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File: 1.06 MB, 1628x2080, eic-gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52197875 No.52197875 [Reply] [Original]

Interest rate hikes

>Why Gold?
https://youtu.be/i3S4rl6ehiI [Embed]
https://youtu.be/gksenA5Al_A [Embed]
https://youtu.be/FI7NnOg2rxo [Embed]

>Bullion dealers
https://jmbullion.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.coinbazaar.in/ (IN)
more at: https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

>Constitutional/"junk" silver info

https://findbullionprices.com/ (US)
https://eu.compare.pm (EU)
https://www.gold.de/aufgeldtabelle/ (DE/EU)


>COMEX vault live graphs

>Numismatic News (featuring international gold & silver coins)

>Bullion tax info by state:

https://youtu.be/ZCL6FKQZyoM [Embed] [Embed]

Nitric Acid, Magnets and Ping Test
https://youtu.be/3mg9YcAShTo [Embed]
https://youtu.be/NgSXg-WOEVY [Embed]
https://youtu.be/2ymGAyKAg-k [Embed]

>Relevant information regarding mining companies

Previous Thread: >>52185559

>> No.52197886

Im going to bash all bronies heads in.

>> No.52197894
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What did they do this time anon?

>> No.52197908
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>> No.52197916
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Jump starting the bread here.

>> No.52197926
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Im so sad that I missed out on the first Aputannia.
I didn't yet trust mintanon at the time and I thought the whole project wouldn't end up anywhere.
God was I wrong.

>> No.52197938
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First for mercs
First for Christmas
Stay jolly my friends!

>> No.52198013
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Find better looking Jewesses to lewd.

>> No.52198047

It's not too late to sell your stupid metals and invest in crypto. I'm tired of these threads because you're misleading people's wealth and livelihoods. Metals will be worthless save for antiques and you will not be able to trade. I am warning you but I doubt anybody here will listen

>> No.52198175

I personally think you should hold both.

>> No.52198189

what would stop me trading good or services for my silver, if it was to come to it?

>> No.52198208

It will be outlawed, you will see. These people are not to be fucked with. They will make sure you cannot trade it. Their wealth depends on it.

>> No.52198242
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and you come to a pm thread, to tell us crypto is the answer to your schizophrenic predictions?

>> No.52198246

I would use the argument that you can't pay enforcers with worthless paper but then I remember our government literally confiscated people's gold. That being said I still own gold and silver anyway. Glowies will have to take it from my cold dead hands. Who wants to die for a few ounces of silver?

>> No.52198384

Id give Negev my weiner

>> No.52198459

> So something that no one ever seems to be able to answer is how are people going to resolve how much 1 oz of silver worth once the great margin call happens. Trading in a physical commodity is such a far cry from how things are now that I'm having trouble envisioning people handing over acreage for a few coins. Farmers will be like "yeah I'll sell you some fresh milk for 10 oz". It just seems like too far of a mental leap for people who don't know shit about precious metals to make. And no one is going to want to hear how 1 roman silver coin bought a day's labor or whatever.
Also very curious how the
>muh /pol/
>muh collapse!
Shizos are planning for that.
Ok, so let’s assume two things are happening as “planned”: silver’s gonna moon, and the markets work at finding a price.
So your oz of Ag is gonna be worth $200 in old terms and milk is thus 1/50th oz Ag per gallon. So how do you produce that 1/50 oz? Cut apart a coin? And everyone has got a scale with them? Buy large quantities so that you can use at least your quarter ounce coins sich everyone recognizes? But then how do you deal with shavin/clipping, which was a big issue “back in the day”?
Silver, and even more so gold, are certainly a good store of value, but your whole
>1 blowjob for a dime
Fantasies are just that, fantasies. You’re always gonna go through some intermediary to exchange it into money.

>> No.52198498

why are dealers shilling platinum so hard these days?

>> No.52198499
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show me where a bitcoin exists on the atomic periodic table?
That's right, gay boy, it doesn't even exist at the atomic level.
Crypto is literally worse than fiat.
Go scam someone else.

>> No.52198501

What's are some good storage boxes I can use to bury and are fairly cheap.

>> No.52198548
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Yes Maybe Abby sharpio will let me suck her milky for a merc one day
Nightly Nut November

>> No.52198580

Are they? I haven't seen ads for it.

>> No.52198599

Are you jealous of their $24k coin campaign or what?

>> No.52198973

I’m after finding milk spots on my 100gram silver bars lads should I let them continue or should I store them properly? They are in the plastic card packaging so I’m surprised.

>> No.52199053

UHT milk nigger, you buy 2 months groceries with your 1 oz

>> No.52199206

> UHT milk
Disgusting. Might as well drink onions milk then.
But anyways: UHT milk requires quite the infrastructure. A diary that collects milk from farmers and produces and packages the UHT milk, a distribution system and shops, and thus, well, some government and money, the latter of which you might get by exchanging your metals with a middleman.
Listen, I’m not arguing against holding some gold and silver, but it’s not going to work out like you think it will. Look at Bosnia, Montenegro and Kosovo. Collapsed shitholes by any definition. And what did they do? Just used Deutschmark as currency for a while, just as many shitholes nowadays use the dollar. Guess it’ll be the Yuan then…

>> No.52199226

>UHT milk
I'd rather drink my own piss

>> No.52199230

That's manufacturing defect, its quite common, when you buy bars, don't worry about them, milk spots, toning etc are not things to worry about when it comes to bars, it might make sense to worry about them on numismatics but not bullion, if anything, it says that your silver is real.

>> No.52199491

stop posting that man

>> No.52199499
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>> No.52199571
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it’s funny cos I literally read an article monday how inventories for silver were back up hurrr durr and demand lagging cos china shutdown for muh coof and not shipping out shit etc but now we’re suddenly running out….which is it

>> No.52199573
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Unfortunately for you, it's too late to get any good deals on silver, and soon you won't be able to get any at all!

>> No.52199723

>Metals will be worthless

>It will be outlawed, you will see.

Which is it bro?

>> No.52199821

Yuan is pegged to the dollar, brainlet

>> No.52199839

Bought another tube of roos, feeling better already.

Prices are still weird though, I Can get the roos for 37AUD (~6AUD above spot) from Perth but almost all other online bullion dealers have them well over $40, from $42-50. Then Chards has them at 20.5GBP which is just below 37AUD...Even generic queensland mint rounds are more expensive. What gives?

>> No.52199847

How much is a Perth kilo?

>> No.52199849

Hmmm . . . it's "the all-powerful elite will foil your plans" demoralization script. You need new writers. Or a new job.

>> No.52199880

About $1100, nowhere has it any cheaper.

>> No.52199917
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Another fud boy ignorant of history. Allow me to help you. In the early days of the American colonies and the USA, silver coins known as Spanish Milled Dollars circulated widely. Also known as "pieces of eight", they were regularly cut into pieces and circulated when smaller bronze token coins were in short supply. The term "two bits" for a quarter dollar dates back to that time.

One of the classic requirements for commodity money is divisibility. You can cut gold and silver coins into very small pieces. Historically, portable scales were used to weigh cut and worn coins. In fact, before the invention of coinage in ancient Lydia, silver, gold, and electrum bits were used as money and ALWAYS weighed. (Picrel is Thomas Jefferson's portable scale used for weighing coins. You can see it in Monticello.) And scales are far more readily available now than ever before. So, in short, you are an ignoramus.

>> No.52200005

The world is not moving towards a barter system. Recent developments suggest a monetary system backed by commodities, including gold, and maybe silver. You've done a succinct job explaining why cutting up bits of metal is impractical for billions of transactions around the globe.

>> No.52200032
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1 oz silver = 1 night with a former idol post reset

>> No.52200079

Incels rejoice!

>> No.52200365
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>So how do you produce that 1/50 oz?

Many many different ways if it came to it, they were making 1/1000 oz coins 2500 years ago so only the most 'tarded retards would be incapable of figuring it out.

The way things frequently worked back ~150+ years ago when coinage generally or small change specifically was scarce was people would have open running "tabs" with eachother and settle the debts when they reached an amount matching the .50 cent coins or Spanish dollars they had on hand, or have debt canceled by the person due the debt via them accepting goods or services from the debtor of an agreed value. A stable monetary system based on units of silver and gold meant it was a very sound benchmark for value, and without daily fear of inflation/devaluation people could conduct business with confidence without actual money changing hands at every step. Coinage didn't circulate quite as ubiquitously 200 years ago as plebs now might imagine and economies still hummed along. Trust was higher, people ghosted their hometowns less, and hideous dark ugly dishonest minorities were far fewer back then but such systems would surely develop organically in neighborhoods or towns again in a currency crisis.

>> No.52200387

Who said anything about barter?

>> No.52200436

Once the masses eat losses that dwarf the size of the U.S. GDP, it is not a foregone conclusion that you can just start printing up some new money to replace the one that just burned 99% of the globe. People are going to be looking for hard assets. A complete mindset change is going to come with this next big crash. An entire generation is going to be skeptical of cash lol. Oops! $46TN bond market just toppled over and the who economy delevered suddenly overnight. No biggie!

>> No.52200481
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It's moving to a system where you own nothing and eat bugs. Unless you have something real like gold/silver, and then you can have real food.

