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5221266 No.5221266 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about Teeka once and for all:
- Did he really recommend NEO/Ans when it was 40 cents?
- Did he reccommend powr in October?
- Whatmwas his best call in term of gains?
- Considering he reccommended BNB and recently a coin listed on Binance (CND), do you think he has some kind of agreement with Binance and from now on all his recommendations will be binance coins?
- Did he recommend to buy BCH last month "up to 2k no stop loss"? Or was that just a meme?

>> No.5221313

Fuck this pajeet he doesn't know anything

>> No.5221324


>> No.5221336


>> No.5221346

Teeka Masala made me so much money. I would actually suck his cock

>> No.5221356

Yes, he called every single one you mentioned except POWR. POWR blew up because of the speculation that it was going to be PBC's top coin which ended up to be DASH. But POWR is still good, they made loads of progress and partnerships across the globe.

He's recommended BNB at $2.
He knew there would be an exodus from Bittrex, he's legit a genius. Wouldn't be surprised if the next PBC top coin is a Binance exclusive.

>> No.5221371

Tell me some of his previous recommendations and how many gains did you get!

>> No.5221373

260% on his last two short picks.

>> No.5221388

He actually recommended ANS when it was $0.08

>> No.5221399
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>Uniform position sizing

>No stop loss

>Asymmetric-risk investing

>> No.5221402

Why did he reccommend BCH after the flippening weekend? It only tanked after that

>> No.5221414

He recommended Dash when it was like 300. I sold at 1k and the fucker is almost 1.2k now

>> No.5221416
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i would let Teeka Masala poo infront of my hometowns town hall. he made me a millionaire

>> No.5221429

He is going to recommend Dragonchain again this year. Picked it last year.

>> No.5221443
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use a stop loss negroe. only retards lost money that night

>> No.5221447

It's because of the speculation of it getting listed on Coinbase. Instead of just getting airdropped to users that held BTC around August 1st, my guess is that it will get "listed" on Coinbase or GDAX. Also, normies love cheap coins. Litecoin blew up because it has the similar characteristics to Bitcoin in brand. I'm not gonna go into the specifics since a lot of you guys have different opinions, but again, normies. Would normies buy expensive stuff or cheap stuff?

>> No.5221481

How can i see his recommendations

>> No.5221537

He said stop loss none and bch lost a lot of btc value from that point. Maybe he didn't know btc would skyrocket like it did? Still not a good call.
Yeah that makes sense with bch in general but I think recommending it at that specific time when it already went from 600 to 3200 wasn't the best possible advice.
If he recommended it BEFORE the flippening Saturday, now that would've been awesome.

When he recommended ripple, what was the price at that time? Where can I find all his previous recommendations?

>> No.5221561

You have to pay for a subscription. I think it's 3k/year but the regristration thing is closed.
Your best bet is find an anon who is subscribed and pay him for the leak every month.

>> No.5221597

Did he truly say that it was a good exit point for XLM now. OR was that (((FAKENEWS)))

>> No.5221664

He shilled ZenCash several times, didnt do much yet..

>> No.5221688

Nobody can predict the future of the market.
TA and FA may help to some degree, but nothing is 100% known. Teeka has had some bad calls too, he admits that, but his gains over his losses are extremely greater. Again, losses are just mistakes. Get over them as quick as you can and move on. I have no idea about XRP, he probably called it sometime last winter. All his recommendations are displayed on the site if you are a PBC member. Registration has closed unfortunately, so the only way you can see them is to get someone else that's a member to show them all to you lol.

>> No.5221730

Be on the lookout for him to call RCN as a pick in the next newsletter.

>> No.5221741

He did. But he was wrong. XLM has more news coming up, it is foolish to exit all your positions on XLM. Maybe a smart trader would sell 25-50% at that point? I'm not sure.

>> No.5221766 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5221825
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Was this during October?
If so, pic related

>> No.5221870

Yup, that was when the report got distributed and slowly became leaked lol. Crazy how a shill of one coin turns into a massive PnD.

>> No.5221893

I was one of the frontrunners for ANS. I also shilled a ton of other coins before anyone knew about them. There were only a few on here that talked about ANS at the start.

>> No.5222071

When a coin isn't shilled by biz at its early stage, you know it's a solid potential hold, anon.

>> No.5222314

it's most probably RCN

>> No.5222322
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Sorry that screenshot was old, this is the Zencash graph. The PBC call happened in October and it did a nice x6.4, too bad it still lost btc value because BTC skyrocketed too hard and some of you guys said, you cant predict that.
I wonder if hes gonna change his picks in some way to keep up with BTC (implying thats even possible).