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5211810 No.5211810 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, so who is afraid? I'm so close of cashing out.
At this speed, it will reach 1 trillion in few months, tops

>> No.5211863

I'm a poorfag still so I need this to continue, unless you want to help me out.

>> No.5211885

few weeks.

It's doubled in the last 2 weeks m8

>> No.5211906

Not giving money here, I'm not that rich either.

>> No.5211910

>want to cash out because scared of crash
>haven't made it yet
help me

>> No.5211917

>using yearly chart to determine last months growth
Found the newfag

>> No.5211961

Fuck, getting scared
Same here
Teach me

>> No.5212154
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>> No.5212160

It may happen, it may not happen. My advise is that if you did not made a lot of money from crypto, stay. You don't have much to lose.
However, if you got rich with it or is at least playing with more than $100k, I'd strongly considering pulling out.

>> No.5212188
File: 799 KB, 1242x2208, 9A387818-4CE0-43DF-8143-B25F61C7AD28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use log chart

Just hold for a year and you’ll make it

>> No.5212206

Yeah, that's what I think too. Ive now made 15 000 with a starting investment of 1k$. I was hoping atleast 100 000 and pulling out when I don't have to work anymore, so ~800 000 when I can live off interests

>> No.5212239


(((they))) will pump the market sky high and then spread FUD to crash it so they can accumulate all of the normie coins, then they'll pump it even higher, rinse and repeat, this isn't going to crash permanently even if it does. Use any and all crashes as a chance to accumulate more. Crypto currency threatens the banking and government establishments and they'll try to stop it by any means necessary.

>> No.5212392
File: 74 KB, 1075x593, IMG_20171219_095911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Im not really sure how I think about the bubble
600 billions isnt a lot.

Here is the dotcom bubble on Apple's stocks

>> No.5212428

in 3 years time that line will be diagonal (upwards)

>> No.5212451

>dat 100% fall

lets just hope weve invested in the next apple aye

>> No.5212466

It's almost as if internet money is an extremely revolutionary and convenient idea with lots of potential.

>> No.5212499

I'm out. Cashed all my 30k out and now waiting at the sidelines with 10k to buy back in for half the price. It has been way too long without pink wojaks and all these newfag normies don't have hands of steel yet

>> No.5212567


Get ready to FOMO buy back in when it's double the price

>> No.5212582



>> No.5212583

Yeah. Hundreds of companies died in the Dotcom bubble
Smart. I don't have the hands, if my money would be 5x before the crash, I'd neck myself

>> No.5212628

Few week

>> No.5212639


There is something you do not know brainlet. It's called CRS. And it's starting for most countries next month. The US has FATCA, so it has been pretty much impossible for burgers to have any offshore money for a while now. But the rest of the world is getting FATCA'd next month. Guess where all that money has been going kohai? And guess how the grey/black economy will function from here on in? You think Bitcoin at 20k is mad. Wait for it to hit 100k and show your pink Wojaks to the world. Kek.

>> No.5212689

It might get there one day, but odds are it'll be preceded by a huge dip.

>> No.5212700

We'll see if I was smart. Surely brave. Wish me luck

>> No.5212740

please stop comparing crypto to the dotcom bubble

>> No.5212771

I don't think so. Crypto is not debt financed. Short squeezes do not occur. Neither do margin calls. You'd have to be pretty stupid to speculate on crypto with borrowed money anyway. So dips get bought into. And people HODL. Something like two thirds of all hodlers have not cashed out a single PENNY back into fiat. If that stays like that, and I see no reason why not, then all of it will moon. ALL of it. Just buy and hodl.

>> No.5212834

All or nothing, man. It's money I can afford to lose. Even though it's now a big chunk of cash, I'll see it through with steel hands holding.

1 mirrion or nothingggggg!

>> No.5212869

It will keep on mooning as long as you have the steel hands senpai. God speed! Moon base or shanty town. Let's go.

>> No.5212953

what coin is this

>> No.5213001 [DELETED] 

I wanted to put 2k in, but in the few weeks it took me to research this dumb thing, everything got pumped to shit and now I just can't fucking bring myself to do it. Feels bad being this much a pussy, but shit's depressing.

>> No.5213084

total market, the whole thing has exploded since January 2017, kicked up in gear at the end of the summer, then went insane in the last few weeks

>> No.5213170
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I'm hoping that 2018 will be great for crypto. I'm seriously thinking, that we are in the beginning of "early majority" and they will continue to buy atleast six months.
We will see 2 trillion in 2018
But then again, I'm scared as fuck that this is going to pop

>> No.5213271
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>> No.5213835
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>> No.5213882

Marketcap of crypto is a pointless measure. All that means anything is the price of a coin at a given moment. There isn't 600 billion in crypto. Alll we need to get to 1 trillion is that a couple of hundred pajeet copy some coins and sell them for 1 USD at some obscure exchange.

>> No.5213910
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What the fuck is even happening?

SteemDollars went from $1 to $14? What is this shit?

>> No.5213961

Cashing out half on january 5th

>> No.5214692

Why 5th?