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File: 927 KB, 841x842, 1511797067431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5211197 No.5211197 [Reply] [Original]

Remember that this is the kind of retard we're all making money off of:


Comment section:
>LMFAO! That was hilarious!

Remember to sell before they all panic.

>> No.5211211

> The uploader has not made this available in your country.

>> No.5211260
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the comments
>But I genuinely wanted to learn more about cryptocurrency in a dumbed down way.

>> No.5211312
File: 101 KB, 230x233, ik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The Daily Show

Why are people still watching this?

>> No.5211331


>> No.5211351

Read the comments. There's normies out there and then....there's these things.

Some kind of cringy fucking 18 year old chink is explaining it all too.

Change "you" in "youtube" to "hook" without altering the URL in any other way. Congrats now you're a fucking hacker.

>> No.5211371

if this is how normies get their info no wonder they're all dumb

>> No.5211404

But I don't want to sell, I want to hold. FUCK normies.

>> No.5211413

They should start watching its superior brother, The Daily Shoah, imo.

>> No.5211462

I want it to die down so I can go back to accumulating again too.

>> No.5211478

That's true, but I don't want to have to try and time the market by choosing to sell what I have, wait for the crash, then reenter.

>> No.5211480

I'm honestly surprised there was a good explanation of why cryptocurrency is useful to society in the middle of all of that

>> No.5211482

Yes it genuinely is. This is why most of us are making money here. This is how dumb most of them really are.

>> No.5211502
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>> No.5211504
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wow that's some real normie shit, I feel disgust

>> No.5211508

>the daily show

Jesus what the fuck has happened to that shit show, it somehow has gotten worse

>> No.5211512

they always sneak in a serious-voice explanation in the middle. people can read between the lines. this wasn't too bad of a review

>> No.5211549

There was? I just see some 18 year old Asian shouting at the scream but not listening to anybody at all.

It's like the
>It's just a prank bro!
shit on Youtube.
>lol I trolled my taxi driver

>Asks a question
>Gets a decent answer
>"lol does everyone here talk like you? What is it?!!"

>> No.5211572

The shit from like 2001-2004 is gold though. When Jon Stewart and Colbert worked together and actually weren't partisan, just funny. It's out there.

>> No.5211576


The jew guy that used to host it left/retired.

>> No.5211591

Would be better if they fired this annoying asian college kid though.

That's our coin. Can we fucking sue?

>> No.5211597
File: 1.50 MB, 320x180, DA819C05-3343-4242-8267-661D5076E34C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Comment section:
>LMFAO! That was hilarious!

>Remember to sell before they all panic.

I guarantee people that think crypto is “made up shit by nerds” are struggling to pay rent let alone buy a btc

>> No.5211616


He said Changcoin dumdum

>> No.5211631

Get a sense of humor faggot
Triggered cuck

>> No.5211633

You seem like a smart fella. What coins do you have? I think I'll buy some of them too

>> No.5211671

>ha ha, its not even real!

Normies are so irritating.

>> No.5211697

Does he? He sounds like a kid with an overinflated ego about crypto.

>> No.5211710

ICX, KNC, ZRX, ELIX, ETH, BTC (small). Previously owned and now buying/looking to buy dip on REQ, NEO, possibly even LINK (small).

>> No.5211744
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>possibly even LINK (small).

>> No.5211803

>be American comedy show
>hire random Chink with weird accent who has no comedic timing and just yells all his lines

literally what are americans doing

>> No.5211828


>Have net worth of $140 million
>Dress like this and still not give a fuck

>> No.5211850

It sucks because the old Jon Stewart and Colbert from like 15 years ago were hilarious as a team. Before they were partisan hacks, they actually had great comedic timing and would just riff off each other for minutes.