>> No.52200601

>our government literally confiscated people's gold
they didn't confiscate shit. they just issued a memo that said you had to sell it to the government.

It's like gun "buybacks".

>> No.52200613

Ant that’s gonna stay like this forever? Why would glorious Winnie the Poo keep it pegged to the worthless dollar from the failed states of America? (Unless he enjoys pegging Burgeroids, that is)

>> No.52200615

>Maybe Abby sharpio will let me suck her milky
why the fuck would you want to do that???
I just threw-up in my mouth a little bit.

>> No.52200626

muh silver be doin a lil sumthin sumthin

>> No.52200671

>Which is it bro?

Prohibition would likely be very bullish for metals, especially if it's a softer ban focused on current and future mining operations instead of Grandma's teaspoons and family heirloom gold rings and Grandpa's old coins. Cocaine and heroin sells for more than 10x what would still be highly profitable if it were legal, and in the US when frumpy old spinsters managed to ban alcohol the price of a bottle of booze went up 4-5x, so something like the equivalent of $50 for a fifth of cheap gutrot.

>> No.52200748

>It's like gun "buybacks".

That's a pretty good analogy anon. Unrelated but I went and got some ammo the other day when I saw they were having a store-wide sale and it seems like everything is back in stock now, the condition of ammo inventory is a pretty good indicator of the state of mind of the general public and for now people must be relatively complacent. It'll be interesting to check again a week after midterms.

>> No.52200754

Oh, I’m very well aware of that history, but it’s just not practical for your future scenario. Also, if the weight is correct, how do you make sure the metal is correct? Back then, it was hard to fake gold and silver, but nowadays?
Just look for silver coins on AliExpress, they’re apparently really convincing nowadays.
Hell, name me one place in recent history where they just switched over to precious metals and it worked!(yes, I know, Venezuela, but that’s not widespread use, und it’s all from >trust me,bro! Sources.

>> No.52200761
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>milk is thus 1/50th oz Ag per gallon. So how do you produce that 1/50 oz?
Seriously?? This is the best argument you can come up with???

>> No.52200787

Or..., they just increased production.

>> No.52200803

Or maybe the bullwhip effect that Dr. Burry was talking about.

>> No.52200826

>Oh, I’m very well aware of that history, but it’s just not practical for your future scenario.

>people would have open running "tabs" with eachother and settle the debts when they reached an amount matching the .50 cent coins or Spanish dollars they had on hand, or have debt canceled by the person due the debt via them accepting goods or services from the debtor of an agreed value.

>name me one place in recent history where they just switched over to precious metals and it worked!

Mexico struck bimetallic silver coins for circulation in the 1990s and ISIS brought back the trimetallic money standard with circulating copper, gold and silver in the 2010s.

>> No.52200829

So, you’ve got a minting press in your basement and you’ve got the authority and means of power and can exercise it, so that the people trust your 1/50 Oz coins?
Congratulations, you’ve just become the government.
> they were making 1/1000 oz coins 2500 years ago so only the most 'tarded retards would be incapable of figuring it out.
And who was “they”?
The government. Not random ass Gayus Incellius, sitting on his Argetum stack in his Maters cellarium.

>> No.52200832
File: 237 KB, 1626x1125, rand-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just look for silver coins on AliExpress, they’re apparently really convincing nowadays.
No, none of those fucking coins will even pass a visual test if you have a legit coin to compare with side-by-side. And even without that, they won't pass the most basic ping and magnet test.
Silver is a piece of cake to check. Gold's a bit harder, but when you're talking about minted coins it's still pretty easy to weigh them, measure, and do a visual comparison.

>> No.52200838

Their economy is pretty fucked too, the housing market is insanely over leveraged. It's akin to the Treasury market or pension or whatever western debt market you understand. The US and western markets get cut off and they're super fucked also.

>> No.52200866

Jokes on you. I’m German. I’m f I had any Jews in my family, my great uncle wouldn’t have been able to join the SS.
> Mexico struck bimetallic silver coins for circulation in the 1990s and ISIS brought back the trimetallic money standard with circulating copper, gold and silver in the 2010s.
So, the government did it.
Whic is my whole point. Your not gonna just walk to a farmer with your random ass Noah’s Ark, you’ll be using whatever currencies (possibly pm-based) your new government has roled out.

>> No.52200916

>Your not gonna just walk to a farmer with your random ass Noah’s Ark, you’ll be using whatever currencies (possibly pm-based) your new government has roled out.
They're gonna roll out crypto, you goof. There isn't going to be another currency. It's the end of currencies! So now you either use the fucking crypto faggotry, or you trade gold and silver.

>> No.52200922

watching sreetips refine gold and silver is so comfy. real life alchemy

>> No.52200968

That guy's is good, then Nilered's gold refining is also good, there is also one from Cody's lab where he mines his backyard and he extracts.

>> No.52201030

>The government
>So, the government did it.

Ah I see the point you're aiming at. There is a long history of private mint "coins" being struck by individuals when there wasn't enough sovereign coin to go around. In the 1700s lots of different copper ha'pennies and pennies were struck and eagerly accepted as small change, same with 1 cent equivalent hard times tokens in the 1830s, and in the 1800s numerous private mints were set up to strike gold. The Mormons did it, many entities in California struck gold token coins matching or exceeding the gold content of US gold, in denominations from 25 cents to 50 dollars, Bechtler in North Carolina had a mint, Templeton Reid in Georgia was also a prolific producer. You can find plenty of other examples around the world of private basement mint coins being accepted.

>> No.52201090

Why wouldn't you do that? Idc what a bitch looks like as long as she got big tits.

>> No.52201186
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>me and my buddy are both stacking
>try and get our other friend into stacking for several weeks now
>we keep failing
What should we do? My buddy has talked about how the fiat money we use is all fake and how gold and silver are the only true money. I've used a more "normie friendly" approach by comparing historic gains for gold, the production costs for both metals to show that they're both bound to go up soon so it's basically free money but also safe to put 5-10% of your wealth into gold and silver. Our friend seems interested but hasn't bought any gold or silver and me and my buddy are starting to worry for him. What should we do?

>> No.52201190

Sir it's NNN pls keep it wholesome

>> No.52201205

Rent him your basement when it happens and remind him that he's due for six month booster shot to stop the spread

>> No.52201211

stop trying to convince him, its to the point the more you bring it up the less likely he will. he will either come around eventually or he is doomed

>> No.52201249

> You can find plenty of other examples around the world of private basement mint coins being accepted.
I doubt it was literally some autistic basement operation, but a tad bigger and with some kind of authority and trust. And it might happen again, yes.
But what will not happen, but what many folks here now appear to take at face value, is the
>blowjob for a mercury dime
Or more recently
>an oz will buy this jap idol post collapse

>> No.52201301

Give him a few ounces or a set of constitutional including a merc and walker, I've done that for several friends and having them actually hold and look at real, shiny and sometimes beautiful rounds and coins of their own tends to awaken the dragon instinct far better than just talking about it. One friend I introduced to coins really ran with it and collects uncirculated Morgan dollars and die variations in addition to stacking bullion, makes me proud.

>> No.52201472
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Anons your participation needed, post advices, stacks and infographics

Global Hyperinflation General /GHG/ >>>/pol/402581731

>> No.52201566

>I doubt it was literally some autistic basement operation, but a tad bigger and with some kind of authority and trust

Some literally were autistic basement operations, but generally the little mints were started by jewelers or silversmiths who knew what they were doing. None had any "authority" or charter to mint but trust developed after 3rd parties tested/assayed and verified the quality of the token coins. Sometimes they were even preferred over sovereign coin locally because they contained more metal.

Studying this stuff has been an interest of mine for some time, and I've read accounts of the most basic operations imaginable successfully servicing local need for coins. One that comes to mind was a settler in Illinois in the 1820s accidentally digging up a hoard of old French fur trader/gunsmith silver sheet metal ("plate silver") then crudely cutting out blank discs matching the weight of familiar coinage and enjoying eager acceptance. He related how people asked how he knew they were good and he replied that he knew they were sound because he made them himself, lol. You're over thinking this anon, history shows that private exchange of non-sovereign PMs has always worked. Also I doubt anyone here actually expects to get bountiful FWTDHWS for merc dimes, it's just a fun meme man based upon an amusing old screencap/pasta.

>> No.52201733
File: 2.41 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20221102_155243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first numismatic older than 1970. That's a fun hobby you brought me into /pmg/. Thx.

>> No.52201757

The world is not going to revert to barter. It is woefully inefficient. Nobody who has known the convenience of money will do without it and a substitute currency will be adopted as quickly as possible. Most likely, some large holders of PMs will issue a fully-redeemable gold-backed currency.

>> No.52201788

> Give him a few ounces or a set of constitutional
I started giving 1oz silver coins as Christmas gifts to my siblings a few years ago to try and get them into stacking, with no success. Until recently that and bars is all I had stacked, myself until I picked up some constitutional silver and started fidgeting with it. And the epiphany I had while holding these coins was different. We had real money, they took it from us, but we can have it again.
I will not be gifting pure silver this year. I will be handing out constitutional silver so that they hold it, play with it. This I believe is the key.

>> No.52201809

Checked, I don't have a single coin, when my friends come back to my cunt, I should ask them to bring back a couple coins.

