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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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5206562 No.5206562 [Reply] [Original]

What coins in 2018?

>> No.5206606


>> No.5206610
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And >>>BCH<<<

>> No.5206628


>> No.5206651

BCH, beyond that impossible to say for now

>> No.5206663


>> No.5206692


>> No.5206738

ETN listed on only one exchange. Imagine when they get listed on others?

>> No.5206750


>> No.5206761


>> No.5206763

BCH, ETC , XRP and some others.

>> No.5206770

Shit I hope so but doubtful

>> No.5206779

Ripple is the most likely candidate.

>> No.5206824

Maybe late 2018. BAT will need to get some better adoption first, but it will be added

>> No.5206853

Basically the most "serious" alts that aren't privacy centric.

Ripple, BCH and NEO would be my picks. But the CEO also has a hard on for Golem. They also were a YC start up, so maybe REQ and QSP will see some love, but honestly can't see either one being listed.

>> No.5206864
File: 153 KB, 1600x960, QSP Y Combinator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP is a given. Coinbase invited Quantstamp to come talk to them recently, and is in need of auditing, so that's a possibility, too.

>> No.5206883

probably bch and xrp, maybe xlm as well

>> No.5206886

Oh, also ByteBall is totally a good pick for CB but I doubt it.

>> No.5206902


>> No.5207072

>Shill me your coin

>> No.5207090

I would shit myself if it was REQ
>REQ holder

>> No.5207175

QSP is a 2nd tier play for me. It's like how people got rich selling gold picks to miners at the gold rush. Crypto and blockchain services like QSP and Kyber aren't going to hit the moon but are going to be solid returners as the general market goes well.
I don't think they will get listed - normies arent going to understand why an audit service coin is there - but will grasp XRP/REQ

>> No.5207344

I have a lot of of money and I just paid someone to give you 1000 AIDS

>> No.5207387

I think you're underestimating QSP and will only realize it post moon. At least look at the news they have lined up, and the incentives for holding a single QSP in your wallet.

Additionally, smart contracts and securities are the future and if you don't figure that out quick you're gonna get left behind.

>> No.5207411

LINK by mid-late 2018 if not sooner.

>> No.5207421

That being said, I don't think they're going to be listed at all, but may audit the tokens that CB does list.

Kyber won't moon because the logo and marketing sucks, QSP is not this way.

>> No.5207437

Its literally gonna be Ripple. Does anyone here do any fucking research?

>> No.5207543


>> No.5207604

Help a poor wagefag out with BTC