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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5195375 No.5195375 [Reply] [Original]

>He still hasn't figured out that literally the only way to get rich in crypto with under 100k is to use EtherDelta and invest in small cappers before they go mainstream

How does it feel to find every project when it is overvaued and overshilled on biz and not before the 20x pump?

>> No.5195427

Good advice. How the fuck do people pick winner without biz. WHere else is there to find out about this shit?

>> No.5195455

Im not a poorfag that needs to gamble

>> No.5195476

delete this faggot, let normies burn themselves

>> No.5195475
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>WHere else is there to find out about this shit?

>> No.5195492

Oyster (PRL)

1m market cap. Testnet this month. Unique use case. Hasn't been marketed at all yet. Combines technology of ethereum and iota tangle. Very active telegram. only available on etherdelta

easy 300x. this is what OP is talking about

>> No.5195529

fine for me, im just sitting back and watching the salt

>> No.5195574

Literally 9/10 of you faggots end up bagholding worthless shitcoins like link and confido.

Top 10 coins can easily 10x and more, this is only the beginning.

>> No.5195575

If you think biz is actually helping you get rich you are so fucking dead wrong. They only shill shit like LINK and frogcoin in hopes that idiots buy their bags. Okay, 1% is solid advice from people who actually know something about this game, but good luck getting the good information out of them. If you want to get rich you need to learn to find the real deals that actually shill valuable shit on /biz/ (below 1%)
Learn to dyor and get a good community around you
I want to laugh at normies for a while anon. There is coins on ED right now that will 100% guaranteed moon and these idiots won't spot them even if you told them.

>> No.5195619

>visit website


hang yourself

>> No.5195779

Sure you can make gains of top 10 coins. But realistically, how much? The chance that a top 10 portfolio will 10x within say a period of even 3 months is minuscule. On the flipside, having 50% of your portfolio in a solid project like XMR (there noobies, I gave one free) and the rest spread in promising ED coins will make you loaded. The only reason I'm wasting my time here atm instead of doing some research and trades is cause I'm pisdrunk and bored

>> No.5195879
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how do i spot the winners anon

>> No.5195969

buy the cheap coins listed on big exchanges, obviously no one is going to do in depth analysis of every coin/tech/team, so just do with the psychology play.

>> No.5196052
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and with cheap you mean low mcap right?

>> No.5196098

buy aion
partnerships with defence industry, connection to toronto stock exchange, partners with somn, icon, wann

>> No.5196099

To be completely honest with you, it usually requires some leg work if you don't have good friends in the scene that help you out.

When I started out, I didn't have the peers that I have now, and a lot of it came down to actually researching the projects thoroughly myself. Trusting biz shills will usually leave you fucked in the anus.

That being said, it is a good idea to visit /biz/ and keep an eye out for potential soon2mooners. I suggest pulling up a google sheet where you type in the shills that seem worth looking into and then taking the actual time to do so yourself.

One tip I will give for you right now is to look at other projects that have mooned. Let's take DRGN as an example - what are they doing and how which is making them valuable?

Usually this comes down to determining the answers to questions like:

>Are these guys doing something new or is it another project in the sea of tonnes of similar projects

>What does their roadmap look like (really dealbreaking) and does it seem they are actually sticking to it?

>The team and community in general, is there potential and is there good "hype leverage"

>Numbers. This includes potential discounted future cash flows and total potential market cap.

>> No.5196119

most of the time

>> No.5196317

i have 4x my money and i only browse and buy stuff i see in biz

maybe you just dont know how to separate genuine interest from pajeet scum?

>> No.5196389

For instance BitBay has been one of my solid gainers, something I spotted here on /biz/. The shilling was subtle and well backed up. The CEO is a literal autist and dedicates his life for the project.

Now, I'm not trying to shill BitBay, all though I think it has a great deal of room to grow, but I'm saying this as an example that I picked up from subtle shills on /biz/, went and did my own research and then ended up making a nice dime.

Don't pick the coins that biz shills on a daily basis, but the ones that get mentioned here and there not too often and start digging deeper.

>> No.5196409

and btw, if you did your own research, you would know that link will actually make a lot of people rich, but its ok man, i also enjoy the FUD memes. they are kinda funny

>> No.5196477


>> No.5196488


I'm cool with the other stuff but how do you go about predicting a future marketcap, daily volume etc?

I vaguely know about financial modelling in traditional finance but find it almost impossible in crypto.

>> No.5196499

Look at top 20/50 coins that perform best in their role and shill to no end.

>> No.5196504

worked great for upfiring and confido :)

>> No.5196515

Good on you bud, but in this bull market that's not too extraordinary. 4x gains is great, and if I was getting into crypto with some tens of thousands to invest I would be more than satisfied.

However, there are a lot of noobie investors who think they will get shot to orbit by buying top 10 coins after an extremely bullish year in general who will most likely turn out to be disappointed. The point is, if you are low on money, you need to put in leg work and research ED picks before they go haywire if you want to "make it".