>> No.52201836

Anyone know where I can get a 1oz gold britannia in the UK that isn't trying to rape me with premiums at the moment?

>> No.52201847
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I've got a bunch of 5rm eagles and potsdam churches that I'm trying to sell. Egay seems to be my only realistic option. Should I put them up individually as auctions or BIN? What do you guys like to pay for these? I don't have any windmills that I'm trying to sell right now

>> No.52201888

What you don't seem to understand is that for most of history gold and silver WERE the money, regardless of what form or symbols were stamped on them. In the fiat world, people have been confused into thinking that the symbol (dollar, yuan, yen, etc.) is the money and the substance is irrelevant. That is an historical anomaly. For most of history money was gold or silver and my ounce of gold was identical to an ounce of gold from Japan with weird symbols on it.

An ounce of gold or silver from Joe's basement has exactly the same value as an ounce from the mighty US government.

As for the blowjobs and Japanese idols, you probably should lighten up a little.

>> No.52201910

It will return to barter in some places. Absolutely. All economies advance from more primitive states to more efficient ones. If the current system is dysfunctional and breaks down we will absolutely take a step backwards before returning to something more practical. People went from barter, to a common denominator of exchange, then settled on gold, and then gold receipts, to notes. We'll absolutely be shedding ourselves of these notes and returning to gold and probably bartering in some instances for a bit of time. Inflation is a psychological phenomenon, and if no one wants to hold an asset that will lose half its value in 4 months then things can spin out of control very fast out of necessity of the circumstances. Practicality doesn't matter in that instance.

>> No.52201924
File: 578 KB, 2157x1555, KIMG3538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked, I've never seen that coin before, it's pretty anon nice pickup. Now try getting some older coins, once you get into the 1700s and earlier ya really start to feel their venerable age and history.

>> No.52201936

With the current premiums on silver, why isn't the spot price higher?

>> No.52201959

Interesting host, thanks!
> Also I doubt anyone here actually expects to get bountiful FWTDHWS for merc dimes, it's just a fun meme man based upon an amusing old screencap/pasta.
I’m afraid it’s just a other case of the 4chan curse. Everyone pretends to be retarded, until the real retards arrive because they feel right at home. >>52201888
Noice trips.
You’re not wrong, but nowadays we’re so far removed from the base metals that it won’t work.
Imagine my Gayus Incellius in the Roman times. He just grew up with the stuff, so he just new those things.
But folks nowadays? Numbers on paper, cheap metals or mostly, a screen. Going from this to precious metals really gonna be an uphill battle.

>> No.52202001
File: 458 KB, 700x700, megumin_coinparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Megumin's nose should have been shorter.

>> No.52202052

>that isn't trying to rape me with premiums at the moment?

That moment is here to stay, you lads deciding to wait "for the better deal" were always playing a game of musical chairs and now the music has stopped. my advice is just buy whatever is still available while its still there.

>> No.52202154
File: 2.52 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20221102_154929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, they are more charismatic and seem to have a story to tell. But I just don't want to buy one in a coin shop. I wish to stumble upon one on a flee market or while metal detecting. For the thrills. Also because they were quiet expensive in the shop that I've been today. Not that I couldn't afford it, but maybe when I am older some day.

>> No.52202156
File: 967 KB, 2709x1818, KIMG1213~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gayus Incellius

Kek, sworn enemy of Probus and his friend Pupienus Maximus. Yeah I figure there would be a learning curve for most people nowadays but if knowing the basics of constitutional silver coinage, sterling spoons and 1oz silver rounds is the difference between eating the GMO bugs or a belly full of local grassfed beef from the Farmer's market then the average person would probably be a quick study.

>> No.52202199

I will wait until January 2023. Surely the goyim will be poor by then and I can capitalise on cheapies *rubs hands*

>> No.52202218

All the more reason they are likely to issue a gold-backed currency. As domestic turmoil and recession take their toll, China can use their massive gold reserves to issue a sound currency for trade and at the same time, dump its trillions of dollars on the market. Because most countries have their own gold reserves, they can join in the trade. Once gold becomes the medium of international trade, whether it is in the form of a gold Yuan, dollar, or Mark, then the gold you hold in your hand instantly takes on the value of the gold-backed trade currency. If China pegs the Yuan at one milligram of gold, then that is what the gold stashed in your anus is worth in Yuan.

>> No.52202270
File: 796 KB, 1430x1914, KIMG2754~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wish to stumble upon one on a flee market or while metal detecting

Be careful at flea markets, several anons have been scammed by Turkroaches selling fake coins. I definitely approve of metal detecting though, you can get a decent detector for around $300 and build a nice dug-up collection as a good honest healthy hobby.

>> No.52202278

Unlikely. Barter is a terrible system. People ALWAYS implement money as soon as they can - even in prison. If you have evidence of any advanced economy reverting to barter for more than a few months I would be interested to hear about it.

>> No.52202371
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Hell even the Aztecs "invented" money, they used cocoa beans which were small change like nickels (which were known to have been counterfeited by mesoamerican Jew-kin) and copper alloy "axe money" coins worth 8,000 beans (around $400 in purchasing power)

>> No.52202383

Sounds good. Which metal detector in that price range (or higher) could you recommend me?

>> No.52202507

The GOLD standard

>> No.52202511

If they don't know it already, they've probably already got so much debt that they'll never be able to pay it off and will accept forgiveness in exchange for UBI/CBDC which will of course not allow purchase of Ag/Au.

>> No.52202517

Don't worry. There are plenty of NEETs living in mom's baasement around here too.

>> No.52202545

I agree that a new system will take its place. But in the meantime the inefficiencies of barter will be preferable to trying to exchange with cash that is hemorrhaging value.
We are also forgetting that the current system of debt has essentially decapitalized all of society. Everything is leveraged and owed/owned by others. It may not even be feasible to try and implement a new system if no one agrees to buy into it. It is akin to trying to kickstart MMT on a desert island. It just doesn't work magic, it can only overly functional alread-existing systems.
You also have to consider the enormity of what is unfolding. The bond market is twice the size of the U.S. GDP. This amount of leverage is impossibly large, and therefore the losses will be impossibly large. There is no guarantee that people will be keeping their money stored in a banking system or paying for insurance or any of that shit. Everyone alive today will be permanently scared by the events to unfold similar to those who lived through the great depression. Tough lessons will be learned. This seems impossible given the amount of wealth that has been built up. But these levels are unsustainable and only maintained with the help of the rest of the globe sending us free goods and energy that we pay with dollars we print up. Your presumption that things will just pick up and carry on after a few months is extremely optimistic. This economy could take several decades to repair and will likely never reach levels we have already seen. Other economies are coming onto the market and will price us out of things we formerly felt entitled to. And these other actors would ideally like to see us destroyed to get us out of the way so they can buy up as much energy as they can for as cheap as they can. You can't build infrastrcuture overnight and as massive as the U.S. economy is it actually doesn't function without cheap energy. Things are far worse off than you give credit.

>> No.52202576

I think whatever system replaces the dollar could also be a trap. People buy in with their capital but the system fails and sputters out and actually burns off an consumes whoever is foolish enough to buy in. There is not enough capital to kick start this engine because without the global subsidies this service economy cannot function.

>> No.52202581

A lot of people recommend Garrett AT Pro detectors as a good easy model for noobs, in addition to dry land detecting you can use the coil under water and detect places like creeks, rivers, lakes, beaches etc. where people used to swim or where old boat docks used to be. You can get used ones around $300 if you watch for auctions on eBay. Their cheaper Garrett Ace 400, Ace 300, or Ace 250 detectors are also a pretty decent value for their price.

>> No.52202592
File: 3.56 MB, 3421x3492, 20221030_124748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the latest Germania, updated the collection photo

>> No.52202611

its been noted, the mint thinks they can make those changes without an extra die if we want too.

>> No.52202614

No NEET but also not married. I just can't imagine myself living in a relationship.

>> No.52202653

How old are you anon? I'm 26 and unmarried khhv btw.

>> No.52202673


>> No.52202679

Oh, I'd assumed that since orders were already open, the picture shown on the website is what had been decided on.
Also for the record, I'm not the anon that originally made that edit.

>> No.52202704
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Kissless hugless handholdless virgin

>> No.52202705
File: 134 KB, 300x300, 1450028802216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same as >>52202614
31. Too much to lose, nothing to gain. Modern marriage is a scam.

>> No.52202870

I got a wife and kids. I honestly I think that having a family is the best "investment" you can make. It's the most important thing you can make.

Just go out and meet girls. Just go to social gatherings. I met my wife in college so if you're still in school meet the women around you. If you can't to that go to clubs, concerts, the church, any place social gatherings happen and meet women.

>> No.52202910
File: 320 KB, 1338x669, 2022-11-02 17_19_14-1 kilo Cast Silver Bar _ Germania Mint _ Silver Gold Bull Sweden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germania coins and bars all look so good. I've wanted to pick-up a 1 kilo bar here in Europe but the shops I find either don't carry it or have it sold out.

>> No.52202927

Thnks, I will check it out and post pics of finds.

>> No.52202931
File: 199 KB, 1103x557, 1661059784483319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope the reverse font looks more like this, the text in the draft image on the preorder page looked like shit.

