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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 184 KB, 495x406, 89854098690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52199073 No.52199073 [Reply] [Original]

at these crazy prices you're are literally a retard and you aren't' destined to make it. you should quit or quit and kys. /biz/ is so fucking retarded

>> No.52199080

No fundamentals. Money laundering racket. No buy.

>> No.52199086
File: 178 KB, 1170x764, D62AD03B-4706-460E-B591-B798A34A32F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s actually over

>> No.52199111

Hard to say where it bottoms, Zuck said he intends to increase costs further. It's not yet clear if his "metaverse" will take off, or if META will be the dominant player. MSFT and APPL are no joke. All Apple has to do is take what Zuck has done and make it slim and silver. They have more money than Meta will ever have, and likely better researchers, product designers, and an enormous I-Ecosystem full of cultists.

>> No.52199129

What do you mean it's not clear if metaverse will take off? It's widely panned as a colossal failure. It's the object of ridicule everywhere you look. Seems pretty clear to me.

>> No.52199154

Don’t forget exponential growth and moore’s law, there is no reason to think it won’t be huge!, better-than-life levels…

>> No.52199306

I'm already bagholding from 175 lol

>> No.52199328

>the internet? That’ll fail
>smart phones? That’ll fail
Enjoy staying poor you technological illiterate troglodyte

>> No.52199373

They only have 15 more billion in cash. What do you mean?

>> No.52199492

It will just be boomers playing lawn boules or whatever the fuck they do.

>> No.52199526
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VR chat and Second life already do what meta is trying to do and they have done it 1000x better. Zuck is fucked and he knows it and he's trying to throw money on the fire to keep it alive, but, it's all gas and no firewood.

The only people who use facebook at this point are boomers and older mellinials. He's tapped his demographic. Facebook is over and I would expect to see diminishing returns until they are bought out.

>> No.52199545

zuck’s shitty product is not representative of the technology or market as a whole unlike internet or smartphones

>> No.52199551
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>people are now defending faceburg equating then as the next emergent technology akin to the birth of the internet.
I hope this is bait. Biz has seen some real retards come and go but even you stand as an outlier amongst them.

>> No.52199583

> Metaverse is a colassal failure
> Meta shares dump
> Zuck continues to double down
There's no reason to slurp at this moment when he's emotionally invested in this dogshit
You are either a third-worlder or legitimately retarded.

>> No.52199617

The internet and smartphones were revolutionary technology (smart phones less so) meta is literally rehashing shit that has already been done and is already far superior.

>> No.52199619
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>If you aren't buying Compaq
>at these crazy prices you're are literally a retard and you aren't' destined to make it. you should quit or quit and kys. /biz/ is so fucking retarded

>> No.52199756
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>If you aren't buying Xerox
>at these crazy prices you're are literally a retard and you aren't' destined to make it. you should quit or quit and kys. /biz/ is so fucking retarded

>> No.52199759

I’m sure you’re more intelligent than John Carmack lmao.
Stop giving opinions on shit you have zero understanding of and get an education

>> No.52202373

Can I wait until the broader market bottom/global recession drags it down more? Or is that stupid too?

>> No.52202389

Why would I buy Facebook? They can't attract young users and their metaverse is a fail.

>> No.52202395

Imagine daddy powell blesses us with 50bps

>> No.52202421

Why aren’t you guys slurping MySpace?

>> No.52204013

There are plenty of new technologies that come out but completely fail to gain a market. 3D televisions would be a good example; there was a big push by the major TV makers about ten years ago for them, and for a while almost every high end TV had 3D capability, but the buyers said meh, and the TV makers gave up on making them about 5 years ago. It is easy to see the whole Metaspace suffering the same fate.

>> No.52204069

If you aren't buying Myspace at these crazy prices you're are literally a retard and you aren't' destined to make it. you should quit or quit and kys. /biz/ is so fucking retarded

>> No.52204118

This is weapons grade copium.

>> No.52204125

they are going to buy out dfinity

>> No.52204268

>All Apple has to do is take what Zuck has done and make it slim and silver.

>> No.52204301

I thought that was the link chart desu

>> No.52205486

Zuckberg is one of the greatest CEO’s that has ever existed in this period of time and space. He’s got those sweet baby rays

>> No.52205581
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Not to mention he named it 'Meta' which means death in Hebrew.

Yes I'm aware of the esoteric meaning: end but the Jews widely ridiculed him on the death meaning calling it a dead universe.

