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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5208806 No.5208806 [Reply] [Original]

If you haven't made at least $500k by 25 years old, you will never have an Aryan gf.

>> No.5208857

>t. Shitskin

>> No.5208960

I already have one

>> No.5209026

Too bad aryan girls fuck everything, don't do what they're fucking told, and only bathe once a week.

>> No.5209061

>only bathe once a week

You sound a little salty there buddy

>> No.5209079

Is that why you save pictures of Taylor Swift from 4chan?

>> No.5209132

lol this is actually pretty accurate

>> No.5209264

not salty at all. this is the Truth. Have you ever been to Germany or at least have REAL German family? (not bs american german).

Most intelligent, well to do aryan Germans marry good girls from foreign countries(not Asia foreign or stupid foreign), only low-level Caucasoids are caught up with Aryans and sticking with whiteys.

>> No.5209268

>no ass
>sense of entitlement

No thanks

>> No.5209487

I have 1, and a Korean. They dont know each other, the Aryan was a virgin and shes now pregnant, but im probably gonna duck out and just follow my yellow fever because I make slightly over minimum wage part time and my net worth is less than 30k, so I cant afford a baby. I am American and my ancestors came from Denmark in the beginning of the 1900s. Im not a nigger even though I admit my nigger behavior. If you have money, great, it will make things easier, but if you think its the only way to get a girl you are autistic.

>> No.5209557

Fucking disgusting. Take out a measly life insurance plan and blow your worthless brains out you human wastebin.

>> No.5209558

You're a terrible person

>> No.5209636

holy shit you're shitty.
No morals, hope you end up on the streets. I also hope your DNA doesn't spread. You're not a nigger you're white trash (it's worst because you actually have a chance to prosper, be good and yet you choose not to).

>> No.5209645

Also should have mentioned they are both students (I live in a college town) white girl is from some rural German town Ive never heard of and Korean is from Anyang, South Korea outside of Seoul. I dont and will not date Anerican because they are trash.

>> No.5209666

raise your kid bro

screw on the side if you must

you don't want halfsie babies anyway

>> No.5209671
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>> No.5209709

kek, this

>> No.5209778
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Why you would ever want a white cave bitch is beyond me.

>> No.5209925

Damn, where she from?

>> No.5210052

Kill yourself. Don't think degenerates like you won't get purged just because you're white

>> No.5210083

A meme conservative strikes again.

>> No.5210088
File: 111 KB, 1080x1080, leha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a clue, but here is another one.

>> No.5210126

>Who would want a white cave bitch
>Posts pic of ladyboy

>> No.5210166
File: 1.73 MB, 1242x2208, D22C9EB7-8DA2-4082-B693-781F66263F39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super aryan myself, people have literally called me a Nazi since college (before I actually was one)

>> No.5210172


Those eyebrows.. yuck.

>> No.5210212

I have $5mil in shitcoins and a qt brown gf

>> No.5210236

you deserve the rope worse than cape veridians

>> No.5210291

german here and almost made 500k at 24

he is completely right i wouldnt touch those stinky disgusting sluts

>> No.5210341
File: 50 KB, 750x932, fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ladyboy is better than white bitch in every way

>> No.5210342

im making 500 million by 25 years old and i will opt for asian anyways. dont have any use for tyrone's leftovers. girls and crypto have one thing in common: i stay away from pump and dump schemes

>> No.5210349

>Chad plows 2 virgin girlfriends simultaneously while /pol/ beta virgins donate to patreons of various used up e-celeb "trad girls" and are virgins

Nature is so brutal, The difference between Chad and non-Chad (incel) is a few millimeters of bones... A few inches can change your whole life. Either you win the genetic lottery or you don't. You either date/fuck 2 virgin girls at once or marry some fat slut who's been ran through.

>> No.5210377
File: 1.31 MB, 1080x1080, sparkles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atta boy

>> No.5210474

Only made 443K feels bad :(

>> No.5210724
File: 187 KB, 600x339, 0e3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw started last month with 80 bucks i got from my poor family to get myself a birthday present and thought about throwing them away in some internet garbage but already made 500 usd by trading memecoins on the internet

>> No.5210776

Nice moves. Keep the focus on grind the research. Sky is the limit in this game.

>> No.5210869

I plow beta females all day, I wear a condom, I'll marry up though

>> No.5211076

Looks like I got a year to make it. Thank god that's just about the amount of time I need for LINK to take me there.

>> No.5211426

truest thing i ever read

>> No.5211705

Made or saved?

>> No.5211738

Yup, have to make her bathe