>> No.52202937

Just picked up a few hundred bucks worth of bayhorse shares as a lotto ticket seeing as how low the price is.

>> No.52202958

>I think that having a family is the best "investment" you can make.
I agree with this in spirit but I'm independent to the point where I really don't want to be responsible for/negotiate my life goals with other people. Maybe in my 30's I'll have some kind of biological call that will change my mind but for now, I can't justify it in my head.

>> No.52202985
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>The (((Girl Power))) Collection

>> No.52202992
File: 1.66 MB, 750x1334, 244A9FCF-6DE4-45F1-AD21-890A9AA3BFC8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gun anon here; the manufacturers are dropping rebates all over

get you some


>> No.52203023
File: 203 KB, 800x800, 1-oz-cash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing. You're not gonna convince normies about silver, just like you won't convince them about the vaxx bullshit. Just keep stacking and especially don't talk to any "friends" about what you've got.
I just done walked downtown again today to pay another bill in cash, so I can use the money in my bank account to buy a little more silver (can't buy silver in cash in cuckland). It doesn't amount to much, maybe another 5 or 6 oz, but every little bit helps. You can bet your ass no normies would be going through all this shit, and I don't even need more silver. I already got almost 2600 oz. And yet, here I am.

>> No.52203045
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People change. I'm sure the 60-70% divorce rate, when saying "yes", weren't globohomoed too. Now you have to add the unvaxed condition. Big challenge, little gain.

Its fine honestly, life isn't about sex and kid. Especially once the wealth transfer is over with physical PM and miners.

>> No.52203060
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>> No.52203073

in 2018 i gave my siblings and even their spouses/parents a gram of gold EACH.
my brother in law made fun of it. he also made fun of me talking about fiat in 2015

>> No.52203151

anything cowboy hat related reminds me of the butthorse shills

>> No.52203276
File: 888 KB, 4025x1858, KIMG3330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my brother in law made fun of it. he also made fun of me talking about fiat in 2015

Soon he will be suckling schlongs for merc dimes, then you get to reciprocate and make fun of him and his daily piping-hot protein source.

>> No.52203365

I think you are correct.
That being said North America is a massive geographical part of the world, and it happens to be some of its' most natural resource rich areas.
We need to straight up fucking survive the 'transition' period. The US is not broke, it is just highly levered and will default via inflation. That means no credit like you pointed out, and it will cause problems for sure, but we don't know what the 'government' will do. Without a treasury 'paying' people, will the marine corps still get fed? Will police still show up for their shifts?
That transition period imo is what everyone should be focusing on at the moment. Whether 'Murica' ever becomes "E Pluribus Unum" and the republic we failed to keep is like on the other side of that massive obstacle.
Transitioning to fiat was painful... transitioning back is gunna be fucking insane.

>> No.52203382

Yeah I mean he is married to my sister so I do hope they don't get completely fucked when credit essentially fails in the USA/Bretton Woods West.
How much silver to be comfortable you think?

>> No.52203385
File: 1.43 MB, 2554x1436, 1564077550142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Life is about having kids though

>does billions of years of evolution stop here?
Me not marrying or having kids won't stop civilization don't worry.

>only for us to give up because Jews?
Jews have nothing to do with today marriage law just like jew have nothing to do with people accepting the cloth shot.

>Think about dried up roasties who are childless, what happens to them? They all kill themselves. Nobody cares about men and know what happens to men
Men aren't women. You don't feel the need to have kids at 30. You don't feel depressed when you don't have it. Baseless comparaison.

>will you be happy working for shekelstien, now that you have gotten promoted and have a stable career?
I'm all-in on physical PM and miners, I'm pretty sure I'll be financially free when this bullmarket end. Have no intention of wageslaving for a career.

>Will you care about owning a few thousand more ozt of silver?
I'm selling when the price is right.

At the end of the day, everyone have their own goal and ambition. Having kids is the most common since it require nothing, even dumb baboon can do it. You're putting way too much emphasis on this. Still, God bless you and I hope it works for you.

>> No.52203392
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>I hope you change your mind on having kids.

They kinda cramp my extemporaneous style but I luv'em dearly. It's fun letting them play with and sort my old coins, use silver bars as building blocks and teaching them about the different metals. I'm almost certain that my youngest inherited my instinctive interest in coins and artifacts and treasure hunting generally, our temperamental similarly is uncanny.

>> No.52203432
File: 482 KB, 1172x1260, 20150521_0119074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone see anything worth picking up on SDBullion? They are doing an ASE at spot for new customers, but everything on the website is priced sky high unless im just retarded.

>> No.52203442
File: 86 KB, 613x640, 1502853901150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$90 for a functional gun
Single-action .22lr, but still, that's impressive.

>> No.52203530

And that transition period is going to have all of the hallmarks of a deflationary collapse, a service economy that does not work, a sprawling infrastructure that does not function without cheap energy, tax receipts collapsing as commerce stalls, housing price collapse which hurts taxes and forces selling, defaults in MBS securities (a lot of which are sitting on the Fed balance sheet), pensions going bust, insurance companies holding toxic IOUs so people's houses, cars and bodies cannot be repaired, stalling out and failed businesses including restaurants, craft breweries, inability to pay Medicare, welfare, food stamps, etc.
I say this shit every fucking day. But a bond market bubble of 2x the size of the U.S. GDP is going to hit us with as much impact as a 2x4 to the side of the head. Deleveraging also has a magnifier effect. When consumer credit contracted in 2008 by $200BN, that led to a contraction of $7TN in the housing market. The only way to keep things propped up is literally 10%+ inflation which will kill/drown us all eventually anyway. Even think about how much GDP is chewed up and destroyed when gasoline increases in price. At some point, gasoline could hit a threshold where people can't even afford to get to work to get paid. And all of that cost shifting just moves down the line until we are all fucked in the ass. All of these pieces have been set up and it is only by the cooperation of foreigners that we can procure the resources necessary to keep things propped up. If our foreign adversaries truly want to, they can severely damage us in ways that could take decades to recover from. We are absolutely in a state of severe precarity, and none of this is hyperbolic.

>> No.52203572
File: 654 KB, 1743x2481, KIMG2517~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How much silver to be comfortable you think?

Man I dunno, if we see something like $150-200/ozt in current purchasing power later this decade as some of the more reasonable bulls propose (vs Bix Weirdos promising a 10 gold : 1 silver ratio) then I wouldn't be comfy with less than 500oz/person as a sound foundation to ensure ya don't have to eat ze bugs. I enjoy the $600-$1000 silver and $50,000 gold meme but ain't banking on anything like that.

>> No.52203587

Uhh sweety Breton woods died back in the 70s

>> No.52203622

Gold bars are the cheapest around
Been eyeballing them lately

>> No.52203628

Not really. The dollar as reserve currency is the defining characteristic even if it changed from gold backed to only fiat.

>> No.52203655

they dont look that good irl
you'll make life easier if you buy well recognized coins. some people won't buy if they don't recognize it

>> No.52203710

Anyone willing to give me a quick rundown on Hecla Mining?
I want to buy an exclusively US based silver/gold miner but their stock performance has been shit for almost 40 years. What gives?

>> No.52203727
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>> No.52203749
File: 120 KB, 775x1024, EBT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What coins should a total n00bie stacker look into? I just ordered 30oz of Weiners, Krugs, Brits, etc. I want to get some cool historical stuff. Roman/Greek? Whats an interesting/aesthetic designed coin that isn't too rare that it has an insane premium? I don't have a good LCS so online only unfortunately. Where does one buy 33-45 Reichsmarks/other Nazi coins? Is there a website you guys use to give you an idea of what price you should be paying for historical numismatics? Thanks Goys.

>> No.52203773

Hope we go to low 17s, I'm planning for two kilos and couple grams of gold.

>> No.52203783

Buy the cheapest shit you can find. When you have a fat stack, you can get choosey

>> No.52203798

I dont want to go all in I just want a couple Historical pieces to rub like a Jew and look at, imagining the toil of my ancestors.

>> No.52203807

Been masturbating to pics of 100g pamp bars but might get a gold wiener and a kilo

>> No.52203815
File: 1.64 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20221022_133254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a noob, I'd go for volume before high premium coins. So generic bars, bigger the better. I'm only stacking kilos right now and I consider myself a noob.

>> No.52203834
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>> No.52203864

I think you are right. This really goes back to the adage of 'the bigger they are'.
11 aircraft carriers and millions of armed forces persons are REALLY expensive. I wonder if the world worries about a situation where the US has to 'use it or lose it'. There probably is a price the world is unwilling to pay for peace as well, but honestly we're forgetting about how much damage countries have done to themselves by following the US down this rabbit hole.
Does the USA actually have 8000 tonnes of gold?

>> No.52203875
File: 3.10 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20220829_220631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, like this one? I love it. I've reached my goal for gold this year, but need 4 more kilos for silver. I'm probably going to reach the goal, I just hope I don't have to liquidate my etf.