Kikes are averse to anything death related, that's why they fully cook their meat with no blood etc, they're shit scared of Samuel, the Archangel of death, one of the Satans

>> No.52205835

remember this has nothing to do with Musk and Twitter.

i bet you Musk is being propped up because he is playing ball with the Government where as Zucc wasn't.

>> No.52205944

tablets existed just like VR for many years and people thought they'd never work.. but eventually the technology became cheap and affordable. thats what we are on the cusp of. small, lightweight, wireless VR gear that could actually be commonly used.

he wasn't wrong for trying to take social media to the next level. its not a bad idea for a variety of reasons. as for me? i'll never use Twitter regardless of who owns it or their policies. its a popularity contest for arrogant people who think their opinions are important.

i seriously hope it fucking implodes more so than facebook. the metaverse stuff actually seems kind of fun or more immersive.

>> No.52205959

Nobody ever knows where anything bottoms. Just invest fixed sum on sensible intervals that way you get a lot for cheap and less for expensive.

>> No.52205972

id rather invest in Facebook than Twatter.

>> No.52206325
File: 6 KB, 196x257, BF278133-B7DF-4F62-959D-4E477913982C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically the best play right now
TikTok is getting banned and people will flock over to Instagram Reels

Buy Facebook stock and Matic cause they have a major partnership with Meta right now

>> No.52206472

>at these crazy prices you're are literally a retard and you aren't' destined to make it.

Yes yes, Mark.

Now put the vodka away and go back to bed.

>> No.52206604

I’ll invest in neither

>> No.52206778

meta is actually going to 30$ so its like -60% more decline

u redard

>> No.52206810

MArk is jew, jews drink wine and spritzri

>> No.52207144


LOL, dis nigger is investing in the new myspace

>> No.52207309
File: 151 KB, 600x928, 840D92AA-A156-4E3F-9A0A-1F6F08A022ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be greedy when others are fearful. For a contrarian site, /biz/ sure has the worst mainstream takes
Metaverse will fail. However, meta is not myspace. It is still a profit generating company with low debt and lots of revenue streams. It will never be fagman hypergrowth again but its on the same tier as boomer techs like salesforce, oracle, ibm and dell, but now its stock is on a steep discount.
You fags will come back crying about missing this chance one year later

>> No.52207330

You think this is the bottom? Okay

Zucc please go.

>> No.52207402

Nobody believes that. Its P/E would be 3 at that point you fricckin moron

>> No.52207458

Listen retards, don't buy. This is the next flavour of the month ""buy"" remember last week when people were asking if they should buy Yeezys? Just stick with BTC/ETH/LINK, and shut the fuck up

Impulsive zoomers

>> No.52207469
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The main thing Meta is missing from VRChat and SecondLife, which are both objectively better "meta verses", is the ability to import custom 3D models and worlds. That's like 90% of the draw to these metaverse VR games. Without the ability to import custom models Meta will fail. I want to be a cute cat person on the dance floor, not a fucking Mii with no legs!

>> No.52207492

Niggas keep bringing up Moore's law as if computers haven't stagnated for the past 7 years with new chips being unable to make their transistors smaller and therefore faster. The focus has been in making software more efficient in case you haven't noticed, which is why x64 is being phased out in favour of RISCs like ARM. All that On top of an impending chip shortage crisis.

>> No.52207573
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The Xerox graph looks a lot like meta.

>> No.52207601

Horizon Worlds is open beta product and Faceberg treats it as such. It's not even globally available. They just should tell users its beta. They get one thing right and that's ease of creating new shit in it, literally Fortnite sandbox mode tier easy. That's the only thing they get right tho

>> No.52207628

>The focus has been in making software more efficient in case you haven't noticed
Genocide the webshitters and then we can talk about making anything more efficient

>> No.52207703
File: 4.00 MB, 498x275, vrchat(1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger whatever tools they have to create shit ingame isn't even 1% of what you can do in Unity. Let me know when you can import FBX models.

>> No.52207801
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shut the frick up sperg

in other news Facebook is now cheaper than it was in 2015, nearing sub-90 stock price, time to buy. I'll gladly invest $2000 as a ticket for this ride

>> No.52208095
File: 1022 KB, 170x320, Snow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k zuck cuck Meta will never be above $100 again.

>> No.52209632


Meta means dead in Hebrew

>> No.52209698

those other boomer stocks don't have a massive cash sink they're feverishly chasing

>> No.52209739

All these tech companies rely on zero interest rates they're done

>> No.52210205

>Xerox is still alive
The fuck have these niggers being doing all day since the mid-70's?

