The only way to Europe to become an industrial superpower is to somehow produce more babies

I am making proper arrangements by way of citizenship to reside in the European continent and help alleviate this great suffering which suffers the white women of Europe

>> No.52224956

Most manufacturers are closing because of energy prices, lack of Parts, shipment costs and green communists regulations

>> No.52225011
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Yeah too bad your europoors don't have enough natural gas for your industry. What is it? 5x the price of US natural gas.

Europe is a vassal state of the US. Now bow to your masters bitch.

>> No.52225054

yes ser just put up with it for 2 more weeks and you can redeem infinite energy, please do the needful

>> No.52225084
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good shitpost. almost made me reply seriously

>> No.52225095

Nigger American manufacturers are gonna be reshoring

>> No.52225212

>Will American industry move to Europe?
No, Europe's too regulated for industry nowadays and besides, they don't have the energy to run any industry even if they were able to.

>> No.52225243

america is a european country

>> No.52225990

>2 more weeks

>> No.52226063

what american industry? did i miss something? did we start making things here again? last i checked all the labor that came back from china just went to mexico. keep coping though.

also nice picture of a coffin you have there.

>> No.52226178

Europe does not even have a tech industry. Give me a break.

>> No.52226190
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>> No.52226625
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Chuds can't breed

>> No.52226684


>> No.52226729

Are you serious? Never, ever will something like this save your brown, cold, poor, stinking ass.

>> No.52226883

No, what little remains will go to either Mexico or Africa, where there is sufficiently motivated workforce to fill the jobs there.

>> No.52226913

why are you talking like this while you obviously work three jobs just to make ends meet while trying to survive on tips

>> No.52226922

>Will American industry move to Europe?
No. Europe will continue to limp along as America's not quite as rich but still basically ok brother. Euro collapsoooors are a bunch of seething cucks and will never be right in your lifetime.

>> No.52226971

Mutt merricans already vote themselves out of healthcare and higher wages, so expect the roles of China and US to flip. China already opens factories in the US as its becoming cheaper to hire wagies here and treat them like slave pigs who work everyday but Christmas.

>> No.52227309
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Wait what?
Why are you proud of lowering your fucking wages to live like they do in a foxconn factory you absolute moron?

>> No.52227321

>Mutt merricans already vote themselves out of healthcare and higher wages,
American healthcare, while overly-regulate and shitty, is much better than state run rationed care.
Also it's euros who have lower wages than americans.

>> No.52227365
File: 234 KB, 442x446, FE73F412-3E73-480E-8953-A64D3AF49A76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fusion technology will be released in 6 more months

>> No.52227383

I don't care about any of that I just want to take a trip to europe and put my balls on the faces of ukrainian chicks for a dollar.

>> No.52227665
File: 38 KB, 810x1024, 1662786907540792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahahahahahaha hahahahahaha, do the Eurocopers really?! Overpriced labor, inverted demographics, limited domestic energy (sabotaged by domestic movements lol), hyper regulated industry and environmental controls, more expensive commodities, the list could go on why Europe won't get much American business from PRC.

America is moving to other SEA countries and North and South America, specifically Mexico is a big US industrial target.

Case in point here, I work for design and manufacturing corporation quoting to have parts made in Germany as a supplier. We requested an electroplating process for corrosion prevention and cosmetics as is done in the same NA and PRC production parts, they are completely incapable of doing any plating process (no black oxide, no phosphate, no chrome plating, no electroless nickel, no powder spray, and no electroplating of any material whatsoever) and offered a light oil coat or paint for the part and it's due to environmental regulations, LOL we told them to fuck off since the parts would have to be sent to a non-EU cunt for plating which adds too much cost and the parts are now in full rate production in Mexico with in-house coating processes as per specification. Pic rel is me flipping the bird to the German factory for wasting our time with their cunts inane bullshit regulations. Also thanks Mexibros for saving me from having to deal with the over-complicated retarded mess that is the EU.

>> No.52228539

let there be a hiroshima 2
any global scale shit makes everything pump, and right now I need my holoclear bags to get off to a good start