>> No.52203934

Yes like that
Specifically the loaf bars outside the packages
I can fondle them better that way
I have a 50g but no 100, and I'm interested in moving up from entry level bars
54- is a lot of monies tho

>> No.52203963

>Does the USA actually have 8000 tonnes of gold?
I think we do. There is reason to believe that much of the western U.S. is owned by the federal government as national parks because there are an ungodly amount of natural resources in the ground. Even though we seem suicidal and retarded, there is evidence to believe we actively allow our allies to take hits for us. Canada sold off all of its gold, but American would never do this in a million years. If we find out we don't have 8000tonnes of gold it means it is all sitting in Israel.

>> No.52204002

try selling on reddit

>> No.52204046
File: 735 KB, 2098x1373, KIMG0502~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm comfortable with generics but your choice of better recognized sovereign bullion is sound. I go by completed sold auction results on eBay to gauge actual market prices for different coins. For ancients, websites like APMEX are disgustingly overpriced (literally over 10x fair retail value in some cases) so instead I recommend monitoring the auction format listings of trustworthy sellers on eBay like ancient_treasures who lists around 120 items every week including common ancient artifacts, browse his sold completed items to get a sense for what different pieces sell for:
You can get nice silver drachm of Alexander the Great or denarius of Trajan for well under $100, cheaper than most people might think, and chunky tetradrachms of Alexander under $200. If you don't know what you're doing then don't go looking for "good deals" on eBay because there are many scammers and thousands of fakes for sale at any given time so you gotta stick to honest sellers.

>> No.52204055
File: 1.45 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20220916_192250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50g is pretty comfy too. I have one 20g out of certicard, everything else is in certicard. It sux that I have to save up for 50g bar.

>> No.52204085

>Where does one buy 33-45 Reichsmarks/other Nazi coins?
You can buy from me

>> No.52204116

Small nose is the way to go.

>> No.52204140

I hear you re: Canada.
T. Leaf
I don't think there's ever been this many people, across so many countries/empires, that have built up such a massive bubble.
People are trying to buy ownership of star systems and planets lmfao. On the topic of Canada, I can see us having problems, but on the whole perhaps we fare somewhat better in terms of infrastructure/getting back on our feet.
No gold or silver is a tough one, but they may use policy tools late stage in order to strengthen the currency enough to use it one or two last times for vital stuff.
Quebec exports 2% of the world's gold, produces 99.95% of its electricity via Hydro dams, and has been building its economy to be self sufficient because they wanted to leave confederation. I can see stability coming from a booming mining sector up North of you guys, and we export things like fertilizer to China/India/Africa.
I think the biggest threats we face are civil and social. People are going to be really, really pissed. You guys are already on the verge of a full on civil war, right?

>> No.52204191
File: 1.40 MB, 2688x1512, PXL_20210227_012346724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impressive, very nice
I have one of these KitKat bars, idk if it really counts
100g is the point where it starts to become very noticeable in your hand I think.

>> No.52204244

Pretty awesome combi bar.

>> No.52204250
File: 683 KB, 2274x2115, KIMG3486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't bought many numismatics since covid hit, been focusing mostly on stacking weight, but recently I bought these Roman Republican era denarii for $76 (dirty but nice, I'm carefully cleaning it) and $24 each. crAPMEX would probably charge $800 and $400 respectively which is beyond Jewish. Buying proper numismatics doesn't need to break the bank, good luck anon.

>> No.52204986


>> No.52204988

any UKbros who have bought victorian bullion sovereigns from chards or atkinsons? I wanna know what kind of condition they come in

>> No.52205056
File: 3.59 MB, 4032x2268, IMG_0603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very helpful, thanks Anon.
Here's the only truly ancient coin I own.

>> No.52205156

You had 5,000 years. This is the path you chose

>> No.52205206

I'd buy one if I had none.

>> No.52205278

Bought an ounce and a kilo
I'm done for the year, I swear
1715 and 745

>> No.52205315
File: 418 KB, 1464x265, _pol - Why are you against prostitution It’s much bette - Politically Incorrect - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep marriage is so fucked these days.
I got a Kruger 2 pence today. My krug collection grows.

>> No.52205454
File: 755 KB, 2062x1372, KIMG3555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah cool, the common late Roman bronzes are a good cheap way to get introduced to the world of ancients but fondling some older and more attractive silver is an order of magnitude or 2 more awesome and satisfying, you won't be disappointed anon. If you do want Roman bronze go for a chunky 20+g sestertius, those feel great in the hand, and for Greeks you can find nice bronze obols or chalkoi/dichalkons issued under Alexander which can be really nice and common enough to not be very expensive.

>> No.52205485
File: 9 KB, 474x248, OIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking merchants
from the DOJ:
>According to court documents filed as part of the DPA, from approximately January 2008 until July 2016, four metals traders employed by Scotiabank, including Corey Flaum, engaged in fraudulent and manipulative trading practices in the markets for gold, silver, platinum, and palladium futures contracts (collectively, precious metals futures contracts) that traded on the New York Mercantile Exchange Inc. (NYMEX) and Commodity Exchange Inc. (COMEX), which are commodities exchanges operated by the CME Group, Inc. On thousands of occasions throughout this period, the traders placed orders to buy and sell precious metals futures contracts with the intent to cancel those orders before execution. By placing these orders, the traders intended to artificially move the prices of precious metals futures contracts in a direction that was favorable to them and Scotiabank, and to inject false and misleading information into the precious metals futures markets in order to deceive other market participants into believing something untrue, namely that the market reflected legitimate supply and demand.

>> No.52205498

I don't have a reddit account. I have seen people talk about a reddit that is only for selling pms, but I don't really know anything about it

>> No.52205564

I've poked around before
I think you need so many good goy points to be able to sell
Idk how you get them
I would never buy anything from there tho

>> No.52205710

Hmm, many such cases. I have a few 10 ozt Scotiabank bars, anyone else?

>> No.52205965

premiums high everywhere right now

>> No.52206082

May your stable brim with nice, fresh hay!

>> No.52206086

how much

>> No.52206478

Is that still part of America?

>> No.52206523
File: 346 KB, 750x858, AD453153-6794-421E-B487-6E959531C4DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to give cool gifts to get people into stacking. 1g of gold is expensive but doesn’t mean much to the average guy. Get them something cool and they will want to collect the series. My suggestion is the 2 oz creatures of the north series. Unique designs and a good heft that makes people want to buy them

>> No.52206659

I literally said what the fuck was that after looking at the chart

>> No.52206773
File: 47 KB, 379x400, s-l400 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DAMN YOU FRANCE! WHY DOES ALL YOUR SILVER HAVE TO BE WEIRD AND EXPENSIVE AND SO BEAUTIFUL! Seriously I just want a nice 1oz French bullion coin like picrel without the insane premiums. Monnaie de Paris makes since amazing stuff, but it's all basically art instead of bullion. Sucks because I would buy the heck out of a French bullion coin.

>> No.52206814

Knee jerk
The cheapies must flow

>> No.52206886

That's an exceptional series
Sucks I can't get them here in the states

>> No.52207170

Honestly, most of the state isn't too gay outside of the Bay Area and LA.

I recently moved to Homo-cisco and this city is like the basedjack stereotypes, but most of the rest of the state isn't terrible.

>> No.52207313

>My suggestion is the 2 oz creatures of the north series.
Great idea. The designs are really cool, werewolves is something that people have always had an interest in. And as you say, the 2 oz weight gives them an amazing feel to hold.

>> No.52207353

I always thought they were a furry coin

>> No.52207361
File: 160 KB, 1014x1014, 1000 euro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy one of each 20 euro coin from that series. There's only 3 so it's not gonna break your bank. Or you can wait until the dealer premiums on silver goes up a bit and then these won't seem like so much more. But if you wait too long, they might also raise the prices so you have to pay over the face value. They did that with some of the 10 euro .333 coins (they cost 12 euros to buy now, not that I'd want any of those).
The 100 euro coins are a ripoff because you pay 5x the price but don't get nearly that much more silver.
The 250 euro gold ones, I don't think are worth it either, given the price of gold right now. They used to have this 1000 euro coin that seems like a good price but pretty sure you can't buy it for face value now.

>> No.52207400
File: 45 KB, 900x1280, krugs2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello frens!

>> No.52207479

ITT: fathers anonymous

Yeah, having a kid really changed stuff. It’s a shitload of work (including wiping literal shit, or picking it up) and it’s really eating into my hobbies and all that, but damn, do I love it.
Also: yup. Stacking to pass it on, hopefully.

>> No.52207488

I lived there for two years, the only thing I like about it is the natural beauty. I need to go back to finish a couple hikes, but other than that, california can fall into the ocean for all I care (no offense to you).

>> No.52207513
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>> No.52207526
File: 101 KB, 860x994, hehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost got a tube or 4 of silver krugs a couple weeks ago, but didn't order because I was still waiting for a big delivery with tons of stuff (monster boxes and lots of gold). After that was all over and taken care of, the premiums started shooting up. Oops! Looks like no silver krugs for me.

>> No.52207559

I will never have children, too much work

>> No.52207604

Yeah, I bought a 1/4 ounce gold yesterday instead of Krugs because the premium jumped so quickly. I'm working on my monster box, if this keeps up, it's going to take forever.

>> No.52207619


>> No.52207638
File: 507 KB, 1000x500, 5 francs semeuse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I forgot to say, you can buy semeuse coins (5F, 2F, 1F, 50c) for dirt cheap.
And there's the hercules (50F, 10F) for like 29-32/oz. Not something I'd stack in quantity at these prices, but I want to get a few of those.
And if you can find them, there are also old 100F commemorative coins that might not cost that much, if you can find them in stock anywhere. Some of those are pretty cool.