>> No.52210365

Set up office equipment

>> No.52210455

Facebook could go the way of Myspace at this point though
>tfw bought the top in 1998 and have been bagholding for 25 years
making copies

>> No.52210878

Probably a good buy. That cunt on the tv said the buy it, then it dumped, the he said he was wrong, so it bound to go back up again now.

>> No.52210914

you spend too much time on reddit

>> No.52210950

I would never buy facebook on principle alone. I hate them so much.

>> No.52210963

This. Transistors can only get so small.

>> No.52211041

I think we need a facebook general

>> No.52211059

if this isn't a sign that its over idk what is kek

>> No.52211100

Why is Zuckerberg so insistent on the Metaverse? Meta literally owns FB,IG and WhatsApp, 80% of normie communication and he sees VR as the future of the company????

>> No.52211150

Option A: All the billions spent on the metaverse work out and you get rich

Option B: Zuckerjew gets forced out, a pajeet becomes CEO and facebook goes back to focusing on its bread and butter.

Seems like you really cant lose by buying it here unless there is a big bad recession.

>> No.52211162
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dubs trips and dubs in one post. Well done sir

>> No.52211168

Second life has been around for 19 years and barely anyone ever played it even though it doesn't require a 1500 dollar headset to use. People don't want a life replacement sim, especially one where you pay real money for shit. It's a very niche entertainment market, and absolutely not worth the billions Zuck is dumping into it.

>> No.52211208

That's assuming the E will not go down, but by every metric, it is likely to go down

>> No.52211227

Because facebook is dying and he meeds a new world to be the god of.

>> No.52211701

He can't be forced out. He has over 50% of voting power. I see way more upside too though and the possibility of a new CEO. It won't be from him being forced out though so probably not likely

>> No.52212233

This was interesting. I love reading about old stock market crashes. Reminds me of the MW crash in 1999, although that was due to fraud. All kinds of shit happened before the dotcom burst that was an obvious warning in hindsight.
Also want to point out that you literally cannot buy Facebook right now because FB is no longer listed. For no reason at all and in what seemed incredibly forced, FB changed it's name and brand to Meta. How deluded do you think Cuckerburg had to be to think this would pan out? Facebook seemed unstoppable because it was a data min that had the full backing of the deep state. They became unnecessary around 2018-19 when total information awareness became possible through other means, namely dumbphones. The death knell was when Apple changed it's privacy policy to block data previously accessible to FB. Realizing they were in trouble, Zuck soon pivoted into a new brand and a new technology that no one wanted.

>> No.52212249

WM. Waste Management.

>> No.52212364
File: 28 KB, 474x474, E76F8109-0FA6-4711-A709-7C0D5941B439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too all the retards who keep saying durr why not buy vrchat or second life

>Meta is transitioning to a hardware company focusing on VR/AR, don’t doubt they’ll make phones and other shit like apple at some point

>they’ll be vindicated when apple reveals their headset and you normalfag cattle eat it up

>they can’t just buy vrchat or second life, they need to build their software from the ground up for MOBILE hardware. You dunning kruger idiots really think you know better. VRchat on quest runs like shit so don’t tell me hurr it’s on quest though! I can see horizons being a better alternative easily. Especially since VRchat will continue to focus on PCVR

>the shitty avatars are just a bridge to the full body scans they demoed

>legs are missing because Facebook is a stickler about “legs don’t feel good if the IK doesn’t match what your real legs are doing” which if you’ve ever used leg tracking in VR you’d understand having your legs tracked in VR is truly incredible for immersion so they’re not wrong. However it doesn’t bother me to see the IK like in every other title. It does look janky though, so they’re not entirely wrong. Just wrong for not explaining this

>the quest pro is only $500 more than the index in a period of massive inflation and is technologically superior. Although it should’ve had a display port. Really unsure why they didn’t have this. This could be argued to be an actual poor decision but it’s probably because the Qualcomm chip they’re using doesn’t support it

>why would I want to do VR/AR meetings when I can zoom or make a call?

>why would I want to use a telephone when I have moorse code?

>> No.52212374
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>blocks your primary revenue stream

>> No.52212919


>> No.52213194

MSFT surprisingly is holding out well because majority of businesses still use office shit.

They buy out Facebook and merge it into LinkedIn. No one can do shit about their data collection cartel for average office normie.

You'll see how retarded office people are when it comes to software and signing their life privacy away.

>> No.52213258

VALUE investors will most likely start buying in the next few months.

