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52217373 No.52217373 [Reply] [Original]

>i need a car to get to work

>> No.52217452

Living in a small town and having a car is God tier
No need for disgusting public transport
No traffic jams

>> No.52217565
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so do I, but its just 20km one way commute over mostly empty landroads. I bought a Renault Zoe for that.

>> No.52217627

i was >le implying

>> No.52217682

That'll be $200-1000 in legal and maintenance fees every year, goy.

>> No.52217732

Electric bike is the way to go. Charge battery at work for 8 hours means everything is FREEEEEEE

>> No.52217748

Another WEF anti-car shill shitting up the bread. So transparent. So globohomo. So pathetic.

>> No.52218009

Nothing wrong with cars.
Something very wrong with traffic.
The WEF is right. There are too many people. Reduce the global population to 500M and it becomes a paradise.

>> No.52218042

Be part of the solution and kill yourself anon

>> No.52218424

Why do people live in urban areas? Noisy, dirty and expensive

>> No.52218507

Hustle and bustle meme. I live in a cabin in the woods now and the only benefits of the city is casual sex with strangers.

>> No.52218517

Living or working in a big city is cancer no matter what.

>> No.52218885

>Fuck living and working in the centers of power and culture let leftists do it.
>WTF why is western culture becoming so degenerate

Right wing anti urbanism is such a self defeating strategy. If you look at any actual successful right wing movements in the world (especially radical islam) they love cities.

>> No.52219152

I work remote so I do not. 15min across my small city so not bad even if I did. Any kind of cummute for work blows
not my fault they are shit.

>> No.52219155

I'm investigating this, but arent you bothered someone will steal it? Cant all park in werk.

>> No.52219172

Nobody is talking about politics but you chud

>> No.52219193

>Live in the city goy where there's already high crime, high immigration at a federal level and high taxes, you need to make more money to pay more taxes so you can be the one in control!

What a fucking meme spoken from a true half witted faggot. Same shit as leftists being anti gun right until niggers are rioting outside their door, then their principles are thrown right out the window and suddenly they're pro gun for them only. Enjoy your smog filled shit hole and """culture"""

>> No.52219208


It's not my fault city planners and civil engineers design everything where it's 30 miles away from where I live.

>> No.52219253

Okay, you could obliterate world population or you could just move everyone into self driving cars
>but i love driving my big truck
I'd be willing to compromise self driving disabled outside of big stinking cities, but once you drive around somewhere like new york or seattle you quickly learn there's no fun to be had driving on those hellish roads.

>> No.52219264

That's where all the jobs are you autistic retard
>Inb4 just work from home!
Yes, let me fix ppls cars from a fucking desktop computer.

>> No.52219277

They WILL make it illegal for you to own a car as well as drive and operate one eventually so who cares.

>> No.52219330
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Sociology is like physics. Actions cause reactions. And reactionary people by definition don't want to change the world, they just want to be left alone. So most of them are fucking off to the countryside. You're right by saying it's self defeating, but that's how nature works.

But if there's some point in time when they get no choice but to fight back, they will go full DEUS VULT. That's one of the reasons why rightful physical violence has been removed from our societies, so reactionary people can't legitimately fight back. For now. But things will change.

>> No.52219356

remember anon, you need to pay $500/month (plus taxes, plus insurance, plus gas) so you can have the privilege of sitting in an office and make someone else rich!

>> No.52219644
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Sunbelt fags seethe
I take the train

>> No.52219685

it's called the train, or walking, outside of burgerland

>> No.52219698

Even inside of burgerland. Every major city has commuter trains; they are comfy and based

>> No.52219716

did this every day for decades with booms telling me it was the only way to succeed. do not fall for the boomer lies.

>> No.52219864

>wake up in the morning
>go to the gym
>drop kids off at top-rated, best-in-state public school
>drive 5 minutes in your wealthy enclave
>pay $5 round trip, barely any gas required
>your personal chauffeur, in a multi-million-dollar vehicle
>settle into a freshly cleaned seat with no crackheads/undesirables
>people around you responding to emails, sipping a coffee, watching the news, etc
>watch as the filthy, undesirable neighborhoods are bypassed on your express train
>pass over the highway, directly past the traffic
>arrive at a clean terminal, minutes walking distance from your job
>do your work
>make a ton of money
>back on the train in time for dinner

Why people who work in an office don't think to take a commuter train make absolutely no sense. And in this climate you can easily demand multiple WFH days a week and still command a huge salary

>> No.52219887

>your personal chauffeur, in a multi-million-dollar vehicle
*your personal chauffeur picks you up in a multi-million-dollar vehicle

>> No.52219890

young women

>> No.52221845

so you're that faggot that's late for every appointment and meeting because you are terrified of going to a downtown business district at 10am because that one guy asked you for change once, and spend 45 minutes trying to find parking for your F-350 that you are financed out the nose for after taking 2 hours to get there from some exurb mcmansion where you larp as a farmer

>> No.52222022
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>The tube is on strike once again, so you're late for work
>Then after work, some incel has decided to end his miserable life by jumping in front of a train, delaying it by at least 2 hours.
>You finally get back to home after 00pm because no taxi was available before (and you had to spend $100 on top of that).
Dream life

>> No.52222199
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Jews could have allied with white people, helped us kill all black and brown people and used Asian girls for sex and we would have had the perfect world.

