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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52208209 No.52208209 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine owning a home right now. Yikes.

>> No.52208282

Boomers are not selling. They would be giving up their 3% loan. If you can't afford one now just keep saving and keep your fingers crossed. But this "Crash" is not coming now or 2 weeks from now.

>> No.52208301
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Couldn't be me lol lmao

>> No.52208312

it is in 2 years

>> No.52208311

Why do you think someone should care how much his house is worth if he plans to live in it for most of his live? He doesnt

Maybe you meant imagine investing in properties yes yikes

>> No.52208326


builders and investors will unload. Boomers will rent out. If anything it’s a double barrel drop in both prices and rent

>> No.52208340

hosing is a speculative vehicle
most units are empty

>> No.52208344
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>he bought in the last 5 years.

>> No.52208346
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Imagine buying the top of a 40 year bubble ON LEVERAGE.

>> No.52208362

people who buy houses for living will not regret it. Forever people who speculate with them should. I m not leftist or fan of socialism but there should be regulations for it.

>> No.52208373
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>mfw last week a coworker bought a 3000 sqft house on a 30 year mortgage
I even warned the poor fellow

>> No.52208393

they will regret it if they have a brain

>> No.52208402

This will ultimately just mean cheapies for Blackrock and other soulless institutions to slurp up.

>> No.52208417
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>not living in a van trading crypto outside the Walmart parking lot

>> No.52208425

Blackrock will probably go bust

>> No.52208433

>there should be regulations for it.
It is called end the FED and outlaw zoning laws. Oh, and every local government has 30 days to approve building plans under 2500sqft.

>> No.52208436

Regret buying a home because sometime in the 40years he is living in it its worth less than he bought it? lol

>> No.52208461

>Going bust when you have the infinite money cheat

>> No.52208469

they will regret it because they will be overpaying for it
you can only do that if you have over 80 iq

>> No.52208477
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>Yikes! Home values have only doubled in 3 years? This 10% drop will seriously hurt them.

>> No.52208482

If you pay $500k for a home you live in 30 years and it goes down in value by 100%, you basically paid $1,380 in monthly rent. that's half as much as it costs to rent a $500k home. home buyers always win

>> No.52208485

>go "bust"
>get bailed out
>literally rob every human being on earth at gunpoint

>> No.52208488

you aren't wrong, the people who are really fucked are couples who bought at 3% and now need more room for kids and boomers who need to downsize

>> No.52208489

hoovers can never lose

>> No.52208498

I don't know
maybe wake up for once
and just refuse to participate

>> No.52208518

>just refuse to participate [in the housing market]
be homeless?

>> No.52208523

you won the goyim rat race award

>> No.52208524

rentoids will screech muh equity. A house was never meant to be an investment, its meant for shelter and thats worth whatever your mortgage is.

>> No.52208527

You mean BUYING? Always a good time to own a home on a low interest, fixed rate loan

>> No.52208531

>Implying boomers won't sell to move to a condo in Florida anyways

>> No.52208542

do not comply with evil

>> No.52208553

couldn't have happened to a nicer generation that rigged housing in their favor

>> No.52208565

my parents bought their house for $45,000 30 years ago – there's a house down the very same street on the market right now for $190,000 and its a complete gut job lol

>> No.52208607

I hope but we have not seen much of a price drop.
>BUT ANON; this article says home prices dropped 10%
Yeah after doubling in the last two years.
There are signs rent is coming down but once again it has not happened yet.
As a rentcuck, I want a crash.

>> No.52208641

everyone in the entire country wants a crash which is why it will never happen

>> No.52208661

I agree with you.

>> No.52208706

it doesn't matter what you agree on

>> No.52208724

Ah yes when people start getting laid off that will be the time. Give me a turn with your wife and daughters then I'll buy your home cucks

>> No.52208742

I agree with you.

>> No.52208757

I also agree with you

>> No.52208758

Bought a new house 2 years ago at 2.5%

>> No.52208768

Most of the houses in my hometown would only cost 60K-90K today if they only kept pace with general inflation. Their actual average cost is $1 million or more.

>> No.52208773
File: 258 KB, 600x600, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. 30y fixie at 2.3%
i fucking stay winning rentoids tongue my dirty anoooooos hahahahahahaha fuck you

>> No.52208775


>> No.52208803

You don't own a home ranjeesh. Now kill yourself so another poonigger can take your place

>> No.52208815

If prices are that high means that everyone was buying, not waiting for a crash.

>> No.52208817

It's sad another generation of npcs who get caught up in the hype and get burnt.

>> No.52208824

Should I get a 5 year ARM and refinance 4 years from now?

>> No.52208827


its already dropping in texas, huge representation of builders and investors though. Illiquid assets like houses take time, could be a year before you really start seeing the effects of all the policies in place. The bleedout of 08 took 4 years.

>> No.52208887

There's a duplex that was sold at the peak of 2mill in June of this year, put back on the market in July. Still on the market, now the sellers are asking for 1.5mill.
So I'm wondering, renovations or no renovations, why not just rent it out? It's a duplex in a good neighborhood, actually just a SFH + ADU.
t. someone who'd buy it if they had 1.5 mill laying around.

>> No.52208904

That's not a duplex then, it's a SFH + ADU and probably because they don't want the risk of tenant. 2k each, 4k month total, 48k, probably barely makes the 1.5note payable.

or they're chinese and need money asap.

>> No.52208933

Why would a chinaman need money asap? (And why would they buy for ATH at 2mill this JUNE?? It just seems like a pants on head retarded decision)

>> No.52208953
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Can someone explain to me how you were all going BLACKROCK IS BUYING ALL THE HOMES OH SHIT
and if prices are going to crash, didnt they fuck up buying them at the height of the bubble? Shouldnt they have waited until AFTER the crash that "is coming" to buy up all these houses?

Whats going on?

>> No.52208961

>There's a duplex that was sold at the peak of 2mill in June of this year, put back on the market in July.
It sounds like a whole seller or investor who bought using a GAP loan.
>why not just rent it out?
If they did buy using a GAP loan the interest is so high they could never make profit.

>or they're chinese and need money asap.
would not be surprised

>> No.52208972

Boomers are close to paying off their loan, when they downsize they're doing it with equity. And with prices crashing, they WILL downsize. Unless the market craters to 90s levels, they'll have enough to get that condo/bungalow and cash out a fat check.

>> No.52208974

I bet you said this 2 years ago as well like everyone else kek

>> No.52208983

It doesn't matter because Blackrock will just get bailed out if they really need to. This same type of thing already happened in 2008 with banks. None of the Internet Tough Guys did anything about it back then and they won't do anything about it this time either.