>> No.52213264

kys zuckerface

>> No.52213654

>Meta is transitioning to a hardware company focusing on VR/AR, don’t doubt they’ll make phones and other shit like apple at some point
They're decades behind and pouring almost all of that money into server tech, not consumer tech.
>they’ll be vindicated when apple reveals their headset and you normalfag cattle eat it up
VR headsets are nothing new at this point. What features do they offer that would make their product superior? Nothing except for maximum compatibility with the Metaverse, a concept considered at best a joke and at worst a digital hell.
>they can’t just buy vrchat or second life,
Oh you don't understand. Nobody is suggesting facebook buy these games, we're suggesting that these games prove that the market they seek to capture is orders of magnitude smaller than facebook assumes. But by the way, mobile graphics will always be more expensive and lower quality than dedicated graphics, so why would anyone opt for it? If VRchat runs like shit on a quest, people are going to opt for a different headset that gets video from a desktop witj a graphics card, not opt for a different game.
>the quest pro is only $500 more than the index in a period of massive inflation
Asking people to pay 1500 fucking dollars to join your service which is entirely contigent on a high adoption rate to retain users guarantees failure.
>why would I want to use a telephone when I have moorse code?
A video call is fucking better than a VR meeting. It's faster, more efficient, more comfortable, and can be done with basically any computer. What advantage does a VR meeting offer?

>> No.52213706

>they’re spending on server tech
Bruh what? All their money is going into hardware R&D
>VR headsets are nothing new
No shit they bought oculus almost a decade ago it’s just now they see a roadmap to mass adoption via small form factor and better tech
>you just don’t understand, because you don’t!
I’m not going to waste my time engaging you on this point because you’re a clear moron. Watch John Carmacks keynote in full and I know it will be hard for a brainlet like you to understand but he will spoonfeed you
>You can’t ask enterprise to pay $1500 for a prosumer product… because you just can’t, okay!?
Dipshit it’s a V1 to get the tech to trickle down to later quest models. Have you heard of the quest 2?
>a video call is better!
AR/Mixed reality meetings will be objectively better. Again the problem is the form factor but they have already done proof of concepts they can get them to the size of glasses

>> No.52213825

>All their money is going into hardware R&D
It's mostly servers, data centers, and machine learning/AI. Stuff for the back end, where the magic has to happen.
>it’s just now they see a roadmap to mass adoption
"Roadmap" is a funny way to describe baseless conjecture.
You're not going to engage my point because apparently you still don't get it. Just answer this: what makes you think hundreds of millions of people WANT anything even remotely like the metaverse, or even VR in general?
>You can’t ask enterprise to pay $1500 for a prosumer product…
I was obviously talking about consumer choices there. Enterprise isn't going to adopt it for the simple reason that it offers no advantage over existing technologies and would only decrease productivity due to the fundamental nature of interacting with a VR setup as opposed to normal fucking computer programs.
>AR/Mixed reality meetings will be objectively better.
How? In what way are they better?

>> No.52214129

It’s clear you haven’t watched a single carmack keynote or previous connects before they rebranded to
Meta like every other retard normal cattle. I’m not wasting my time explaining shit to you

Zuck can’t get booted, I’m glad you’re losing money on your meta holdings seething like every other normoid. Capitulate now and move on with your life and I’ll buy your cheapies :)

>> No.52214171

What the fuck are you talking about, I'M the one arguing that meta is doing a bunch of stupid bullshit and that Zuck is tanking the company

>> No.52214311

>full body scans

I will fucking never do this shit. I will eat the bugs before I do a fucking facebook bodyscan lmao

>> No.52214384

kys, retard

>> No.52214462


This is just going to be the lame "like our company brand on facebook!" of 2023
horizon world has no soul but there's plenty of soccer mom karens and corporate Frescos that will participate
vrchat is the only good vr social network right now but the hardware isn't comfortable or cheap enough for the average normie.

>> No.52214499
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Nintendo is only $10 a share. META will be fine, schizos

>> No.52214559

Why would you EVER invest in anything involved with Zuckerbergsteinmanwitz?

>> No.52214591

Stop sucking Carmack and Zuck’s dicks for one second to read what’s being typed. Companies don’t want it because it’s an added expense for no clear benefit, and far fewer retail want it than meta seems to think, especially with that $1500 price tag. Tell me where I’m wrong
>I’m not wasting my time explaining shit to you
the surest sign that you’ve lost

>> No.52214736
File: 193 KB, 1200x800, Can't wait for the META simps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine thinking $1.5k is a lot of money lol. i'm telling you right now META will succeed where nintendo wii failed. i mean, gamerfags are already wearing those huge, sweaty headphone/mic sets over their ears while gaming for a more immersive experience. the visual immersive experience is obviously the next step in gaming evolution

>> No.52214747

They’ve already explained enterprise pisses away more than $1500 on PC’s
Besides HTC killed consumer products because they couldn’t compete to go enterprise. Plus the other enterprise VR manufacturers that you probably haven’t heard of

There’s clearly an enterprise market. The index was $1000 pre inflation. Vive was like $800 in 2016.

