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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 61 KB, 736x733, wabirich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5195079 No.5195079 [Reply] [Original]

How much of your folio are you in wabii ?

>> No.5195110
File: 107 KB, 645x729, 1513126727958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i lik wobiiii

>> No.5195184

$5 EOY

>> No.5195430

mooning in 2 hours

>> No.5195432
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50% and comfy.

>> No.5195466

Bought 3k earlier and prob going to sell here soon for the quick flip

>> No.5195474


>> No.5195548

This will be just like PosW and DGB can’t wait to see the pink wojacks screencap this faggots just buy omisego XLM and XRP you never learn. Wonder how all those guys feel about putting ALL of their eth in DGB. You guys will know soon. Hopefully not because WE ARE ALL GOIG TO MAKE IT sell now screencap me

>> No.5195572

Fuck off nowabis

>> No.5195593

dude is fucking MVP

>> No.5195596

How come people having >$1k in wooohbeeey be so patient? I bought 30 of it yesterday, and I still can't forgive myself.

>> No.5195610

who keeps making these

>> No.5195625


>> No.5195639

Kek you wish you were a nowabii pink Wojacks soon.

>> No.5195678

75% on this moon mission

>> No.5195694

I dont know what it is but i just put 400$ into this shitcoin not planning to touch it anytime soon. On a contrary, i have a giant asspain when I pay 3$ for a coffee.

>> No.5195743

I dont know what it is but i just put 400$ into this shitcoin not planning to touch it anytime soon. On a contrary, i have a giant asspain when I pay 3$ for a coffee. How is it called?

>> No.5195764


>> No.5195777

I put 50% of my portfolio into it when is was at 9100 SATs earlier today. Feels /comfy/

>> No.5195835

On the other hand, feeling comfy about chancoin. Is it a moonshot ?

>> No.5195840

Pajeet detected

>> No.5195873

80% at ath. Not worried one bit tho

>> No.5195967

60%, bought at around 10300 sats, when are we gonna make it boys

>> No.5195968

Literally exact same situation. Good choice anon

>> No.5196021

What was ath

>> No.5196040

12-24h expect ATH

>> No.5196163

What makes you assume this

>> No.5196188

1 fucking eth only / 350 frogs or so

will i make it lads

>> No.5196227

Unironically all-in on Wabi. Already up $700 since I walked into this Walmart.

>> No.5196359

China waking up, all that wanted to cash out cashed out. only tru hodlers remain

>> No.5196402

Was there news or what

>> No.5196490

On it's way to 5$ EOY. HODL thru 2018 and see massive returns. WABI

>> No.5196514



I'm not retarded

>> No.5196561

this shits gonna hit 5 in two weeks?

>> No.5196572

News dropped this morning, they've got alcohol products with scannable codes now. If you didn't have it before you better get it now before you get left out my friend.

>> No.5196667
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>> No.5196770
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we going up for real this time?

>> No.5197048

98%. Not joking.

>> No.5197141

Holy shit nice!

>> No.5197163

I'm at 103%, lets go frog boys. We in here now.

>> No.5197197
File: 46 KB, 450x403, evenricherpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep its fucking mooning alright

>> No.5197258

I'd highly recommend buying this bear trap, fellas. Still gains to be made when China gets online.

>> No.5197305

I just threw like 1ETH I had sitting on Binance into it. Doing pretty well surprisingly

>> No.5197325

so sick of these fluctuations

>> No.5197496

No it's not. It's still wobbling from 1.7-1.8. If this shit is doing the same thing or takes another nose dive I'm selling all this sketchy chink shit. FFS, the mega thread yesterday was filled with 5 or so blandly obvious shills. I get they need to promote it, but at least try to be subtle about being a shill

>> No.5197509

I bought at ATH like a retard so I am stuck with this thing til it moons. If it can get out of this ditch it's in now though, it'll be a launch for the ages.

>> No.5197616

aaaaand we're back to normal again

>> No.5197640

Real talk, I'd still buy where it's at. It had to correct from the bullrun, but there's still do much hype on froggy coin rn

>> No.5197804
File: 65 KB, 302x384, wabiislove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a few day this things will moons

>> No.5197813

noooooooooooooooo. fuk u bitcoinnnn

>> No.5198317

100 xrb minimum withdraw on bitgrail, what the fuck?

>> No.5198545
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100%, I even put in parts from sub and powr despite knowing these are the moon tickets as well. It's just wabi feels like a powder keg ready to go and I want to feel it with everything I have.

>> No.5198657

about 10%

>> No.5199107

It's already climbing back up, plus the china folks are just waking up. Get in or get left behind senpai

>> No.5199227


>> No.5199327

chinese going to go IN on this fire sale the Americans created.

>> No.5199366

Its a sell off lads get out

>> No.5199420

lmfao no, the whales are holding this shit and manipulating the market. Watch the order book. If the whales are still in it, then the gains are still there and waiting. I could have banked on it when it was 13000+ but I didn't.

This shit is going places at the end of this month. Watch.

>> No.5199431

Relax, its stabilizing at 99 sat.