>> No.5196529
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>Testnet this month

>> No.5196555

etherdelta is full of shitty ERC20 dhit tokens made by Pajeet trademark.

>> No.5196562

Here's my little story with PRL
>look at coinmarketcap
>looks good
>check out website
>looks shit
>join telegram
>ask if they're thinking about rebranding because their logo is trash
>the fucking CEO responds to me
That's red flag number one. Shouldn't the CEO have better things to do than respond to people in telegram?
>he says the logo is good and everyone thinks so
>I tell him why i think it's garbage
>autism overload, tells me I don't matter and my opinion doesn't matter
>I stop responding
>An hour later he's still ranting about my "FUD"
>I check out the CEO's github
>6 commits in the last 2 months

So basically the CEO is just sitting in the telegram all day getting his dick sucked by fanboys.

And the logo is garbage.

Do not buy if you don't want to lose your money.

>> No.5196604

Biz is the best place, no joke. You just have to be able to differentiate the FUD from the facts and the project potential. This place has made me a LOT of money.

>> No.5196635

buy WISH, soon on cryptopia. Very active team.

>> No.5196656

thanks for the input

what do you think about DNR?

>> No.5196664

Dent, REQ, CND, VEN, RLC, ELIX, all' bought on etherdelta and all gave good gains, in case of dent absurd.

I hope the next is SNOV

>> No.5196668

I laughed several times reading this.

>> No.5196688

Might be good short term bounce, there are far better projects on ED atm though.

>> No.5196694

>finding a winner
>on biz

Good luck with that. All you're doing here is pumping people's bags so they can dump on you. You can sift some gems from what is posted here but definitely don't take anything at face value.

>> No.5196709

fucking nigger ruined my dream coin

>> No.5196738

what you guys think of dice and flip? im holding heavy bags but i wont let go

>> No.5196762

This. Wish is a gem and is going to moon once people realize the potential.

>> No.5196773

Look into HST. Everything is solid about em.
Hard working, not hyping, small exchanges and big partnerships in the making. Only down side: the coin is slow as fuck, but when it starts making movement it's a winner.

>> No.5196851

I think it a bad investment. There is nothing unique with it, and it is competing with players beyond its own league. Don't but it.

>> No.5196883

I think it's a bad investment. There is nothing unique with it, and it is competing with players beyond its own league. Pass.

>> No.5196916

Is this the part where we shill our favorite ED coin?

My current gamble is VEE, a project by the cofounder and CEO of tether, so you know it can't fail. They have a working product that you can download and use right now on your phone. This is gonna moon hard once it hits a legit exchange.

>> No.5196934

Too slow, too little potential on terms of market and yield. The biggest thing they got going for them is catering to a big niche that strikes people as a must in a future society. At this stage, I would pass.

>> No.5196946
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>> No.5196985

Why do you think SNOV will be next?

>> No.5196993

which exchanges are the best for finding these cheap coins?

>> No.5197108

ED usually extremely hard to predict. even if i visit the whitepapers, the supply is usually wrong and the circulating supply is unknown. thats why most ED coins usually drop and just after that they moon. people FOMO hard thinking they are the "early smart investors" and ICO sellers take advantage of this. maybe you're one of these sellers and youre just shilling here?

anyways i got my strategy figured out. gonna ride the REQ wave and then move my gains to invest in zeppelin OS.

>> No.5197288

No bro, it's about picking the right projects, when they're ripe for the taking.

Oh btw, sell REQ.

>> No.5197402

I don't think SNOV will be next, but like DENT It has a product I consider valuable.

I invested in it because i think the project has potential, I did so with DENT, It had almost no movement for 2 month then in december It shot up >2000%

I will hold SNOV and i think it will vive me great profits

>> No.5197460

There is literally only on ED coin mentioned in this thread worth investing in (besides my mention of DRGN), and it aint DENT.

>> No.5197485
File: 97 KB, 800x600, DOA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still dismisses the space profits ministry by denying that the joobilation is real

April 20th 2018 will be the day that all crypto hodlers remember.

The day will go down in history as they day it crashed and burned.

Screen cap this.

>> No.5197529

Thoughts on BAT?

I'll use your response to judge you

>> No.5197757

$3.50 eoy 2018

>> No.5197864

I admit I'm biased with about 15% of my portfolio in BAT. That being said, I do believe this is one of the cryptos that are actually going to revolutionise their market if they make things right. With the big things coming in 2018, I'm optimistic. BAT does not need to get a huge slice of the market in order to make massive revenue real, and the first steps of adoption are being taken. Despite the obstacles on the way (and it is still a long way to go) I remain extremely bullish due to the huge market potential and the ripe stage that the project is in.

>> No.5198010

alright, what do you think of BNTY? bounty0x. it just finished its ICO, not listed on CMC, ED, no exchanges, nothing. marketcap right now is just around 4m-5m. its product has an alpha already that is being used by some other ICO, one of which i invested in which is why im interested in BNTY. its team doesnt even need to be hyped. what do you think?

>> No.5198263

I might pick it up when it lands and pre-presalers & presalers dump.