>> No.52209006

Assuming they bought with a GAP loan, what is their logic?
>take out loan for 2mill
>buy house in June
>put house back on market in July
>100+ days pass
>hoping to get 1.5mill back on the house
I feel like even in the best case scenario, the bagholder here is 500K in the red. It's legit mindboggling to me.

>> No.52209031

anyone who bought a house between 2020-2022 is likely in a negative mortgage now in the US and various other 1st worlds.
as in they paid more for their house than the current -45% market value now is on their house.
they took those loans out at an avg of +40% over what the current market prices are in most places.
hence why they are negative mortgages now.
as even if they sold the house, they would still owe the banks money bc they bought a bubble.
i think its hilarious bc i actually have money thanks to crypto and i rent, i dont buy bc ik actually buying is a fools game.

>> No.52209034

Ah yes, imagine paying my fixed $800/m mortgage for a 4 bed detached while rentlets get hiked up over $3k/month for a 1 bed.
>b-but the zestimate went down!
My house could to $0 and I'd still have saved assloads over renting because the mortgage is free money that gets inflated away.

>> No.52209050

>what is their logic?
They are trying to lock in their losses. They need to get it off their books.

>> No.52209066

Bought in 2010 gang gang. Knew it was a good idea. If the market truly does crash I'll sell for whatever I can get for this place which will still be at least double and roll some crypto into a new better property. Hope you boys are ready to slurp.

>> No.52209069

Anyone who bought a house before 2022 with sub 4% fixed rate mortgage got a free house. Imagine shorting real assets (what renting is) during the start of the fiat inflation era. You only win if you stockpiled cash and buy in cash right now.

>> No.52209084

But doesn't it hurt to owe 500K? I know /biz/ likes to scoff at "life-changing" amounts of money, but I'm struggling to comprehend what kind of corporate entity would just write off the L.

>> No.52209143

>But doesn't it hurt to owe 500K?
It is going to hurt and hurt hard, but keeping that proporty around will kill the corporation. They need to sell.
>I'm struggling to comprehend what kind of corporate entity would just write off the L.
it is that or go out of business.

>> No.52209180

And what do you live in, rentlet, you owe the same amount, its that you owe a place to live, which becomes more and more expensive over time from inflation.

>> No.52209187

Got it, thank you for the explanation. Still looking around to see why Chinese investors/investments firms might need funds now.

>> No.52209216

Why do they call it a bad thing?

>> No.52209217

Inflation is killing, my wife still breathing down my neck to buy a house in Cyprus from Kensington, everytime I talk about saving cost and not buying now, she insist I can pay with crypto
> word of advice,try not to marry, just fuck bitches and live your life in peace

>> No.52209232

>buying a property for 1million
>it depreciates to 500K but you don't plan to sell
This is an unrealized loss

>buying a property for 1million
>fire sale to get rid of it, can only sell for 500K
This is a realized loss
If it's still on the market in 2023, I might look into it. probably haunted or on an active volcano or something, thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.52209270

They bought because they thought it would only go up, it's a new paradigm, buy now or be priced out forever but the market turned and now they have a toxic asset.

That's it. Renting it is liability, because it's harder to sell a place w/ tenants because the lease. Sure you can do month to month, but then how do you *show* the place w/ tenants and do the whole 24hr notice thing. Plus what if they're niggers? No one wants that.

I do enjoy /biz/ so many people here don't understand very simple market principals. Not riding on you op, just, the above scenario is very obvious and happening in all HCOL areas. It's fun. The question is, when do you want to catch the falling knife.

And for me, personally, I may just do that next quarter.

>> No.52209283
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>i don't care if i could buy this thing i live in for 1/3rd the price if i didn't buy the top of the way overleveraged housing bubble who even cares about money lmao

>> No.52209299

>buying a house for 1 million
>could now buy a better one for 500k
t-this is not a loss!!

>> No.52209319

Boomers have paid off houses.

>> No.52209414
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>Imagine owning a home right now
Do you mean imagine NOT owning a home? If you already own a home and you got those delicious sub-3% rates then you have nothing to worry about unless you need to sell for some reason.
The only people fucked by this are the renters that were close to buying a home soon, rates are absolutely fucked.
>t. bought a $450k house last year at 2.99%

>> No.52209425

Best play right now is to be homeless, mentally ill and holding some COC

>> No.52209444

It's only "down" since the massive pump earlier this year. If you bought it last year, you're up hugely. I boughted in 2019, I'm almost 2x up

>> No.52209485
File: 17 KB, 840x789, A7017D14-7FEE-438E-AD52-2346D3E0221F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean you bought a 200k house last year for 450k plus tip.

>> No.52209487


Always do the opposite of what the media says

>> No.52209498

I bought a 1700sqft house for 800k cash this summer
Traded in a few bitcorns and my lil etfs for it

>> No.52209505

My early Gen X parents gave me their house earlier this year.Based generation

>> No.52209564

The house is worth $1m now. Why, you may ask? Because that's the minimum offer I would accept, it's not worth $200k if I refuse the offer anon.

All jokes aside it's probably worth about $100k more give or take. The tax man tried to appraise it as $180k more than my purchase price, as this area has exploded in new developments in the past year. Not that it matters, I'd rent this place out before I sold it

>> No.52209594

imagine being enslaved to jews for the next 25 years

>> No.52209600

Houses aren't gonna crash more than 5-10% off peak. They won't see upside from here, but you're delusional if you think we'll get a 2008 style crash (in the US at least - Canada is fucked).
The real bubble was the low rates. Negative yielding bonds, mortgages at effectively zero real yield.. and that was before they pumped a shitload of money and stimulus and caused the current inflation.
Those past mortgages are now an asset. The fixed monthly payments will remain forever low as rents rise along with wages at this new heightened rate of inflation. Everyone knows that any momentary appearance of a real recessionary slide will be met with fresh stimulus propelling another round of stagflation.

Debtmax was the play. They were the real winners. Those gains are locked for decades to come. We will never see the US dollar return to its previous purchasing power. We will never see rents below pre-covid levels again.

>> No.52209604

no way this is happening. same thread for the third time in like 2-3 weeks? also same posts and images kek. bots are getting out of hand

>> No.52209647

100% this

>> No.52209670

Makes a fellow really miss the archive, eh?

>> No.52209729

When I ever read posts that mention the words "we will never", I always imagine pajeets writing this. This board has gone to shit

>> No.52209759
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was browsing the /x/ archives the other day, look up dead internet theory, really hits home, especially here. their board is even more fucked up by bots and shills than ours

>> No.52209794

Sorry to disappoint you, but I've been shitting in toilets since 2 years old.
Some things are set in stone. You're welcome to your own opinions, but US dollar deflation is your belief then we will never agree. Even the federal reserve's own mandate targets a devaluation of 2% per year.