>> No.52214951

Dirty pajeet hands directly from Meta HQ typed this post

>> No.52215234

>enterprise pisses away more than $1500 on PC’s
That's because PCs do a bunch of different shit and are absolutely required for any kind of professional work. The metaverse does nothing but replace the functionality of existing, free software, and does an inferior job of it.
>There’s clearly an enterprise market
No, there isn't. There's not even a reasonable excuse for one, even before considering feasibility.

>> No.52215268

Anon, just sell man. You made a bad call and it's over now.

>> No.52215358
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Perhaps you should invest in both

>> No.52215366
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Too early to write anything web3 related off

>> No.52215421

>HTC consumer division dies
>continues to exist ONLY because enterprise headsets
>the market doesn’t exist, just… because OKAY!!

Oh and the billion dollar hololens contract with microsoft

>> No.52215786
File: 13 KB, 223x226, 16533321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I bought Facebook stocks
>I bought ZooDAO
Damn man i guess i am going to make it

>> No.52215848

They are gatekeeping and fudding their bags to accumulate more. Have you learned nothing from crypto?

>> No.52216018

Have you heard of myspace

>> No.52216041

I still don't get why he just didn't buy vr chat in the first place, I highly doubt it would have been even over 100 million let alone 5.5 billion they spent on metaverse so far.

>> No.52216054

>t. never worn a VR headset

>> No.52216105

I am sceptical about Meta, yet i have to admit that this is not really a good comparison - i do think that some tech companies will at least try to implement the Metaverse for their workers. Home office, online education and social interaction for muh employees are the things about Meta that i consider to be potentially successful in the future. Those concepts have not been a thing in the past 19 years and second life is not really a platform that is designed for such.

>> No.52216265

VR is shit and pointless

>> No.52216360

Zoomers live online. Look at roblox. Hardware just needs to get cheap enough for more parents to buy it for their kids. It's children/teens that first create the network part of social networks. Look at instagram, snapchat, tiktok/musically.

>> No.52216393
File: 56 KB, 800x1000, 54ytg4554g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because hyper rich billionaire faggots have an increadibly over infalted ego and sense of selfworth and him simply buying VR chat A: Would mean it isn't in his control and B: Would mean that he isn't the one on the "for front" of creating an alternate reality. It isn't about money at that point he's trying to become a great man (and is in his own mind) it's a vanity project.

>> No.52216412

>TikToc is getting banned

In what universe?

>> No.52216427

>why he just didn't buy vr chat

How do you spend BILLIONS on horizons and end up with a worse product?

Guess that's what happens when you hire diversity retards and H1B jeets.

>> No.52216445

lmao fuck facebook. I bought bit with my money instead.

>verification not required

>> No.52216472

He really does have his head up his own ass, he thinks he's the smartest dude ever for copying social media templates and now 20 years later he can't even make a decent VR app despite 10 years of VR. How do these idiots get so rich anyways?

>> No.52216559

no comparison. myspace was just a half-assed, free version of AOL

>> No.52216612

>How do these idiots get so rich anyways?
Tech bubble v2.0 fuelled by zero interest rate policy and being in the right place at the right time.

>> No.52216633

I'd rather buy intel, amd or nvidia. They're a similar amount off the ath and they're not burning money at a retarded pase

>> No.52216693

Nintendo was at 90 before the split. So that's misleading

>> No.52216714

>It's not yet clear if his "metaverse" will take off
I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that because you got trips, what you just posted is the infallible word of God. In fact, you are dead wrong. You are diametrically opposed, 180 degrees from the truth. What you said couldn't have been stupider. There is no way in Hell that the Metaverse "takes off." The Metaverse is the biggest forced meme. No one uses it, no one even wanted it, and the worst part is that no one even knows what the fuck it does. All that Zuckerberg did was to announce something that sounded cool, a "Metaverse." Wow, pretty futuristic. What it was supposed to be, well, the engineers and developers would figure that one out later.

Facebook is slowly going the way of Myspace because young people aren't signing up for it. Unlike LinkedIn, which caters to older people, but which also has the function of an online resume, Facebook doesn't have any function at all. Kids can just talk to each other on discord, in twitch streams, instasnap, or whereever the fuck else. There are now thousands of online zoomer pens that perform the function of facebook. On top of that, Faceberg is so heavily moderated that men don't want to use it. It's just going to be old women in 10 years. Facebook is done. Bobo that shit till it hits $1 and it liquidates its assets.

