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File: 605 KB, 1944x2634, United-Kingdom-Map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52204057 No.52204057 [Reply] [Original]

Imo theres only three ways for an economy to grow:
-increase productivity
-export more than you import
-Immigration (rich immigrants bring cash into the country, poor ones in theory increase the productivity)
How is Britain keeping up their economy? Theyre a net importer, unproductive, old, and now anti immigration. Seems to me like their economy is about to rugpull

>> No.52204852

The UK economy is doing fine, stop watching click bait dog shit on YT.

They're planning a recession in the coming months to keep a lid on inflation but a few countries are doing that.

The poor and unproductive will suffer due to inflation and the media will continue to blame the White Man instead of pointing the finger at the real culprit the Central Bankers.

The Globalist Bankers might plan a massive rug pull in a few years if they really want us back in the EU, but the EU is so broken itself right now you couldn't sell that shit to even the most brainwashed pleb.

Don't worry about the UK it's doing fine. Unless you speak to the poor that is, but to be fair, those lazy bastard whinge even when the economy is booming.

>> No.52205036

They should probably give back Northern Ireland before going on and on about their Ukraine propaganda nonsense. Fucking idiots.

>> No.52205079

you shit fuck obviously never heard of the city of london and how the facilitate the biggest money laundering scheme on this planet. drugs, human trafficing, tax evaders, weapon smuggling, its all goes there

>> No.52205106

Give NI back to whom? The Southern Irish certainly don't want that fucking mess.

NI are like white Niggers, no one wants them.

>> No.52205135

>They should probably give back Northern Ireland
Why? we don't want to pay the upkeep and NI doesn't want to lose it's higher quality of living.
>going on and on about their Ukraine propaganda nonsense. Fucking idiots.
>vatnick talking points
Ah/ pol/tard, my guess mutt.

>> No.52205407

True, I wish Ireland had nukes, clean slate NI.

>> No.52205457

I dont think NI wants to be part of Ireland do they? They voted like 30% for Sin Fein out of protest but couldnt form any government anyways since the other 70% are loyalists or sth

>> No.52207545

britain was always considered "the sick man of europe"
they did financial jewry and money laundering in the city since mid 80s to pretend they are rich but the charade is coming to an end
they're back to being poorcel but now with a hindu sir leading them

>> No.52207741

Give back? They gave all of Ireland back but the Irish agreed there would be an opt out option. That was exercised and the Irish who didn't accept the result started a civil war. The Northern Irish literally fought a war against Britain so they could remain British. The Irish Free State got their shit pushed in and have been kvetching about it ever since. Theres no one to give it back to you fucking idiot go learn some history instead of that excuse for it they teach you in burgerland

>> No.52207766

Literally going to be the biggest economy in Europe in ten years but cope more.

>> No.52207785

>planning a recession
I don’t think that’s how it works.

>> No.52207803
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Which industries is the UK going to lead in?

>> No.52207828

God you are a fucking retard, the IRA targetted northern irish exclusively, they hate the northern irish, they would kill them all, fucking rape them all if they could - the sectarian violence there is why we ended up staying in northern island specifically.

And hate Cromwell as much as you want, but he was exacting revenge that his army demanded after Irish mercenaries and volunteers decided to join our civil war on the side of royalists - these mercs and volunteers used the civil war as an oppertunity to loot britain, the round-heads following their victory over the royalist decided to do the same to ireland. It was tit for tat.

>> No.52207871

You forgot the 4th option: expansion and conquest.

>> No.52207912

No actually. Don't really want that.

t. Belfast anon

>> No.52207990

Rich immigrants ain't gonna come to UK lol. They will go to an actually nice country, not one filled with rain and pakistanis.

>> No.52208069

>They should probably give back Northern Ireland

To who exactly?

>> No.52208207

The retarded quivering mass of english left wingers seem to think people over here want to the part of the republic and that the troubles were english redcoats fighting les mis battles against ulstermen.

>> No.52208343

It's how they throttle inflation.

Once they print the money and release it in to the economy they need to keep inflation high to erode public debt, but not too high as they run the risk of hyper inflation.

They induce a recession keeping a lid on inflation and then release the economy again once things have cooled.

Using Covid as cover to print massive amounts of money then using the Ukraine war as cover to increase energy costs are both massively inflationary.

its well documented in the financial world.