>> No.52209839

the archives are up and this is just a coping house baggie


>> No.52209860

>he thinks we need deflation for the HOUSING prices to go down
kek he's right when did all these retards come to this board

>> No.52209896
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She might have a point insisting you buy with crypto since you will still get cashback on payment, but if you don't want to buy it now then just look her straight in the eye then say this word, Go fuck yourself, thank me later

>> No.52209924
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and, retard, the reason why housing will crash so hard is that it's the most overleveraged asset BY FAR thanks to mortgages. as the FED strictens beyond historical measures house loans are also strictening and new non-existent money is being pumped into the market which makes the prices fall so hard it'll be a joy to watch. unless you own a house that you didn't dump on some retard recently then you'll probably just rope

>> No.52209972

>There are signs rent is coming down but once again it has not happened yet.

Rent is actually going to go up as landlords exit the market.

>> No.52209985

Prices went as high as they did because of a supply crunch + investor money domestic and foreign. Not everyone who wants to own a home to live in has been able to buy.

>> No.52210012

Your reading comprehension is lacking.
>We will never see the US dollar return to its previous purchasing power.
>We will never see rents below pre-covid levels again.
It doesn't matter what happens to housing prices. The value of the mortgages locked in at historically low rates will offset any housing price losses, assuming you bought in before the rate hikes started. Buying at this exact moment in time is much more questionable.

Housing prices are UNLIKELY to crash because there's no pressure. There's no ARMs to see payments balloon. The primary driver right now is inflation, and that's not going away for the reasons I laid out in my previous post. Home prices may correct a bit, and they'll most likely under perform inflation, but the real value is in the debts that were locked in at stupidly cheap rates. It was basically a government handout. Literally, the federal reserve was adding MBS to their balance sheet in the post covid stimulus period, and they are dumping them back to the public today at massive losses. I hope you can at least understand that the present value of a bond inversely correlates with it's yield.

>> No.52210040

Why would house prices crash? Everyone locked in free-money levels of interest rates, even if I lost my job and could no longer afford the mortgage I'd just rent it out instead of selling it because the deal is just too good to give up.

>> No.52210065
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Look at this fucking retard
Look at this dumb fucking moron

>> No.52210094
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The real question is why the fuck are people still playing the game when they know it's rigged.

Man up
Leave the country
Hide in SE Asia and become a sex pest until the next bull cycle

I got my plane ticket, leaving on november. When are you getting yours?

>> No.52210136

This logic works really great in a vacuum, but you've failed to understand that the fed is hiking due to inflation. Inflation is the driver. The downward pricing pressure of their rate hikes is offset by increases in the price level.
Rents (yields) go higher, home (asset) value stays roughly flat, mortgage costs on new houses increase.

Eventually inflation calms down, fed likely hikes a bit longer because they're slow, and we see a small correction. If it turns out they overreacted way too hard on their rate hikes and we start seeing real recession (this is likely), then it will be followed with even more stimulus and naturally even more inflation.

You do not understand inflation. You do not understand mortgages. Those costs are FIXED.
I'm sorry you missed out on the free money, but on the bright side maybe Biden will give you a 10k discount on your student loan or something. Then when you enroll in economics 201 you can perhaps learn what I'm talking about.

>> No.52210139

>overpaying to be stuck somewhere for 40 years, assuming you don't also go underwater and/or lose your job in economic downturns
lmao it's funny how many people think it's still boomer time in the markets. volatility will destroy most people.

>> No.52210298

have honestly been thinking about doing this. thanks for the extra push.

>> No.52210333

They don't teach MMT in economics class anon, they want everyone to be retarded and think its Keynesian or Austrian and pick sides based on which color political sportsball they like.

>> No.52210374
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Ye I'm already in the process of looking for apartments in Cambodia

>> No.52210402

They did at my university, back in 2013. It was more of a side topic back then, though I'd imagine nowadays they even have dedicated courses.
It's all bullshit though, most economics is aside from the behavioral and game theory stuff.

>> No.52210403

Only idiots who didn't get a fixed is fucked for residential. The bigger problem is commercial. Lots of them unable to meet their targets to begin with.

>> No.52210410

This is feeling like the great depression 2.0. Get ready.

>> No.52210416

>Boomers are not selling
and yet house prices keep dropping. HOW CURIOUS

>> No.52210454

will housing at least crash in Canada? I hate this place so much, I just want everyone to suffer. Not looking to buy here. ever. But the suffering would be nice :)

>> No.52210464

My mortgage is less than $1k, fixed rate, and my gubbment gibs covers all of it and then some. I plan on living there for the foreseeable future, and if I move then I'll rent it out. If the housing market takes a shit I'll be fine.

>> No.52210472
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You mean having a nice cozy place to live in?

Oh noes, my net wortherino!

>> No.52210480

Your gov just announced 500k immigrants per year and already pivoted on rates.

>> No.52210485

no anon, sorry to be the one telling you the news but your economics 201 failed you. while existing mortgages are fixed, as new ones increase in cost less artificial money is flowing into the housing market. demand decreases while supply does not, which leads to decrease in prices. your logic would only make sense if inflation was based off exclusively of housing prices, and the FED was aiming for a stable 2% pump of your bags, which is unfortunately an incredibly retarded assumption and only shows how much of a coping dumb little shit you are. soz.

>> No.52210498

>man up and run away
I don't think that's how it works. Still valid advice though

>> No.52210527

Zestimate copium huffers really think we're ever going back to 0% interest rates and that their houses bought near or at all-time highs will keep going up in price. Fucking hilarious

>> No.52210544

Boomers are going to get their reverse mortgages margin called when the house value dips below the loan amount. Tom Sellek didn't tell them that could happen in those commercials.

>> No.52210570

holy shit what an opportunity to short all boomers into homlessness

>> No.52210635
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Think about it like this.
Right now you can go buy a house and lock yourself down for 30 years of just constant depression, hurt feelings, and suicide attempts

Or tomorrow, you can get on a plane, take the first flight to bangkok and be balls deep in gook pussy for less than a cup of coffee. Than spend the rest of your time fulfilling any uninhibited desire you want and finish up your debauchery the moment America goes back to be rational and handing out free money

Your Move Spiderman

>> No.52210637

This. Even a 1% mortgage is too much when you're unemployed. This will affect most of the real estate in the western world.

>> No.52210661

i rent the house i own so it pays for itself. the value of the home itself can go up or down. it makes no difference to me.

>> No.52210697

Loads of boomers died since you wrote this

>> No.52210713

Ltcm went under, why not Blackstone?

