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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52215112 No.52215112 [Reply] [Original]

Holy kek, why is Canada so cucked?

>> No.52215153

I thought the house was based until I saw the toilet in the bedroom..

WTF is wrong with leafs

>> No.52215166

Only 1.95m CAD in a big city like that is a steal. Eat my ass amerilard. Enjoy paying 3x that for a shack in the Bay Area

>> No.52215168

this board and everyone else keeps whining about real estate prices. there are obviously buyers and it's not you so go figure. either you're delusional or simply not wealthy enough. buy someplace more up your alley perhaps like fixer upper, smaller and outside of the city.

>> No.52215192

The owner will stay fit. I regret living in an apartment without stairs.

>> No.52215201

yeah ngl I was fine with living in a jackknifed house up until that part.

don't forget that
>1 us dollar is 0.5 Canadian dollar

>> No.52215339

That thing is going to blow over in a storm. Still wouldn't be a bad value at $200k though.

>> No.52215355

>toilet is in the bedroom


>> No.52215397

Imagine running up two flights of stairs and chucking hot shit milkshake down your cargo shorts in the final hallway and coating three levels with it.

>> No.52215836

it's an indian video so it's normal
did you not notice the constant speedups/slowdowns somehow
poos love that shit

>> No.52215857

Salary in Toronto: 60k
Salary in Bay Area: 300k

>> No.52215867

looks like a shipping container apartment someone dropped into the middle of mumbai

>> No.52215905

you get 3 hallways stacked

>> No.52215917

Isn't this video from last year during the height of the seller's market? Nobody will pay for that much anymore. Even detaches have dropped significantly. Shit that would have sold for 2m last year only sells for 1.1~1.4m. Market is totally dead right now that people have been delisting shit.

>> No.52215952

Kek pictured that happening now laughing at the prospect of shit somehow coating the underside of the stairs where it’s hard to clean or see.

>> No.52215979

Imagine the smell in your dreams.

>> No.52216827

Looks like a cozy student dorm. North Americans are absolutely retarded.

>> No.52216835

Actually with those colors and those stairs it looks like one of those childrens playboxes in mcdonalds.

>> No.52216880

not worth the money even if i didnt have to go to my bedroom to take a shit or my guests to also. trash architecture

>> No.52216890

>just a 2m dollar dorm room goy

>> No.52216901

It's a steal at these prices.

>> No.52216907

no one cares about canada. plus 1 cnd is equal to like 30 cents usd so fucking kys you stupid nigger

>> No.52216919

>bring my grindr hookup
>we fuck and he decides to stay
>then he takes the biggest and smelliest cum-filled shit right besides the bed and comes back to sleep like nothing happened
i know its my own cum smell, but still

>> No.52216924

Lmfao you cant be serious even the toilet is in your fucking bedroom, 2 mil for that single person home in some slum god damn thats top signal

>> No.52216969

man is Toronto even a nice place??
At least the Bay Area has nice weather and cheap flights across the Pacific

>> No.52216977
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There's a toilet in the bedroom...

>> No.52216983

>toilet next to bed
Literally worse than cuck shed, it's a prison.

>> No.52217042

I own a way bigger house than this with a big yard in Toronto for $750k cad. This house is for the retarded libtards who live downtown because it's a "sustainable" home.

>> No.52217048

literally two renovated shipping containers stacked on top of each other

>> No.52217068

Canada is cucked but at least I don't have to live with niggers. Iranians aren't as bad and the Chinese keep to themselves.

>> No.52217098

what the actual FUCK

>> No.52217165
File: 869 KB, 586x733, 33333333333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine laying on your bed, waking up in the morning just to see the goddess of your life taking the most nasty and huge turd while standing in crouch position on the toilet seat and slowly releasing it into the bowel.
just imagine.

>> No.52217183

My RV is wider than that

>> No.52217250

Here's an idea if space is too cramped, put the sink in the bedroom instead of a fucking toilet.

>> No.52217254
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>> No.52217273

Reminder that Canadians are priced out of home ownership more than almost anyone on the planet and every year they have the privilege of adding another 1% of their population as immigrants

>> No.52217296

i never noticed that what the fuck

>> No.52217304

looks like an ant farm

>> No.52217381

Walked by this place so many times kek. Btw if you even bought this outright the taxes are so horrendous here you practically pay a mortgage in the form of property tax

>> No.52217394

It's over

>> No.52217401

Its still for sale.


>> No.52217416
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based squat shitter

>> No.52217456

>there are people who unironically believe there is no housing market bubble

>> No.52217468

lmao the fucking toilet was the perfect ending to that shithole of a house

>> No.52217505

Yeah me too kek

>> No.52217511

leaf here, our passivity is being taken advantage of. But seriously, how did you think it was based beyond the 10 second mark? The house is what, 14' wide? Some asshole either got rid of a garage and turned it into a long thin home, or just looked up the bare minimum dimensions a house could be built on and split his lot for maximum profits.

>> No.52217520


>> No.52217614
File: 2.06 MB, 1699x961, 2million_home_leafland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That will be $2 million leaf bucks please

>> No.52217653
File: 2.48 MB, 1615x938, 2million_dollar_parking_lot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I was wrong, it used to be a fucking driveway. I should have known, garages are more than 14' wide. Our country is burning down.

>> No.52217712

So you can park your Lexus outside and get it stolen.