>> No.52217089

its crazy how people arent buying the largest Tiktok competitor right now
Tiktok will get banned and Reels will become the new norm

They also announced native NFT minting through Polygon so they might pump hard just the what happened with Reddit

>> No.52217326
File: 260 KB, 1400x814, 1667337163360577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xerox was a fuck tone better than Meta will ever be too. They created the first graphical user interface and Ethernet... also, they didn't keep them secret.
I'd buy Xerox 1000 times over Meta any day.

>> No.52217527

you live under a fucking rock

>> No.52217594
File: 120 KB, 522x711, E2604DD7-151E-4B5C-9A5D-680B6C355F2A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meta stock just dipped below 90! This is not a drill!

>> No.52217875

I didnt even have to experience their metaverse before knowing its shit. I'd rather put my money on crypto lowcaps with 100x potential like RAIL and MINA towards the bullrun.

>> No.52217924

Well web2 sucks, its time to shift to web3 or projects helping the transitioning from web2 to web3.

>> No.52220036

>shitty vr with graphics on par with nintendo wii, a console more than a decade old, is the future of the internet

>> No.52220187

we have video calling capabilities built into smart phones yet absolutely no one uses that shit and most people prefer to text each other, unless there is a reason to use video call. The only places that demand video calling are corporations via zoom or microsoft teams.

>> No.52220571

I doubt TikTok will ever get banned. It’s some people’s livelihoods. Drumpf tried to do it and people laughed at him.

>> No.52220762
File: 9 KB, 474x248, Regarding Biden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youtube shorts is actually more successful than tik tok right now, meanwhile GOOG stock is still shitting the bed. it's like competing over nothing at this point. really feeling those 2008 vibes again. most likely won't see any hopeful economic progress until 2025 unless biden is a 2 term president then we're royally fucking screwed. don't say it won't happen since we've been living in peak clown world for over a decade now. even my normie friends and family are acknowledging how weird the world is today

>> No.52220770

im not buying facebook. but i am buying amazon

am i retarded?

>> No.52220797

aren't you tube shorts just tiktok re posts?

>> No.52220960

nice depiction of hell. feels quite accureate

>> No.52220983
File: 627 KB, 220x165, cat-vrchat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VRchat had leg tracking figured out forever ago. Meta doesn't even HAVE legs.
Meta isn't going anywhere soon unless they have a super genius program show up in the final hour to save the project.

>> No.52221005

Facebook is dying. It was just transferred from the hospital to hospice.
Sell before the death rattle begins.

>> No.52221206

many tik tok shorts are actually just condensed versions of original youtube videos as another outlet for them to branch out their branding. youtube is still the king of video uploads

>> No.52221355

is it tho? splitting a $90 stock for a company like nintendo seems worse to me. at least facebook has never split and even if it does, if nintendo is fine splitting under $100, META will be fine. facebook literally owns everybody's posts and pics on their platform, so another competing brand can't just allow you to transfer all your posts to Truth Social for example. you'd have to manually repost your own pics and retype over a decade's worth of family history or your own history of posts. not gonna happen. META is not going to die

>> No.52221414

Apple is going to be the next major tech company to have their stock collapse. They literally fucked over everyone else. Google, microsoft, amazon. Don't be surprised if they gang up and find a way to fuck over apple. And apple doesn't innovate anymore. They are riding on Steve Job's legacy.

>> No.52221550
File: 855 KB, 1080x1016, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm shorting since this came out, easiest money ever, still short.

>> No.52222456

Here's the cool thing, it literally doesn't matter because it still won't outperform boomercoin

>> No.52223432

post proofs

>> No.52223488

In any other company i'd agree but Zuck has the power to do whatever the fuck he wants and not get kicked out. He's going all in on the metaverse whether you like it or not. I don't think he gives a shit about being a billionare, he just wants to fund his plaything.

>> No.52223675

If you think in terms of how people even use social media to begin with, it doesn't have to be innovative or even good, just stable enough to support the crowds that have agreed to congregate there.

Note objectively shit app Snapchat that became common based on consensus despite everyone hating it.

Tiktok is Vine with a licensed music catalog.

Instagram is a minor function (image posts) of Myspace and FB turned into an entire app.

Facebook is the most substantial social media app to have ever existed. Even if the CEO is retarded it still has more intrinsic value, people don't use it arbitrarily.

Marketplace destroyed craigslist in my city and probably most others for the simple reason that people (esp women) prefer to scope out potential in person commerce beforehand.