>> No.52210722

Gen Y locked in a 3.6 % for the next 2 years here, if i dont get a job soon im burning my house sown with me inside it

>> No.52210725
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lol at you dividing ($500k/30)/12 to get that result, completely ignoring the cost of maintenance, property taxes, interest rates, opportunity cost, and everything else associated with buying a house

>> No.52210731

Nice digits.
>...and buy in cash right now.
Guess I'll wait until early spring.

>> No.52210746

>even if I lost my job and could no longer afford the mortgage I'd just rent it out
which only works if the housing prices don't crash enough that rent won't cover the mortgage. then paper-homwoerns start getting liquidated further crashing the prices and push other mortgages into a death spiral

>> No.52210794
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if you locked in free-money levels of interest rates on a new purchase then you likely overpaid, by quite a lot, on your house. when average rents drop, and they will, you'll barely be breaking even on your rental while rentoids are getting risk-free money from bonds while sitting on their massive savings from not having to put 20% down

>> No.52210827

That is a disgusting male ass, sir. Also I have prostitutes right here in my city, no need to go anywhere. I don't know why people act as if whores aren't everywhere around the planet just waiting to put out for minimum wage

>> No.52210853

Who cares? Thinking of your home as an investment and not a home to be safe and secure in is the fucking problem

>> No.52210888

Yeah you'd like that wouldn't you Schlomo.

>> No.52210896


Because they're degenerates who were expecting their previous flip to pay for the mortgage on this one, but then Big Dick Jerome came in and turned the housing market on its head with Fed rate increases. Now these flippers are overleveraged and just trying to dump their properties before they can no longer afford to make the mortgage payments and have to foreclose.

>> No.52210953

I have no idea why more people (read: white, Western young men) aren't doing this, especially when so many 4chan cunts magically (allegedly) have profound knowledge of STEM and coding, meaning they could easily live and work abroad from their job and basically you're all fucking stupid.

>> No.52210954

>Those gains are locked for decades to come.
If you can keep your job.

>> No.52210983
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>become a sex pest until the next bull cycle
have on STDs and would like to keep it that way

>> No.52210992

>have on STDs
no STDs*

>> No.52210994

>All the people who bought houses in the last 3 years want the prices to drop
Ok retard
>I pay 800 and rentoids pay 3k!
>a mortgage is free money cause muh inflation
This nigga on crack
>I bought a DR Horton shit shack for 400k but interest rates were low so it's basically a free house
Retarded crackhead nigga kek

>> No.52211048

retard here, is that really how it works?

>> No.52211057

I have a job in tech. Literally the only reason I don't do this is cause the company won't let me take all the shit I need for work outside the country. Except Ireland.

>> No.52211091
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the land of earth in preferable location is finite, therefore good investment due to scarcity

>> No.52211098
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>> No.52211335
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>buying this chart

>> No.52211366
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It's not about Fucking the whores

It's about being king for a month for the low price of a thousand dollars

Why would I want to bang some pissed off prostitute in my dirty den for too much money while I watch my life savings ripped away and have to deal with the absurdity of western living and wonder if I can afford to eat bread tomorrow

I want to wake up to a thai prostitute
Head to the beach while Thai girls bite their lips
Not worry about anything at all except to wonder what next hedonistic pleasure I'll indulge in that fine day whilst I enjoy some $2 dollar noodles and a Massage

>> No.52211437

Fixed 2%16years left.my mortgage is around 300breads now, I wonder how much it will be in 5 years

>> No.52211532

Check zillow price charts. Its plummeting down. But im thinking of buying something anyway. Still beats renting.

>> No.52211564

As a millennial homeowner, this thread made me laugh.

It’s called inelastic demand. You either pay a mortgage, pay rent, or live on the streets. Rent is higher than a mortgage, but you’ll pay it anyway.

>> No.52211578

how much does a home in bangkok cost? in dollars

>> No.52211592

cope. live with parents. aint getting no pussy either way. have fun being a debt slave

>> No.52211597

>Bought at 3% and now need more room for kids

This is me. I could have bought bigger but could not have foreseen the housing market in my area literally 2x'ing in a 5 year period and then rates going astronomic. I am stuck in this tiny toy store.

5 years ago I could have bought a 2600-3000 sq ft home in my area for around $650-700k, and went with a 2000 sq ft for $500k. Now my home is worth about $800k but those bigger homes are all like $1.2-1.3MM. So a $400k delta instead of a $150k one, plus instead of my 4% mortgage I have to pay...7.2%? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Yea, I'm fucked. Not going anywhere. Got a 20% salary bump and unironically went from saving $1-2k/month to now paycheck to paycheck thanks to inflation and cost of children.

If crypto doesn't go astronomic again I'm destined to corporate wageslavery til death.

>> No.52211598

what you mean is you, despite being allegedly tech literate, have no knowledge of VPNs or KVM over IP

>> No.52211658

>why would I want to have sex with a nasty whore when I can have sex with a nasty thai whore
I don't know how to answer that, I don't have yellow fever, I would not prefer the thai whore. I'm not against the idea of moving to a cheap country though, that's great. It's the whole duuude thai whores lmao angle that disturbs me

>> No.52211745

Blackrock is trading their depreciating stocks and cash reserves for stable/safe real estate. How is this hard to figure out?

>> No.52211951

Imagine thinking you’ll get a mortgage during a downturn and credit crunch. Enjoy renting with your 800 credit score lmao. Losers ITT think everyone is on a variable rate mortgage like in 08. Truly pathetic.

>t. 1.99% fixed rate and 70% equity bought in. 2018.
Lol I can afford my mortgage on minimum wage. I can fix shit in my own because I’m not an IT soi boi.

>> No.52212086

>t. 1.99% fixed rate and 70% equity bought in. 2018.

what i don't understand is why someone like you is even in these threads, housing would be the last thing on my mind if i were in your situation

>> No.52212289

Boomers will be forced to sell eventually, so many of them are betting on the equity of their house to get them through retirement. Eventually, they will fold after the crash and take what they can get out of whatever decrease in the equity they will have after the crash, and use the cash to become rentoids in some boomer retirement community leaving their kids with nothing to inherit lmao

>> No.52212802
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Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding

>> No.52212876
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I hate being a rentoid, but I'll keep investing and saving for now.

>> No.52212910

2 more weeks

>> No.52212977
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This is top level of retardation kek

>> No.52213518

Blackrock has the same status as Klaus Schwab to the poltards who infest this board. Everything they do is woven into some obscure master plan.

The truth is that Blackrock have fucked up hard. They have lost a fortune to ESG investing, getting caught with their pants down during the energy sector rotation. Same with property. They will be redeemed savagely over the next year as boomers finally check their portfolios.