>> No.52209091

Adam Curtis' take on the situation


>> No.52209277

Idk if its always planned but you can for sure notice how controlled inflation can be used to erode debt (which mostly helps poor and rich people and hits the middle class that the state hates so much). In theory it should hurt the rich but they just reinvest even more, take huge debts and ride the inflation wave to their advantage

>> No.52209377

fuck off, plastic paddy.

>> No.52209453
File: 4 KB, 262x193, 1609807663292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there are any Britbongs reading this, if you have ANY capital, get it the FUCK out of the UK. Literally open up a bank account in the USA/Canada, wire all the money to it.
Get your shit and leave the UK. Real estate there is not going to be worth fuck all. Who the fuck wants to live in the UK?! All the immigrants going to the UK now are either unaware of how bad it is going to get, or believe they can leapfrog before shit hits the fan.
I'm straight serious the UK is going to be a capital snack or the West on the way to devaluation.

>> No.52210289

No, the UK is just fine.

>> No.52210345

The 20 year FTSE 100 return is ~5%. The UK has no serious businesses anymore just old dinosaurs and retirement homes in a sea of council houses. If the pound collapses we will become Eastern Europe tier.

>> No.52210357

Basically the 51st state in everything but name, American Corporations are going to swoop in to “save” failing government led services.

>> No.52210428

I wish. It's more apparent than ever that Europe and the UK are just satrapies of the American empire and that the empire is perfectly happy to pillage its dominions for it's own benefit. The UK might be the favoured vassal but it is still a vassal and if there is a choice between the US suffering or it being pushed onto the UK then the UK will suffer.

There's no hope of this changing internally either. It would take the US to fall from grace for it to end. It's so far gone, our politicians don't even bother to debate matters of economics or geopolitics they concern themselves with petty insults and trivial.

>> No.52210514
File: 42 KB, 640x450, jW2vfbpHQnO0FXMXJVB8_His_Royal_Majesty,Okyenhene_Osagyefuo_Nana_Amoatia_Ofori_Panin,King_of_Akyem_Abuakwa,Ghana,Africa..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you go through 3 prime ministers in 2 months? that's unironically the type of shit that happens in Pakistan and Burkina Faso LMAO

>> No.52210577

I’m just so jaded with life in the UK, I’m really tempted to move to the Republic of Ireland. Any paddys want to chime in?

>property prices
And how easy is it to immigrate as a bong.

>> No.52210610

When looking at the FTSE 100, look at Ftse100 total return charts as the FTSE pays a good dividend. I'm a 100 investor and it pay me an income of 12K a year.

The FTSE 250 is a better Bell Weather for the UK economy.

Although the FTSE 100 has been out of favour in the last decade its value is now looking very attractive. If I was living in the US, I would be using my US dollar strength and hovering up bargain UK stock by the Ton.

>> No.52210639

You're saying US corporations like McDonalds are going to bail out the UK government?

Just how Retarded are you?

You do realise the UK has a Central Bank, we can print as much fake money as we need.

>> No.52210658

pays 12k a year on what investment?
How much capital do you have tied up in the FTSE?

>> No.52210720
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UK & British Overseas Territories is where the globalists 90% keep their wealth (outside of real estate), so nothing will be taken. But the £ will definitely go to shit so buy some CGT-free bullion. Kek at recommending Canada, they literally froze people's bank accounts for having the wrong political opinion not even that long ago.

>> No.52210733

No it isn't they were LAUNDERING the money there they were not keeping it there, especially fucking now.
Everything is different now, and it's not painfully obvious that the emperor has no clothes.
dude, the UK is a fucking island, and for some reason capital wasn't treating it like one.

>> No.52210744

It was just political theatre for the plebs.

Truss was thrown under the Bus like a Heel character in WWE.

It was a smoke screen to raise interest rates with as little damage to the Conservative party as possible.

Our political system is no more of a joke than the US system. Can we take a moment to reflect on the fact Biden was 'voted' in as the most popular president in US history?

You cunts are even allowed to vote, they have to use computers to rig your bullshit.

>> No.52210772

The UK is going to have to print money while the USA hikes rates and strengthens the dollar.
GBP/USD is going to be 0.85/1.0 by April.

>> No.52210793

That "good dividend" is less than j&j bonds. If you put the same amount into j&j corporate bonds in 2000 as you did into the ftse 100 you would have done better with the bonds.
>The FTSE 250 is a better Bell Weather for the UK economy.
You're right but I never see that and don't care enough to see it out. The one thing the ftse has going for it is it's up and down like a yoyo so you have been able to make money on it but that's hardly a glowing report on the economy.

