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5192802 No.5192802 [Reply] [Original]

Buy CND on Binance or miss the rocket

>> No.5192835

PBC? more like PND

>> No.5192837

Already spiked.

>> No.5192875


it's 6 cents. Can you read?

>> No.5192915

Spiked and back below buy in price. This is a short term buy alert. Buy or dont, every pick so far has given gains over a 2 week period.

>> No.5192981

>buying at top of the spike right after the pbc pump

>> No.5193008

don't buy in yet guys. as teeka says, let the game come to you.

>> No.5193047

Wait it out, i gave you the info. Use it to avoid it or use it to ride it.

>> No.5193089

Teeka doesn't say that. Teeka says sell the news, hide the jews

>> No.5193149

Pretty sure it's hide the news sell the jews

>> No.5193178


>> No.5193198

fast hands win

>> No.5193214

so to buy or not to buy?

>> No.5193259

and yall are that retarded to believe? Jezus crypto should indeed crash to death.

>> No.5193317

does it really matter, i see it's mooning and i bought in just in time, i'll just dump it after +20% anyway

>> No.5193465

This is a real alert, you will find the same info elsewhere. Buy and hold for a couple of weeks.

>> No.5193477
File: 65 KB, 1092x1037, sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay i just bought in. you guys can all dump on me now i guess...

>> No.5193570

Hodl. Despite what people say PBC doesn't pump and dump, some of their richer members may start whaling but hold strong. Thank me later.

>> No.5193572

Bought at 1.4 cents yesterday. Feels pretty fucking comfy to immediately dump at 6.3 cents after announcement. Right after I sold off my qtum this morning oh lawddd yes what a day

>> No.5193611

I had a spare $15 USD that I dumped into this shitcoin at the top, am I going to make it?

>> No.5193623
File: 110 KB, 265x265, 4c726b11666d1507859213-teeka-tiwari-updated-headshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome fags!

>> No.5193659

I'm still holding, bought in at 265 sats. Should I sell?

>> No.5193665

Its too cheap to dump under 300sat

>> No.5193705

no. remember what happened to dash when PBC called it? it went from $400 to $1k.

>> No.5193736


i knew browsing this cesspool will someday pay off

>> No.5193752

is this legit? im a poor fag and dont wanna get the pump and dump

need money for my hiv medications

>> No.5193783

You're all very welcome. Midas Teeka worship his bulbous head.

>> No.5193818

This is legit. I'm a member, i help you, you pump the price for me :)

>> No.5193836

the monthly issue comes out this thursday. you gonna leak that for your bizbros or na?

>> No.5193861

teeka told his people to dump XLM at 1200 sats, it's floating really well at 1400+ the past few days. People who follow teeka blindly are idiots. He may know good tokens/coins but he's too much of a market manipulator for me to get behind his calls.

>> No.5193901

Yea, this isn't dash. I am very happy selling for over 400%. This'll come down their product isn't worth these levels

>> No.5193966

it'll pump some more when their older subbers buy in later today. PBC's calls go through the same pattern every single time without fail.

>> No.5194005

well in that case no, don't buy, this is just a pump and dump

>> No.5194045

Market cap at this level is not even 100 mUSD, not even a top 100 coin. Working product usable even outside crypto, 26k analysts and AI system working and giving accurate signals you can earn money with. Sure bro, it's definitely not worth being in top 100.

>> No.5194093

can someone confirm this
seems fake as fuck

>> No.5194107

There’s no monthly issue this month. Will be back in January

>> No.5194129

oh okay, thanks anon

>> No.5194137

it's legit

>> No.5194237

Confirmed, it was hinted at in a webinar and also previously on biz (new exchange, three letter ticker, something something)

>> No.5194244


how is it legit ?? proof , source you fucking indian cocksucking pajeet.

>> No.5194252

full call here:

>> No.5194302

i recall that the PBC mentioned it will be on bittrex

so how can it be CND?

you guys are professional bullshitters

>> No.5194306

wow nice dump inc do not buy this shit unless given proof

>> No.5194347

here >>5194252

>> No.5194362

ow a pasta is proof now?

Made me kek

>> No.5194378


a fucking pastebin is not proof you cunt

>> No.5194408

Some people never happy. Just look at the volume.

>> No.5194416

tell ya what

heres my ether adres send me 2k usd and il believe you.

If its free money for you?

>> No.5194444

Hurr durr send me monies or you're lying

>> No.5194467

you do realize anything can be faked right, what else do you want?
I'm telling you this shit is legit, I don't give a fuck if you don't believe me

>> No.5194468

hur dur im in the dump group hur dur ive got no proof hur

>> No.5194540

Nobody is forcing you to get rich anon.

>> No.5194548

are you fucking serious , no proof? It pumps 90%. If this is a false flag ya'll better get out or you'll be scatted all over, you'll be choking on the shit these boys dump on you.

>> No.5194556
File: 54 KB, 600x800, 1367699036447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when Teeka pumps the bags you've been holding patiently for over a month


>> No.5194587

do you really think just this one post can pump up that much volume?

>> No.5194625


show me a fucking link or an actual post from someone who isn't a biztard and I'll believe you. I've been cucked by p&d groups before.

>> No.5194653


>> No.5194694

he already talked about it at his webinar
if this and the paste is not enough for you then you deserve being poor

>> No.5194705

I want to sign up for PBC. How the fuck do you do that?

>> No.5194710

Buy up to 6c and then sell at what?

>> No.5194734


aight. Sweet. Set buy orders lower than current? Surely this spike will correct.