>> No.52207699
File: 886 KB, 2592x1944, The €100 Nature of France Collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just want a nice 1oz French bullion coin like picrel

Theres 2 types of that coin and neither are 1 Ounce, theres the €20 euro version which is 18 grams .900 and picrel the €100 version which is 50 grams .900

>> No.52207893
File: 27 KB, 614x387, Screenshot-from-2022-11-02-21-04-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What percentage of your net worth do you keep as PMs? What's a good goal you try and stick to?

>> No.52207923
File: 546 KB, 1000x500, 100fr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, that works out to around 39 euro/ozt, so not very good, even for the better option (20 euro face value).
The closest thing to 1 oz is the 50F hercule, with 27 g silver content on a .900 coin.
The 100F coins are also .900 but only 13.5 g silver content.
The 5F semeuse is .835 with 10.02 g silver content. So basically 1/3 ozt, pretty interesting fractional desu.

>> No.52207944

what's PMG's opinion on pic related. I am meeting the guy this afternoon.

Concord la nuit jump hour 18k watch from 2007

Watch is 91g

i think movement and strap are probably 35g

If there is 55g of 18k it has a scrap value of $3000

Seller is selling for $3500

It's impossible to know what the movement and strap weighs without taking it apart.

is this a stupid gamble?

In my opinion it's basically scrap or a bit over.

It's the same model as vid related. It's older from before they started making fake high end movements so i'm not worried about the watch being fake


>> No.52207962
File: 12 KB, 400x523, 1609975280262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't you already make this post in a previous pmg?

>> No.52208000

Nope not me. I literally just took that ss as I was updating my spreadsheet just now

>> No.52208024

10% cash
Rest pms

>> No.52208067

I never said that "things will just pick up and carry on after a few months" I said people will not put up with barter for very long and will find something to use for money very quickly. That says nothing about what the economy will look like. We could have a massive collapse back to Roman times and still be using money. I can't even imagine a scenario where people would NOT use some kind of money. Maybe a full global nuclear exchange that reduced the world population by 95% such that no social structures existed larger than stone-age tribes? Why would people who know what money is and have lived their entire lives in an economy that used money almost exclusively for everything suddenly forget all the advantages of money? Not going to happen.

>> No.52208085

These anime rounds are so beyond cringy. Who consumes this crap?

>> No.52208090

That seems... a bit aggressive anon

>> No.52208159

The die has been cast
Not sure what to do should I sell some?

>> No.52208238


>> No.52208250

Personally, it's currently around 25% but I just started working a few years ago. I think the main thing is I want to hit a certain amount of silver/gold stacked before I worry about messing with (((financial instruments.))) Also, you've got way too much in your savings/checkings account. You probably shouldn't keep more than 6 months of living expenses in cash and unless you've got a family of 10 or something, you don't need to have 100k earning .01% interest.

>> No.52208260
File: 696 KB, 1224x2248, 14so.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indeed. I was surprise how precise the krugs are.

>> No.52208269

don't sell, but maybe stop buying so much and diversify future investments.

>> No.52208270
File: 2.76 MB, 2192x2448, 0c70e27f492b42997edc64b89856e48927755f6fb8268465b5b2d0fa749c8520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's doing it right. Cash is a loser over the long run, as inflation will only get worse, and the risk of currency crisis and bank bail-ins is very real.
I never followed any real portfolio. My goal was to get as much of my funds as possible out of fiat ASAP, while slurping up cheapies. So I never calculated this exactly, but a rough approximation comes out almost the same as him.

>> No.52208338

Ok I swear I'll stop
It's probably not that bad really now that I think about it
Maybe 10k cash
Some oil stonks
50? 55ish in pms?
I have very low living expenses and a decent income
But I would like to get some cash up.

>> No.52208350


>> No.52208363

>a single man’s words and then his follow up statement can pump then dump global commodity and equity markets

but we totally live in a free market guys!!1!

>> No.52208389
File: 177 KB, 890x1187, 1644603525232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99.9% PMs
0.1% copper

>> No.52208396

Perfect and majestic.
Impeccable taste, anon.

>> No.52208415

Maybe not sell, just tone down the frequency of your purchases to even things out a bit more? If PMs crash for whatever reason and take a decade to get back to your cost basis you're gonna be pretty fucked if you need that cash in the meantime.
Not more than you can afford to lose and all that.

>Also, you've got way too much in your savings/checkings account
Yeah, came into some money last year and don't really know what to do with it. Checking is the only one not making any interest, and I do need to shuffle that around. Savings account is earning 2.35% (could be a tiny bit higher if I jumped to another bank but eh).

Yeah it'll get fucked by inflation in the long run, but I'm keeping powder dry in anticipation of some deals in the (hopefully) near future. Plus it's all USD, which is really strong right now compared to other countries. Foreign real estate is a lot cheaper now than it was a few months ago

>> No.52208419
File: 935 KB, 644x644, wheredoyouthinkweare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52208471

85% silver
6% gold
2% platinum
7% cash

>> No.52208493
File: 1.42 MB, 1786x2848, JpDream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will own physical silver and gold.
>I will become part of the new elite in the great reset.
>I will buy myself a sex slave harem to breed
>And I will be happy.

>> No.52208519

I feel sad thinking that part of my future sex slave harem might have been crushed in korea recently

>> No.52208535


>> No.52208589

You keep pushing this dichotomy, and it's incredibly autistic. What you won't have is a huge inverted pyramid of debt instruments providing "liquidity" that allows you to start getting shit sent from China by people you've never met with 3 mouse clicks. PMs are going to be at least part of the confirmation that anon can actually pay for his widgets, because no-one will trust "money" without an auditable backing.
Listen to this based spaghetti nigger https://youtu.be/W6EAmeO8BF8?t=766

>> No.52208713
File: 850 KB, 2340x2680, KIMG1839~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a full global nuclear exchange that reduced the world population by 95% such that no social structures existed larger than stone-age tribes

You do have your palaeolithic Acheulian hand-axe stack ready for this contingency, right anon?

>> No.52208888
File: 405 KB, 1218x624, saww_edge 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when poo in loo?

>> No.52208916

Hopefully never. Check'd though.

>> No.52208922
File: 77 KB, 500x500, fetchimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These look cool

>> No.52209102
File: 797 KB, 1992x1121, 201505321_01184164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can the happening get to it already?

>> No.52209158

That's what he gets for not buying NGC Ancients.

>> No.52209205

I mean, you don't have to stop (cause we could very well have a shtf scenario and at that point (((stocks))) would be worthless.) You know your own living situation best anon so you can decide how much you need to set aside. If you're financially on your own, you probably want 6 months of living expenses ready in case something happens and you're out of a job or you have some emergency and need cash. If that's 10k then that's 10k, if it's 50k then it's 50k. As for stocks, I'm probably not the best person to ask as I find the whole stock game to just be financial speculation and jewery at it's finest. Maybe invest some money in index funds (S&P or Dow.) If you don't have a house maybe consider setting aside some money in your 401k for that

>> No.52209323

>up 50 cents
>down 50 cents
>repeat for months
Even if silver crashes the prices don't get cheaper, but it always gets more expensive when the price goes up.

>> No.52209373
File: 1.80 MB, 640x538, Neko dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just picked up the 2002 and 2001 silver proof sets, only got 2000 and 1999 to go to finally fulfill my poorfag numisfag dream of having every silver state quarter

>> No.52209382
File: 21 KB, 400x400, 1667243716635626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saddleback Leather Co.
>putting your silver on cheap chrome tanned leather

>> No.52209536

>NGC Ancients

That's for the goodest of goys who like to ensure they'll never recover the money they spend, the 2 obvious replicas being next to the Hitler fantasy coin suggests that anon knows they're not authentic, i hope he does anyway.

>> No.52209614
File: 100 KB, 603x603, 1654488159690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy for the coins, not the slab they say
>boomers would rather buy a $200+ ultra cameo PF68 Franklin half in a gay plastic slab than they would spend $30-$40 on it in the original government packaged cellophane set and get the other proof coins along with it

>> No.52209617

The bar doesn't look nearly as cool as their silver coins IMO

>> No.52209681
File: 1.33 MB, 3593x2324, dont talk to me or my son or my sons son ever again .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Krug time mien negros
I shall take a better pic of them all another time.

>> No.52210144
File: 282 KB, 2154x937, KIMG3539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boomers would rather buy a $200+ ultra cameo PF68 Franklin half in a gay plastic slab than they would spend $30-$40 on it in the original government packaged cellophane set and get the other proof coins along with it

Yeah it's retarded man, I hate the soulless speculator new-money types that slabbed coins have attracted to what used to be a much comfier autist's hobby. Sadly CCG and Vidya collectors suffer similarly, it sucks.

Based and neckbeard-pilled, I think it's really cool how the smaller old krugs have nothing but the bust on the obverse. Are you gonna build a full denomination set too?

>> No.52210155
File: 53 KB, 480x420, 23xf_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I went ahead and signed up for the Morgan and Peace Dollar subscriptions from the US Mint. Not a big fan of recurring charges on my credit card or even giving it out, but Mr USMINTBergstien requires it.