Facebook has integrated payments between users and if modern crypto was more than a series of third world pyramid schemes, Libra would have succeeded too.

Even if the metaverse tanks, facebook will be around and providing more essential functionality than Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok, Snapchat.

It has Linkedin qualities, and for that reason, despite the meta bullshit (think elon musk-type CEO mentality) it will probably be relevant in 10 years once the internet becomes even more government-run.

>> No.52223772

except the USA won't regulate Apple.
>Republicans consider it a strong american corp with only foreign competitors
>Democrats get free ideological support from a hyper-liberal tech company with 90% adoption rates from under 21.
EU is the reason why Apple is even rolling with USB-C and right to repair. In 2023 there is supposedly going to be regulations drafted about messaging app interoperability that might affect iMessage usage in the USA, but that won't be here until 2025 or something.

You would have to be retarded to not invest Apple, if only out of spite for boomer politicians basically. Follow EU politics though.

>> No.52223815

cucked by US gov
> blames pyramid schemes

>> No.52223878

crypto is 90% pyramid schemes being run from eastern europe or india. this isn't even hyperbole. maybe millenials in the USA and EU get in on christmastreecoin or w/e the fk but it's basically lottery tickets beyond insider investing or following the government news on what's going to be allowed, which is like inorganic chinese investing lmao

>> No.52223934

as long as income inequality exists in the world, poor people will be turning to crypto to cheat wealthy people out of their money. the cost of living makes it worth their time and means no one in the west will give a shit.

>> No.52224072

so you're saying zucc was going to rugpull FB boomers out of their money with libra but US gov prevented it? What about Diem?

>> No.52224126

how is this a thing? is it really just that vr chat game on steam but shittier looking?
how could mark be this retarded and out of the loop?

>> No.52224182

the US government (like any other government) regulates crypto with the main intent being the prevention of money laundering, crypto's #1 real-world application.

blockchain has many other applications, but 90% of the energy behind new 'tech' is funding things that oblivious consumers need to be protected from.

zucc wants nothing to do with the 100 millions of pakistani/african/etc. randos who are currently spamming FB and making him negative microrupees per ad view. hence investing in VR tech only the west wants.

>> No.52224217

i bought amazon and google. now i own 2 day shipping and youtube. social media is boomer shit

>> No.52224300

This. Don't any of you retards watch the news? The articles about how terrible the Metaverse is and what a complete failure Meta is just keep piling up day after day. It's literally a non-stop barrage of bad news. Zuckerberg is finished. It's over. It's OVER.

>> No.52224314

FB is easy enough to use and actually utilitarian when it's just your friends and family from Scranton.
but do an experiment. find a random guy from karachi on FB and send a friend request.
by the end of the week you will 80+ friend requests from across pakistan.
facebook crypto failed due to a similar principle, but via the government.

you ever notice how the only serious FB users are American? the only serious Vkontake are russian, the only serious Weibo are Chinese etc.

FB for most of the developing world is brown people trying to pick up fake profiles or the poor proto e-thots from trinidad etc.

if the myspace-like company isn't based where you're from, it will be dead.

>> No.52224338

Does apple have an owner that can say "fuck you" the the board and shareholders like zuck does?

>> No.52224361

if FB required Government ID to use and you had to be a citizen of the USA (something like Chinese social media), the stock would initially dive because of investors worrying about muh equality via tech (lie).

But facebook would become much more functional, within a month. and nothing of real value would be lost because the user activity data harvested from africa and SEA is mostly spam to begin with and FB knows this.

>> No.52224377

>the user activity data harvested from africa and SEA is mostly spam to begin with and FB knows this.
it's what killed FB, along with trying to compensate with pushing advertisement.

>> No.52225184

me, accumulating META bags knowing that the 'metaverse' merely refers to the digital decentralized marketplace and worlds that exist as a result of Meta's hmd technologies

they aren't dumping billions into horizons you idiots, they're dumping billions into the smartphone replacement. oh, it WILL happen.

i'm going to laugh all the way to the bank. people will make financial books about this play on Meta, its going to be biblical.

want to know where I saw the same level of vitrol against the 'metaverse' (vr/ar technologies)?

internet. smartphones. credit cards. blockchain. its the only sure bet of this decade, buying Meta right fucking now.


>> No.52225363

t. facebook bag holder

>> No.52225607

I would rather use meta than vrchat with anime autistsajxr8k

>> No.52227024

If TikTok gets banned, people will use YouTube shorts instead.

