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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52219914 No.52219914 [Reply] [Original]

Should you be allowed to openly mock your boss and company and expect your job to be secure?

>> No.52219933

You're legally allowed to talk about your working conditions so long as it's true, Ball Musk would be doing her a favor if she's fired for this since she'd get a fat check from the ensuing lawsuit.

>> No.52219936

Anybody who uses a mac should be sent to a concentration camp

>> No.52219951

you're legally allowed to fire someone for just not liking them

>> No.52219974

Janny dressed like janny lul

>> No.52220049

Employers should have the unilateral power to fire for any reason. They have a single entity they need to be beholden to, the stakeholder and anything that benefits their interest should be done. The employee should have no legal recourse and if they believe their superiors acted against the interests of the company / owners in your firing, then they should contact the board with proof of that.

>> No.52220060


>> No.52220068

She's gonna need that cup and sign once she gets fired tomorrow

>> No.52220236
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>no mouse

I would just fire anyone who "works" like this

>> No.52220253
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Right to work state, don't like it make your own state.

>> No.52220316 [DELETED] 

god i'd love to slip it in her ass from above, missionary, and watch her make that same face as i cum inside

>> No.52220354

Already did that to her. Told her that her mom raised a shitty employee, but a good whore.

She smiled.

>> No.52220381

Holy fucking based.

>> No.52220383

Nope, government and law are the ultimately authority and we get to dictate what you can and can’t do. Cry about it faggot

>> No.52220396


>> No.52221662


>> No.52221954

Not an argument.

>> No.52222212

Just let people enjoy things.
Short answer: Niggers
Long answer: employment practices have been heavily affected by... Uh... I forget, it's those social justice warriors man, they made it so you can't "discriminate" for employment, so you can't even administer aptitude tests because tests are "le racist".

>> No.52222280

I hope Elon Musk fucks over everyone working at twitter and every single blue checkmark kike fuck as hard as he can.

>> No.52222304

do it Elon.

>> No.52222340

This would trim the fat no doubt

>> No.52222362

yes, i thought elon took over to protect free speech

>> No.52222371

All laws on discrimination should be reversed including the civil rights act. If I'm an employer, I should have the right to fire whoever I want for whatever reason provided I own the company. Anti age discrimination for instance has caused a lack of advancement for younger generations by unduly protecting overpaid old employees that would not benefit a company as much as young blood. Read Rothbard.

>> No.52222403

i mocked my fat fuck boss and he got me laid off when covid hit and also sabotaged my first interview lol. enjoy your heart attack you miserable hambeast

>> No.52222449


>> No.52222520

Do not assume that those in power are moral or seek to optimize.
Pandering to the obnoxious low IQ masses is a multi layered scam, it starts with universities getting grants, free money student loans and tax cuts, this creates a fake economy around a piece of paper that says "this person isn't a complete retard". The government then has to enforce that with diversity quotas and tax incentives for the more made up jobs you can boast about, because turns out the graduates actually are retarded. It's all a racket and the govvies get their cut so why would they change it unless it's for a system that's even dumber and easier to exploit?

>> No.52222560

Just as a rule of thumb, if a policy doesn't make sense it's because it's a SCAM. Yes, especially government policies.

>> No.52222568

Spineless no dick moron

>> No.52222613

Nobody is stopping you from licking boots so yeah, its fine

>> No.52222647

>Tests are "le racist"
And sexist, most roasties wouldn't make it in an honest system. Though most jobs are made-up anyways, especially today, the only real jobs needed are managers, security, and warehouse grunts.

>> No.52222670

>Just let people enjoy things.

>> No.52222788

what do all the employees at twitter even do? the website never changes, so wtf do they all do all day?

>> No.52222812


That's what Musk is trying to figure out. He's going to bust up that hyperleftist rat's nest.

>> No.52222817

Not a debate. Kys tranny

>> No.52222821

Being quirky always worked for her before.

>> No.52222823

They tweet, are you retarded?

>> No.52222840


>> No.52222859

I do so regardless

>> No.52222874

they probably have a lot of meetings and gossip about their co-workers who don't assimilate

>> No.52223181

Do americans really?

>> No.52223229

yes, and, they do in "right-to-work" states. the law prohibits employers from requiring workers to remain employees no matter how critical their function, and it also prohibits workers from using the courts/law to harass an employer that has fired them on the spot without any stated cause.

>> No.52223265

it's part of why you're poor and america is a superpower. we all jostle around until we find the right people to work with, and we're more productive that way.

>> No.52223328

They show diversity hires how to remove all the problematic words like "master" from their codebase.

>> No.52223339

it's a private company (not even a publicly traded company anymore), they can do what they want

>> No.52223374

this is true, but don't give any reason for firing them. in at at will state, you can't be sued successfully if you just say "you're fired, please gather your things and leave". if you say WHY they're being fired, you just gave a kike lawyer ammunition for a lawsuit.

>> No.52223388

twitter is being delisted from the stock exchange next Tuesday. it's an actual private company now

>> No.52223404

Lmao sorry fags but if you want me gone you better be ready to sign a fat severance check.

>> No.52223409

they can stay on twitter as a user. Free speech includes being allowed to say "you're fired"

>> No.52223563

You don't know what you are talking about. In the USA, unless you have a contract that says otherwise, an employer can fire you for ANY reason that is not specifically prohibited by law (race, religion, disability, gender). Just like you can quit for any reason. They sure as fuck can fire you for having a bad attitude.

>> No.52224211
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> In the USA, unless you have a contract that says otherwise, an employer can fire you for ANY reason that is not specifically prohibited by law
That varies state to state...

>> No.52224608

no, but you should be allowed to openly kill w*men in minecraft

>> No.52224623

She looks like the kind of person who's on anti-depressants

>> No.52224672

This. If you don't like it just kill your employer.

>> No.52224696

You mean the shareholder, there's no such thing as a "stakeholder."

Captcha: NW0

>> No.52224778
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>Employers should have the unilateral power to fire for any reason. They have a single entity they need to be beholden to, the stakeholder and anything that benefits their interest should be done. The employee should have no legal recourse and if they believe their superiors acted against the interests of the company / owners in your firing, then they should contact the board with proof of that.

>> No.52224807

You're right.

>> No.52224811

>not using keyboard exclusively

>> No.52224913

>Fire everyone a manager "manages"
>retain manager
Never stop being you /biz/, you make it easy to disregard your advice.

>> No.52224935

retarded take. kys.

>> No.52224958


>> No.52225358

Point to a state where an employee cannot be fired for a bad attitude. You might be right, but I have never heard of it.

>> No.52226310

And that's a good thing.

>> No.52226346

underrated post 10/10 kek'd hard

>> No.52226352

Yeah, it’s called getting rid of shit employees

>> No.52226443

not in a sane world you wouldn't