>> No.52210201

$19 for eagles, $22 for Potsdam

>> No.52210203

>Approx. $73.00 per product.
73 an ounce eh, bargain

>> No.52210221

Well, they're numismatic pieces, not bullion.

>> No.52210282

mass produced proofs are not numismatics

>> No.52210316

Call it a collectable if it makes you happier. Prices on the 21s reflect that.

>> No.52210331

1000000000000% this


>> No.52210332

They're being bought like numismatics, and people are treating them as such, so in what way are they not?

>> No.52210343

You just posted cringe.

>> No.52210346

They weren't smart enough to buy one

>> No.52210375
File: 35 KB, 528x960, 27867974_1599763200115658_3712048373677772044_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any word from our fellow Pan anon whos been out and about snooping for the Au on his local river?

>> No.52210394

>in what way are they not?
Mintage Limit: 400,000

>> No.52210409

I got lucky with the US Mint's shitty website and was able to get one each Peace dollar and Morgan dollar back in 2021. I'm much more a stacker than a collector, but I got swept up in the frenzy. I don't think I'm gonna bother this time, and I'll just keep my eye out in the secondary market for good deals in about 10 years.

>> No.52210468

I went through hell trying to get them. But I did succeed, it was the 100 year anniversary, and now the first of a series. I like Morgan's, and love peace dollars, so I got 2 of those. Should have got the max on each in hindsight.

>> No.52210833
File: 53 KB, 592x640, 46C84296-A86D-4E20-890D-9E6213F6E36C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might try this month.

When will silver catch a break btw?

>> No.52210848

>73 an ounce eh, bargain

If I can turn around and sell it for $150 I double my money.

>> No.52210856

Powell wore a silver tie today

>> No.52210965

Will comex default end of this year, or early next year?

>> No.52210986
File: 220 KB, 1300x1300, 2022-Samoa-Jesus-Collection-Christ-the-Light-1-oz-999-Fine-Silver-BU-Coin-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like some tranny janny selectively purged this thread

>> No.52211037
File: 2.79 MB, 2305x1137, greg crying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gregbros... =(

>> No.52211083
File: 21 KB, 400x389, 1659199066255418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gayus Incellius

lol underrated

>> No.52211108
File: 2.46 MB, 3456x3925, smol golds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 2 three pences on the way for my smol coin set + I plan on getting a kruger penny. Other than that I'm not sure if I'll get anymore.
I'd like my next two numismatic pieces to be the 1 1/2 pence (12 mm diameter) and one of those small silver 5 centavos.

>> No.52211167

looks like most 21s aren't selling for more than the original $85 on ebay

>> No.52211276


Jk, looks like the graded ones without original packaging are going for less than $85. Looks like I'm gonna be getting the max of 3 each and flipping

>> No.52211309
File: 290 KB, 1289x564, ohn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shouldn't a limited edition coin, minted in 2017, be sold out by now?

>> No.52211329
File: 127 KB, 800x800, 3BFC5EB8-B584-44AE-B40C-0F37F128F9C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What could have been

>> No.52211343

>A breathtaking rendition of Lady Liberty
I guess they weren't lying when they said that.

>> No.52211372

Coin of the Year winner as well

>> No.52211375

Why don't they just lower the price?

>> No.52211408
File: 1.30 MB, 2056x1976, 20221102_114016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With that premium I wonder if they sold any at all.

>> No.52211417

seems the be the standard premium for a 1ozt gold proof direct from the US mint

>> No.52211462
File: 391 KB, 656x1350, C55C92BC-3A28-4116-BEA3-E89476367FF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mint doesn't abide by logic anon, they've actually raised the price.

>> No.52211463
File: 43 KB, 429x477, Silver_Saori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evening /pmg/
Currently today is my birthday though it just feels like another day.
I am tempted to buy PMs again though black friday/cyber monday is coming up pretty soon.
I am looking forward to buying that ounce of gold finally after a shitty start to this year.
Happy stacking anons

>> No.52211477
File: 38 KB, 474x414, OIP (21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the true boss
runner up is the 2009 high relief
2015 is ok
2019 is strange and scary
cautiously optimistic towards the 2023
theyre literally throwing in a 1/10thoz coin to sweeten the deal, and still cant sell them

>> No.52211488
File: 180 KB, 900x900, 1635279191229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52211500

happy bday! you wont get any birthday sex hanging around here tonight tho, go have some funs

>> No.52211525

Cool it with the racism, Bro.

>> No.52211551

>shitty start to this year.
years already over b

>> No.52211558
File: 47 KB, 800x800, 1654964496069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the smaller nose too. I don't think she's part of the tribe.

>> No.52211565
File: 127 KB, 800x790, R (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2016 re-editions were cool af, the kennedy was awesome, the 2009 is amazing, the mint needs to pull their head out of their ass and re-issue the indian series, it would sell like hotcakes, its so popular.

>> No.52211582

> a breathtaking rendition of lady giberty

>> No.52211664
File: 3.22 MB, 4288x3216, P7210010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. I am planning on taking the Garand out to the range tomorrow since I am off for the day.
It was the end of 2021 an into 2022. Unemployed for over 8 months til I picked up another job finally in August.

>> No.52211707

m1 carbines are cool
its my moms favorite gun
her dad bought her one
i guess ill get it when that time happens

>> No.52211740

What's the best way to get started collecting metals? I was looking at jm bullion and they have 1 oz silver rounds for around $24. Should I just go ahead and order 20 of them?

>> No.52211749

premiuums so high, its not even fun to shop around, just feel like im getting ripped off all the time. thry want the same money when soot was 26 as they do when spot is 19-20

>> No.52211781

someone linked this site earlier and it seems to scour a number of websites https://findbullionprices.com/

I also would see if there's an local coin store that has good prices.

>> No.52211888

Neat. I live in a little hick town so idk about local stores but I'll look around. Thanks!

>> No.52211943

BGASC had generics for like $22, probably still do. Thats the lowest premium i've seen on rounds lately.

>> No.52212193

Are they still taking order for Megumis? Where to buy?

>> No.52212236

There are 31 Gilded coins left as I am typing this.

>> No.52212362

Get the antique silver version

>> No.52212437


>> No.52212632

i can see it

>> No.52212712
File: 1.12 MB, 3456x1429, angel and Indian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mint would never
We need incuse Indians in 1 ounce size. It would be so kino.

>> No.52212834

bfacllc dot com

>> No.52212864
File: 368 KB, 1078x1482, Screenshot_20221101-171055_Photo Editor Pro - Polish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You never know, one might pop up on ebay soon

>> No.52212996

I've got buyer's remorse. I FOMOed into buying one, even though it has no relation to /pmg/.'
(inb4 "It's silver!" - so's a lot of shit, doesn't make it a particularly /pmg/ or 4chan 'thing'.)

>> No.52213008

My new coin came in today :)

>> No.52213022

Ditto. That they haven't sold out instantly like the other gilded also doesn't feel comfy.

>> No.52213024

bro is that Hitler lol

>> No.52213041

Na that was me lol

>> No.52213243


>> No.52213362

We are bot your bro, stupid pajeet.

>> No.52213380

>So how do you produce that 1/50 oz? Cut apart a coin? And everyone has got a scale with them? Buy large quantities so that you can use at least your quarter ounce coins sich everyone recognizes? But then how do you deal with shavin/clipping, which was a big issue “back in the day”?
You very fucking quickly purchase a years supply via pre-pay and you generously double the payment because you're not a fucking poorfaggot.

>> No.52213383

almost couldn't see the litter silver bar on the left side there with the bad lighting, kek

>> No.52213409
File: 795 KB, 999x1485, 1494191658787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to reach out to us about our email is always open and i usually try and stay in the threads when im not waging
We didnt expect them to get vacuumed off the shelf especially after we were able to make sure double dipping couldnt happen. It also helps that indiegogo is a much more attractive and predatory site than we have. Its built to activate your almonds and make you buy, but same as the above replies if you want to reach out to us always feel free too. :)

>> No.52213590

That's nice of you to offer - thank you

>> No.52213614

Just like indiegogo until the campaign is complete we can do refunds, its just not an option we have built in yet. It should be possible but im not an expert with woocommerice at the moment. Ill shoot a message to our guy.

>> No.52213702
File: 1.45 MB, 2275x1280, 1621150373191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I snorted the crumbs at my LCS today. For once their low stock was pleasant.

>> No.52213757
File: 3.18 MB, 4000x3000, 20221102_210727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey pmg, just helped a 50 something couple from Saudi Arabia by buying them a tank of gas and bought a couple of their chains and rings off them to get a hotel. It all says 18k and the wife took a knife to it to show me it wasn't plated. Did I get shafted or did I come up?

TL:DR I paid $250.00 for this stuff

>> No.52213772

That sounds almost like how I got taken for $120 in fake leather jackets but I'm a literal retard so you probably had a real experience

>> No.52213796
File: 705 KB, 888x762, Angry Welsh Cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$150 for gilded Megu
Sorry holocaust anon but that's a hard pass, already overpaid on Yotsu for the memes

>> No.52213804

Thats ok anon we understand, no hard feelings here.