>> No.52213573
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My 2.75% 30 Year fixed with 28 years left to pay on it is looking pretty darn comfy right now boys. If my value goes down by 10% (It won't I am in California) then I just hold for a year longer.

>> No.52213670

Is this scare mongering? My tenent just agreed to renew his lease for a 10% bump with zero issues, I see no “brutal squeeze”

>> No.52213759

>looking after your best interests is running away
found the eternal goy

if you are applying to jobs to be an accountant and the area you currently live in barely has any fucking openings its not running away to move to a location where you are more likely to get interviews

>> No.52213805

The only people who will get screwed are people reselling, in anyway using the words "investment properties", or landlords as primary income. If you own a home already, and you just live there, then you're fine.

Remember, homes should not be investments, but they should only be places to live.

>> No.52213839

I agree with you.
People who say "investment property" should immediately be hit with the reality hammer.
No matter the market though, there will always be speculation, and there will always be retards.

>> No.52213865

Well, in the grand scheme of a lifetime, or even 30 years, that money is nearly meaningless.
You can make an argument about how you'd do better putting excess cash in the market, but you don't know that, and you won't know what happens. It could be that the market completely tanks. It could be you get cancer. Who knows?

My point is: price chasing isn't always the best solution.

>> No.52213868

my zestimate tells me my house that i bought 7 years ago is worth 140% more than i 'paid' for it. My wife works in a real estate office. She believes whatever the agents in her office tell her. when looking at properties, I factor in the ASESSED value of the property. She thinks, and tells me, that is stupid, meaningless. but it is not. The government 'values' my property, so they can take as much tax money as possible from me. I don't care anymore. I have a cheap mortgage, and we only bought this house for temporary reasons. supposed to sell it and move farther out into the country when our reasons for staying in this location were over. the reasons are over. but i give 0 shits now. She pretends like she really wants to move, but she knows as well as i do, it's not going to happen. don't care. i will live here, and i will pay it off, and i have the means to defend it if shaneequa, recent IRS hire, brings her .40 to collect.
i'm not a speculator, i bought a house to live in. when I bought it it was overpriced. I guess the lesson is, if you want to overpay for a house, get a wife. YMMV.

>> No.52213887

Doubt that.
Blackrock has made some absolutely retarded takes on China though, so I'm not going to call you 100% wrong.

>> No.52213928

>why do chinamen need money fast
There's a lot of shit that goes down in China. Especially if you're well connected. You're always playing thid bullshit "face" and "networking" game. But in china, this game comes with high stakes. Failure also means fucking your family over as well. Why do you think that communist officials put their assets and families outside of China?

>> No.52213943

Fucking kek
Blackrock said the same thing about the Chinese housing market. That the government wouldn't allow it to tank.
The problem with this thinking is that, it works, until it doesn't.

>> No.52213976

There's something to say though.
When you owe the bank a little money, it's your problem, when you own the bank a fuck ton of money, it's their problem.

>> No.52214113

But youre not understanding demand because demand is very very high, and even reductions you see new players enter into that demand (like myself) while your supply is still shit. I think we will see a decrease but no where near a crash. You need really high interest rates to get that kind of downward pressure which we won't. I want it to crash, my house was a discount 4 yrs ago and I have no worry on its price and would like to buy land and property for a discount but I just cant see it happening

>> No.52214120

You own your 600k home free and clear that you bought for 100k. You sell and pay taxes on 250k that year (example, single or widowed), netting you 500k. You then downsize to 375k +25k costs, and clear 100k while using up your housing capital gain exemption. Meanwhile, your heirs lose out on 225k. It’s a tough call, unless you have a real need to move to get closer to family/services/climate.

>> No.52214307
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I would this is the perfect time to buy. With crypto it's a lot more easier, merchants like Kingston, Arms and Gregor, Antalya Homes and Your Place is accepting crypto as payments.

>> No.52214386

i just closed on a 6.99% 30 year fixed mortgage
only upside is that i borrowed a mere `148k and have 128k in cash savings

>> No.52214447
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>> No.52214525

The more they raise rates the more my condo seems to go up in value. That's the advantage of living in one of the cheapest properties of an expensive nimby area; all new residents no longer qualify for 800k homes, so there's more buying competition among 400k homes.

>> No.52214530

Whereas if you're a renter, you pay your landlord to cover all those costs (plus tip)

>> No.52214535

???? But they were right? The housing markets have been losing value all year

>> No.52214568

Renting is always preferable imo and if I can pay with crypto it's much more simpler.
Rather than buying a house this makes more sense.

>> No.52214571

Send my 600k home on 40 acres down 80% idgaf. I have water rights, land, wildlife, irrigation, and in the colorado rocky mountains. everyone who says this is dumb on a <5% mortgage purchased within the past 1yr can have fun staying poor and renting.

>> No.52214580

No they haven't, the market continued to grow up until about April-June. Now it's in the usual seasonal downturn in good economies; meme economies like Vegas housing doesn't matter.

>> No.52214586

Inventory is getting lower i've noticed too. No one is selling into perceived blood.

>> No.52214587

This. If you don't own one by now, you won't own one for another 5 years, at least.

>> No.52214601

Few can afford to prop up the current prices at the present rates. We could crab, but all it takes is some sellers selling to drag all the holders down more. Real estate has no reason to go up until cheap financing returns.

>> No.52214633

>Real estate has no reason to go up until cheap financing returns.
As long as employment stays high it does. It just means that cheap housing gets more expensive and expensive housing gets cheap. Great swing-trading opportunity; sell your 200k-turned-400k fully-paid condo for 50% down on 1m-turned-800k 10% interest townhouse. Once rates go back down in a few years, refinance.

>> No.52214644
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True that. Sooner the better buy a house when it's cheap.
I am planning to get myself one soon but I need to pay with crypto so I have got my plans.I need the transaction to be quick, safe and cheap. And I have all these in check.

>> No.52214692

I'm becoming more and more grateful for holding dext bags instead of owning a house
the thought of legal and tax issues scares my cute ass

>> No.52214702

>A house was never meant to be an investment
What does this even mean? People weren't supposed to be goyim slaves, alone for their whole life in a shoebox playing video games without reproducing, but here we are.

>> No.52214732

Your house is worth $800k I feel no pity for you.

>> No.52214760

Imagine it? I live it.

I do own it. I own it outright. It's mine. It's almost 4 thousand square feet.
It's pretty awesome to be me.

>> No.52214800

You're much more likely to get a random audit over crypto taxes than property taxes

>> No.52214870


or you could just... pay the tax?