The UK just doesn't have any industries. Everything high tech has moved to America and everything basic has moved to China. There are still vestiges of what once was but it's a waning economy and there is no reason for that to reverse: taxes are set to go up, real estate and energy are set to go up, and as living conditions get worse there will be brain drain every developing country experiences.
The best case for the UK is in a decade it will have returned to manufacturing and be a stable second rate economy perhaps by replacing some German manufacturing by getting real about power while Germany turns its lights off. Personally, I would much rather live in and bet on an advanced economy than one where the best case is emulating China of the 90s.

>> No.52210803

>dude the Cayman Islands is just an island bro
>so obviously they have no financial relevance

>> No.52210819

Not sure where you're getting the anti immigration thing but the plan is to follow up on centuries of colonialism and profit off brain drain of skilled labor from India and Pakistan

>> No.52210849

I do business in the islands and if you had actually ever been there you would know that absolutely everything is imported, and it's fucking insanely expensive.
What happens when we stop exporting? They went all in financial services and tourism.
Sounds familiar.

>> No.52210938

The majority of my portfolio is invested in a Ftse100 ETF and FTSE Blue chip stock within the 100.

When I started investing about 20 years ago, I was obsessed with passive income and retiring early.

I styled myself as a dividend investor and focused on buying dividend paying stock. Hence why UK stock appealed to me. A lot of our stock pays good dividends.

I currently hold about 300K of my portfolio in FTSE 100 listed stock. 12K was being Conservative. I received 12K during the last few shitty fake pandemic years when dividends were down.

I've not calculated yet as the financial year isn't over yet, but I'll probably receive about 16K dividends by April next year. (for this tax year)

My overall dividend yield on my Ftse100 holdings is about 5.4%, the index on its own returns 4% but I'm overweight energy stocks which pay a bigger div.

>> No.52211010

The UK transitioned to a service driven economy in the 80s, it doesn't matter that we don't manufacture Toasters anymore.

Stop guessing what the UK makes and how it makes money and fucking Google it.

You're writing absolute BS.

>> No.52211035

Tons of EU workers who were already skilled in their jobs left the UK, mostly Spaniards, Portuguese, Poles and probably also Bulgarians or some other poorer Balkanoid.
Now immigration is seen as bad and there will be regulated influx of Pakis and Indians who probably wont do any lower tier jobs (productivity) and only very barely increase the wealth with their money they bring into the country (as their numbers will be regulated)

>> No.52211180

The UK still let's in EU workers, I see about 1 million of them on a daily basis.

Indians are generally really good for the economy, they're educated and hard working.

Pakis are bad, but everything Muslim is bad, I couldn't say one good thing about that hate filled filth religion, its a cancer on the planet.

>> No.52211602

What services do we provide? There is the London financial sector and that's it. Everything else has moved to the USA.

>> No.52211628

>300k invested
>happy with 12k-16k dividend
How hopelessly low can your expectations be?

>> No.52211657
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>> No.52211684

the UK economy is based off drum and bass and smoking weed in council flats. outside of that there's selling ever more inferior kebabs and burgers to each other and there's amazon warehouses etc.

>> No.52212633

they worked like that for years, I don't think it will all fall apart all of a sudden, I expect something like that from memecoins like shiba or vinu, not from a whole country lmao

>> No.52212775
File: 2.43 MB, 4032x3024, schlop schlop schlop but its a spider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he really is making that much purely in dividends and not including capital valuation increases, then he's getting between 4% and 5.3% returns every year, which I assume he rolls back into the portfolio to avoid taxes. That is a good divie yield.

Your expectations for what yields should be is horribly skewed by the full-retard swings that occur in crypto and meme stocks because they're virtually all sentiment driven. The world of utilities, blue chips, and corporate bonds is much more stable, because it is massively larger and somewhat intersects with reality.

>> No.52212808

t. "irish" american who has 0 actual cultural ties to ireland and is 1/8 irish

>> No.52212811
File: 34 KB, 354x458, 76F629DD-CCF4-4390-B6FC-088F9AA00882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short this shithole in to the fucking ground

>> No.52214337
File: 255 KB, 1125x1115, 7E089DBC-51E7-4C4F-A399-11746CDC9E84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made in the uk

>> No.52214361

That sounds comfy as fuck

>> No.52214423

I wish nothing but extreme suffering, disease and misery on this disgusting Island. Death to England.

>> No.52214425

Fuck that pic looks comfy as fuck

>> No.52214455

A post industrial island that couldn't manufacture the hearse that took its late queen to her funeral, Absolutely pathetic. UK has no right to exist.

