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52213288 No.52213288 [Reply] [Original]

I stole this meme from reddit btw

>> No.52213335

He works for the bankers
Don’t be surprised when his decisions liquidate normies and pump the brokers wallets

>> No.52213338

To stop inflation so consoomers and paycheck to paycheck scum won't suffer. It's at the expense of people with assets that otherwise would appreciate be it gold bit coin or stocks.

>> No.52213384

This. Powell is the poorfag's champion.

>> No.52213402
File: 297 KB, 844x938, 1sass3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was promised elite protection for being the economic troll in chief.

>> No.52213412
File: 74 KB, 1169x720, FEj3RWiWUAo9lFb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But he also gives us poorfags a chance to acoomulate assets at bargain prices

>> No.52213529
File: 432 KB, 1327x560, 1666783198456599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's your own fault really for not believing him when he's been consistent that his number one priority is to crush inflation. Instead people kept convincing themselves a pivot was coming or some shit.

>> No.52214496

Higher rates doesn’t stop inflation
Money supply inflation causes price inflation

>> No.52215443
File: 1.05 MB, 1438x810, i-don't-think-about-you-at-all.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>traders believing powell even gives single fuck about their stops

>> No.52217239

>paycheck to paycheck scum
Trust fund kids are the worst.

>> No.52217244

Seethe you fucking tranny white boy.

>> No.52217870

I had to work to get where I am, my parents were so poor they never had a 401k or pension. Years of no fun, no games, doing nothing but work. And with that money I invested it. My money was up to 160k in investments.

Guess what it went down to? 30k. 130k in wealth wiped out because Powell and Biden want to make it easier for poorfags to blow all their money and make it another week.

This was after two plus years of being discriminated against for being a single male with no dependants. I had to pay extra tax this year and last, meanwhile people with kids were paying virtually nothing because they got a $7000 tax credit per kid four times a year.

>> No.52218175

Its all posturing to have a greater affect on inflation. I don't get why idiots expect powell not to fud and shit, they are trying to stop inflation the most efficient way. Powell is not going to tell people you better stock up cus shit is mooning in price. No, he is going to say that you should be scared for your job and you better not quit or even think about asking for a raise and you better spend less and be a good cuck for fiat. Is the same shit he did during covid but in reverse, when he was a moon boy talking about infinite QE and digital money printing. Its a circus act retards, Powell is playing you. Everything he says is an act of manipulation.

>> No.52220730

>they are trying to stop inflation the most efficient way
No. The way they rate hike isn't doing shit. Idk what game they are playing, but they sure as shit don't genuinely expect to be able to get inflation under control

>> No.52221483

>what game they are playing
they are playing the market