>> No.52217726
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>living in some shitty minority infested city

>> No.52217827

It's to remind poos to poo in loo

>> No.52218025

>2 mil for a fucking corridor

>> No.52218072

The buyers are literal banks you fucking retard. People who worship the wealthy like you do should be legally enslaved by them. Would solve most problems.

>> No.52218467

The Canadian dream...

>> No.52218714

I was more disturbed at the start that some nigger just freely walked into the house.

>> No.52219521

>there are obviously buyers
>mortgage demand at 25 year low

>> No.52219597

This doesn't work for men how the fuck do you piss in that toilet when your dick is rock hard from your loggity shit?

>> No.52219611

kek. fucking street shitters

>> No.52219684
File: 1.84 MB, 1246x872, american 1.75.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>North Americans
Canadians. In the US you can buy paradise for ~2M

>> No.52219693

Lmao, looks like a commercial Apple store.
The absolute state of GTAcucks.

>> No.52219696

232 acres btw missed it in the ss

>> No.52219751

canadian cities are third world shitholes anyway due to homeless and crackheads. i just want to move back to osaka. fuck this place.

>> No.52219779
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You're the nigger there kek

>> No.52219791

jeet hands typed this

>> No.52219815

Rural Wisconsin and urban toronto are right next to eachother ao this is a good comparison.

>> No.52219822

Same latitude but not really that close. Michigan would be close.

>> No.52219841

I was being sarcastic to point out how fucking stupid your comparison was.

>> No.52219872
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>My RV

lemao even

>> No.52219876

Why would you want to live near urban Toronto or urban anything or in Canada at all? It wasn't even meant to be a 1:1 comparison everything is cheaper in the US.

>> No.52219899

This "house" is priced as if interest rates are back at nearly zero and you can get a loan for 1.5%...

Meanwhile, a 5-year fixed mortgage is now north of 5%. So the only place for prices to go is DOWN, DOWN, DOWN as interest rates increase.

Stupid fucking greedy house flippers.

>> No.52219902


>> No.52219920

It has no appliances besides a microwave?

>> No.52219930

Lots of Honveers are going to lose their shirts after it becomes apparent that the government only let them in to become hopelessly overleveraged real estate speculators in order to boost residential construction GDP during the last decade's commodities glut.

>> No.52219938

I wouldnt want to love near toronto. I'm 2500km west of it. But your comparison was really dumb. Yes things are cheaper in the states.

>> No.52219947

>Holy kek, why is Canada so cucked?
We have the highest percentage of white European people and their retirement is tied to real estate they bought decades ago, that retirement money won't last long thanks to Canada printing money and spending it like nothing.
Doesn't help that Americans go through the same shit and have the gall to complain.
Jesus fuck, it's Toronto, not Alberta.

>> No.52219969

The reason the US isn't as cucked is because we have the world reserve currency and a more productive workforce. The most productive workforce in the world actually because we take so little vacation time.

>> No.52220028

>We have the highest percentage of white European people
By that you mean cucked people with white guilt. The problem with European Canadians is they act exactly like Europeans, high taxes, borderline communist, far too generous to the lesser peoples. America is moving in that direction too.

>> No.52220051

Oh also they're just like Europeans in that they're stuck up and like to laugh at Americans for not paying massive taxes for social programs which don't even work.

>> No.52220177
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>>North Americans
Go back to school, moron.
Sick of you.

>> No.52220194
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>canadian cities are third world shitholes
Okay, retard.
You deal with crack heads all over the world, you fucking suburbanite, you're just sheltered.
Meanwhile you get murdered in America.

>> No.52220220
File: 111 KB, 977x1024, 1589384072382m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or in Canada at all?
It's called hunting and fishing and staying far away from the cities, suburbanite.

>> No.52220244

Imagine living in a city full of Pakis and chinks

>> No.52220266

Are there any actual Canadians left in Canada or is it just chinks and curryniggers now?

>> No.52220273

Oh yeah, US Coons and wetback are much better..

>> No.52220292


>> No.52220609

This is Canada we are not incontinent shart-in-mart amerimutts like you are

>> No.52220638

2 million U.S is like 3.5 million Canadian

>> No.52221042

Shitter in the bedroom.

Lol, lmao even.

>> No.52221097

Is it true that it's impossible to get a job fresh off the boat as companies will insist you don't have "canadian experience", and thus have to start at the bottom washing toilets?

>> No.52221120

i have a pretty decent job at cad$90k yearly (thats around us$50k) and i still have to live with roommates unless i want to commit financial suicide

i dunno how people with min wagie survive here with only cad$35k or watever

>> No.52222021
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It looks like apartment building stairwell made into a house. Do you get your complimentary drunken hobo sleeping on the floor too?

>> No.52222440

Get in your Cucktangle, bitch.

>> No.52223416

is this photo actually real. what is the story behind it

>> No.52223518
File: 47 KB, 1024x1024, 1645981188073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck I thought a bathroom but it's an actual toilet in the bedroom
imagine the smell

>> No.52223582

I'm liking this toilet in the bedroom idea

>> No.52225625

Hes prob the agent retard.
kek yeah. I thought overpriced but not too bad imo until that part.

>> No.52225672

You laugh now, but wait until that comes in handy...

>> No.52225862
File: 1.56 MB, 200x150, kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
