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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52210423 No.52210423 [Reply] [Original]

And everyone is sleeping on it, literally the make it project of the next bull run.

>> No.52210434

What the fuck kinda project is putting out that throughput and why isn’t /biz/ talking about it?

>> No.52210437
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>> No.52210441

Subtle icp shill thread

>> No.52210443

I’m a holder but this is awful shilling frens

>> No.52210444

Sers which coin is this? I agree it's a sure thing and will invest many dollars.
I am part of an organic thread.

>> No.52210448

But it already exists since 2020 and is called Avalanche

>> No.52210451

Has icp even processed 4500 transactions since its inception. Does anyone even use icp

>> No.52210460

>shilling tps
what is this, 2017?

>> No.52210471
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It’s literally growing at 37 blocks a second. What’s btc at? What’s eth at?
You don’t hear about it because it’s being early adopted by Asian countries but it’s a European project

>> No.52210495

Incorrect sir. AVAX is a shitchain that frankenstiened together a bunch of code from other projects and then Aggressively shilled to tech illiterate retards. AVAX has a throughput of about 23, utilizing all the (lol) Chains

>> No.52210507

This is going to set us on a fucking rocket to the moon. Don't biz about it if they don't deserve.

>> No.52210510

It does 4500 transactions resting this screenshot was taken today, they’ve had it up to 65,000tx.

>> No.52210511

kda is capable of 100 times that and its not even the limit yet its a -95% shitcoin
nobody gives a fuck about tps when zk is around the corner

>> No.52210533

How can I invest into this project high TPS will surely go to the moon!

>> No.52210535
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>> No.52210537
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>Another L1 that will flip ETH!

>> No.52210567
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Cause we literally have projects with 30k TPS now that are also infinitably scalable.

>> No.52210573

icp will never moon, its buried on its inception by vcs buying at 3 cents, its still 200x up for them and they will keep on dumping, moonman is a scammer and you're an idiot for buying that shitcoin
t. bought icy pee for 200 on release on binance and sold that pnd for 600, enjoy holding my bags

>> No.52210580
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>> No.52210593

based multivac shill

>> No.52210605

Without a decentralized server structure you’re only as decentralized as google or Amazon will let you be- you absolute ghoul. begone for Christ’s Sake

>> No.52210613

Is this litttttteralllllllly happpppenningggggg fuckkkkkk myyyyy assssholeeeee willlll beeee blownnnnnn outtttt myyyyy pantsssssssss iffffff iiiiiiii donttttttttt buyyyyyy thissssssss nuuuuuuuuu goyyyyyyyy coinnnnnnnnnnn ahhhhhhhhhh

>> No.52210630

This isn’t a moon thread, but yes it absolutely will, and no amount of Manlet sneeding can change that. now go dilate that stinking hole of yours.

>> No.52210632

What’s the name of the token dammit!

>> No.52210688

>an L1

>> No.52210831
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>4500 TPS
Cool, now tell me how fast chain size increases if someone spams full blocks. Node requirements? Decentralization? What's that?

>> No.52210837
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I will only sell staking rewards after we hit $2k

>> No.52210870


>> No.52210872

That's right and it's called Avax.
ICP is a complete shitcoin that does nothing but dump.

>> No.52210913

Shhh. Tone it down and turn it off. No need to get your Jean shorts all crumpled with hand sweat. You’re just yelling at a computer screen. It’s the only decentralized project outside of btc. Any and all projects hosted on aws or google are not 1% ‘muh decentralized’. This blockchain is incredible for just solving the hardware problem in crypto. Just that is revolutionary. You add everything else and you have a new paradigm in blockchain- I guess we’ll just have to wait for nuclear war and see which protocol is up and running after the bombs drop

>> No.52210916

go ahead and spam full blocks then let's see

>> No.52210931

AVAX has super shitty transaction speed my guy. No cap. Even if your some AVAX baggie for some reason, definitely don’t mention tps in an Icp, algorand, sol or even an eth thread. It’s embarrassing for your kind.

>> No.52211028

give me one reason why would it moon
it won't simple as
also why would you even need tps on icy pee if theres l2 zk solution for icy pee?
literal fucking shitcoin tier at this point
>b-but its internet
why do you need another internet?
>b-but its censorship resistant
its hosted in the very same data centers aws is hosted you fucking insane clown, also show me a single ISP that provides icp service, i'll wait

>> No.52211043

>its hosted in the very same data centers aws is hosted
so what? lol what the fuck

>> No.52211060
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>less than one second to finality
>4500 TPS
>super shitty speed

>> No.52211064

You know a lot about this protocol so, you don’t honestly think it’s a shitcoin. If you’ve looked into it at all you wouldn’t have this bizarre aggressive tone.
And you know why we need a new internet, or Atleast a more secure and decentralized one along side this old one.

>> No.52211072

>le infinite tps of zero value or purpose
Oh baggies

>> No.52211092

No one gives a fucking shit about being decentralized.

>> No.52211101
File: 350 KB, 2048x1542, E741351D-042C-4556-B9D8-1070A1956936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir you’re making me yawn sir. The numbers are fake sir, for your chain. But let’s just say you’re right and they’re not, which they are

>> No.52211136

The faggots in these threads certainly think they do. It’s constantly mentioned, is it not? none of this crypto shit is decentralized except btc which can be hashed over ham radio and the protocol we’re talking about in this thread because it is the only protocol to operate, and integrate a decentralized hardware structure- why didn’t emin think of that?

>> No.52211138

Only one of those allowed you to play Mario64 on chain. If only for a moment.
It's kinda funny. But that is probably the actual peak of anything crypto that ever existed at any time.
Almost everything else is just shuffling tokens for gambling purposes or some legitimate NFT use but that is just a fucking BoL or some simple text file.
You could PLAY MARIO64 ON THE BLOCKCHAIN in real time with no lag.

That is seriously wild.

>> No.52211164


>> No.52211217

>No one gives a fucking shit about being decentralized.
All the real money in crypto care almost only about decentralization.
You and your shitcoin retail moron friends don't, and yes you guys have amazing little pump and dumps going which I am sure will make you very rich, so I am truly happy for you, I really am.

>> No.52211265

ICP took Mario64 down.
>Inb4 TECHNICALLY blah blah
I know what happened.

>> No.52211467

No, I know a lot thats why I know its a shitcoin. Danny boy is a scammer and you're a paid shill. Fuck off.
>a more secure and decentralized one
both statements are wrong

>> No.52211490

Who’s Dan and where did he touch you?

>> No.52211494

ICP is years away from being a good alternative for hosting pirate bay. The first step is becoming a platform for unstoppable, decentralized finance applications. The protocol will scale for both use cases, but the network needs to build strength with the fin dApp use case before it turns into an unstoppable version of the Internet.

>> No.52211504

>I know a lot thats
lol you don't know shit

>> No.52212372

Bitcoin SV you dumb cunt

>> No.52212382

Fucking cringe, show me one blockchain with a better consensus mechanism and speed. All these "chains" you mentioned are vastly inferior in terms of tech.

>> No.52212387

go back to 2017 retard