>> No.52227100

You people are retards who don’t understand normals. They have complete disregard for privacy and say otherwise. They literally broadcast their location on snapchat that also lets people know when you’re sleeping. They would stick a samsung remote up their ass if it helped them “stay connected”.

This is the future they just need to better utilize normals full narcissistic self absorption. How can they feel they are unique and special in a VR.

>> No.52227122

im thinking based

>> No.52227216

Instagram Reels more likely, YouTube is a wasteland

>> No.52227232

Best case scenario I 3 or 4x my money. Not worth the risk for a dying boomer company. And that’s best case. More likely it might recover to $250/share if twitter fails and they pick up the slack from the deserters.

>> No.52227325

the fuck you on about? nintendo is around $40 after the split.

>> No.52227366

Meta will be the first major tech stock to get delisted from the S&P 500.

>> No.52227416

why the fuck would you invest in a communication app which often times doesnt allow you to communicate? whats even the fucking point

>> No.52227552

Based dividend though
Zuck pays out none

>> No.52228744

They're convinced some micropayment riddled life replacement sim is going to be a technological revolution on par with the internet itself, despite being unable to give a single example of a useful novel fearure.

>> No.52228753
File: 13 KB, 480x360, princess braap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm referring to the current value post-split. nintendo hasn't released anything based since the Gamecube which I still have

>> No.52228776

K couple questions:

1. How do I do this
2. How do I meet cute cat people and dance with them


>> No.52228817

which is most bullish?
ranked from 1st to 3rd

>> No.52228883

>with new chips being unable to make their transistors smaller and therefore faster.
>the past 7 years
zen is 14 nm and zen4 is 5 nm
there's still a couple more nm to go before we completely run up against physical limits

>> No.52228891
File: 49 KB, 567x567, 1599303375349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fren knows what's up.

>> No.52229247
File: 94 KB, 1046x595, 4BD2CB04-0DB2-4D84-86DD-E4600EB6FE54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have been warned
why didnt you cucks buy?

>> No.52229566

One funny thing about the metaverse pivot that I've noticed is the following
>when anon has VR goggles, it's very likely they see Meta's expansion to the metaverse as excellent move
>when anon doesn't have VR goggles, they don't get it at all
Me, I'm an VR bro and I get it 100% and I know it's the greatest move ever. I mean fuck, in my opinion all they need now is physical button to toggle passthrough, enable passthrough by default on Quest Pro while shutting down the guardian system, and double its battery life and they've won everything. It's so damn close it's maddening. Why don't they allow people to really move about freely in their homes and offices now that they can see through clearly? Why the guardian system?

Screencap this post and compare what Apple does if they really do release their VR goggles. What I described is the win-all move and why Meta hasn't done it is more dangerous tell than the pivot. They have shaky hands on the wheel, flubby management.

>> No.52229576

Where can yuo see dividend history and forecasts on US stocks?

>> No.52229589

>No fundamentals
In what world does Meta not have good fundamentals? They have consistently made billions in profit every single year for the past 7+ years.

>> No.52229627

Meta is going to zero. There is no inherent value.

>> No.52229739
File: 191 KB, 1024x701, 1655119154565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate all of you.

>> No.52229754
File: 76 KB, 1346x408, 1657100337072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate you guys.

>> No.52229766
File: 1.13 MB, 1783x1258, 1662256165872001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm buying Algorand.

>> No.52230599

This is unironically 100% the reason I think he's doing this. Wants to get everyone into the metaverse and then be the only character with superpowers. Fucking matrixfag

>> No.52230616

holy shit, you're retarded. Not every fucking idea is equivalent to smart phones or the internet, dumbass. LOL

>> No.52230742

Metaverse is as important as smartphones and the internet combined. Well, even more, actually, because internet and flatsies (= obsolete flat screen devices like laptops and phones) did the ground work. What intenet and flatsies can't do is fully integrated global interconnection. Internet was the steam engine and metaverse is diesel.

>> No.52230777

It is time for another social media platform. One with not full of ads. People are ready to spend 1-3$ on it /month.

We just have to wait for the next hype. Cya on that new platform anon
Do you want to watch 5 minute crafts videos? Then fucking buy facebook stock, but i will stick my wiener in your butt.

>> No.52231040

>What intenet and flatsies can't do is fully integrated global interconnection.
Yes they can. Are you fucking high?

>> No.52232142

No, just you being completely clueless on the topic.

>> No.52233126

Bought at $89.17 on news that TikTok might be banned from US. You will use the Meta Instagram Reels and you will love them, zoomies.

>> No.52233170

kys retard. I'm going to filter your stupid threads