>> No.52214886

imagine living without that burden on your shoulders
imagine living in a state where marijuana is legal

it's fucking comfy

>> No.52214971

>oh noes
Kill yourself your gen X loser. Good god you people had the gayest internet slang

>> No.52214995

Already own 2 homes, going to pick up more when prices drop. I’m also a real estate agent so I can do my own deals and spend all day low balling boomers.

I am starting to despise the rentoids on this board who seethe and us home owners. Like, get your life together and be patient. I lived at my parents house even after I was married with a kid so I could save up for a down payment.

>> No.52215005

>tfw femdom enjoyer with strong desires to eat ass and puss
Prozzys just arent for me man. I'm gonna get cancer if I try to eat one of them out

>> No.52215024

Literally no one cares, real estate agents are the scum of the earth. Enjoy being homeless when your 3 properties aren’t profitable and your commissions evaporate when the next housing downturn everyone says is impossible comes. Nothing makes me laugh more than real estate agents acting like they “have a pulse on the market.” You are not an economist, you are a glorified secretary.

>> No.52215030

That is not true at all lmao god this board is so fucking obviously filled with larpers and retards

>> No.52215044

That's exactly how it works. Traditional mortgages can't get margin called, but that's because they're specially regulated. Pretty much all home equity loans have no such protection. So anyone who pulled a couple hundred k out on their house being valued higher so they could play big boy trader on the markets is absolutely fucked and will get foreclosed on unless they can make up the difference out of pocket.

>> No.52215052
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Lol I pay for $600/mo for a 2bd 2bath house with a garage and backyard. My family loves it but we’ve always wanted something a little bigger. Mortgages have always been more than our rent. Last time we looked at buying a house in July, interest rate at that time was 6% and our monthly payments for a $399k would be $3,000/mo!! Hahahha I can’t imagine what they’d be now.
Yeah— I’ll stick with my 700 sqft house for a while, thanks.

>> No.52215073

Hahhha what? Have you even looked at a real estate contract? It’s all tied in retard. You have to pay it

>> No.52215102

> real estate agents who live by their commissions don’t have their fingers on the pulse of the market
> I do, though, through reading/biz/ from my mom’s basement

>> No.52215117
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I have a 2.875% loan and about 150K in equity but I’m surrounded by niggers in Atlanta. Would I be a retard to sell now and move back up north where my family is?

>> No.52215137

That's not true though. A renting tenant is not legally liable for long-term use of the property, and doesn't have to pay if damage is incurred from fair and regular use of the property.
That's even if your tenant agreement says otherwise, you can't override law.

>> No.52215155

>real estate agents are the scum of the earth
This is the only objective truth you've said.

>> No.52215964

If you purchased home recently cap rate on the property is near 0. I wonder why people didn't think to rent out house instead of getting foreclosed on in 08.

>> No.52216014

You don't understand the main driver of inflation has been supply constraints which are clearing themselves up. Lots of unfinished housing starts that as they are finished are entering a market with few buyers.

>> No.52216030

don't care, my interest rate is 2.9% fixed and rent on average is on average nearly double what I pay in my area. If you guys think rent prices will go down because houses prices come down then you're delusional.

>> No.52216064

They learnt this lesson in 2008. Hold when it crashes and sell in bull market.
FHB who bought worthless shit boxes on massive loans are the ones who will be fucked.
And they deserve it for getting caught in the fomo and media hype.

>> No.52216082
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never has rent ever went down

>> No.52216150

>The housing market won't go down. It can't go down!

>> No.52216584

Have you tried living in your house?

>> No.52216593
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>history apparently begins at 1994
>never has rent ever gone down

>> No.52216595

> Imagine owning a home
> the horror
> the horror
Yeah, I'd rather not. Coping zoomie

>> No.52216621

>what is existing vs new
crashes typically don't happen or even affect sensible people who made sensible choices. What you seem to really be discounting is how many over leveraged monkeys who decided to LARP as Grant Cardone are out there. I barely look at houses anymore but I was checking some out yesterday on Zillow and saw for the first time in my life an abandoned flip. The inside was totally gutted with nothing in it whatsoever and they were still asking over fair market value.


At the end of the day there is only thing that determines a market and that is the price at which someone is willing to buy something. Over 80% of home buyers used a mortgage which means the vast majority of buyers are looking right now, seeing that their theoretical mortgage has doubled and have become priced out. Prices have no where to go but down. I don't give a shit if you believe it will happen or it won't.

>> No.52216654
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At least these faggots are finally revealing that not only do they actually have hundreds of thousands of dollars tied up in depreciating wooden boxes but that they’ve also built their entire career and livelihoods around the construction and sale of said plywood boxes:
>I’m also a real estate agent
lol. lmao. rip.

>> No.52216666

Except you spent $100k upfront + maintained every piece of that house + mowed the lawn + paid taxes + paid the water bill + paid insurance + you're gay + you're retarded + you get no bitches

>> No.52216720

Imagine not having a place to call your own.

>> No.52216754

>You will own nothing, and you will enjoy it.
Hf paying a third of your monthly wage to Blackrock while I'm gaining equity.

>> No.52216806

The problem isn't these companies, it's the local governments that are insanely slow (or expensive) at approving new construction.
It should be EASY and SIMPLE to build a 3-4 family house, the types of housing that used to be commonly built. Now, this type of housing has been all but outlawed by local governments.

>> No.52216872

The people who overbought, have shitty jobs, and were hoping to sell at a higher price in a few years are the people who are going to get fucked now.
They're going to be underwater, not want to sell. Then they're going to lose their jobs, miss mortgage payments, and eventually be foreclosed on. They'll have no savings, no brokerage account, and then, no house.
I saw this coming and decided NOT to buy a house during the stupid housing "bull run", because I saw it before in 2008. My only mistake was not selling stocks back in November 2021, but no one else did either so whatever.
Now I have enough cash to afford a 30% down payment on a $500,000 house, a great job, and I can wait it out to buy in the spring or sometime next year.

>> No.52216888

The problem is the federal government permitting 2m noncitizens per year to enter the country, work and buy property.
There is no need for new construction.
The problem is the Federal Government never lays anyone off. Where are all the workers? They’re working for Alphabet Agencies. They create nothing except debt. There is need for a wall and mass deportations and destroying any company that doesn’t earn a profit.

>> No.52216889
File: 76 KB, 837x506, Black rock stock sucks too.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get this meme about black rock. They're not infallible, and they're down hugely this year, just like most other companies.

>> No.52216908

zestimate's still not down, sweatie

>> No.52216926

just another one of 4trans chuds failed mantras
/pol/ is always wrong.

