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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52217538 No.52217538 [Reply] [Original]

Tomb thread
Also FTM (Fantom) chain thread
Convince me to move all of my fanties into tomb

>> No.52217717

Ftm is dead. Maybe you can make up for it in tomb? Probably not tho baggie

>> No.52217857

if u dont think harry has cursed himself into buying tomb for the rest of eternity keep ur bags in ftm

>> No.52218002

maybe it works out in the end, maybe it doesnt
but do beware for the time being that yields on tomb chain are not high enough to justify the fees that theyll jew you out of
also airdrops were promised for end of q2 of this year, and lately they dont even try to make an excuse for the delay (just some "soon" "pending final pieces of the puzzle" "here you go look at this comic" shameless bullshit)

>> No.52219021

The same was said about felix.com, doubt there is ill intent
just time old distance between management and engineers
that's especially bad in crypto unless you sacrifice security.. which turned out to not be good

>> No.52220731

>Convince me to move all of my fanties into tomb
all time low, what could go wrong
unless it al goes to zero

>> No.52221047

Reminder harry gambled the entire tomb treasury and lost it all. Tomb is a useless basis cash fork with a broken peg mechanism and harry the scammer pulled a fed and decided to “change” the definition from peg to ratio, lol.

>> No.52221234

They got quite a few engineers and good networking
even if just for Felix it's worth the bet imo
Show me another project under 8 figures with this much stuff

>> No.52221443

>even if just for Felix it's worth the bet imo
true, at the very least tomb COULD 4x against ftm from here, over 8x needed to make tshare print
so the potential is there

>> No.52222105

i am certain that harry will be prosecuted soon

>he runs an elaborate ponzi scheme and he is not even pretending that he doesn’t
>his newest token LIF3 does not even have tokenomics, 99% is held unlocked in team wallets
>team changes APYs at will to make idiots buy certain tokens such as tomb so harry can dump
>all his wallets are known but his idiot followers are too stupid to see through his ploy
>LSHARE conditions are a joke, team just changes conditions at will
>he lied about airdrops to make people ape into TOMB and now he doesn’t deliver
>he lied about his yachts to increase confidence in his wealth when in fact he is broke
>tomb yehrold comics are cringe af and in each comic harry has to show off his rented yacht

>> No.52223559
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>he lied about airdrops to make people ape into TOMB and now he doesn’t deliver
The most egregious of bullshit. I held tomb from a 10x to a 2x because of this.
Wheres my airdrop Harry?

>> No.52223596

who is harry

>> No.52223998

I have a bunch of tshares just in case. Hope it works out.

>> No.52224164

Faggots here crying about airdrops should understand that it's not a good time for airdrops rn, do you want airdrop worth $1?

>> No.52224318

>>his newest token LIF3 does not even have tokenomics, 99% is held unlocked in team wallets
pure money grab scam
should've focused on tomb utility instead

>> No.52224499

Yeah but how is he going to keep the ponzi going then? Need to just keep cranking out useless shitcoin after useless shitcoin to keep it going as long as possible.

>> No.52225575

Kek ok Harry
He promised airdrops near the top and never delivered. An actual scammer