>> No.52214762

it sounds like a recipe for poverty

>> No.52214769

no it was made in china and polished in the UK...if that

>> No.52215304

That's Greenland, you fucking moron.

>> No.52215427

>and now anti immigration.
actual brits have been anti immigration for the better part of 70 years mate, it doesn't make a difference, the red tie party abandoned their socialist roots and are just neoliberal globalists now and they love importing wogs by the hundreds of thousands
the blue tie party abandoned conservatism for neoliberal globalism and they claim each election they will reduce immigration and then go ahead and don't actually bother doing that since why would they when the more wogs flood the country the lower wages will be and the more fresh debt people get to sell

>> No.52215481

>the IRA targetted northern irish exclusively, they hate the northern irish, they would kill them all, fucking
They bombed England and Scotland

>> No.52215484
File: 62 KB, 1196x802, 1519 - 2soyjaks are_you_soying_what_im_soying asian black_skin chain china clothes communism glasses hair hammer_and_sickle looking_at_each_other small_eyes smirk soyjak stubble subvariant_wholesome_soyjak variant_g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>importing 1 guy that sweeps floors with 10 welfare sinks increases productivity

>> No.52215594

>the IRA targetted northern irish exclusively
lmao, moron. the IRA routinely attacked and chased out people from the republic who had nothing to do with the UDA, UVF or Britain, to say nothing of their thievery and drug rackets

>> No.52215709

That is impossible because of demographics, in its early days of Imperialism, Britain had high TFR, it is known that the people back then, specially the rich, educated and high IQ ones were having a lot of children.
UK is already spent as a nation, has no future, it's civilisation cycle is over, in 3-4 generations years it will be similar to modern India, where people have nothing apart from vague memories of past glory.

>> No.52215718

British pound isn't $ retard, the island along with its currency is irrelevant.

>> No.52215767

For last 6-7 years Britain has been mostly importing African and other Muslim immigrants, Indian immigration stopped being relevant since 2007-08 economic crash, most Indians used to migrate as students in search of professional jobs, the market for such graduate degree holders has crashed, even the British graduated can't find jobs, there is no demand, Indians already have the nursing and warehouse jobs back in India, and as Indian economy grows, specially thr IT and manufacturing, it will consume a lot of professionals India produces, this thing is already playing out actually, you can check the statistics, numbers of Indian students in UK has declined steadily. India itself has already reached below replacement TFR (1.9) and this will continue to decline, thus the whole coolie model of UK economy won't last for long.

>> No.52217192

Poor immigrants keep rich immigrants away.
Rich immigrants send their money home.
Poor immigrants send their money home.
Poor immigrants are heavily subsidised by the state.
Low skilled migrants bring nothing of value.
Poor immigrants don't produce anything because we are a service based economy, there are no factory jobs for low IQ low skilled immigrants.
Immigration breeds educational complacency, keeps wages low, drives up crime, stunts innovation and the move to technological solutions.

>> No.52217256

Inflating money to allow debt growth and create the illusion of economic growth. The only reason they and every other nation are able to keep it up for so long is that everybody uses fiat right now. Anybody who tried to move to a currency based on commodities was bombed to death by the US. Russia, China, and India are working on a gold backed digital currency right now, and when they release that it'll be game over for the countries whose only prosperity comes from shifting money around.

>> No.52217289

In what fucking world can the UK surpass Germany's economy?

>> No.52217393

You forget that when one of us falls we all fall. This is the consequence of globalism.

>> No.52218681

Most Ftse100 companies earn money in dollars cockwad. My divideds are massive at the moment. I'll probably clear 20K passive income this year.

>> No.52218716

How do I short the UK?

>> No.52218925

There are irish enclaves in the UK. Their biggest attacks such as the birmingham bombings where pubs owned by northern irish. This is my home town, I know about this shit, I know people who got bombed. Other than the bombings they mainly targeting british armed forces. Point im making is the Irish hate the northern irish, and will genocide them if given the chance, they are mental.

>> No.52218936


>> No.52218949

The north irish deserve it for betraying their homeland

>> No.52218994

They have god tier tokenomics in the grand scale of things, even now, they have one of the lower GDP to debt ratio out of all the G7 countries. Read "wealth of countries" by adam smith, one of the "fathers" of capitalism and you will see how smart britain has been handling money not only for centuries, but for milleania.

>> No.52219246

Short ftse 250 is your best bet.

Shorting the ftse 100 is like shorting the global economy.