>> No.52213836

Actually was 404 ever accounted for? I haven't been in these threads in a while

>> No.52213838

The spot price is determined by the trading of naked paper contracts. Essentially THEY have removed the inherent scarcity of precious metals (this applies to gold and silver) from the pricing scheme. Because scarcity has been removed from the equation the spot price is below equilibrium as determined by supply and demand which is causing shortages.

>> No.52213851

What would you guys think about, in the future, doing coin runs specific to other boards, with designs created in threads on each of those boards?
The /mlp/coin project has made me want a whole set of 4chan coins.

>> No.52213869
File: 30 KB, 600x600, 1652652249216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"make" one for /po/
>it's just a US silver certificate

>> No.52213877
File: 1.44 MB, 5944x4656, 1662769926657284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was! that was the only coin we actively tracked the location of to make sure the anon got and it was posted.
we struggle to exist as we do here, id love nothing more than to give every board the coin it deserves. Its 100% leaving money on the table by not doing it as well but we would just get banned to hell and back. not to mentioned having to spend assloads of time in thread and working on the designs. Its something we are considering doing but we would need to find a board more receptive to the idea and open to us making a few dollars on the project as well.

>> No.52213886

How ductile is silver? Could an ounce be rolled into a sheet thin enough to be folded but thick enough to not break apart?

>> No.52213898

Hard to say, you could likely make a very thin sheet with a protective film like a goldback but I wouldn't dare fold it.

>> No.52213916

>we struggle to exist as we do here
>we would just get banned to hell and back
Surely there are some boards with custodians who are lax enough.
If you manage to get a few such coins made, enough anons might take notice that design threads start to be spawned on other boards naturally simply in the hopes that the design reaches you, out of pure desire from anons to have a coin for their own board.

>> No.52213931
File: 612 KB, 200x200, 1403372082551.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgot /biz/ doesn't have spoilers

>> No.52213946
File: 857 KB, 1600x1597, 1656528501663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ doesn't allow spoilers newfag
What would we even spoil anyway, how much the fed's interest rates are going to go up?

>> No.52213974

Spoilers have been surprise text use for jokes and glib comments more than actual protection from juicy information for like a decade now, if not longer.

Actually yeah, a lot of posts using airplane mode in some kind of a guerilla marketing campaign would probably be what's needed for that. Going off site once some momentum has built up would be a good idea, though.

>> No.52214000
File: 1.33 MB, 1242x1122, 1649859380027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just won an auction for a plat britannia... 790€. Was literally the only bidder, so it ended up at starting price.
Cheapest plat britannia i can get in french online shops are 1440€. And they buyback for over 1K..

I'll never receive it, ain't I? I kinda feel bad for the seller, wont even be mad at him if he refuse to send it to me and cancel the trade at this point.

Anyway, good to know the liquidity is beyond shit for platinum over here.

>> No.52214010

maybe one day, also lol no spoilers
if anons would be willing to help out we might consider such a goal a board would need to be picked first though

>> No.52214014

This is a very very common scam around where I live. They park their car with all their kids in it at the gas station, and then one of the parents walks around trying to ask for gas money / hotel money, and if you refuse they offer to sell you the jewelry they have.

Dead giveaway is normally rings that aren't sized for their hands, or no tan line from wearing a ring for a long time in the sun. Having said all that, maybe you didn't get fucked for once since golds cheap in Saudiland.

tl;dr: get it tested at a shop

>> No.52214021

If the liquidity is beyond shit won't that just make it a lot harder for you to sell?

>> No.52214037

I guess.
But would have you been able to resist an oz of plat sold for 200 bux below spot?
I was the first surprised when i saw i won the auction.

>> No.52214039

Given the amount of fake Bullion coins and blatant scams I've seen on Ebay, you either won't be getting a coin or you'll be receiving a fake.
What was the seller's feedback like anyway?

>> No.52214078

18k is the most commonly faked purity for jewelry (especially mens.) Hate to say it, but you probably got burned.

>> No.52214086

>or you'll be receiving a fake.
Not really a problem, ebay always side with the buyer. And plat is quite easy to test, no? After all it's the most dense metal, so if the weight and dimensions matches, it can only be platinum. Or palladium kek.

>What was the seller's feedback like anyway?
0 feedback. Yeah it sounds sketchy af i know. That said, the seller lives few miles away from me and propose irl meeting, maybe i should go there? But then, if i confirm reception (by giving the ebay code) the ebay guarantee is over, so by mail feels more secure...
What would you do?

>> No.52214115

If you've got some way of testing the purity of the platinum then go for it w/ an in person meeting (make sure you're in a public place where you won't get mugged.)

>> No.52214123

>a board would need to be picked first though
Things are confounded a bit by the fact that technically the proof of concept here is the /mlp/coin as the first board-specific coin, yet even posting a picture of that coin on other boards could get the hammer due to GR15.
Maybe /co/? It's got an identity and also has history with /mlp/. /k/ also has a pretty solid identity and a history of creating board-specific merch. I'm almost positive the guy who runs /k/ommandostore is able to post there without getting shoah'd.

I also just realized tomorrow is the 1-year anniversary of /qa/'s death. I don't even know where you'd find /qa/posters these days to design a coin, though.

>> No.52214131

Eh, I'd probably help with that. The board question is important though. /p/ seems like it'd be good, but your designs haven't really been /p/ worthy and weebshit is your domain. /e/ or /h/ would probably be saucy enough to get some attention and the boards are so slow any thread made won't immediately be pushed off. Then you're the coomercoin guy though. /k/ actually seems like a really good idea (just look at how many guns and silver posts we have), but not until the Ukraine thing has died down.

>> No.52214140

>tomorrow is the 1-year anniversary of /qa/'s gas chamber appointment
Fixed that for you

>> No.52214157
File: 3.55 MB, 490x476, shrug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/e/ sucks though, I made a thread about manga butts and it was pruned for being "an adult request" even though literally the entire fucking board is adult requests

>> No.52214159

I guess the best would be a rendez vous in a jewelry with a sigma testing machine. If needed i give 10 bux to the jeweler for his expertise.

>> No.52214161

It already seems forced

>> No.52214165

Wasn't it like 99% soijaks toward the end?
What a terrible way to go.

>> No.52214183

You realize where you're posting right now, yes?

It'll have to be until it's not. No idea if it would actually catch on, so anything made would also need to appeal to /pmg/.

>> No.52214198

I don't think it should be

>> No.52214204

Even worse was that they actively collaborated to raid threads WITH soijaks. So it wasn't even a containment board like /vt/ or /trash/, it was more like a cancerous tumor
Yes? Did I make some kind of blunder?

>> No.52214224

Won't be too many projects in this vein unless someone reaches out to make it happen, but I do see what you mean. If it doesn't happen it doesn't, but if it can be done in a way that isn't too cancerous I'll help.

>Did I make some kind of blunder?
You posted about shit boards on a shit board. Mods and jannies are always retarded, that just has to be dealt with.

>> No.52214278

The scam relies on you not testing the coin thoroughly. It's probably made of Silver plated Tungsten to have a density close enough to Platinum.
I'd say do the exchange IRL, in front of the police station or some other place you won't be robbed and bring some testing equipment.

>> No.52214301

i thought you were in the marines

>> No.52214359

>I kinda feel bad for the seller, wont even be mad at him if he refuse to send it to me and cancel the trade at this point.
I've had a couple auctions like that, but ultimately, it's the seller's responsibility to not price the item less than the minimum they'd want to receive for it.
They can't just start low to gamble on creating a bidding rush and then cancel the order if it doesn't happen.

>> No.52214545


>> No.52214570

Gotta dry it and take a picture. Quite busy right now, so maybe tomorrow.

>> No.52214614

We can wait, the other day we had a thread make it past 400

>> No.52214640
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pic related

>> No.52214655

chill out, all in due time

>> No.52214677
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I don't know man, those ancients look kinda suspect to me.

>> No.52214786
File: 470 KB, 942x1843, Screenshot_20221102-233535_Facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So tempted to buy these bros, $440 each.
My girlfriend told me to stop buying silver today, said I'm addicted... never said anything about gold.

>> No.52214812

what happened?

>> No.52214814

>$440 each
That seems a tad pricey for common dates. Hold your breath and look for a better deal.
>My girlfriend told me to stop buying silver today
Shouldn't have told her about your stack to begin with.

>> No.52215092

they probably are fake as fuck as i bought them from a trip to rome for lh4wwike 0,5€ each

>> No.52215095

seems like i just had a stroke writing this

>> No.52215138

>Telling a woman about your stack
Ya done goofed. That should only be done if you're about to save her from giving blowjobs to buy food or if you're about to buy something with it.

>> No.52215147

>My girlfriend told me to stop buying silver today, said I'm addicted... never said anything about gold.
> never said anything about gold.
Guess that was a hint to join the married stackers brigade!

>> No.52215314



>> No.52215389
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Make a line of coins stamped with gods, saints, sigils, etc. for /x/. Maybe look at God's related to wealth, prosperity. Cernunnos, Lakshmi,

>> No.52215642

Does anyone have a good ping test app? The Precious Coin Tester app is now subscription based

>> No.52215793
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Thank you and appreciate you taking the time replying to basic question. Now I understand, thanks and have a good day.