>> No.52216936

>Traditional mortgages can't get margin called
this is technically untrue, there is nothing in writing that prevents conventional mortgage on someone's primary residence from being callable

>> No.52217065

I got a neighbor that rented out while waiting years for the short sale to go through. When you buy with mortgage for $2500 per month, but it can only rent for $1500, it’s a problem when you failed to flip. Another down the street never paid on the mortgage from the start. The whole plan was to flip before getting foreclosed. That housing bubble was a lot different.

>> No.52217140

You are a Retard doesn't know how interest rates effect the monthly payment

>> No.52217174

i don't want to own a home, it's only another fucking mountain of problems and endless money pit

>> No.52217249

>prices aren't going down
Lol nigger go outside

>> No.52217318

How can you need "more room for kids"
Just throw a few blankets down on the living room floor. If you are feeling luxurious buy a few air mattresses.

>> No.52217329

>It's just a gully

>> No.52217399

>1 city
>since 1994
>literally multiple instances of it going down on that very chart
How about that time where it didn't go over $2,326 from 2001 until 2012.
How did you make it out of 4th grade?

>> No.52217420

>fucking rentoid, i am a mortgage chad
bubble starts to pop
>p-price chasing isn't always the best solution, a-at least i have a place to live
its gonna be real comfy watching retards "net worth" evaporate and turn into debt (which is what it was all along)

>> No.52217447

You do all this rentoid, but it's in your monthly rent.

>> No.52217496
File: 32 KB, 626x399, 307C714B-D64D-44A0-B1AC-8AFFAFD1ABD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally only have to pay for electric to be a caretaker for a farmer I know in the middle of nowhere who owns 8 empty houses besides this one.

>> No.52217548

Tell that to the $100k I didn't have to put down just to get the same 4 walls and a roof. Enjoy missing the next crypto bull run because you're house poor.

>> No.52217597

it's kinda like how hedge funds aren't allowed to make contrarian trades even though at the right time it'd benefit their clients massively. They're forced to follow the trend.

>> No.52217788

>they're forced to follow the trend
Michael Burry got his entire claim to fame by shorting the MBS market and having the banks literally create the instruments for him to do it because it was so inconceivable at the time that anyone would ever want to do that.

>> No.52217820

>imagine owning a home right now
>imagine not having to pay rent
>imagine not having to pay a mortgage
imagine being able to rent the place out and go off somewhere else
sounds like a pretty good position to be in desu. And I am. Kek

>> No.52218007
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>Move to a condo in Flo-ACK

>> No.52218069
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3000m2 land and of it 300m2 home owner chad here. I really feel bad for the brainwashed rentkikes, like dude, how much of a faggot are you lol, lmao even?
pic is my garden

>> No.52218653

>30 year old AC unit needs replacing
>15 year old refrigerator died
>windows need replacing
>roof needs repair
>plumbing needs fixed
>gutters need to be cleaned
guess who's problem it is? now be a good slum lord and get this taken care of
thank you!

>> No.52218738

Housing prices only matter the day you buy and the day you sell.

>> No.52218753
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>I deserve a large home in a big city with my dead-end job.

>> No.52219146
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>Boomers are not selling
They're dying tho

>> No.52219345

this hedge fund hate meme started with GME retards

>> No.52219377

What moron buys a house before he checks the appliances and the condition of the roof?
>Not getting a house with a metal roof
>not inspecting the plumbing before you buy
>not glancing at the state of the windows before you buy
>muh gutters which is literally a 30 minute job if you have to go to the store to buy a ladder

fucking pathetic.

>> No.52219701


>> No.52219789

>nooo anon you don't understand demand people still demand houses! maybe those who demand it have no way now to get the money to buy them but it doesn't mean the demand is lower!!
>i fucking WISH my bags would crash harder so i could accumulate more!!

>> No.52220087

>no way to get the money
but they do
>my bags
what bags? I have a house but it was a steal then and it would still be a steal if the market crashed. My interest rate is 3% I literally dont care

>> No.52220118

>but they do
okay so if people demand it and are able to get the money being asked why are house prices going down? magic?

>what bags? it's literally stealing at these prices. even if they crash further it'll still be a LITERAL STEAL!!

>> No.52220130

thats what they get for selling luna at a loss to make a statement

>> No.52220402

because a correction was due. Decline != crash
>blah blah
Literally, I like my house, I got it for $190k and its worth way more than that. someday when I move I'm gonna rent it out to college kids since I'm by the university. And at $1.2k/mo its very cheap, way cheaper than any apartment which can be $800-900 easily for a one bed room

>> No.52220547
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Imagine not already owning a home right now. Oof

>> No.52220563

If they do we are in for a world of hurt.

>> No.52220567

Take 2008 for example, lots of ppl mortgaged a house together. If the value of property declines and goes below your deal it means you have debt when liquidating your house. During the crisis lots of ppl had a divorce and got into debt, imagine the same happens.... now imagine what ppl will do with this in mind. Relationships in recessions mostly fail.

>> No.52220577
File: 60 KB, 590x750, eac965e9a2982ddf67daa580201c9bfee215f8ea419b4c2d36420685721e5e43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read this whole goddamn thread.

>> No.52220648

Except if you don't own you rent and I can personally tell you landlords are exceeding their rate rises.

>> No.52220656

>doesn't even matter if it's the house you're living in.

>> No.52220680

If they do go bust it means there are lots of other problems in the economy. But if BlackRock was forced to break up using anti-trust laws. It would be a goooood thing.

>> No.52220704

Pretty similar to my situation except property values are much lower than where I am so I bought a 2500 sq ft home but could have and should have gotten a 4000 sq ft home. Oh well it’s not so bad. Inflation and cost of kids is killing me financially though.

>> No.52220736
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>> No.52221129

i was talking about renting, moron. many landlords do not give a fuck about the property and only see it as a money generator without renovating. how many "investor" homes were purchased without inspection in the past 2 years?

>> No.52221198

40 year bubble? Was 2008 40 years ago? Damn Im getting old.

>> No.52221340

wonder how many "muh side income" dudes out there bought a 3rd home hoping to rent it out, but realize they didn't have it inspected to do so when buying, and would have to pay out the nose to renovate or fix it to be up to code to rent it at these new lower prices

>> No.52221371

What do you idiots think that the average poster here earns 6 digit income??

>> No.52221640

For those older than 23, yeah absolutely.