>> No.5211913


How has the daily show fallen so much. 13 years ago you would watch this show and feel like you were close to the cutting edge of culture. Now you watch the Daily Show and it feels like you're a deluded boomer almost. Seriously what the fuck happened.

oh yeah nvm they got Trevor Noah and he sucks african monkey balls

>> No.5211963

>>Asks a question
>>Gets a decent answer
>>"lol does everyone here talk like you? What is it?!!"
I couldn't tell if this was ironic or not

>> No.5211984

4chan is now mainstream enough that this is the "cutting edge of culture" and that entire vibe, which was present on the right TV stations and the Internet back then, now no longer exists there but in places like 4chan that have taken on more of those kinds of people.

>> No.5212050

Fucking based (unironically).

>> No.5212059

lol joe looks low key pretty pissed and kinda dissapointed in the interview quality

>> No.5212079

Oh damn this is depressing. That show used to be great, and in bits like this they often struck a good balance between being informative and entertaining. They might ask a dumb question, but they'd still give some time to get an educational answer...this was just shit.

>> No.5212094

I feel so bad for him... he's giving real answers and this kid is cutting him off and shouting at him.

>> No.5212168

youpak dot com

>> No.5212170

Daily Show interviews are always faked. Notice how they cut it, especially when ridiculous things are said, so the interviewee agrees to ridiculous things. its par for the course and an understood gag to the audience

I know this is normie shit but dial the autism down for a minute

>> No.5212204

Pretty much.

Stewart was the whole reason the show was any good

>> No.5212216
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Haha he has funny chinese accent

>> No.5212242

Yeah...I know but I can't help myself. No such thing as bad publicity I suppose

>> No.5212243






>> No.5212250


yeah but even so it's fucking weird. I mean I was on 4chan back in 2007 laughing at LOLcats and similar memes. 4chan has been cutting edge for a while, but it's almost like shows like the Daily Show and others "got it" back then.

It's hard to describe and I don't know if media like "the daily show" changed fundamentally or if we changed fundamentally. Oh well, I can't wait for the day we have an openly ironic nazi on TV

>> No.5212269

>comments shitting on crypto
seems like there's some time before full bubble

>> No.5212305


In 2000 it was great. 5 minutes of riffing between Colbert and Stewart and it's really funny. All they do is fill out a census survey but for some reason it's hilarious. I miss this show.

>> No.5212342

Same. Things that were "raw' back then got more funding because they were good, became more polished, and turned to shit. It's still them.

>> No.5212348

>deluded boomer

>> No.5212427
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>> No.5212450

Not to sound spammy. But i just joined a discord server. they made some calls. GRS to 12k (it was at 5300) SYS long 8k (it was at 2800) I just tipped my toes in it, and lol GRS made 12k sat TODAY. fucking amazing. Well, hope to not get pinged orso, but here's the invite if you want to join. https://discord.gg/yjTPQDZ

>> No.5212498

was that so hard?

>> No.5212827

Is this suppose to be satire?

>> No.5212881
File: 27 KB, 397x462, 1509477855453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually, no. Not at all. It's framing and priming. They're trying to stage and build up the "bitcoin bubble". The want to sell how it bursts. And how people lost all their funny monies. But first you gotta make them horny a bit.
Come on, guys. Don't let your guards down!

>> No.5213052
File: 90 KB, 960x540, south-park-s06e11c06-city-wok-guys-great-wall-16x9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The moment he started talking i thought of this guy.

>> No.5213165

I feel like the "bitcoin burst" that makes the news will be something we're all already used to and then it will just keep growing afterward without the media talking about it

>> No.5213217

maybe. But this time they want to see blood. Hence all the normie news about bit and fucking altcoins. Did you read the sun already? top kek

>> No.5213339

>trying to discredit crypto by giving it more exposure to normies
Did they learn nothing from the 2016 elections. No fucking wonder /pol/ got their way.

>> No.5213372

Those disgusting amerimutts are so vulgar and stupid, I hate them with passion.

>> No.5213611

i miss 1998 daily show.

>> No.5213629
File: 609 KB, 905x1010, 1511444549546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you merely adopted the red. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the green until I was a man. and it was nothing to me but blinding.

>> No.5213682

Shity wok no take shity shitcoin

>> No.5214171

that was painful
You can so obviously see the media telling people what to think. How can anyone in their right minds watch this shit?

>> No.5214190


*makes face for camera