>> No.52222365
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>they are comfy and based
They haven't been anything like that since the 60s.

>> No.52222510
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>comfy and based

>> No.52222526

Unitedstatians live in a third world shithole, tell us something we don't know

>> No.52222565
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>Electric bike is the way to go
you want some sóy with those fries??

>> No.52222583
File: 2.30 MB, 960x530, how_to_destroy_a_nation.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes let's start with the Jews

>> No.52222618

>drive 30 min to kid's school
>drive 45 min to the office
>listen to audiobook the entire time
i think its comfy

>> No.52222695


>> No.52222736
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There are not too many people. Just psychopaths in control of society trying to make us live like rats crammed into a can. Look up videos of 1980's supermarkets and then take a look at yours. Absolutely inhumane.

>> No.52222770
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Not me wagie

>> No.52222792
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Not sure, only have the webm unfortunately.

>> No.52222797

>move walking distance to work
>ditch the car, the 7 dollar a gallon gas, the pricey insurance that pays nothing if you don't get in an accident (scam), and got some nice exercise walking to work
>roastie I want to date

>> No.52223097

why are you trying to date roasties from new jersey

>> No.52223233
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you say somethin?

>> No.52223288

Don't forget the mandatory insurance.

>> No.52223453
File: 240 KB, 476x587, An6OIppCNtxVYTSU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wake up in the morning
>Get in car, push start button
>"Good morning. Your social credit score has decreased since you last drove. You will be allotted 6.7 miles of driving distance today until your score is higher."
>fuck, work is at least 8 miles away
>Drive part of the way. Car eventually stops.
>Take out your work phone and post on Meta: "Transwomen are women and deserve our love and respect"
>"Your social credit score has increased. You have been allotted an additional 2 miles."
>fuck yeah, finally get to work as Amazon driver
>boss comes in, says I've been replaced by a robot
>Leave, car won't start because I used up all my miles. Walk home.
>stop at ice cream store on my way back as a pick-me-up
>because I haven't eaten ice cream in a long time I've earned enough environmental credits to buy real ice cream made with cow's milk instead of cockroach milk
>eat a vanilla ice cream cone on my way home
>this is the best meal I've had in years
>beheaded by Muslims on the way

>> No.52223655

I'm almost convinced that most of the people who advocate by public transit have never even driven or owned a car before. Had to do it for my entire middle, high school and college life and when I finally got a car there's never been a moment where I've wanted to go back. Besides, do you never go anywhere besides work? Trying to make plans with a pal or girl and needing to take an hour+ to get there by taking like three buses sucked cock, meanwhile I drive and get there in 20 minutes and can stay out for as long as I want instead of being the bus/train schedule's bitch. Not to mention there are just some places that are a nightmare to get to because they aren't very accessible with public transit.

>> No.52223690

That is a subway, not a commuter train

>> No.52223711

that is also a subway

>> No.52223754

How do you get from the central station where the commuter train drops you off to where your office is?
Marc, LIRR, NJ Transit, they're all full of minorities hassling wagies on their way to work.

>> No.52223835

>i need work to get a car

>> No.52223848

you still have to walk from your parking spot anyway, which in new york must be ungodly expensive

>> No.52225557

what do you do to work around this then?

>> No.52225641
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>Besides, do you never go anywhere besides work

>> No.52225859
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we need walkable cit-ACK

>> No.52226746

White people are inferior savages who kill rape and loot Jews wanted no part of your nonsense

>> No.52226762

>There are too many people

>> No.52226772

Because there's things you can do, aside from sitting in your house and fucking your sister.

>> No.52226776

Hustle status: bustled.

>> No.52226778

Just build more roads. Commies in government create traffic on purpose because traffic jams help their commie points about public transport and turning society into a human ranch. There would be no traffic issues if they privatized roads.

>> No.52226783

Nightmare fuel

>> No.52226792

>still the lowest average commute in the world
Really makes you wonder.

>> No.52226815

I live innawoods and I need a vehicle more now than I ever did in a city. Need gas for the generator? Gotta hop in the car. Need to go to work? Gotta take the car. Groceries? Car. Firewood? Car. The plus side is that I'm basically the only one ever on the road so driving is chill, but if I didn't have a car I would probably just die in the woods within a week.

>> No.52226817

Instead of killing people we could be reasonable and just not let them in. Being pro mass migration is strictly NPC thinking.

>> No.52226951

Take the open borders pull anon. Not in the one world government sense but in a United States of Earth sense. Leftism would die without a monopoly on citizenship.

Now assuming you are against immigration because you desire racial purity, what chance is there for racial purity in a closed system anyway? Eventually the races of earth will intermix into an equilibrium of genetics, any sort of isolationism would only serve to delay this process if you could even accomplish it. But there is hope for the preservation of your race in space travel, because if you are dealing with an open system all races and all race admixtures would only increase in numbers, fertility rates be damned. So if you agree that a free market is the ideal setting for technological innovation then you must also agree that anarchy is the only hope for racial purity.

>> No.52227012

Wagie need car to get to work
Wagie need work to get money
Wagie need money to fix car
Wage need car fix to go to work