>> No.5194766

Yeah I wonder what target is?

>> No.5194794

I think his recommendations are to just hold and wait until his sell signal

>> No.5194813

we dont even have his fucking newsletter. how do we even get sell signal

>> No.5194852

If his buy is .06, sell would be .10-.14 maybe?

>> No.5194875

Sells dont come too quickly after the buy signal. Certainly won't be before January.

>> No.5194876


his signals usually a day or two after??

>> No.5194902

you thing people make a big deal about shit street shitters predictions over 100% gains?

>> No.5194904

zactly my thinking

>> No.5194930

no way to know

>> No.5194983


so I'm guessing let this spike correct or at least stabalise, throw a few bucks in and wait ?

>> No.5195004


>> No.5195023

yep, though I'll probably sell half at 2x

>> No.5195117

I wouldn't worry too much about sell alerts. The last ones were for Stellar, which is still going up, and Monero - which went crazy afterwards.

>> No.5195203


there's gonna be a pullback though right? Buying now is tickling my gambling nerves, always a sign I shouldn't.....

>> No.5195281

Don't panic and see this to the end, we all gonna make it.

>> No.5195305

Usually there is, set a lower buy on Binance and leave it. Or if your fingers are itchy, 7 cents isn't too far off the 6 cent buy up to.

>> No.5195306
File: 31 KB, 456x320, 1426858342702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw holding since it first hit ED for 1.7 cents
>tfw only holding 1.2k

>> No.5195347

I'm holding to 500 sats with my measly 1.2k, I believe CND will go way higher in the future, so even if this pump doesn't reach that sell order I'll cancel it and wait patiently. Maybe actually buy a meaningful amount when it does go down again.

>> No.5195373

I feel you anon, only holding 20k it's all I had for crypto lol I like to go all in since it's no use to spread beneath 10k.

Looking to drop my bags at 500sats and all in into another hidden gem.

>> No.5195407

Same here, I think its possible short term also.

>> No.5195489
File: 512 KB, 450x288, 1347827225400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw holding since it first hit ED

kek, me too, but i bought 250k of them...i felt like i got fucking scammed when i saw the subreddit, the cold as fuck replies from the devs, etc. then the BTC run happened....i certainly didn't expect this, finally something good happens to me.

>> No.5195546

it needs to break up above 400. from 400 to 500 will be fast i think when people fomo in.

>> No.5195573

Yeah agree, just have to get through these people who keep putting up sells every time we get close to breaking through 380.

>> No.5195601

whats a recommended stop loss?

>> No.5195640

tryna sell my bags at 380 ahahjjhhhh

>> No.5195650

whatever you're comfortable with losing. i usually go with 5%.

>> No.5195672

In hindsight I should have gone in way harder, but I had literally just bought my first crypto back then (LINK, REQ, and CND where my first 3) so I was new as fuck (also CND only really kicked into high gear in the last month or so with all the app releases and predictions actually being made).

>> No.5195723


how does one get access to these predictions, have heard a lot of people say its shit hot

>> No.5195784

Dip, buy!

>> No.5195789

you gotta pay for the news letter.... its expensive...

>> No.5195937

If I recall correctly, you need over 750k CND to access it. There are lower price ranges for beginners and advanced (5k and 50k respectively, I think) but it doesn't give you the whole thing. I'm sure someone has the chart showing it.

>> No.5195948

1m coin sell walls been eaten up

>> No.5195993


>> No.5196020


can someone get it and make a discord and just post its calls to biztards?

>> No.5196112

I bought at 182 sats.... Sell or hold???

>> No.5196185

hold until 500

>> No.5196214

it's tempting to not even sell this ever, imo...their prediction software is pretty good.

>> No.5196217

so wait, how does this work? do they announce this and then pump it in a few days? or is it just an announcement of what they think will perform in the future?

>> No.5196226

>hold until 500
how deep will it drop got 100% and sold at 380

>> No.5196254

anyone try using their service that costs like 5000 cnd?

>> No.5196255

So is this the official december pick or just a short term call?

I'm still holding out hope that his december pick is KMD.

>> No.5196258

AH screw you biz, i actually believed you, this is all fake

>> No.5196259

what to do? im sleep deprived af. buy and hold?

help pls

>> No.5196320

someone said in this thread there's no monthly issue this month so there's no monthly pick. CND was just a buy alert sent to their subbers.

>> No.5196327

What makes you say that anon?

>> No.5196339

Damn if I'd known this I would've been accumulating the shit out of this coin.

>> No.5196414


>> No.5196434

Hard to say, but it will rise again soon so don't hesitate too long

Everytime teeka shills a coin it goes 50% above his "buy until" recommendation, which was 60c

>> No.5196435

Was it?

>> No.5196447

Relax and hodl. This coin WILL dip, and then go up again. Happens every time. Short term PBC pick. Hold for a couple of weeks at least, don't be a weak handed fool.

>> No.5196459

>Everytime teeka shills a coin it goes 50% above his "buy until" recommendation, which was 60c
0,60 dollars?

>> No.5196512

6 cents, not 60.

>> No.5196517


Sorry typo, 6 cent.

>> No.5196755

jk just wanted to drop the price a bit, okay im straped in and going for the moon now

>> No.5197101

mooning hard.

>> No.5197295

ED won't let me transfer my CND to the SmartContract so I can place a sell order

Am I fucking up if I go to sleep now?

>> No.5197471

No dude, this will 3x or 4x. Teeka knows something that's why he shilled it. Just take your time and sell when it hits .25

>> No.5197507

Let the game come to you. No need to fomo.