>> No.5199545

waiting for my btc to get to binance boys.
why should I put it all in WaBi instead of SUB

>> No.5199586

Split into req wabi
Req due for another takeoff soon

>> No.5199594

why would you buy a meme frog coin

its almost as dumb as an ant coin

and you never see that anymore for a reason

>> No.5199619

How long do you wait for btc transfer ?

>> No.5199622

i dont know shit about req

>> No.5199633


>> No.5199661

Read the whitepaper
It's gonna take off, gained lots of traction the past week

>> No.5199673

Its not meme pajeet, and it has working product which can't be said about 99% coins

>> No.5199694

just checked its in, like 30 minits

>> No.5199714

REQ fucked me last time, its dead for me.

>> No.5199736
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>> No.5199753

I transfer only LTC, thought it was cheaper and faster, but dunno

>> No.5199755

Coins like this give me such hope for crypto in general; it's such an ingenious and creative use case and it also shows the market still has tons of room to grow.

>> No.5199762

How lol
Are you some weak hands normies that sells after a 10% correction

>> No.5199782

FUck, had limit for 1.99. Better cancel that because this shits its gonna moon hard.

>> No.5199807

>working product
>implemented product
>expanding to different product areas

Are you retarded? This is the only ICO to launch with a working and implemented product this year. Everything else was, "This is what we WANT to do. We can't do it yet, but it's in the works!"

>> No.5199841

I bought mid dip, and stil was dipping couple days, could not take it. I moved my money to bnb which actually mooned a little. I have stil weak hands but its getting better.

>> No.5199931

You've gotta learn to hodl the coins you believe in. Why you're buying coins you don't believe in making it, idk.

>> No.5199991

I don't know why I hold half the coins I have lol. Still pretty early in the game, started when iota mooned.

>> No.5200056

You're a dumbass lol

>> No.5200150

Didn't know shit back then keke, now its completely different game

>> No.5200192

locked in my wabi

>> No.5200210
File: 73 KB, 659x540, WAABI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moon ?? He's right ?

>> No.5200240

An early french btc investor says : Wabi is probably the new eth

>> No.5200252

>le wabi
just dumped 100k

>> No.5200357

after 100% is not insane..

>> No.5200838
File: 164 KB, 1078x1411, Screenshot_20171219-053355-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, I think I'm onto something. WaBi team recently got former Auchan CEO addition, and they had Alibaba Group Business Development Director as advisor on team already. Now, they are project that was developed for the last 3 years and prevents food fraud. So I did some research.

>Alibaba spends $2.88bln to partner with Auchan in new retail collaboration
>"Physical stores serve an indispensable role during the consumer journey, and should be enhanced through data-driven technology and personalized services in the digital economy," said Alibaba CEO Daniel Zhang.
>Jack Ma’s US$270 billion ecommerce firm today announced it’s going to begin experimenting with blockchain, a digital ledger system that’s a sort ofgiant global spreadsheet, to track genuine food products through the supply chain. The idea is that the vendors on Alibaba’s Taobao and Tmall, marketplaces with a collective 443 million active shoppers, will be able to verify the authenticity of the item using this system, thereby squeezing out the dangerous fakes.

>> No.5201014

Nice, big partnerships incoming? Makes me wish I had participated in the ICO

>> No.5201039

and Auchan is french. Make sense...
he probably knows something

>> No.5201107

Yeah WABI seems really innovative and serves a practical need in China. A 1 Billion person market

>> No.5201125

SOme french reporter just said WaBi is the New ETH or some shit.

I don't get how they can parallel the two but whatever. Exposure is exposure.

>> No.5201432

No no the french btc holder just says : Wabi is probably the new eth (in market cap I think) and the journalist wrote his thoughts

>> No.5201472

Looks like its out of gas lads im out will buy dip again

>> No.5202020

How high do you think it will go in a year's time?

>> No.5202237

180-200 usd screen cap dis

>> No.5202338

considering the lowest it ever was 4x ico price I say around $6-10 by end of 2018

>> No.5202618

After that last moon I have admittedly been somewhat disappointed with WaBi's performance in the last few days. Never fun to be all in on a coin while you watch everything else go up

>> No.5202816

200 dollars en of 2018

>> No.5203145

dude but Alibaba and other Chinese corps could adopt it to boost consumer confidence in their products

>> No.5203836

>a year's time?
>implying the entire crypto market won't have been wiped out the impending nuclear armageddon bubble pop that's coming right round the corner


>> No.5203989

Why take into account something that might not happen at all? It's delusional. I'm judging based on whitepaper and progress so far. If annual minimum of 300% growth from a project that was moved from paper into real life before even going ico isn't what you look for you can look elsewhere as there's plenty of more speculative shitcoins promising riches out of thin air.

>> No.5204196

Once they get partnerships with pharmaceuticals that price can actually be reality. Time will tell and I'm definitely holding long term.

>> No.5204209


>> No.5204241

My walton has doubled since I bought it. Is there any reason not to trade half the walton for wabi?

>> No.5204319

Easy double from here short term if you like money.

>> No.5204508
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why is the only coin red

>> No.5204700
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because it isn't dipping, pajeets only pump when it's low. They are afraid to buy now because it's close to ath. Price will begin rising in few days or on next announcement which is around New Year week