>> No.52221649

>assuming homeowners want to sell

>> No.52221671

Life happens. I have an easier time believing some folks are forced to sell, rather than believing folks are forced to buy

>> No.52221711

a lot. not only that, but many somehow have no idea how property tax works and are getting shocked by increase in the thousands because they overpaid for a standard 1100 SF home by $300k

>> No.52221876

The difference is that a lot of landlords bought their houses for substantially lower prices than current prices and some don't need to extract maximum value from their property. I'm currently renting at a price that's probably 40% lower than the going rate for the size of this house in this city and the rent will never go up because we're good tenants with enough savings to ride out a 2+ year loss of income. At this rent, I put $5k/m into savings on top of my usual DCA investments and I have essentially zero risk. It's the best of all worlds

>> No.52221922


>> No.52222030

>main driver of inflation has been supply constraints

You're an imbecile. No better than those who believe evolution or the big bang

>> No.52222050

Lol I know 4 families that are moving who said the same thing as you as their rent just doubled. Never underestimate the greed of a landlord or their financial situation.

>> No.52222104

Sucks to live in a state without rent control kek. OREGON CHADS REPORT IN.

>> No.52222117

I'm not worried about it. I've been month-to-month for six months and haven't heard a peep. Greedy landlords are going to get wrecked in the next five years

>> No.52222120

I own a home, I don’t own a mortgage.
I will be making it.

>> No.52222197

Homeowners die of covid every day. Homeowners without wills and with no one else on the title die every day. Then the home is forced to be sold or bought out by the estate members.

>> No.52222203

Hahaha I only got my real estate license so I can save on commission myself or help family and friends. My household w2 income (nothing to do with real estate) alone is over 500k. Also I’m technically considered an economist based on my degree even though my job is in a bother field.

Rentoids seething again. Hilarious

>> No.52222549

>my feelings should matter in the real world!
they're doing all this shit on purpose because they want to replace and murder you
and they're getting away with it because you're too fucking stupid to realize much less say anything about it and much much less do the only thing that could stop it: kill them and their lackeys at any cost

you dumb fucking nigger animal

>> No.52222656

You will seethe into the void and do nothing like the queer you're snapping at. Faith without works is dead.

>> No.52222937

>christkike bot schizo spam

>> No.52223075

I'm calling you a bitchmade faggot, faggot. It's quoting scripture but it's dead-on that you won't do a fucking thing but scream into the void like the good little cuck you are. Enjoy your cool anon e moose slacktivism in your fapmaster captain's chair you genetic dead end.

>> No.52223085

What are rate hikes even supposed to do? People aren't going to spend less on food just because saving money is more attractive than before.

>> No.52223109

Imagine being this delusional. Opportunity cost isn't free and neither is downside risk.

>> No.52223139

Cool down the economy that's experiencing wage-price spiral. We're careening off a cliff if every month you need to talk to your boss about a fucking raise because now it takes two wheelbarrows worth of benjamins to buy a loaf of bread instead of one and so on.

>> No.52223451
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Nice garden anon. I envy your beautiful land.

>> No.52223672

What are the best places to live in as a racist WFH tech guy?

>> No.52223763

But price of a good comes down when demand lowers or supply increases. Interest rate hikes lower demand for luxuries but how would they lower demand (or raise supply) of food?

>> No.52223819

They don't care if we starve, but they know one way to lower inflation is if demand plummets due to cheap financing evaporating. Have you seen car dealerships in the last couple of weeks? Lots are filling up when they were bone dry 6 months ago. That's the Fed's rate hikes. I was able to finance a car with 0 hassle under 3% two months ago, the same dealership is begging to buy the car back from me at a 20% markup. I will never fucking sell because it's an electric car that I'll sell for minimum 4k more next year when the used electric car credit kicks in from the Inflation Reduction Act.

>> No.52223984

st. louis, baltimore, washington dc

>> No.52223995

Well what region are you currently in? I personally just moved a few hours away from the city. I’m still technically in the region and can drive into town or office but my day to day life is so much comfier

>> No.52224054

Never heard of usury

>> No.52224308

I picked in between Austin and San Antonio, can be inside downtown of either in 40 minutes. Gas is cheap, food is good and cheap, weather is good in the winter and spring (summer sucks ass but whatever) people are nice and conservative (not in austin obviously, but that's why i picked in between, not in the city)

>> No.52224457

Ok, so the goal is to lower CPI by lowering the price of luxuries so they can say "inflation went down [on average], job well done".

>> No.52224549

the amount of rentoid seeth in this thread
just bought 35 acres for $550k I make $110k a year, ignoring my substantial crypto stackies entirely, im gonna pay of the bank in 10 years max.

>> No.52224577
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>house and appliances all brand new
>previous boomer owners planned on dying their but went broke lol

Im ready to tend my gardens anons

>> No.52224628

Almost every dollar spent goes through them at some point. Near impossible for them to go bust. They're a great parasite that's spread every where,

>> No.52225517

>I make $110k a year

>> No.52225552

do you people realize you can't just rent out any property?
people don't typically rent houses. they rent apartments

>> No.52225565

I don’t think you realize how comfy home ownership is if you bought in 2014. My home could devalue by 70% before I’d be in debt. You’d have to be fucking delusional to believe my home will devalue by 70% in a place where there’s already a severe shortage of homes.

I’m bulletproof. Suck my dick.

>> No.52225584

he's larping, most likely

>> No.52225596

you can't even spell tenant so i kinda doubt you are a real landlord, sweetie

>> No.52225634

>Home values have only doubled in 3 years?
average home only went up 30%
when you hoomers lie, it kinda makes you look desperate

>> No.52225648

you almost assuredly overpaid

>> No.52225667

i enjoy this discussion so i made a new thread when this cant be bumped i think we should start a rolling thread like smg but thats just my retarded opinion


>> No.52225670

>Why would house prices crash? Everyone locked in free-money levels of interest rates, even if I lost my job and could no longer afford the mortgage I'd just rent it out instead of selling it because the deal is just too good to give up.
literally every retard home owner is saying this. thats how you know we're gonna crash

>> No.52225687
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>> No.52225767


>> No.52225891
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im 23, even ignoring my immense cumcoin holdings I am doing more than alright
the land has a lot of value i.e old ass forest, 20 minute proximity to a lot of nice things. While in the long run I think it will be a good investment, its a home first. One perfectly suited for me that I can easily afford

>> No.52226306

I own the house I live in outright, I don't give a shit.

>> No.52226357

that's a man

>> No.52226396


>> No.52226640
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>> No.52226670

The housing market crashed below trend in late 2006 to bottom in September 2008. About 2 years.

>> No.52227027

Why is rent going to go down? Rent will track mortgage rates. Mortgage rates are nearly 2x what they were a year ago.
In my units I've gotten people to agree to 20% increases without blinking. No one's building and no one is selling cause debt is too expensive.

>> No.52227047

Yield seeking and inflation protection anon. They'll hold for ~6 years and then sell once we've recovered.

>> No.52227135

San Diego if you can afford it. Incredible weather. Ocean Beach/Pacific Beach area.

Seattle is beautiful but their politics are fucking atrocious.